HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2940 ORDINANCE. NO . 2940 MICP0F1LML* AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO . 2851 TO AMEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE PROHIBITION AGAINST STATIONARY AIRCRAFT ENGINE RUN- UP TESTING OPERATIONS BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 11 : 00 P . M . and 6 : 00 A . M . AS PRE. - SCRIBE.D BY SAID ORDINANCE. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITYcOF FAYE.TTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 3 of Ordinance No . �:- 8:51 is Rgre7by amende to read as follows : N �, Section 3 . This ordinance shall become effective 7 o on 31st day of December 1983 provid(d ; : this = ordinance shall e of no force or effect ifi,Ign : the 31st day of December 1983 the construction noise barrier for stationary aircraft engine rurx=� up testing at the Fayetteville Municipal Airport (Drake Field ) has been completed . Section 2 . That Ordinance No . 2851 , as amended by this ordinance , shall be codified as Section 2A- 2 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinance . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that t ei� reasonable regulation of stationary aircraft engine run -up testing operations at the Fayetteville Municipal Airport is necessary for the public welfare and hereby determines that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to provide for such reasonable regulation . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance being necessary for the public welfare shall be in full force from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of September 1933 . APPROVED : + ?fil By : ATTEST : 1`E .�; ;r: •y.;ti` . W �rr•� �� l�'' L . /� 4/G1 By : City erkU V .,Lr ; hAi dt\iii i CERTIFICATE Oi" R7.^^t' STATE OF ARVNS AS 1 Washington 07 ray i SS. I, Afn❑ t . t;t i - . . r ; - dr.r fcr Washn3tan Cr. .. � ��ere. QOtng 1 3 ry 7 r _ r py.JJay 1 of, t _ s3 . 144 A ne is duly recorded In - Witness n _Witness my hand and s,� f ;'- al , .,. • / I t��� Cfrcult Clzrk and Re d B _ Deputy CI . ' CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville 1, SL,zanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and E ,-Ofi icio recorder for the City of F:A-etteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or forc- t oiun� is of record iu my office and On same ap- pears in Ordinance & Resolution book — X Iy at page Witness m9 and seal t day of 1 City ler 1 nd I a•Offi ' ecord L* ORDINANCE�NO2940 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 'NDlt_' f STATE of ARKANSAS 1 I f} AMENDORDINANCEtN0:3'1851sT0 Be. AMEND ',,THE '-EFFECTIVE 1. County of Washington DATE OF THE PROHIBIT I ON . AGA ) NST4, 3,T,ATIONA Ry - AIRCRAF,4 ENGINE RUNUP ///��� TESTING OPERATIONS BE. ,� �gRL���j 1TWEEN THE HOURS OF 11 :00 I, ri hereby certify that I P.M. .and 6.00.'A.M.6-AS PRE-) am the publisher of THE q-Ett ARKANSASTIMES, a daily newspaper SCRIBED ' BY�{';-SAID"ORDI NANCE: � .n,})':::; "s, i '„y having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than [our pages of , BE IT-.ORDAINED BY.-,THE ; five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) . BOARD '�OF.�DIRECTORSDF ' Intervals continuously In the City Of Fayetteville, County Of Washington, Arkansas I T H E t^C IT Y;1;0 NSA AY E T! for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an TE VI ICEPARKAF ;gr A a^,1 !'. ;"_Section;t'17narjsecpoq'3-!or established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Ordlnanci"No: 2NI its hereby in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per .amended to read as iollows::lq.. Section's3: 1,Tnls:'ordinance annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, `shall become effective;on 31st based upon the news value and service value Itcontains, that at least fifty percent day of DoceinanceWe3;_rpro- of the subscribers thereto have id cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper day of Pa P no force or effect if an Ina 31st or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six 'aayf'of ^ DecemberT':1983"111 months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty construction of a noise barriers _ for stationary mircraft enginei percent news matter. run-up testing at the ,Faget-I teville Municipal . Airports I further certif c Drake lField) has been cam- y that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Plated r0. .: -T-.;. .; . _ . .,. .. Section'- 3.; That " Ordinances //^) No.. 38S1, 'as `amended by this! �„( Q� � � , 4P20 ordinance; shall be codified as 111 - Section 3A-3 of the: ublished in there was Fayetteville f tt Code of Ordinances-_'A_. Section- 3.-"Althe jBoard'. P gu1ar daily issue of said newspaper for Directors V hereby' :a deler flea consecutive Insertions as follows: that the reasorIS fiil're9ulatlon, � -� � I r' of stationary (a lrGrafiyt, Inc- - C./� run-uptesting 0p�ratiopsilt he' The first insertion on the �lda o[ Fayetteville Municipal `A irport I Y 19 is necessary1or-. tna�• publie • welfare and her detOrmirles the second Insertion on the day of 19 that the immediate pass -a--- this eothis ordinance Is necessary to the third insertion on the da provide „for ' such .reasonable Y of 19 ' regulatlrin!,,The;efore,-,Ian• �emer9ency`Is•here6y'tleclared and the fourth insertion on theda to exlsLd;andLtlOs:ortlinance' Y o I 19 being necessary.for,the. public -*••-" �� welfare ,shall ',be,la full ••force from and after its passage,and' - ! • PASSED AND -APPROVED Sworn to and subscribed before me On this �-f/ day of Cres lath ytlay bf. Septembert +lea3. _i� .. g APPROVED.. lg O.- By Paul R Noland 'ATTES`ti,I ... yt e�Mayor By Mary E. Griffin' '- Clty clerk - -�, _ fit rs; 1 Notary lie (sea]) My Commission Expires: Fees for Printing _ $ �- 0 Cost of Proof _ $ Total _ $ / • (rD - RECEIVED - OCT 121983 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE