HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2857 ORDINANCE NO . :Y w AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE y; f C --CERTAIN CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY LOCATED IN WASHINGTON '„, t�; 6' a- 0 COUNTY ; AND , FIXING THE DATE FOR THE ELECTION ON yf t THE QUESTION OF SAID ANNEXATION . f�G Cy i U WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has determined that the lands described in exhibit "A" attached hereto and made S a part hereof are contiguous to the City of Fayetteville and are either ( 1) platted and held for sale or use as municipal lots ; ( 2. ) whether platted or not , are held to be sold as suburban property ; ( 3 ) furnish the abode for a densely settled community or represent the actual growth of the municipality beyond its legal boundary ; ( 4) are needed for proper municipal purposes ; or ( 5 ) are valuable by reason of their adaptability for prospective municipal uses ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors .has determined that said lands do not have a present fair market value or highest and best use only for agriculture or horticulture purposes . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the property described in Exhibits "A" - "F" attached hereto and made a part hereof , is hereby annexed to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Section 2 . That the following services shall be extended to the aforesaid area within three years after the date annexation thereof becomes final : fire protection , police protection , sanitation service , and water service . Section 3 . That a special election be , and the same is hereby , ordered to be held in the City on the 2nd day of November , 1982 , at which election it shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the City and of the aforesaid area , the question of whether said area shall be annexed to the City . Section 4 . That the question shall be placed on the ballot for the election in substantially the following form : Vote on measure by placing an "X" in the square opposite the measure either FOR or AGAINST : FOR annexation of the territory described in Fayetteville Ordinance No . 2857 as set out below : AGAINST annexation of the territory described in Fayetteville Ordinance No . 2857 as set out below : ��Q69 295 - 2 - It is proposed that the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , annex territory located as follows : (One of the following shall be used , as is applicable for the ballot question to be voted on by qualified electors of the City and each affected area . There shall be a separate ballot question for each affected area . ) (1 ) Approximately 36 . 17 acres immediately east of Arkansas Highway 265 , north of Albright Drive and through which Clear Creek Drive runs ; the eastern boundary being a high voltage electrical transmission line . ( 2 ) Approximately 274 . 5 acres west and south of the town of Johnson , west of Arkansas Highway 112 (running north and south) and north and south of Arkansas Highway 112 (running east and west ) . (3 ) Approximately 50 . 2 acres north of Mt . Comfort Road , west of the existing Fayetteville corporate limits and through which Salem Road runs ; approximately 25 acres North of Mount Comfort Road , west of Dean Solomon Road , and in which Trailwood Mobil Home Park is located . (4 ) Approximately 910 acres paralleling Arkansas Highway 16 beginning at the existing western corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville and running west along a line 660 feet North of said highway to a point 660 feet west of Double Springs Road ; thence South 660 feet to said highway ; thence South one -half mile ; thence East to the existing Fayetteville City limits . ( 5 ) 3 . 3 acres east of U . S . Highway 71 South and south of the Fayetteville Municipal Airport (Drake Field) . (6 ) Approximately 37 . 84 acres west of Lewis Woods Lane , north and south of Danita Street , and east of Lake Sequoyah Drive . Section 5 . That a copy of this ordinance shall be furnished to the Washington County Board of Election Commissioners so that the necessary election officials and supplies may be provided . 'PASSED AND APPROVED thisZ3f day of -e.491t7/1719rK1982 . I 714E q / L�/� MAYOR CITY CLERK X1069 296 SITE 1 Part of the Northeast of the Southwest of Section 18 , T - 17 - N , R- 29-W , and being more particularly described as follows , to wit : Beginning at the SW corner of said fort;I acre tract , thence N 00 24 ' West 1320 ' , -thence N 890 .43 ' East 1320 ', thence S 00 24 ' East 1320 ' , thence S 890 43 ' West 330 ' , thence N 00 24 ' West 695 . 84 ' , thence S 230 47 ' 08 " West 117 . 30 ' thence S 410 27 ' West 142 . 97 ' , thence S 720 42 ' 43 " West 194 . 97 ' , thence S 06 24 ' East 425 . 02 ' , thence S 890 43 ' West 660 . 00 ' to the point of beginning and containing 36 . 17 acres more or less . =1069 297 ' Nle SITE 2 Part• . of Section 28 , T- 17 - N , - R- 30-W , -and being - more particularly-described as follows , to wit : 1 . The South z of said Section 28 , less and except all that portion of the East - 2 of the East z of said Section 28 - not-lying within the right-of -way of State Highway No . 112 . 2 . 330 ' of equal and uniform width off the South side of the North a of, said Section 28 . =1069 29� � 1 SITE 4 A . A part of the Fractional Northwest Quarter of Section 6 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , of the 5th P . M . , being more particularly described as beginning at a point which is 804 feet West of the Southeast corner of the Southwest •Quarter. of. Section .32-. in-: Township .1T . Nor- th , ; ,Range ._30 . West , and _running . thence South to the North line of the Mount Comfort Road , - thence - West with said road to the Southwest corner of said Fractional Quarter , thence North to the North- west corner of said Fractional Quarter , thence East to the point of beginning . ( 50 . 2 - acres ) B . A part of the Fractional Northeast Quarter of Section 6 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West of the 5th P . M . , more particularly described as beginning at a point 4 chains West of the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Said Section 6 , thence running South 18 chains , thence West 13 chains and 96 links , thence North 18 chains , thence East 13 chains and 96 links to the point of beginning , 25 acres more or less . X1469 299 14 SITE 5 660 ' of equal and uniform width off the Southside of the North 2 of parts of Sections 10 , 11 , and 12 , T- 16 - N , R- 31 -W , and being more particularly described as follows , to wit : Beginning at a point 165 . 12 ' East of the SW corner of the SE4 - NW4 of said - 5eetion: l-2 , said - point being - on the centerline -of - State Hwy . No . 16 West , thence North along the existing city limits line 660 ' , , thence West along a line parallel to and equidistant from the centerline of said Hwy . No . 16 a distance of 8719 . 46 ' to the West line of the SE4 - SW4 - NE4 of said Section 10 , thence South 660 ' -to -the- centerline of -said Hwy . No , 16 , thence East 8719 . 46 ' - to the point of begin - ning , containing 132 . 11 acres , more or less . Also , the East 3/ 4 of the SE4 of said Section 105 all the South 2 of said Section j 11 , and part of the S2 of said Section 12 , being more particularly described as ,j follows , to wit : Beginning at a point 150 . 73 ' West of the NE corner of the SE4 of said Section 12 , thence South 1006 . 00 ' 9 thence East 150 . 73 ' to the East line of said Section 12 , thence South 1634 . 00 ' to the South line of said Section 12 , thence West 5203 . 44 ' to the Southwest corner of the said Section 12 , thence North 2640 . 00 ' to the centerline of State Hwy . No . 16 , thence East 5056 , 01 to the point of beginning , containing 756 . 52 acres , more or less . Also , part of the SE4 of the NE4 , and SW4 of the NE4 and the SE4 of the NW4 of•' Section -12 ; T-16- N , - R=31 -W , - and being more particularly described as follows , to wit : Beginning at a point 373 . 1 ' East of the SW corner of said SE4 - NE4 , said point being on - the centerline of State Hwy . No . 16 West ; thence N 00 10 ' W 267 ' , thence West 373 . 1 ', thence N 00 10 ' W 198 . 8 '. . , thence West 1300 ' to a point 20 ' East of the West line of said SW4 - NE4 , thence North 223 . 0 ' 9 thence West 20 ' , thence South 000 21 ' 53 " E 16 . 05 ' , thence S 890 59 ' 18" W 330 ' , thence S 000 21 ' 53 " E 663 . 75 ' to a point on the centerline of State Hwy . No . 16 West , thence East along said centerline 2004 . 78 ' to the point of beginning , containing 21 . 24 acres , more or less . Also , a part of the SE4 of the NE4 of said Section 12 , and being more particularly described as follows , to wit : Beginning at - a point which 'is - 150 . 73 ' . West of the SE corner of said SE4 - NEA , said point being on the centerline of State Hwy . No . 16 West , thence West 162 . 89 ' , thence North 43 . 56 ' , thence East 313 , 62 ' to the East line of said SEl; - NE4 , thence South 3 . 56 ' to the North right-of-way line of State Hwy . 16 West , thence ig Vest- along - said line 150 . 73 ' , thence South 40 ' to the point of beginning , con - taining , 0 . 16 acres , more or less . r.- . ZQ69 300 �1 1-, SITE 6 Part of the NE 4 of the SW ; and part of the NW 4 of the SW '„ all in Section 4 , T- 15- N , R- 30- W , and being more particularly described as follows , to wit : Beginning at a point on the South line of said ' NE 4- SW 4- 879 . 27 ' West of the SE corner thereof , thence North along the present City limits line 208 . 7 ' , thence West 752 . 1 ' to a point on the West right- of -way line of U . S . Highway Number 71 , . - _.._ thence � South 20 - 00' -West along said-right-of-way line , -208 . 9 '- - thence -East 759 . 39 '_ to the point of beginning , containing 3 . 3 acres , more or less . i s l� w h _yy .:Y �1�69 301 f. �y j: SITE 7 Part of the Northeast 4 of Section 20 and part of the Northwest 4 of Section 21 , T- 16- H , R- 29 -W , and being more particularly described as follows , to wit : deginning at a point 490 ' + North of the Southeast corner of said NE4 , said point =being on the . present city limits line 300 ' North of the centerline of State High - way No . 16 , thence westerly along the present city limits line 'v( 300' ' equidistant from and parallel to said Highway centerline ) 11)90 ' to the East line of the Lewis A Baldwin Addition , thence North along said line 1500 ' + to a point 660 ' South and 230 ' -East . of _the NW cornerofthe NEI, of the NE4 of said _Section 20 , thence East 1090 ' , thence South 660 ' , thence East 20 ' , thence South- 830 ' to a poih C20 '77East of the point of beginning , thence West 20 ' to the point of beginning , containing 1 37 . 80 acres , more or less . 0 :3 a t n •S J .ti y �3 i, ' 1069 302 CERTiIFICAN,TiE 0 P, R Cp A� S7'A7''B-OF':ARKANSAS I) YV6MingtbnpCounty� �� SS: . "'Alinas tl.. Kollineyer, Circuit'Cterk-and•ty.OfftofPRpaord,�.tw ,VP/a�F4lilkt6nt CbuntS;.db heretty certii)j ttefthe anrnxed or fore- �ii)g�tb4i�aitiBtNwas adf¢[r�CandhCRtY wfic@.o�th�_�ay el. L&mcPrRAn , �(�f'6yt9fK91i8 o n 1 3JUP haeme. dV irs bmw and _ �, 6^�, CERTIFICATE OF RECORD W 1moosMV '�_ —lglt State of Ar;cacsas City ofFayettrvi:'e SS omfA ctark and Ex-Offu;to Rmp L Suzanne C. Kcn ::ecly, City Clerk and Da Ex-`�f"cio recor.'er f-)r tl:e Cityof F;tyctteville, WtyCbrk do hereby certify that the auncse:i or fore goia_ is of record in my office Ind tho same a - Pears in Ordinance Resolation book – —at page $_• Witness My nd seal this day of tty erk and :-O ccor or TEVILLeaCERTAIN,,CON. TOGUOUS , PROP ER,T .Y LLOCATED IN7WASHINGTON' C t COUNTYrANDrFtXIHGTHE . ' ,l DATE IrDR . THrzrLECTION STATE of ARKANSAS l rOWTHE QUESTIONas. _OF SAID J I ANNEXATIQN.'j;t4,• .,,K i' j :i- s WHEREAS;yttie '.BoarCA f County of Washington _ .Directors naa ikted In.ex mat �./"''�^-"'• ', hereby' Certlly that I the an •descrlretl fndinlblt 1 1 A" anuned herelD and merle a dally newspape, a part nareofero canpuousto I, SASTIMES, ot Ithe city of Fayettevufa and are not less than four Page' elrhenfl) platted and held' _r am it publisherof TRE NORTNWESTARKAN- sale; 0i- use'as• munlclp6I Ion; having a second class mailing privilege. d of business and at a fixed k a Sl :held what her,piened or norvare five columns each, published at a fixed Place inn, Arkan. 'held"fo be sol° a,',W rban i Propertyr'(a) furnNh me sbede' intervals continuously In the City of Faycitevlllc. County n Washington' ibil 1 for a °enselr uttted'communi. pe enerally' of all classes 1 >rw or.xeprefwMisthe),actuaf; for more than a clod of twelve months, circulated and dir affix d froman -or°w'tn' :o►.'tit!!e""rrwnicipauryt established place of business to subscribers and readers g or a fixed price belfond'4 -f al ublication. n borApiri er in the City and County' fora definite price for redeact COPY- least fifty Percent are naeaea� ro;: proper,: annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of Thep municipal y rikaK;iaofzf.ara+ newspaper hata varoame by roeson` of>meir' based upon the news value and service value ft contains, st d� adaptablilty,:vfpr�;peospective g rind of at lea. municipal iges;:adtl;.e.+�yf¢ of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their suovertptlons to the o;han fort, WHEREwelese ne Ta6xkrd f or its agents or through recognized e ubldealers n over Of more 1 Directors has determined that months; and that the said newspaperP Mid lands do nof'hjre a. Pres: ant fair market,.•valueor percent news matter. the matter of highest and•.bests Lim-CoVy".fof.: agriculture ara.hortitrlrure I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In 12 NOW, THEREFORE BE '1T �I q ORDAINED BYO THE BOARD CI DIRECTORS EF ILHE / CITY S 1jLq EVIL'LEi rtor — 'ARKANSAS ��+} dally Issue of sa id newSpaPe "section.-X113 fwt tne,pt was published in the regular " I described attache ,r hereto arikitM a consecutive insertions as follows: �/I ; �9 S1Yyly de abed rxhibi . niatle [ {z p l/It/ A7.t/'tof t part hlraory�is heraby,anMX` /d a.JV day of as to !he�Gtifot4Fayettevine:l The first . insertion on the 19 Arkaasau�l( a- da O1 . SecTiontZ�Tnba%ax ended ng . se effor snail be eatibi, ,t° ' the second insertion on the 19 — thenafterthecoarNhtn,ihlDlB' day of bean aNer t/ie date anne"tl°n mer eof ,b`kcrnea4Mmfl;fire the third insertion on the 19 sanitation -.ponce prolecflon;, day Sani.a .o r , . Crater. sery,ce , C„+. .'•cd� � and the fourth insertion on l7rT—jc� �:sacrion 1i.�,'TUat ,{a of `�1fiQLjjM ectlon rdeantl Weisama5la h hereby Ortlerad 1b De hem day Of iin'I me City on%ttje 26dreay;or� 00 this V ' November ,lvea'ar v„nteba7ac �Sworn to and subscribed before me tion fI Shell btl•SVbminee, TOy1tIa1 1 'ovahtle°�rq{eet°rsywgme`city: 9 _and ot!ihe;afoaresa darea'^the quesho� ol;�wnerher sa tl='efea, ;snanbeagnnnekeotaftputy . [f Nota Public - ShSecbe:PlaLTha) Iheballdt �Ih ,*e)ic'pface i' tk F.balltlgtor : :'me N°cRprl "n Luhat/n}Ipll Y,tne- • ,}^011e e"; f m :ty } ,;t`n,v,x on .measur -by plating ; My Commission Expires .anaeX 1,r1�VytheSquere oppeaite the measure either FOR 'oq- 1 l tAGAIN6T. TFC- i Y t Z ,, FOR annexatiolt pt fne'terr�,,. ' • tory destrlbed''4n Fa�etteYille Ortlinance No 385) as xt-b�uuff I , below wf "'!� '(YruF 1 te^GAINST}annikehon-'efrnel"' +errltoryraeschibed a Facet . - Fees for Printing — $ ' ' , , � '• teGilla :OrClnan�tpeyt.�No!�'a853`'aYl � • . . . / 'seu s propoaedinarfne`eiTy'ut3 Cost of Proo[ — $ �— F.areitevNle;.`Arkansae"�enn'eR a „ b +erntary'lCcate0 asfolid".'IfIrU: y44tOne of me follpwlnp shag be : Total �- $ ballota"L,;IarappliceDle?for�Nhe' .balfe/ lffl6b be3i;Fa bi olM$nt tirquachf af'Mect4�abfthe City` t antl, each`.•alFected;erea5aliefe_ Shall De a separate ballot gties>• 'lion for each affectetl area H25 t, heteItD_r}1t9m�fmiDetltilve'an2detna'rao$uptArikansas3Highway.1a65;ynoc. fhl:4 'Which Cleai'.Cr2elPDrive funs;; ' 111.969 0 tepe"leteEttricat ' Oransslan f(ne." e} .; 3 V :: mis sJw sthan jl Ym.3It.S' eaerm•,west .;and'upoum;'4ohn at, j ArkansM;'i Ighiw- n;Clwes U*j+of', IApmnseagH ipnwaYK713i(rurt jin9no(tn,antl soutb);end.n°rih- :end"a{sdutnyiofg'-Areensea ,Nighwey 113 (runn(ng eaai end . .w f)11,1- .,(0).Approx•7mately SO.a acres, no., A�ot,;'INt?%CDmrort;lRbaH% westNofatliei,aiatin9e'•FeYet levlllC^^"cerpereteh11mt3a era thfouah which• Sa lnm. ' aea-f 4 do >7. c q. � to , Ford . ms`s �. : i , o f east of Mild Inn t'and south OF - - > vilfe municipal c„ "(brake Fleltl) �Z� • - �7•:PwpproxpirLOWIS Wood' " n �ordltantlaagth Of Danlia _ - �yVflaj,; and eost� ol, Lakei Sa: _. S eh Drive. . • e' CIOV ,en 5i That o.00py of itis' nonce shall be furnished to ' �"1,,eshMgton Counly Board theQKKtlon Cgmmissionera so . Ot t fnecessary election necessaelection *to 01 is and supplies_ may,,fW (Klvldpd i� -a v �.. _ Id .t Wa�pSseD AND APPROVED , (N 11to.. rniD Or APPROVED: - - L 7 � �PeuIR mohand YOM Iold r �- + I poop. Arfl6sr d A. Kelly r CLE RK ' .'r SITEto 1' aft of the,IVortheoat v. of -1 a hwps} b q seelon - being MOM 'I S (Igbsaest/ tJooafipad ' oad0000d 2" 1 -do � s , y F t C. . . ' K t' ° r �-Facic� rt , i ,, ,� _ .r a ' + a dldo — .r 1 u• D ,Y� r n 'f> rv . r�. r•7 . . I 7. a�Rs1 . J. 1 � ,U °° ,3 w -iwdo � I ffodt Woal a�-the South" - - - F UarterT-0l+leatRlOD yng:WN ° o - esklindhe, No th lin L lith South Gemfort • RoadaIthencot West V/;M erTaV %aI M, Southx6oa3 -do, corner rot saiC� Fractlona( � � y iV, .r s Ouarter '`Inenee Northto rtio i�.21 't Yl3 s:( i c cam/ f-j. .. °4.. rid, 000 �x - .fr NgrthwesT•-corne�wof - said g ,t � • �H r;r- --1 a ' r FractiarieJ `Qearfer,.L 'e`nco > °. • z- - £ ° , '„ o Easi'to the poidt of'bogluvitnp * - :,S ., ^' - 7fSB3 �cres):C BY jA- pert.'-of1-Me` Fr_actialW: - Narf ship OueAer of Section 6;, _ o - o Sownshl0•ib�NorthY`Range.Sp 'West' of the .STs P M:r,;mor0 - <<0 - perticularlY`.'descMbed. -aY ;P CI, °- ,s. beginning at. a•polnl,Iagchaiifs sst' - - 0 Yl . 4 v ° "WSRt of ins Northeast tornei pp]} y�yyti 1 y' ...� _ t the Northeast,Quarter of Sa18 0 -h`� t doodle ? fy y. Section thence running S?VIA a" 3•1 �, ,�5. .u.. b:� , e r g✓ � r � 12 ch&Ins the WWW'17 � 1„ h ,1 a't e - n - chaintr end .,96f links then[. Bd"do zo� {�' ,., • C. - \ -Nana la cga:na,`-thence Eesrl3 &F` �� '� � ',rs� lrC 1 - c O :chain” and 961inks to the pofnf ' a� J' •t `' "" �r Laf,beginning , .35 acres mor_iPbr ,� ,, -Eg ,f �, �� �. s .' Fyr .less T of p k SITES ♦ YT" nos oy�,'T- l • 3 °, ,�, 660' a cqual'aAunfform W e w,t'y,? .+�' � y„��..f a P,, •y ' t} 'told � ' -a ofPtne sewpi'Ide of the�4orth f ° , . i '. J r \ ' o' _ o• . ol'`parts'bf SecTion3`70 11'"an0 0 ' x y ,y O., ` t +IF��fL�%k 3 ° rp b '• u* t 4 ti 137 T )6N yR ]7 W tend being 'e % � dod iS N' 4. � 8 r 'ti c� � t h y+ •� s= - , more poriiNlaflydosCflWO as { ,✓ g � ' tellew6to wN '. pc ,.�: G O a4 .� •l �'. " `� IMoK A Doofdrtlh0 m >o Cann;te0.t1 T'1"a «, f� ,t., 6v ,}) ti ha y La - x a R+ w c ;60ct dta0 LC! C;;rrsTG'. . '0 a 8. v-1 e2�"t"IT+ ••..tom: !ham 0 4Sb n ° A ' 6(Yae.+ pdtideofrt OpSs'` c •.Y•,t;< ' !ab Gslre 6 do 04 ESV7 x .. ' 006. ante _ - 0D'• ' thence r '�' R to the east ylno of East - 1 .Section 12, aeitl 1636Secr•oo' to thence ' SoUrn• i5 - 'on lz ffien� A line Of Said to 91i S.Ah.Q0 West ° U40OFid ton ,lZ, °or. e. F ' State to -the 'e teclthe North , .. - ° J056-o1Nfis-wY No. la thence East y np. .'"containinpaint at'bo0lnA- 1 moPebri 9a756;62._acres.. �ss.d :NE Part of, 5 me<SEt�'.of Itne: .and The -Sc M^i.. at me .NEy. D�tion 12. T-76-N�RB3NWri. iib more part, W and - - - - 1. scribedasfollowy /6N1�riY de- Of e- . . f"Inning at a paint 37 Etn. SW cOwner a said po- aria eEst - CentKlihe oI 'ntebeing on Me YYest,, t NwY..NO: .id hen[e.N D° to- W 1671,' �1the0 I1ca190 st 77].T, thence N ao U . to.' thence r' , a pOH^.d Si East of tnv law - e West X27.0', ,hence W stance 1thorwit-; .. 6;YSolrthsope 21' . F . . . Thence S- y 0 5,... .. ,. 11 .than 939"7a" W 330,',. o:,r- PWto eni'oo toe LeMerlihea --' l p' No . 16 I. thence Si C East tlnln < tat Int Penterione 20W.7e;,to 9 11-2a aooinnin0, [ 'leas:- ., ecr NEI/ a taitl tAa SE1I a }ha'are 12 a Y : . ahecrlpetl as foil�ic wli'Y- -4: 'i Y 1'�' nWasr a r poim wnlcA is Baia' - �e SE corner of ,be+^o'ort'tne Ra Mier njdf- _ •p1o:31F.-I.ateftnence Stest {11 �enca:..1'Nor•rny; 'esf 1Soencs:E,4f 31].61'. 10,ihe u of Laic Sel r=.N rol r+Yn f4w9 eT9e� 'N Orrin^. A! uAPI PY West , oep'.aai0 ° C7ttca.Sayth l7 t0 :CX3 It 0I 7k, �+4 The 1.N+4 770.7', $ a Yhet a. . ' 'Y thonm;3ourmlo Numpar sO-lhcnco_ t `a YO. ' n71ett f' 1•, ZaAl PrtiOr res; i rt!?C0 bf-FbegiAhjnort contuintng j l J e4 i. . J Bort ,O} :OSITE? SectlM' �Iraa y°hnoost'S� tParYlWla 9•yy H. aS"eea Y -s touro e > _ 0 AnO .p . - .p . =r ;; 'liortti a MO"Spyiri7, atop_ 4. mbtl } 76EtArn�14Po nt��nar 209• fhb trJt .c ry IimlI are ° Srato lf- 9 , by No�i , few AT �. -westelyy etorp thelitre�sptttaehee Lmita Nhe ,f] .44 cttr r . Ni �• -antl, Parallel daidhtar0 ° ��',' ° ♦ . 0hivaY'tmt i !a - Said ` ..`� _ o Me rest "1��t� na/,�tpq� v Balilwin' "'a of Me?1� �, North al 9 Saltl lion 0 : 1hence b dr CB.. IF a polar 660 ne 1300: �itgl NE�AiiO/'a�e, no NE lhii14 East', rM'10: 660' -thence.' t�a^C the d oSabin aw,roi a 11110112''Eez1 a. - f., o 'r+o'ri - 1'sl Wto.' B. Mence r�- 'a Hca I' o- _ , • -n 10W :OOlita4lt kqq at �G7nrF q < .h _ V . �.'y. o t Indra ariesi. . -Ca . arras "' r 8 ' . IT IF Nt q tyY dc� z W r - ^A' °9 71r { ' e x < Ot 0