HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2916 ORDINANCE N0 . r<z�? 146 MICROMMED AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION NO . R 83 - 4 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 40 . 09 ACRES LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF U . S . HIGHWAY 71 NORTH OF OLD FARMINGTON ROAD . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : �J Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R 83 - 4 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From A- 1 Agricultural District to R- 2 Medium Density Residential District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this ,yk2) day of A 1983 . ~F f11�f,` APPROVED : By : MAYO (% r 7 � ESti,,, .,ArPTESTy.v" CITY CLERK J < z CERTIFICATE OF RECURD n o State of Arkansas ss City of Fayetteville f Mary E. Griffin, City Clerk and EX-Officio I City xed or fore•„oinS is of Fayetteville, do here- recorder for the that the altne the same ap- by certify o{lice and of record in my Resolut on book pears i�rdinance Witness ray —at pate ay sof hand d seal this city Clerk d Lx-O fficio Re der -� =1078 212 • EXHIBIT "A" A part of the SE 1 /4 of Sec . 18 , and part of - the NE 1/4 , NE 1 / 4 of Sec . 19 , all in T-16-N , R-30-W , being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at the SW corner of the SE 1 /4 , SE 1 / 4 of said Sec . 18 and running thence South 47 feet to the North right-of-way of the Old Farmington Road ; thence N 80' 05 ' E , a distance of 276 feet , along said road right-of-way , to an existing corner post ; thence N 00' 06 ' E , along an existing fence line , a distance of 663 . 07 feet , to an existing corner post ; thence N 89' 54 ' W, along existing fence line , a distance of 273 . 23 feet , to an existing corner post ; thence N 00 ' 49 ' W , along existing fence line , a distance of 584 . 70 feet , to the West right-of-way fence of U . S . Hwy . 71 By-Pass ; thence N 25005 ' W. along said right-of-way fence , a distance of 251 . 80 feet , to a concrete right-of-way marker ; thence N 24 ' 51 ' W , along said right-of-way fence , a distance of 632 . 10 feet , to a concrete right-of-way marker ; thence N 24 ' 56 ' W , along said right-of-way fence , a distance of 266 . 75 feet , to a concrete right-of- way marker ; thence N 27 ' 48 ' W , along said right-of-way fence , a distance of 387 . 27 feet , to a concrete right-of-way marker , which is on the North line of the NW 1/ 4 , SE 1 /4 of said Sec . 18 ; thence N 89 ' 41 ' W , along said North line , a distance of 646 . 22 feet , to the NW corner of said NW 1/ 4 , SE 1/ 4 ; thence South , a distance of 1327 feet , to the SW corner of said NW 1/ 4 , SE 1/4 ; thence S 89 ' 41 ' E , along the South line of said NW 1/4 , SE 1/4 , a distance of 867 . 55 feet , to an existing corner stone ; thence South 21 '38 ' E , a distance of 357 , 84 feet , to an existing corner post ; thence S 02 ' 57 ' E , along an existing fence line , a distance of 745 . 98 feet ; thence East 282 . 22 feet , to the East line of the SW 1 /4 , SE 1 /4 of said Sec . 18 ; thence South , along said East line , a distance of 242 . 55 feet , to the point of beginning . Containing 41 . 67 acres , more or less . LESS AND EXCEPT , Part of the W 1 / 2 , SE 1/ 4 and part of the SE 1/ 4 , SE 1/4 all in Sec . 18 , T-16-N , R-30-W, Washington County , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : Starting at the SE corner of the SE 1/ 4 , SE 1/ 4 of Sec . 18 ; thence S 89 ' 06 ' W along the South line thereof a distance of 808 . 7 feet to a point on the Westerly existing right-of-way line of U . S . Hwy , 71 ; thence N 17 ' 16 ' W along said existing right-of-way line a distance of 218 . 6 feet to a point ; thence N 21055 ' W along said existing right-of-way line a distance of 484 . 9 feet to the point of beginning ; thence S 01' 03 ' E a distance of 119 . 8 feet to a point on the Westerly proposed right-of-way line of U . S . Hwy . 71 ; thence N 31 '17 ' W along said proposed right- of-way line a distance of 109 . 0 feet to a point ; thence N 26 ' 03 ' W along said proposed right-of-way line a distance of 28 . 8 feet to a point ; thence N 89' 21 ' E a distance of 67 . 0 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0 . 10 acre , more or less . ALSO : Starting at the NW corner of the NW 1/ 4 , SE 1/ 4 of Sec . 18 ; thence N 89 ' 19 ' E along the North line thereof a distance of 632 . 1 feet to a point on the Westerly proposed right-of-way line of U . S . Hwy 71 for the point of beginning ; thence continue N 89019 ' E along the North line of the NW 1 / 4 , SE 1 / 4 of Sec . 18 a distance of 12 . 6 feet to a point on the Westerly existing right-of-way line of U . S . Hwy 71 ; thence S 23000 ' E along said existing right-of-way line a distance of 4 . 3 feet to a point ; thence S 28' 23 ' E along said existing right-of-way line a distance of 387 . 3 feet to a point ; thence S 25 '33 ' E along said existing right-of-way line a distance of 899 . 1 feet to a point ; thence S 25 ' 27 ' E along said existing right-of-way line a distance of 256 . 4 feet to a point on the East line of the SW 1/4 , SE 1/ 4 of Sec . 18 ; thence S 01' 02 ' E along said East line a distance of 129 . 7 feet to a point on the Westerly proposed right-of-way line of U . S . Hwy , 71 ; thence N 26 ' 03 ' W along said proposed right-of-way line a distance of 68 . 2 feet to a point ; thence N 23 ' 39 ' W along said proposed right-of-way line a distance of 300 . 2 feet to a point ; thence N 25 ' 34 ' W along said proposed right-of-way line a distance of 600 . 0 feet to a point ; thence N 24' 08 ' W along said proposed right-of-way line a distance of 600 . 2 feet to a point ; thence N 25 °34 ' W along said proposed right-of-way line a distance of 101 . 6 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1 . 48 acres , more or less . 1378 213 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I SS. Washington County I I, Alma L. Ko!Imeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed ore- goiY9�Y} ssttrrument was f 1, for record in my//99��ffice on thGf�— IYday of 9 t I r V �d'clock91 and the same is 8it�l�ily recorded n re.rord10 1 $ at pag es Witness my hand and seal ay of 19 3 Ci cult Cl < an lOffici R corded /7 Deputy Clerk AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY IN THE ' CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, DESCRISEClI IN ' • REZONING PETJTION NO. R 83-6 FOR A' PARCEL CON' , TAINING' 40 . 09 ACRES LOCATED ON THE WEST STATE Of ARKANSAS 1 . SIDE OF U.S. HIGHWAY 71 Be. , NORTH OF OLD FARM- INGTON ROAD. . County Of Washington IBE IT ORDAINED BY THE. ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ITHE CITY OF 'FAYET' TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: I, J hereby certify that I Section . 1n That me zone, am the publisher of THE NORTHWES RKANSAS TIMES, a dally newspaper described pr o/ the following described vroperty , Vishereby having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of changed astouowsi - .- five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) R B3.d described as Ser out In Exhibit A" attached hereto Intervals continuously in the Ci hof Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas and made apart hereof. - , for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an From A-1 Agricultural District established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes to R-2 Medium De MIRY Resi- dential District. ' in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per Section 2. That the official annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, zoning map of ' the as, ofFayetbasedu n the news value and service value it contains, thatatleast fifty percent zoning email Arkansas, is Po hereby amended to reflect the of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper zoning crenae fxovided'in sec- tion 1 above or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six ' - PASSED AND APPROVED months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty this3rd day of May, 1982. percent news matter. APPROVED: Br: Paul R. Noland MAYOR I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of • Seal •. . ia °. . _ ., _ ATTEST[ '..:�: •; ';'F. /'� q Olivia A. Kelly �, . � • (Z2 CITY CLERK �^b` of.a+•_ (l �LLCI 1C(/.yCQ(� ,% + 7 (O "EXHIBIT "A'; � A part of the SEV of Sec. 18. / -and part of the NEIA, . NEI/40f was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Sec. 19, all in T-16-N, R-30-W, consecutive insertions as follows: being more particularly de- scribed ,as. fOIICWsi io-wit: Beginning at the Sw corner of The first insertion on the C2day of 9. -�J� 19 Me SEI, SEI/. Of saki Sec: 19 - 1 and running, thence South - Q feet tithe Norm right-uf-way'of the second Insertion On the day of 19 the.. Old ' Farmington' Road; thence N 80 degrees 05' E, a distance of 276 fast, along said the third insertion on the day of 19 road rightcf-way; to:an exist- Ing corner post; thence N 00 - degrees 06_E, along an existing and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 fence line, a sting corns post: . /� n teen to N existing corner paste thence•, N. ti degrees. 5•t' a . along. Iexistinq . fence -line, a ' .distance- of, 2712.3. feet, to an Sworn to and subscribed before me on this da of existing corner post;-thence N .. y 00 degrees 49' W, along existing fence one, a distdnaabf 5e4.70 19 0 �J feet; to -thefUWest y rl) B -i-way fence of U.S. Hwy: e s 05' e . thence i 25 degrees 05' , a along said right-of-way tents, a distance of 251.80 teen' to" a Notary Public , concrete right-of-way marker; thence N' 24 degrees- 51' W, M Commission Expires: along mid right-of-way fence, a Y p distance or 632.10 feet, to a concreti right-of-waV,' marker thence N 26 degrees 56' W, I along said right-of+way fence, a distance at. 266.75. feet, to a concrete right-of-way marker; thence. N� 27 degrees 68;. . W, along sold right-of-way fence, a distance -.of, 387.27; feet, to a Fees for Printing — $ concrete right-of-way marker, Which Is on-the North line of the NWI/.; SEV. of said Sec. 18; Cost Of Proof _ $ thence. N- 89 degrees 61' W, along' sald North line; ' a' dis- / G 0 • fence of s e.22 feet, to the NW Total — $ corner of said NWI/a; SEI;' thence South: a distance of 1327 fees to the SW corner of said NWI/a, SEI/+; thence' S 89 de- grees 61' E, along the South line of said NWI, tlistence RECEIVED of teen to ro ann existing degreener signs; trance Saute 21 degrees 38' E, a distance of x- her p feat, a an existing dor- . JUN — 2 1983 net post; thence S OZ degrees G l57'in , aalong an existing fence line, a distance Of 765.98 feat; thence East 282,22 feet' to the ACCOUNTS PAYABLE East line of the SWI/Ar SEI/ of said Sec. - 18; thence South, along said East line, a distance of 212.55 feet, to the point of beginning. Containing 41.67 ' acres, more or less. LESS AND EXCEPT, Peri of , the W%, 'SEV. and part of Me . ' SETA, .SEI ' all In Sec. ' 18, T-16-114, - R.30-III Wasturigton + --- - n County , Arkansas; more particularlY.;describad -as IM ,•.,,. _ , . . , 'SSaj JO slow 'sal0e evl aujuiewoa I Pue 5uluulea9' to lulod 841 01 4aat solos M aouelslP a null Aam -to-14611 pasodoJd Plvs BUOle M VC . SagJoaPr SZ N a0ua41 14uiod a Ot. X009b-83a0e41!P e 4p� null AQM-40 4110at 1) podPJd Pigs N, euole M •90'saeJeap n N a»uatit . {u!Od 0 .04 6'000 so awaiclp a suit A*m-1>4Y0lJ pesedwd Pies duole.M ,vt SOOAOP SC N awa41 : :Lulod. a of laai 9'000 to swel -SIP a pull AQM:1O446U pasod ' old,Din eu01? 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AI QW21 a4t too lino ' v 04 ,B'6l l M aativislp a 3 ,CO Q saa.loap to s: a3usut'euluuleaa W 4u!od 044 04 WtV to 00UeIs1P a au!t AQM-t0-{yell e4I4s1X8 Piot suote M ,ss ssaJeap U N 03"41. :lulod a 04 {a?L 9'11(2 so 00uvisip a sup ACM4e-141111 eullslXa pias. Owls- M -age- ItaaJoaP it N a2ua41 'LL 'AMN "Son A gull ADW)O- 461J 6wISI to AIJa4SOM s4{ ug lulod Q o{ tap L'90e to aou0tSIP v 1o0Je41 wit LIMPS out euOIQ 1w 90 .124DJovP 69 S a0uat11 :el" '"S to Mas 'vn35 WI 40 JwJ00 3S wl to wluel5