HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2855 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 10 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO INCREASE THE COLLECTION CHARGES FOR SANITATION SERVICES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 : That Section 10 - 28 of the Fayetteville Code o r finances is hereby amended by amending the second paragraph in said section to read as follows : The monthly residential rate for each single family dwelling or each multifamily dwelling unit shall be $ 5 . 50 per month for two cans , plus $ . 50 per month for each additional can . Said cans shall not exceed thirty- two gallons each . Section 2 . That Section 10 - 29 of the Fayetteville Code o�r3'inances is hereby amended to read as follows : The minimum monthly commercial rate shall be $ 5 . 50 per month for one can for each commercial establishment . Said cans shall not exceed thirty- two gallons each . In the event that commercial establishments require bulk pick-up service of cartons , crates , baskets , or any other rubbish not placed in thirty- two gallon capacity cans , the rate for each bulk pick-up service shall be $ . 44 per minute required for pick-up . Commercial sanitation service shall be the collection , hauling and disposal of garbage and rubbish in all business areas twice per week , Monday through Friday , excepting authorized holidays for City employees . In the event commercial establishments require more than one can for any pick-up during a month , the monthly rate for each additional can shall be $ . 50 per additional can . No can shall exceed thirty- two gallons in capacity . In the event commercial estab - lishments require sanitation service more frequently than twice each week , the rate for each additional service shall be $ . 50 per additional pick-up per can , or per additional minute , if there are no additional cans . �e1n69 234 • r r - - 2 - ' Section 3 . That Section 10 - 29 . 1 of the Fayetteville Code o O�inances is hereby amended to read as follows : The rate for any commercial establishment using load- all type containers for the collection of garbage shall be $ 2 . 00 per cubic yard per pick-up . Section 4 . This ordinance shall be effective December 1 , 1982 . PASSED AND APPROVED this oZ/5-�' day of 1982 . APPROVED : Bv_ a �L`G��Lvv Mayor ATTEST : ( f aYF n hyo By .. .. u av;F' ' 6► Dt. Clerk CGun% i = 1069 235 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD' State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the CFty of F--.lyettevi??e, do hereby certify that the ura:c" ai going is of record in my office and the :»r pears in Ordinance G Resolution book i)P.nC 13 --• `J."isness my —at --� ha • ORDIN4NCE N0. 28M is AN ORDINANCE AMENDING . ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER Igo OF THE FAYETTEVILLE • STATE of ARKANSAS CODE OF ORDINANCES TOI INCREASE THE COLLEC' Be. -4T I O N CHARGES F O RI County of Washington SANITATION SERVICES.' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE `BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF A 3 THE CITY . O WSAS1 T I, hereby certify that . TEVtibn 1 : RKANSAS: `t ' SSS am the publisher of THE NORTHWE ARKANSASTIMES, a daily newspaper �� Sedibn 1 : rliat sectidn 10-7f FOf the Fayetteville code' of having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of Mor--dinances is hereby amende five columns each, published at a flied place ofbusiness and at a fixed (dally) „by ami nand section ondfor para• Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas . graph in said section to�eatl as follows':-:N 'grip. for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an F The mohthly;resieenrial rate established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes yfor each single f ' Ili dwelling or eacn'multlferrltly, aweinng In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per kNunti shall be SS.SD per m7In for annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, two cans, Plus f.50 per _montt``t �'ctor, each' addition at can.'saI based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent ens ogalfot not exceed rnlrty- of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper two cairn _Tha';y ect or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six section Y, �Tiiat Section tl}9q -oe ' the ?Fayetteyite^Code' ol. months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty F-0rdinences Is'nereby'amenC percent news matter. to read as foliov+s:.g _ The ._minlinu m ' month, commercial rate shall be $5.50 I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of aper month for one can for each i.commercial_ 'establishment) !� Said rcans shall"nY §Thirty-two anei.11osact4 in the the event that commercial. pestablishments -',require _bulk / .,pick-up ' service ; of"Eartons; was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for crates,- not pieced in thirty-two consecutive insertions as follows: �cretesn not pieced in thirty-two gallon capacity cans; We,rate 'tor each bulk p'r' mi "serwce, The first insertion on the u fit, day Of � f -1 ]g �_ ' shell each bulk per mtnine.rc quired for pick-up:*`fNt;p r!t eommerciat ' sanitation the the second insertion on the day of Ig service shall be tFecotlection, 'hauling W. and' disposa l". of garbage' and 'rubbish an ' all the third insertion on the day of 19 'business areas. twice per.week, r.Mondaythrough: Friday; ex cepring authorized holidaysfo and the fourth Insertion On t e da Q City employees?�,�ps� rr` Y 19 In Me eventis t�a cial : ' establishments' require ' more than one cantor any morit ups 'during aeacK' ,diti nal Orn t0 and subscribed before me On this Sate- for eacti`aotltional can' a day of shall be f.50 Per additional call, (", ! Os. 19 v •I No Can S .50 'exceetl thirt a 'gallons Zln "caPacity`.'� ln:'the eVTnlO corn mercial,' esta61i5h-,. . men s requi rej�gganit'at ion service more trequentl'y than Notaryublle t twice each •weekrtee. rafeNor' each additional service Shall be. S.50 par additional pick`-up per MY Commission Expires: Cifcan, ti per That action 1 -29.1 there are no andif lona. cans. ' \) Y Section 3. That Section de- o1 O the Fayetteville �Coensof: -Ordinances is hereby amended l to read as fonows-+:I ,".ts r - The rate for any commercial j .establishment -using - load all Q .establishment containers for.,tne coffee. Fees for Printing _ $ tion of garbage shall be (2.001 :per cubic yard perpick-upoD f 1' Section a. This .ordinance' Cost Of Proof _ $ . shall.be effective December- I, . 1982. ,1 �,-� .�...-,l PASSED AND'APPROVED+ Total _ $ this 21st day . of effective De- : ±� APPROVED: ' 'Ty`e �7m:x By ,Paul RFe . Noland ATTEST: y:.l'.MaYor By: Olivia A. Kelly I":t4aa J'H (City Clerk ;'t.a- -:ti z�'ia` 1 _ t 1 L 1 t i STATEMENT FOR ADVERTISING i Tnr # I� u� es # Arkansas Uimrll Leased Wire of DRAWER D Circulation Associated Pres FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Where It Parr 72701 T G� 2L 19 I p � I Adrertbac `""1'�'l -�L o • O �5 Rat. Month of Data— 1 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1A 15 16 17 Number Inches 0 IP i Amounl To Ba*Al�ed S 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 3 S f ALL ACCOUNTS DUE NOT LATER THAN IOrH OF MONTH. YOUR CREDIT IS VALU- ' - -- - - Ata_r_-PROTECT IT AND ACCOMMODATE US BY REMITTING PROMPTLY.