HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2912 ORDINANCE NO . 9/ D8� qp FDR RFco �\ MICROFILMED A // RD V AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON THE �19SyjTL1NCE A� // /,v VVV OF BUILDING PERMITS FOR LOTS 4- 13 IN MILLEIR4 RTION UNTIL SUCH TIME AS PUBLIC SEWER SERVICE IS $Oftto LE? B & TO SAID LOTS . CD�r MFyFRygA CF WHEREAS , the Fayetteville Planning Commission has he eto - fore approved a final plat for Miller Addition which plat con- sists of Lots 1 - 16 ; and WHEREAS , said approval was based in part upon percolation test data submitted by the developer ' s engineer which data indicated that each lot in said subdivision could be serviced by a septic tank in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Arkansas Department of Health ; and WHEREAS , the Arkansas Department of Health has determined that septic tanks may not be installed on the aforesaid lots in accordance with departmental regulations ; and WHEREAS , public sewer service is presently being made available to Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 14 , 15 , and 16 in said addition but not to the remaining lots . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FYAETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby imposes a moratorium on the issuance of building permits for Lots 4- 13 in Miller Addition until such time as said lots are served by public sewer lines . PASSED AND APPROVED this ,� day of /�P;e/ G 1983 . `k ' FaYeTFi APPROVED : eel BY : / �L c, Mayor' ATTEST,- City Cler 11077 148 • ��a1Rndaa papj.0a0109;0"xAB r pue )jia10 pnoi!o ;o Aep s!yl leas pue puey AW ssaul!M 61 ul paps ai Rlnp eHed }e�Plooal v ue IN 0010,0 �eF36T ;o o sl awes ayl P Aep—�yayl uo aag;o Rw ulpi�� � �o) Pal!1 seA% luawn� 1 HuloH •ego;; �o paxeuue ay} teyl A;!vao Agaiay OP 'AlunoO uolHu!yseM 10; �ep,03aa o!0!3;0.x3 pue 111810 3!ny10 'JeiewpoH 'l ewR/ '; . ( Alunao uo}Hu!ysery( 'SS ( SVSNVXUV 10 31VIS 0210038 30 31d01J11830 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD City ;;f . . ' ' SS C!Ork 44ct do . - 'CiL'QJap- pearc i:: x I L1 ._ 3 s7. witless my hand -_day of umer i - - _- -- _ _• _ -- _ - INVOICE FOR MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO . NORTHWEST ARKANSAS Now CLASSIFIED.ADVERTISING. , TIMES WORDS TIMES AMOUNT 21. 2 NORTH EAST AVENUE FAYET 07635 TEVI LLE, ARKANSAS 72701 YOUR SI NO INVOICE IS NODUE.UE. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 10 PHONE : 501 /442-6242 DAYS AMOUNT DUE WILL BE PHONE CLERK SO1 - - (11J INDEXING TERMS: ORDINIANC - City c -F Fayettevilie AD GIVEN BY CLASSIFICATION \ 102 \ Drawler t• CODE SOLICITED BY OPERATOR Fayetteville A*R 72702 U-1 00 START. DATE STOP DATE SKID SCHEDULE 04 : 14 /S, 04 / 14 / 3 R4 PLEASE PAY PROMPTLY ^ ORDINANIC E N0 . 2`i 12 Al 0RE+ I1,JAhCc II'!POSI VG .4 f':0?AT0RI t O; < Tu. £ =SUANCE CF SUILOING PERMITS FOR I .1TS 4- 13 IN filL`•_ck ADDITION UNTIL SUCH TIME AS PUBLIC SEWER SERVICE IS AVAILABLE TO SAID LOTS . ^' WHEREAS , the Fayetteville Planning Commission has beret ofore approved a ORDIINAIVCENO.2912 STATE of ARKANSAS AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING 69. A MORATORIUM ON . THE County OI Washington ISSUANCE . OF ' BUILDING tY PERMITS FOR LOTS 6-15 IN MILLER ADDITION UNTIL SUCH TIME AS PUBLIC � � SEWER SERVICE IS AVAIL- I, i9/ iTd/ar7s/4f1./ hereby certify that I ABLE TO SAID LOTS.'. -. am the publisher of THE NORTHWESILhRKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper WHEREAS,.Ine Fayetteville Planning Commission has having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of heretofore approved a final five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) I plat for Miller Addition which intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas plat consists of Lots i-16; and WHEREAS, seld appioval for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an was based, In part.- upon established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes percolation test data submitted in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per by the developers engineer annum, which rice was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, which date Indleabd that each P ' lot lnsaid subdivision.could be based uponthenews valueandservice value it contains, that at least fifty percent service' accords by ll- Sewith regulations In of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions tothe newspaper accordance . with reAr ansae P P - promulgated by the Arkansas or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Department of Health; and months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty WHEREAS: the 'Arkansas . Department of Health has de- percent news matter. termlmd that septic tanks may not Oe otsInInstalled or the I further certifythat the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of aforesaid lab octan thenct, g with departmental regula. //// / lions;WHEREAS,' Public sewer' _� 4�/ service is presently beim] - made available to Lots 1, 2, J, ta, na ase' 16In said addition was published in the regular daily issue of said news a rfor 4b NOWeo HEREFOREipo lots. P gU Y P Pe NOW. THEREFORE, BE Or consecutive insertions as follows: t ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS- OF - THE CITUFAVETTEVILLE, The first insertion On theH6e day Of •�� �-�' 19 73� ARKANSS AS:. eB a Section 1.hereby That-the Board of ' Directors hereby impoxs a the second insertion on the day of 19 moratorium onihe Issuance of, building Permits for Lots bl) in the third insertionthe dd Miller Addition until such time On Y of 19 as mid dotsam . served. by I. public sewerlineas - ` and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 PASSED AND APPROVED this Sth day of April, 1987.' <+ - 4lry Vr'APPROVED,: , t 'ey Paul R, Noland ' tj4F, , Mayor' . tseaq Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of ATTEST : By. Olivia A. Kelly . ? City Clerk = —�9 Notary Public My Commission Expires: ( � 10;) - `$3 Fees for Printing _ S :dL•,L- Cost of Proof _ $ Total — S% ,(HER - BUSINESS Water . Sewer Matter ; 13 Mayor Noland stated that the Water & Sewer Committee had received a request 413 . 1 concerning the City ' s possible installation of sewer lines to serve the platted - development north of the airport , the Miller Addition . One property owner , Mr . Joseph Terminella , had discovered that the ground was unsuitable for septic tank useage , verified by percolation tests run by Mr . Will Hastings of the Health Department . Also present was Mr . Arthur Miller , owner of Lots 12 2 , 3 , 14 and 15 of the Miller Addition . He stated that the engineer on the project had taken percolation tests when the subdivision was approved and found the ground suitable for septic tanks . City Engineer Bunn stated that the City ' s share in the installation of these sewer lines would be $39 , 700 . 00 , and the property owner ' s share would be ( +7 $ 37 , 600 . 00 , for a total project cost of $ 77 , 300 . 00 . This would be $ 2100 per lot413 . 2 . ' Directors Osborne and Bumpass suggested the possibility of the owners of the property forming an Improvement District consisting of the majority of the 413 . 3 assessed valuation of the property . This was discussed as an alternative and City Attorney McCord stated that this could be accomplished within a reasonably short period of time , following published notice and public hearing , and once the commissioners of the district had formulated the plans and improvements , then an engineer could be hired to do the design work . Mayor Noland indicated that it was important that the City earmark this area as invalid for septic tank useage , and it was determined that the Inspection 413 . 4 Department would be instructed not to issue any building permits on these lots unless they have valid percolation tests performed alth Department . z.. City Attorney McCord stated that if the Board determined to allocate funds for the westernmost sewer line to the designated lots , he would draft a con - 413 . 5 tractual agreement between the City and the owners of the property which could be coordinated by the City Manager . The terms of the payout could be over a ten -year period , but subject to negotiation . Director Osborne , seconded by Director Sharp , made a motion to refer this 413 . 6 matter to City Attorney McCord and City Manager Grimes , who were instructed to meet with the property owners and draft a contractual agreement concerning the cost - sharing of the installation of the line to the westernmost portion of this addition . The City Manager would report to the Board at the meeting of February 15th . There being no further discussion , upon roll call , the motion passed by a vote of 7- 0 . 413 . 7 Swimming Pool - Wilson Park City Manager Grimes called for approval of the Plans and Specifications 413 . 8 which had been prepared for the pool at Wilson Park . He stated that upon approval and authorization for bids , the project can begin . The estimated completion date is June 12th . He further stated that the Parks & Recreation Board had seen the plans and approved them , and that Mr . Richard Naylor had been in continual contact with the Health Department concerning these plans . Director Johnson , seconded by Director Lancaster , made a motion to approve 413 . 9 the plans and specifications and to authorize the City Manager to advertise for bids on the project . Upon roll call , the motion passed by a vote of 7- 0 . 413 . 10 A . X - � 4 q: .Y > r'11C'4t!"�k'� ik7iM{`"'•.. a v:rI Ix .+ ORDINANCE NO . a 47V AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANG 'F„ OF BUILDING PERMITS FOR LOTS LOCATED WITHIN MILLEI �i�%pin -O ADDITION UNTIL SUCH TIME AS PUBLIC SEWER IS AVAIL- 0v, /,. ABLE TO SAID LOTS . , 1 r WHEREAS , the Fayetteville Planning Commission approved the plat for Miller Addition based upon percolation tests provided by the developer ' s engineer indicating that septic tanks could be installed on the lots within said subdivision in compliance with regulations promulgated by the Arkansas Department of Health ; and WHEREAS , it has now been determined that septic tanks cannot be installed on said lots - in compliance with said regulations ; and WHEREAS , to protect the public health , safety , and welfare it is necessary to impose a moratorium on the issuance of building permits for said lots until such time as public sewer lines have been extended to said lots . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED :BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby imposes a moratoriu on the issuance of building permits for all lots within Miller Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , until such time as public sewer lines have been extended to said lots . PASSED AND APPROVED this A4041- day of �d�, 1953 . APPROVED : J/ By : 6L,(/ iLW Mayor ATTEST : By : City Clerk J , J S OROINANCENO. 280t - f' AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING " ' A MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING STATE of ARKANSAS 1 I PERMITS FOR LOTS Jt LOCATED', WITHIN MILLER , aB. ADDITION UNTIL-ASUCH County of Washington TIMES PUBLIC SEWER ISl AVAILABLE TOSAIp LOT&.ti- WHEREAS; thwFayettevilli { ' Planning Commisstonl I, � ^" v�• H � hereby certify that approved' the Plat for Miller . Addi len based upon percula• - - am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST XRKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper tion tests provwed by the de-, having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of velothat a pt engineer, Indicating In. five columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at a fixed (daily) that septic tanks could be ng P P Y) stalled on the lots with4i said intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas regulations In comewee regulations promulgated for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an d by The Arkenaaa DepsrtmeM_ ot established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Health; and v In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per WHEREAS, It tiai 'now been annum, which rice was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, determined' that; septic. tanks. P eamat.be:ibstaned on said lots} based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fiftypercent ti ns;aniance wits pala:reguia of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper 'tions; and '. = :-1 - WHEREAS, to ' protect 'the or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Public health, safety, and months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Welfare it is necessary to Im- teen[ news matte[. pose a moratorium on. the Pe issuance of building permits for said ton unto such time es,. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of for si id lots lines s ch thavi Seas . g NOWo THEREFORE; BE IT extlndetl 10 Nld 1018.'.' >T.`. ."" �'f ORDAINED BY THE':BOARD , ; OF -•DIRECTORS OP . THE ICITY. OF FAYETTEVILLE, 'ARKANSAS:. . ':• •^"n"...+II' t_ / ,Settles, l: TneF_itie:8 , a * was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Directors- the any, imposes! a- consecutive inserilons as follows: �mwatorlbrn ln'ths issuance ofd bunding1 within Miller Addition to •me•. The first insertion on the day 19 Qs'� City of FaYettevlite Arkan`Nd, i �uunto he time n eaten sewer the second insertion on the da of 19 nes echei been public sewed Y said lots. ' - - PASSED ANDAPPROVED the third insertion on the da Of 19 this 1sT day of February, 1993. Y APPROVED: ` By: Paul Rf Noland and the fourth insertion on L day o 19 - 4 Mayor ATTEST- 1C TTEST S City Clerk rt` Sworn to and subscribed before me on this Lia day of � 19 2s� Nota?y Public My Commission Expires: Fees for Printing — $ Cost of Proof _ $ Total $