HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2900 ORDINANCE NO . C2 9DO �Sy/i�r , P�ya 46 All ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC . 1 OF ORDINANCE /2i6.2 -4 TO AMEND THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 1 REZON&D' BY SAID ORDINANCE . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : v Section 1 . That Section 1 of Ordinance No . 2162 is hereby amen -e3 by amending, the legal description of Tract 1 rezoned from R- 1 , Low Density Residential District , to C- 1 , Neighborhood Commercial District , to read as follows : Beginning at a point 3288 . 11 feet North l ' 03 ' East and 55 . 06 feet South 88 ' 37 ' East of the Southwest corner of Section Twenty- three ( 23 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West and running thence South 88 ° 37 ' East a distance of 1065 . 55 feet to the North right - of-way line of State Highway 16 Bypass ; thence along said right - of-way along a curve to the right having a radius of 666 . 2 feet , a distance of 147 . 47 feet ; thence South 39 ° 54 ' East a distance of 10 feet along said right - of-way ; thence right along a curve having a radius of 676 . 2 feet a distance of 185 . 07 feet along said right - of -way ; thence South 65 ° 47 ' West a distance of 593 . 43 feet more or less along said right - of-way ; thence North 24 ° 13 ' West a distance of 119 . 37 feet ; thence left along a curve having a radius of 477 . 50 feet a distance of 61 . 11 feet ; thence North 31 ° 48 ' 10 " West a distance of 384 . 43 feet to the point of beginning . PASSED AND APPROVED this ISV day of / WZ C 1983 , ;fX, .. L .FlrF, ,+' APPROVED : By Mayor By : City Clerk 1" 738 9. RTIFICATE OF RECORD 'State of Arkansas City of Ptlyettevii3e f SS 1, S"ranne C. Xen nec'y. Cit , Cie.!- n i recorr'er for th f^ t c `2�rcir• e x;y : F_13 ;.c rii a, c reify that th.a t:£ ra:otdinInv of;ice _td -..� c-a : sp- A� us itt Ctainan^_ � �Re: Iatina — X I �- -at Pkem--�+-Czia 61 >ZZ] .u.•RI te115�--�.._.-____ _ _143 of uWI r ICATE OF RECORD tr und l:sa.7 -3.1 I, A! r. L. C- "rcait Cl^-k and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington Co_^. ;. - 1 -oSy -crity that c"� ern:xod or fore. , goinginstru eat c. a ,dsG9y tar re':/^rclin m , aqthccoatha 7�ay of 19O. at t ' -'o-:: /MAni thes:.me is duly recorded in_4V"-4k" rocard /O �3atpg 4 Witness my hand and seal thi da of 19 � ircuit Clerk and -Officio Reco dad By Deputy Clerk • r TO : Jim McCord , City Attorney FROM : Bobbie Jones , Planning Administrator SUBJECT : Error in Ordinance 2162 DATE : June 8 , 1982 Attached is a copy of Ordinance 2162 about which I spoke to you the other day . Scott Bronson pointed out to me that the legal description for Tract I should be called from the Southwest corner of Section 23 , not from the Southeast corner . I don ' t have the recording information on this ordinance , but if you need it , you can get it from the City Clerk or Dee Rakes (Microfilm) . I would not rerun or alter the description for Tract 2 because it was the tract recently rezoned for the City to sell to Hoyet Greenwood and the latest surveyed description will differ slightly . Thank you , ORDINANCE NO , AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF FAYr. TTF- VILLE •NRKE]SAS , DESCRIBED IN REZONINGPETITION R75-24 ; AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , A , OR OTHER PURPOSES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property be , and is hereby changed as follows : R-75-24 described as follows : 'j 3e id TRACT 1 l ' .Beginning at a point 3288 . 11 feet N th ° ' Eas and 55 , 06 feet South 860 37 ' East of th Southeast corner Section ' Twenty-three ( 23 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) Nort , Range Thirty ( 30) Nest and running thence South 880 37 ' East a distance of 1065 . 55 feet to the North right-of-way line of State Highway 16 . Bypass ; thence along said right-of-way along a curve to the right having a radius of 666 . 2 feet , a distance of 147 . 47 feet ; thence South 390 54 ' East a distance of 10 feet along said right- . of-way ; thence right along a curve having a radius of 676 . 2 feet a distance of 185 . 07 feet along said right-of-way ; thence South 650 47 ' west a distance of 593 . 43 feet more or less along said right-of-way ; thence North 240 13 ' [gest a distance of 119 . 37 feet; thence left along a curve having a radius of 477 . 50 feet - a distance of 61 . 11 feet ; thence North 310 48 ' 10 " Nest a distance of 384 . 43 feet to the point of beginning , From- .R-1 , Low Density Residential District to C-1 ,- Neighborhood . . . Commercial , District . TRACT 2 - Beginning at a point 3288 . 11 feet North 1° 03 ' East of the South- west corner of Section Twenty-three ( 23) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West and running South 310 48 ' : 10 " East .407 , 49 feet ; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 427 . 50 feet a distance of 56 . 87 feet ; thence South 240 13 '. East 119 . 37 feet to a point on the North right-of-way of State Highway . 16 East Bypass ; thence South 650 47 ' hest 80 feet more or less . along the North right-of-way line .-of State Highway 16 East Bypass ; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 676 .2 feet a distance of 227 . 98 feet along the North right-of-way line of State Highway 16 East Bypass ; thence North 10 03 ' East 592 , 80 feet to the point of beginning , - From R-1 , Low Density Residential , District to R-0 , Residential- Office , District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of ' Fayetteville , Arkansas , be and is hereby amended to the extent and in the respects necessary to effect and designate the ne- cessary changes provided in Section 1 hereof , Section 3 . That all ordinances .or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed . Section 4 . That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the time provided by law, 'PASSED AND APPROVED THIS tAA DAY OF 7�;„/i e . i , i 1975 . . APPROVED : ' MAYOR • I ATTEST : v , • • � CITY CLERK os n� - �• 27. 53 S13So YF L= 147.-7 V t J) \ L - IP.:.o7 R • 576 . 2 53954E 50'f:[Yap EASGMEUj Ori n k ; w o-/•5 •' � .�� h r4 �b Ion . R= 676 .2 N 200 ' L;`;A I - D )^ :; IF710H r•• P 'P !6.7i , Part of the , :J � o. the !: ,', of Ser.. . 23 ii30'd i,eia.g more par- ticularly described as Tract 1 of the VA ,yettevill.e ; n;iustrial Park Plat , as designated upon the plat thereof racor(IcA in the OffiCe of the Circuit Clerk o £ 4Jeshington County , Arkan-.as , anc subject to a 50 foot wide road easement , the centerline or which is described as follows : beginning at a point on the North line or gala ^rant 1 and 27 . 53 feet ;93 " -37' R of an existing fence ecrner , said fence corner hein. the MI corner of said Tract 1 , and runnir..,; thence 531° -48 ' - 10" ;l 39; . 96 feet ; thence along n curve to the righi, having a radius or 452 . 50 feet a distance of 59 . 91 feet. ; thence S224" - 13 ' C 119 . 37 feet more or less to the North Right or : ny line of Ctate Highway No . 16 Py-Pass . EASEMENT M c C L E L L A N D ENGINEERS • r f� ' T' r foyetteville orkansos , , � j � -IL111 FAKK INVOICE FOR Yuf ry,ELR$ VAVABLETD014754 NORTHWEST ARKANSAS No . •CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . 11 TIMES WORDS TIMES 6 AMOUNT 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE vb "' • 6 A 2 7 FAYETTEVI LLE, ARKANSAS 72701 YOUR CLASSIFIED INVOICE IS 'i NOW DUE. IF NOT PAID WRNIN 10 PHONE : 501 /442-6242 DAYS AMOUNT DUE WILL EE PHONE CLERK 501 - - 00 INp EUING TERMS: ORDINANCE City of Fayetteville AD GIVEN BY CUSSIFICATION \ 102 \ Drawer F CODE I SOLICITED BY OPERATOR Fayetteville SAR 72701 D START DATE STOP DATE SKIP SCHEDULE 03 / 13 /83 03 / 13/83 R7 PLEASE PAY PROMPTLY ^'ORDINANCE NO. 2TOO' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC . 1 OF ORDINANCE N O . 2162 TO AMEND THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 1 REZONED BY S AID ORDINANCE. - BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : " Section 1 - That Section 1_ of Ordinance N - RECEIVED MAR 2 21993 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE STATE of ARKANSAS ss. County of Washington 1, aOC n -- M hereby certify that I ORDINANCE NO. 1900 am thepublisherof YHE W0f111-[WTSfJARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper AN ORDINANCE AMENDING having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of SEC. t OF ,ORDINANCE NO. five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) 7161 TO AMEND THE LEGAL intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington, Arkansas DESCRIPTION OF- TRACT 1 REZONED BY SAID ORDP for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an NANCE. established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes BE IT ORDAINED BY THE in the Ci and Count for a definite rice for each BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF City Y p copy, or a fixed price per THE CITY OF F A Y E T annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, TEILE, ARSAS : section 1. Thathat Section 1 of based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent Ordinance No. 1161 Is hereby of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper amended by amending the or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six legal description o1 Tract 1 rezoned from R- 1, Low Density months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Residential District, to 01, percent news matter. Neighborhood Commercial District. oreadasfonovs: - Beginning at a point 3298. 1 I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of feet North1 * 03' Eaitand55.06 feef South W, 37' East of the Southwest corner of Section I� ��yy//64 a /^1 Twenty Three (23) , Township fiu/ te1✓ / /[ f (�' C/ Sixteen ( 16) North; ' Range TNrty ( 30) West and running. / thence South 6e L 37' East a was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaperfor distance of 10&5.55 feet to the consecutive insertions as follows: North rightofline of State) Highway i& Bypass; thence' n along said right of way along a The first insertion on the day of / ` �.-t a 19 F curve to the right having w radius of iWi2 feet, a distance- of u7.47 feet; thence South 39 the second insertion on the day of 19 L' East a distance of to feet along said right Of way; thence right along a curve having a the third insertion on the day of 19 radius of 676.2 feet a distance of 115 . 07 feet along said right of way; thence South 65 t, and the fourth insertion on the day7.9t 19 47' West a distance of 59343 feet more or less along said ! right of-way; thence North 24 !: 13' West a distance of 119.37 feet; thence left along a curve Sworn to and subscribed before me on this having a radius of 477.30 feet distance nc Of 61 .11 feet; them e n h tv 9 orth 31 46' 10" West a dii JL- tame of 364.43 feet to ine point of beginning. PASSED AND APPROVED thlilstdayof March, 1983. APPROVED : Nola Public By : Paul R. Noland Maroc ATTEST My Commission Expires: BY: Olivia A. Kelly C;ty Clerk Fees for Printing _ CO Cost of Proof — $ Total $