HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2895 7 FILED ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO . of / FOR RECORD '83 FEB Z5 A11 10 51 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21 - 2 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AMEND THE CITY ' S WATE�RAANID, G§EWEgg NgR TAP CONNECTION FEES . � CL '1'fgCCKOL LM I YE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THERC � lT RrK FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 21 - 2 of the Fayetteville Code of Or finances is hereby amended by amending the fee schedule prescribed thereby to read as follows : INSIDE CITY Asphalt or Highway or Meter Site Dirt Street Concrete Street Bore 5 / 8 " water $ 200 . 00 $ 350 . 00 $ 250 . 00 5 / 8 " double water 240 . 00 390 . 00 290 . 00 Add- on 175 . 00 N/A N/A 1 " water 215 . 00 365 . 00 265 . 00 1 1 / 2 " water 520 . 00 670 . 00 570 . 00 2 " water 600 . 00 750 . 00 ** 4" sewer 220 . 00 370 . 00 ** 6 " sewer 240 . 00 390 . 00 ** OUTSIDE CITY Asphalt or Highway or Meter Size Dirt Street Concrete Street' Bore 5 / 8 " water $ 300 . 00 $450 . 00 $ 350 . 00 5 / 8 " double water 340 . 00 490 . 00 390 . 00 Add- on 200 . 00 N /A N/A 1 " water 330 . 00 480 . 00 380 . 00 1 1 / 2 " water 520 . 00 670 . 00 570 . 00 2 " water 600 . 00 750 . 00 ** ** actual cost Section 2 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the City'-' s present water and sewer tap fees do not generate sufficient revenues to enable the City to provide adequate water and sewer services to the public ; that the provision Y ' - 2 . of such adequate services is essential to the public health , safety and welfare ; and , that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to provide such adequate services . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect following its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this . 1554 day of fE�1,4/A9c 1983 . APPROVED : oil By : 4 Mayor v � i ATTEST.: ' i City Clerk �!��� 994 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I Washington County SS. I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officlo Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed�qofr fore- going i`ns►•�ruumeent was filed for record in my office on thnZSJay of�145•t1W.1 o'clockQ.M, and the sa s duly recorded in _ q record ltia at page_ Witness my hand and s � ' •'+G da f 19 Circuit Clnj x-Otficio ey _ Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas SS City of Fayetteville 1. S,canne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and E :-!)f ,cio recorder forge C'ttY -of Fayetteville, do „ - ;;jy ,•.r•,rtif�• t:l::t 4112fJre- 8% i cC in MY clfiice , : •. ^ 2s:1:n2aP- ]1C::ws in Orli:._.1cC hm al tn's ___. of 1 e and Ex Of tcto Rc,. rL er p.�.� AMOUNT MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE T� 14293NORT HWEST ARKA TIMES WORDS TIMES 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE MOUE CLASSIFIED IS 05979 C 9 FAYETTEV I LLE, ARKANSAS 72701 o;vS AMEOUNT DUE WILL ff 10 ' CLERK J PHONE: 50 1144 2-6 2 4 2 PHONE 501 00 INDEXING TERMS: ORDINANCE AD GIVEN BY CLASSIFICATION City of Fayetteville \ 102\ CODE SOLICITED BY OPERATOR Drawer FV 00 Fayetteville SAR D SKIP SCHEDULE 72702 START DATE STOP DATE .jI OUC, I PLEASE PAY PROMPTLY -2 OF THE ^ ORDINSOFAORDINANCESETOMAMEND GTHE CCICI TYESWATER AND FAYETTEVILLE . CODE "' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD SEWER TAP CONNECTION FEES . IRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLEA ARyCANSAS : " Section 1 1 .. T hat Section 21 -2 RECEIVED MAR 171%3 I AMOUNTS PAYABLE - - -- -- ---------- - ORDINANCErNO. 28?5'.�. ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING - SECTIO.N'. 21 -2 - OF • THE FAYETTEVILL-W CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AMEND STATE of ARKANSAS THE.•, CITY'S WATER AND BB. SEWER_,TAP CONNECTION FEES..` r,. - r,e d r . County of Washington j { BE .IC IT-DAINFD BY.iHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF M � ' THE CI, AR OF FAYET - TEV tion 1:ARKANSAS--;r - - I, y' w+✓Y� hereby certify that I Section Fayetteville t Cod o iOr of am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally newspaper Ifhe Fayetteville Cotle of Ortli� `nine" Iii hereby-amended by having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of amenAing - the tae ' schedule five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) Prescribed thereby to read as 4 follows; 1441 . + , . :" INSIDECITY''• v'• for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an Meter Size ' ' - Dirt Street established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes 5 / e" water , •"- $200.00 in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per s / $" double water 240.00 annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, Add-on - 175.00 1" water 215.00 based upon the news value and service value itcontains, that at least fifty percent I W, water- 520.00 of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper 2" water 600.00 4" sewer or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six 6'lsewer •- ^ 220.00 Aaphalf or - 240.00 months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Concrete; +A ' . hreot ore ` }} .street Bore yor Percent news matter. I, >aso•oo"i ° "`• " ^ $zsoo1 I further certifythat the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of 390.0ift g 365.00' 265.00 t . �. • �'Y •' 670.00• .. - : L ' 570.00 l�f. (Y Loi lrC .9 ! ^� 750.00 •. 370.0010, 390.00-- .1. �- - ' .. x'00-• "` ' - "' was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Meth Slze • . OUTSIDE CI rt 5 , consecutive Insertions as follows: �-. -� , Dirt StriDeet 5 / e" water • ,'. The first insertion on the �!� day of I���� '-'�'- 19 =� !S /a" double water 'a ' ;,-310.00 Add-ons ...r tei4AFT ' 00,00 I water-, �. the second insertion on the da o1 19 lYz"wiMr' fit`?---� 520.00 Y 2"water•: .M.+..t.:w.,n... 600.00 . 'Asptfaltor- -- r, •- Highway or- the third Insertion on the day of 19 Concrete Street Bore 410.010� 1�, .M.00 and the fourth insertion on jjiill�p//�� day 19 N / A;q _ N / A I 670'000�, . �t �1S-t 080.00 OD •✓• . , - .f 1510.00 . Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of alc at �•' SeCtion 2} TM Board of �^ Director$ hereby determines 19 that tM City's preaent 'water an sewer to f do not generate suNWent revenues to one to the Cfly to provide ade- tary Public quate water and sewer services . N ,to Me public; that the provision Of such adegyata services Is • 'essentlei to tM public health, My Commission Expires: isa/etY and welfare/ and, .that circImmediate Passage of ro. .erd such Is necessaryu o to pro. vide sure adegeme services. Therefore;' br emergency Is Illere_DYa decla_rM_Ip;:aki�end: �tttis ordinance being necessary for}3iw pW11C. aaelih, n full ng — $�' ,fin : ang weuarefft be In fun Fees for Prints �:force.pe ea ci,dllov.•InO;.iis p PASS end approval:. _ PASSED AND APPROVED Cost Of Proof _ $ this' 15th tliy1 February, IED983. 1.1 Paul RR Noland : Total 1 � , : ) C- r • i- Mayor : ,ATTEST:.- seal By : Olivia A. Kelly, 1 City Clerk