HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2883 ORDINANCE NO . O O 3 �, �% �Yr �•' 0 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF SAIN STREET . u00 WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has the authority under Ark . Stat . Ann . § 19 - 2304 to vacate portions of streets which are not required for corporate purposes ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has determined that the following described portion of Sain Street is not required for corporate purposes . J NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas hereby re ems , vacates , and abandons all of its rights together with the rights of the public generally in and to the following described property : A part of the SE4 , NE4 , Section 26 , T- 17 -N , R- 30 -W , Washington County , Arkansas , being a part of Sain Street as shown in Plat Book 1 , page . 555 , and more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 504 . 90 feet north and 164 . 48 feet west of the Southeast Corner of the aforementioned SE-1, , NE,;, , Section 26 , said point lying on the southerly right - of-way of the aforementioned platted Sain Street on the east end thereof ; thence N 44 ° 43 ' 00 " W 60 . 00 feet along said right - of-way at the east end of platted Sain Street to the Northerly right - of-way thereof ; thence S 450 17 ' 00 " [d 71 . 13 feet along said northerly right - of-way ; thence along said northerly right - of-way ' " 379 . 54 feet with a curve to the right having a central angle of 19 ° 29 ' 39 " and a radius of 1 , 115 . 51 feet ; thence 95 . 86 feet along a curve to the right having a central angle of 91 ° 32 ' 28 " , a radius of 60 . 00 feet , and a chord bearing and distance of S 22 ° 05 ' 24 " W 85 . 99 feet to a point on the southerly right - of-way of the aforementioned platted Sain Street ; thence along said southerly right - of -way 463 . 19 feet with a curve to the left having a central angle of 22 ° 34 ' 35 " , a radius of 1 , 175 . 51 feet and a chord bearing and distance of N 560 34 ' 18 " E 460 . 20 feet ; thence along said southerly right - of-way N 45 ° 17 ' 00 " E 71 . 13 feet to the point of beginning ; ALSO M0.071 93� 2 A part of the SE 1 / 4 of the NE 1 / 4 in Section 26 and a part of the W 1 / 2 of the NW 1 / 4 of Section 25 , all in T- 17 - N of R- 30 -W , Washington County , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : A strip of land 60 feet wide being 30 feet either side of the center line herein described : Beginning at a point that is 526 . 11 feet North and 185 . 49 feet West of the Southeast Corner of the aforementioned SE 1 / 4 of the NE 1 / 4 in Section 26 ; thence North 45017 ' E 870 . 17 feet ; thence Northerly along a 15 degree circular curve 208 . 56 feet ; thence N 14 ° 00 ' E 49 . 95 feet to the center line intersection of Sain and Joyce Streets . Section 2 . A copy of this ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed int he office of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the deed records of the County . Section 3 . This ordinance shall be of no force and and e elf ct , and shall be totally void if a cul - de - sac is not constructed in accordance with City specifications at the dead end of the existing pavement located on the above described property . PASSED AND APPROVED this o: Sf day of GGC FJhi�S.� 19.8 Z . �(� ' = l ; _ '�• APPROVED : MAYOR + •• rte �# IV ATTEST: ` CITY CLERK = 1971 931 CERTI KATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS ) SS. - Washington County I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Er:Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the on•,c<^.2. T fore CERTIFICATE OF RECORD goi 'nstrument was filed for rreyccord in my Office on U ` -� of 190ao'clock_id, a ryd r,, = ...q � State of Arkansas ( . record 7/ at paF.e_ SS duly recorded in —Iday of 19 City of Fayetteville Witness my hand and seal tt+it \ 4r Vt110� I, Suzanne C. Keened , FX-Officio e City Cler c and Circuit clerk and recorder for the City of Fillo E,offici Reco ell _ do hereby certify that the a?'11a itr ,yettecnfa,; By going is of record in my office a:;d fhe s;:r fe yy. Deputy Clerk peaM, in Ordinance & Reso13atieln Ga,olt, l t page ��• 'iCne3t' nitre. Rand' n thisdyeofr E Cteak and: OROMANCE NO 18113 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONINr- A FOR TION OF SAIN STREET: ,WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has the avhrorlty under Ark. St f. Ann. S110-2304 STATE of ARKANSAS to voce» portions of streets as. which are not roRuired for corporate purposes: and County of Washington WHEREAS, the Board of ^ Directors hat de»rmined thief the fbltdWfng described portion. Of Salm Stre" H not royufrad• I hereby certify that I for e» purposes. ; NOW,OW, TTHEREFOR [, 10IT am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper ORDAINED BY THE BOARD having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than tour pages of OF DIRECTORS OF THE five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) CITYOF FAV ETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : y y intervals continuous) in the Cit of Fayetteville, y Count of Washington, Arkansas Semon 1. That the City of for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes releases, vacates, and aban none all of its rights "ether in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per with the rights of the public annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, generally in and to the fallow- ing described property: based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent A part of the SEv4, NEI/a, of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper Sectfon 264 T-17-4, R 30 W. or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Washington County, Arkansas, being a part of Sain Street as months; and that the Said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty shown in plat Book 1, page 555. percent news matter. and more particularly de- scribed " fellows; seoinn»s at a palm IN 90 1 further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of tett nor" and 14.41 fest west Of The Southeast Corner of the Section said point lying o / a the southeriv rightof way of the aforementioned pllated spin Streif on the east end was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for fheraof; thence N 4e 43' 00" W consecutive Insertions as follows: 60.00 feet alone paid right of way 41 the eaat ens of platted {1 .� J� p Sala mn »athe Northerly The first Insertion on the lid n-. day of 19 lL4L right of way thereof; then" 5 450 17' 00" W" 71 . 13 fest along said northerly right-of warn the second Insertion on the day of 19 .n<nce along sold northerly ngntol-way 179.54 feet with a curve to the right howling; a the third insertion on the day of 19 .central Mole of lea 2V 3Y' and a of - .v.v ., 1t1T;;h 9s; " f ot Long a hat( Hence and the fourth insertion on the _ day pf�j. 1, 95 pa feet Q a �central curve gl the -1Ont hoc ng a central ono le of 7 •. 10 31' 11 J rAdiuf W 60 .00 6 . , e e t and a chard beerMre a+d ms worn to and subscribed before me on this ISBUO day of tance aCS 120 Aw 21,'• W AS." ,r < -_,fm �. yv4 of .+wt t 2 » a pWnt orf the Southerly 9 right of way of the Noremon boned platted Spin Street: thence sionp said southerly right Ofway461.19 feet with a NotalTy Public curve to the left having a central angle of 110 34^ 35", A radius of 1 ,175.51 feat and a My Commission xpires: chord bearing and distance of N SN 34' 11" [ A60.20 feet; \ Q 3 thence along said southerly V r ,ght of way N 450 17' 00" E 7 1 1 3 feet to the point of beginning '. ALSO - A part of the SEts of the NFs6 In section 26 Md a part Of Fees for Printing — $ r1Q_- C2 6 the Wnh of the N Ww Of Section 25, all in T-17-N Of R-3O W, Washington County, Arkansas. Cost of Proof — S more particularly described as _ follows. A strip of land 60 feet Wide being 30 test either Side of Total _ s, O ' The center line herein de scribed: Beginning at a point That 1s 526. 11 feel North and II5 . A9 feet West of the Southeast Corner of the Aforementioned 5E1h of the NE '/4 in section 26; thence Nor" 45017' E 170.17 feet; thence Northerly along a 15 door" circular curve 201.56 foot; thence .N 14000' E 4'.9S 1 e e 1 to the center line Imersectlon cif Sain and Joyce Str"tS. Section 2. A copy of this ordinance duty Certified by the City Clerk shall be filed In the office of the Recorder of the i County and recorded in The t dead records of the County. Section 3. This ordinance shall be of no force and effect, And shall be totally void If a .,. I d.-ear Is not constructed in ARKANSAS : lfl[el-l'aLl Section 1 . That the City of s for more a Fayetteville, Arkansas heretiv establishi releases, vacates, and soon ' dons all of its rights together In the Cit with the rights of the public annum, u generally in and t0 the follow inq descr Ibed property: based upc A part of the SEI/4, NEI/., of the sub Section 16, T 17-N, R10 W, or its ag( Washington County, Arkansas, being a part of Sain Street as months; shown In Plat Book 1, page 555, percent n and more particularly do scribed as follows: Beginning at a Point 504 90 I furth feet Morin and 164.40 feet west of the Southeast Corner of the irk aforementioned SE'/a, NEI/•. 4 Section 26, said point lying on l the Southerly rlghtOf way of the aforementioned platted Sain Strep t ' on the east and was publi thereof; thence N 440 43' 00" W Conse uta 60.00 feel along said right of way of me east and of platted Sain Street to the Northerly The fi right ofwaythereof; manse S 450 IY 00" W' 71.13 feet along said northerly- right-of way , the Seen thence along Said northerly right of-way 379.5/ feet with a curve to the right having a the Chir( central angle of I" 29' 39" and a radius of IIJIS.51 feet; thence and the 95se feet along a curve to the right having a central angle of 910 32' 28", a radius of 60.00 f e e / and a chord bearing and dis WOtn tante Of S 720 05' 24" W 85.99 f e e to a point on the Southerly fight of of the aforemem finned platted Sain Street: thence along said southlrly rpM'Of way 468.19 feel with a curve to the left having As central smote of 220 34" 33 a radius of 1.175.31 feet and a My Corr Chord blearing and distance of N 560 34' 18"- E 460.20 feet : - thence along ., Said Southerly right of way N ASO 17'. 00" E 7 1 3 feet to _the,point of "inning . ALSO - A part of the SEW Of The NE'o in Section 26 and apart of the W' S of the NW • of Section Fees for o 25, all M T-17 N Of R 30-W, Washington County, Arkansas, moreparllcularly tNscribed as Cost follows: A strip of land 60 het wide being 30 feet either side Of the center line herein de scribed : Beginning at a Point that Is 526. 11 feet North and 185 . 49 feet West of the Southeast Corner Of the aforementioned SE!v Of the III In Stolon 26; Thence North 45017' E 870.17 feet: thence Northerly along a 15 degree Circular curve 209.56 fon; thence .N 14000' E 49.95 f e a 1 t0 the tenter line intersecli On Ot Sain and Joyce Streets. Section 2. A COPY of this ordinance duly certified !y The City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the County and recorded In the deed records of the County. Section 3. This ordinance shall be of no force and •Hatt, and shall be totally vola if a cvl.do saw Is not Constructed In accordance with City specifications at the dead end of the existing pavement located on The above described property . PASSED AND APPROVED this 2161 day of December, 1912. APPROVED: Paul R. Noland MAYOR ATTEST. Olivia Kelly CITYCLERK ___ -_