HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2958 FILED FOR REC3 :Rr) ORDINANCE NO . 2958 '83 OCT 24 Aij 10 44 AhiCROFILhSEC� All ORDINANCE WAIVING THE RFOUIREMENTS ' OF COMPETITIVE . , RIDDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A 1301 ;M-)TOMA.T -G- . ." " HALON FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM IN THE COMR�9r���R 7 ` R OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING . K BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the installation of a 1301 Automatic Halon Fire Protection System in the computer room of the City Administration Building, for the reason that said requirements are not practical as there is only one licensed supplier in the area readily available to respond to calls for service or recharging of the system . Section 2 . The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the purchase of a 1301 Automatic Halon Fire Protection System for the aforesaid computer room from Mozark Fire Extinguisher Co . of Springdale , Arkansas . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that tt e�3iate purchase and installation of a 1301 Halon Fire Protection System for the computer room in the remodeled City Administration Building is essential for the safety of city employees and for the efficient operation of city government ; and herebv determines that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to authorize said purchase and installation . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance being necessary for the public safety and welfare , shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of October , 1983 . APPROVED : Mayor ATTEST : ( urir . ►P,. City C rk Liu p t; 93 61 :r H 1 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD lState of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-O'_iciu recorder for the City of Fayetteviild, do lureby certify that the anne•:cl or fore- goinm is of record in my office erti t'te same ap'& pears iinOrdinance 'C t$ Resoluon b00% XV� XVat pa$E //�3VVIt�less my hand and seal this , 4 -- day of — 4,4. 119f1f�. Clerk and FKL6ff{cio Reco CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I Washington County ' SS. I, Alma L. Koamoyer, Cir-uit Clerk and Ex-OfflClo Recorder for Washin-;ton County, do hereby certifY that the annex�e� �7'{�`,�re. goin�- s un t Was yj�'}(� F,;r r..co, "n my ifice on th�7Lday, of Zvi 91��� 9 toM, and the same is _ duly rerorde� i, a Witness my hand and seal ' n Ci,' it Cler' d Recorded Deputy Clerk ' a STATE of ARKANSAS 1 J} as. !`-. • ORDINANCE NO. 1D68 -! I County of Washington AN ORDINANCE' WAIVING ! THE • REQUIREMENTS OF1 COMPETITIVEBIDDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF- hereby certify that I {: A 1301 AUTOMATIC HALON- am the publisherof THE NORTHINEW ARKAES, a daily newspaper 1 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM _ having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages ofIN THE COMPUTER ROOM o FIAT- H E ' CI T;Y.4 ,A' D. - five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) MINISTRATION BUILDING� intervals continuous) the Cit of Fayetteville, Count of Washington, Arkansas BE IT ORDAINED BY• THE : Y in Y y y BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ". for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an L THE` C I ,' Y. , O N S VET established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Section t.-roar the Board-ot in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per Directors hereby walves the annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, bidding for the In competitive based upon the news value and service value it contains, that atleast fiftypercent require for the Installation ti e 1301 , n Automatic Halon,;Ftrs of thesubscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions tothenewspaper y Protectio - system Ing they or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six computer room: of. .ihe city , months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Administration But Iding for.the. reason that mid7re0uirements : percent news matter. are not practical: of. there is only ' rea readily available ink I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of theonly area licen y available to Y g respond to calls for service or recharging of the systim. 3I$�-f Section - L> The,, Boards of � t7 ag_ rj O Directors ' hereby ri authozes` cr o the . purchase_' of!: i ! 1301"t / IAutomatic. Halon' Fife. Protep-S WBS published In the tion -system for . the aforeiald,i P regular daily issue of said newspaper for cornputer,.room from •Mozark; consecutive insertions as follows: .Fire Estlequlsher Co:`d) Spr d 'mg0ale Arkansas ' sectlon03AAThee2) soard o : The first insertion on the day of at • 19 Directors;hereby37deterininesa t that. the; immedlaW..purcnase ,7 the second insertion on the da and installation of a 1301 Halon' y o1 19 Fire`Protectlon SYYstemYur tht. computerWioomyarit"18iw'to. Y modelthe third insertion on the da of 19 , City, Administration`+ Buildinge44...sl assentlat, for the {'saeery, of; city. emp�oyeea' and and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 F � me efficient operi(i0�rsof�f1 1 del gov4rnmat fe and swill t idetermineflnalMelnfrriedtats (vyWJ {ai , I{ passaga�oftihls?brdine U -necessaryfnro authoriza,,,said purcnas& and}Inst all ation?t Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of hereby d ar emerxisf," n hereby iname b tg exisP'a0d for bbd �%L�d -� 19 forfare* 0all b 'h satin wild welfare.: shell W tJn full, force . ,and effect, from - and aNaGiby� passage and approval.=':i!1i'' Nola Public PASSED AND D APPROVED." ! this tarn hdaday of October, lean 61,4 APPROyED:V. My Commission Expires: l Paul R Noland Maa yer ATTEST: " nII By: Mary E. Grliflna �`',+,?�xJ'd ' �City clernitlinsgi .:g et(' Fees for Printing _ $ 02 • O Cost of Proof _ $ Total — $ /a ' d 'MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: 028940 N 0 ' INVOICE FORCLASSIFIED ADVfR1ISING WORDS TIMES 15763 NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES AMOUNT S �F AMOUNT P.O. DRAWER D FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 �6 'L -,/a19a 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE . PHONE (501 ) 442-6242 YOUR CLASSIFIED INVOICE IS NOW DUE. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 10 - DAYS AMOUNT DUE WILL BE PHONE CLERK 501 - - 00 INDEXING TERMS: ORDINANCE City of Fayetteville AD GIVEN BY CLASSIFICATION \ 102 \ Drainer F CODE SOL1crtED BY OPERATOR Fayetteville kAR 72702 D V 00 START DATE STOP DATE SKIP SCHEDULE 10 /26 /4 10/26/ 3 R3 ` PLEASE PAY PROMMY ^'ORDINANCE NO . 2958" AN ORDINANCEWAIVING THE REQUIRE:iENTS OF COMPEtITIVE BIDDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A 1301 AUTOMATIC H ' ALON FIRE PROTtCTION SYSTEM IN THE' COMPUTER ROO4 OF THE CITY A DiRINISTttATION BUIi, .DING. 2E IT ORDAINED BY Td : BOARD . OF DIREC ' TORS OF THE CIT ` 4 . . k RECEIVED Nov 101983 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE /