HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2860 • F• 1 „•. ORDINANCE N0 . : 2. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX C , ART . III . SEC . A (T4 )i(1 )�: i, OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO PROVIDE FOR THE - USE OF A BILL OF ASSURANCE OR PERFORMANCE BOND TO GUARANTEE INSTALLATION OF DELAYED OFF- SITE IMPROVE - MENTS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Appendix C , Art . III , Sec . A ( 4) (b ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending the first sentence in said paragraph to read as follows : (b ) Delayed improvements . If the Planning Commission determines that a needed off- site improvement cannot be built until future development occurs , the subdivider shall pay to the City an amount determined by the Planning Commission in accordance with the standards prescribed in paragraph ( a) above to be the developer ' s proportionate share of the cost of said off - site improve - ments as of the date of final plat approval ; provided , the subdivider may with approval of the Board of Directors guarantee payment of said amount so determined by executing a bill of assurance , or performance bond , in a form approved by the City Attorney ; said bill of assurance shall be filed of record and shall be a covenant running with the land ; said bill of assurance , or performance bond , shall provide for payment of interest on said amount at the rate of ten ( 10%) per cent per annum , and shall obligate the landowner to pay to the City the amount so determined by the Planning Commission within ten ( 10 ) days from receipt of written notice from the City . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of ©6? A28Fie 1982 . APPROVED : • • OF ' /I: 17 B Mayor /T By : (� cca� Q � t1� 69 591 City C� erc Wap d;ndso - . �.• _ .. • api0 0aa of ra1110-D We Wallo j!nanno — �5t— ;U AU 7s141 leas Pue Puey Aw ssoullM j�a8ed ;c byal PAoaaJ---Yv ;- . ul paPjoaaj , Inp sl ewes a4T Pue ,WP13o13,oe11_Ir9 6T�;o .tepa7ey7 uo aal;;o 6w w ,..aaaj Io; Pall; s^ra ;uawnj;sui dulo8 -DJOJ io Paxauue ayl ILL11A;,aaa 6gajay cp *.juro0 u0;8ulyseM Jo; JaP103aa 0131110-x3 Pue A:a10 ;inail0 ,ofewilo)4 •-I ewlV 'I flt*% R;unco uo;BuiyseM $S. SVSt•1VN21V 30 31V1S (180038 3O 31V0Ij H30 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD , State of Arkansas SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clcrl; and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexe.! or fn"c- goin� ;n isof record in my office : d ti1:: s:,me air pears in Ordinance & iZe:solutio.n book x I _at page--L-5- 3? . tncss my d and seal this of y erkand Reco - y rL '. :ORDNVAf!CE1JQaseo:;" STATE of ARKANSAS 1 Y AN --ORDINANCE AMEN• .OINOAPPENDIK.C, ART: 111. MSEC. Aft) 7fbY;'OF THE County of Washington FAYETTEVI LLE :CODE OF ORDINANCES OF A BI VIDE f SSURA ES OFA BILLOF ck&ov � �jjr�fdl�J °MANCE .NON TO PERFOR- I, �`— ""��" 1 hereby certify that I MEE' vINONLLATiO RAF am thepublisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSASTIMES, adail newspaper TELAYE 'OFP-S ION OF P Y r, DELAYED 'OF F-SITE IM- having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of PROVEMENTi.'64 '8: ' five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) .BE LT_OFTD INED BY THE intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas BOARD:ORDAI RECTORS BY OF pp THEz4CITY::OF: ,FAYET - for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an rr45acLLEIAThat SASndix ' established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes o-- �SecTloo-.l:. Thst Appendirr C. P g Y Art: Sac.-A'(O -ibl mf iM in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, ora fixed price per Fayattavlhe'. ,Code.i of. *Orli_ annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, nallces Is hereby amended by emefldln9 me.flnffsentenn'in based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent _sale.- parapraph ; .to read. as of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper fm(b) D% "a eli'lirW " nG or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six .. xtbf :e- irt d imprommenb.- g g g 'I1 in Plahninp•Commtufmkdr .' months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty terminesihat a:Meded off-sitepercent news matter. MMh imts a emenf cannot be built ry untilL.future ;flevelopmMt :", I rnril 'the subdivider shall pay I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of , w, tMjClty,. an '&1 nt da- Yermfnad4 by:.Thej Plannino Commission ;In iacoordance wlm:ihe standards prescribed -(iyf �iy( (p6 • � O (J v . In,parapraph '(e):above.fo.be ,thewdavelop is proportionate ` sfiare of the coat W said otf-aita was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Intptomments as of me daft of consecutive insertions as follows: final-put approval provided. p ./p' ' taa�•sebdivider.;maY wI1/1..eV Y C ✓ prdpatjpf�,:tne4 Boarar°f The first insertion on the da of 19 Dtrectmsti; a an/eell)si menf sHdjaMounf30:de1B rntned, y�aidcortnpi'ar bill ; of the second insertion on the day of 19 aasYraate�.� n9, .effufrtiahce; tglldi61�i4f0lmtpPMoved: by . fha C7fj_wganthe third Insertion on the day of 19 a9Ylanp fhap;bojiled of,'rhl cord and, shall bola covenant. InaminpwimflKfand gala lint; and the fourth insertion oniita dayai 1^9 , t%athburance wjinrf.saldbe. ll.Ja�l t171�.,, IrJ1 .JYMR.e+'� 'bon0 sbai) ,providat:for. Pay) ? Olson a mteream uid amount: I.at the rate of tontlot) par-ttm g 1-per annvmTand'shafl obnyata, worn to and subscribed before me on this PQ da of the IerldowntY ip_ foab CltY ' 1JSLL y the amourdw determ1 . ined•by .the Planning ";Com Mission ; withtn:taa:(lo)$OaYs;frohi.m- 9 ceipi Of wfltten hotka.from the; IIPASD+?ANW SEAPPROVED MlsSthdayof Oe:toberx199V* NotaryPublic �APPROVEO: % Y n �.Ado, Paul R Noland 1"b Y+ `IMayor; My Commission Expires: rAT?EST dEI Seal _ 1 BY: O11v:l A. Kelly City Clerk Fees for Printing — $ 4 Cost of Proof $ Total _ S_