HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2924 / RD ORDINANCE NO . "!110 l MICROFILb1ED q� ff4 r U AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN CU/; <C4 ��rrgq REZONING PETITION R83 - 6 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 11 . 0Fl��r' ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF JOYCE STREET BETWEEN OLD MISSOURI ROAD AND ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 265 NORTH . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following descrMeecT property is hereby changed as follows : R83 - 6 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From A- 1 , agricultural district , to R- 2 , medium density residential district . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayett��e , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this . — day of tom— 1983 . APPROVED : OF �F By Z// . . ►a,, ^ — i 9A . ss a&°. M r � t tilt CERTIFICATE OF RECORD rn m o � a co `= Arkansas ( 7c A -< r*j = ry o Acti?iToCafty G 1 er6X City of Fayetteville ( ' SS �' < 1, idary E. Griffin. ,City.Cler� and I3x-Officio recorder fpt"the ( ttp°of Fayetteville, do here+ bv 'certuy thaf ` fne rmexed 'qr foregoing is of recr-,rA1 ,.i1i ' my" office' , ,tiid � t� he same ap+ n i a Oifd lance &' Resolution book " ..T' • .� sa mite . Witness my hand a IJ this i of ( J 19 C y. C1evk Ad ?::-O fficio Re % U® EXHIBIT "A" Part of the S4 , NE-k , Sec . 25 , T- 17 - N , R- 30 -W , being more particularly described as follows : Begin at the NE corner of said S2 , NE4 , run thence S 89 ° 04 ' 24" W 1766 . 0 feet along the North line of said S4 , NE4 ; thence S 00 ° 00 ' 00 " E 250 . 0 feet more or less to the North line of the existing Golf Course Fairway ; thence southeasterly along said North line of the existing Fairway 830 feet more or less ; thence northeasterly along said North line of the existing Fairway 655 feet more or less ; thence East 320 feet more or less to a point on the East line of said S4 , NEI, said point being S 01 ° 11 ' 59 " E 160 feet from the NE corner of said Sk , NE4 , thence N 01 ° 11 ' 59 " W 160 feet to the point of beginning , containing 11 . 0 acres more or less and being subject to the right - of -way of the road along the North side thereof . . 4 J CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I .Washington C.:unty ' SS. / I, Alma ' n "lar. Circuit Cl irk and Ex-Officio Recorder fot Washington Co-:ndy. r!° harahy -OCifv that the goin stru en; v.•as • fo'=rCin annexed r ore- of WS•.Eitice on th ay tlul r 1 -� —O 'r1° • &dthesjam Y ordad in record Witness myhand and se s.�Qay of � ^ rrcuit rk and IQ` ffi io ecord d t3 . ..j�a:-. . ...r_w.. Oeputy Clerk OROINANCEN0. 2914 \ AN ORDINANCE REZON• STATE of ARKANSAS ING THAT PROPERTY DE- - es. SCRIBED IN REZONING : PETITION R93-6 FOR A ('goofy of Washington PARCEL ' CONTAINING 11.0 ACRES LOCATED ON .THE . SOUTH SIDE OF JOYCE : STREET BETWEEN OLD I hereby certify that I MISSOURI ROAD -ANO ' ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 265 am the publisher of THE NORTHWES ARKANSASTIMES, adailynewspaper NORTH. •% .. not 1@55 than four pages 0 BE IT ORDAINED BY.THE having a second class mailing privilege, and being BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) THE CITY ' O F F A Y E T • intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington, Arkansas TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: w I section 1. . That the zone for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an . classification of the .follewing established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes tlescribed Property Is hereby changed as fohows: A - • -, ! In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per Ra3-6 described as "t out In ' annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, Exhibit f•A" attached hereto , based upon the news value and service value itcontains, thatatleast fifty percent andmade a part hereof.:,' - .-A . From Amt, agricultural die. ' of thesubscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions tot enewspaper tract, to R•2, medium denslfy or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Section tlls That e official ' Section 7. Thar the official months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty toning map of the City of percent news matter. Fayettevillo, ' Arkansas, ` is' ! hereby amended to reflect ma zoning change Provided In Sec. I I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter o rov tion 1 above. PASSED AND APPROVED y I ` ( Q . this 7th ear of Jung 1967. - -- APPROVED : ' • by: Paul R. Noland / Mayor ATTEST: yt ;.•,;.'r ' ! was publishedlntheregulardailyissueofsaidnewspaperfor By: Sherry Rowe . .;:•^ { consecutive insertions as follows: Acting Clty Clerk " "� �" • ' EXHIBIT "A" "faP 1 ae SV2. NEVA. Sec. 2s, I. The first Insertion on the C da Pn a my of 19 T-17-N, R•30-W, ; being more Particularly described as . fobows: Begin at the NE,cor i. the second Insertion on the day of 19 nor of . Mid 11y/, yNE44,^run 1 thence S .n degrees 04.24" w 1766:0 feet along the Noun RM i the third Insertion on the day of 19 o1 said SV7,' NEVe; theft@ S 00 1 degrees go' W&- E • 2W.0 feet i and the fourth insertion on the - day I 19 more or Mss to theNorth lineof -the . existing - Golf :GOWN 1 1 ,Fairway; thence southeasterly along Mid North ;line. of _the exlstine Fairway 130 fast more 2 or leas; thence northeasterly . •orn to and subscribed before me on this V L' day of along le Mid Northline feet � ` existing Fairway 655 fest more 9 or leu; thence East t di .feet more line feu 'Mi pOmf on the East Iine Of 'Mid -S!h, NEV., sold point being Sol degrees ll' j Notary Plublic 69•' E leo feat from the NE ., corner of Mid ' 111h, NEI/4,' thence N 01 degrees 11. 119" W 160 feet to me point of begin. My Commission Expires: ing, containing 11.0 acres more or Mu lnd beingt erodSubject to the t etd•Of�nar of file toed along A iM NA11f>tldatMeORt Fees for Printing Cost of Proof _ $ Total -LS--�S'—