HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2850 ORDINANCE N0 . aSSD 1982 111G 25 Aro ID 13 Aid ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 OF THE A i9TTWTb Y ARK. CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ADD SECTION 18 - 18 IM ,,�4r' NIIf40[IZ� AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH ANY PUBLIC UTILITr/4' $ E �� R PERMITTED TO OCCUPY THE STREETS , HIGHWAYS , OR OTHER PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE CITY ; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR NON- COMPLIANCE WITH SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS ; AND DECLARING ANY EMERGENCY . WHEREAS , Ark . Stat . Ann . § 73 - 208 provides that every City shall have jusisdiction , acting by ordinance , to determine the terms and conditions under which any public utility may be permitted to occupy the streets , highways , or other public places within the municipality , and such ordinance shall be deemed prima facie reasonable ; and WHEREAS , the Arkansas Supreme Court in Southwestern Bell Telephone CC v . City of Faety tevil e , S . W . 2d (Ark . 19 $1 ) state that municipailties�are not helpless regarding utility relocation costs , citing Ark . Stat . Ann . § 73 - 208 , and commented that the allocation of utility relocation costs could well be left to more specific legislation or negotiations between municipalities and utilities at the time of new construction or on the renewal of existing franchises ; and WHEREAS , the General Assembly has provided at Ark . Stat . Ann . § 73 - 239 and § 73 - 243 that any franchise granted to a public utility by a municipality to occupy the streets , highways , alleys , or other public ways is in effect perpetual , thus depriving municipalities of any leverage in negotiating the allocation of relocation costs with public utilities ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has determined that if the City is required to bear all utility relocation costs necessitated by the construction of new streets and improve - ments to existing streets , many badly needed street projects will not be constructed due to a lack of adequate funds . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Chapter 18 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinancesis hereby amended by adding Sec . 18 - 18 to read as follows : Sec . 18 - 18 . Terms and conditions under which public utilities may occupy streets , highways , or other public places . ( a) Any public utility , as defined by Ark . Stat . Ann . § 73 - 201 ( d) , which occupies the streets , highways or other public places of the city under a franchise granted by the City or the State shall occupy said streets , highways or other public places subject to the following terms and conditions : ( 1 ) A public utility shall not erect or place any facility more than seven feet inside the right - of -way line for any street without the prior written approval of the City Manager who shall grant such approval only if he determines that the facility will not impair or obstruct present or future vehicular and pedestrian traffic . l } m& 1068 132 - 2 - ( 2 ) Whenever public utility facilities which are located within public right - of-way must be relocated in order not to impair or obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic on any new or existing street , highway , road or sidewalk , the public utility ( a) shall be required to relocate its facilities within a reasonable time from receipt of written notice from the City Manager , and (b ) shall bear its own relocation costs ; provided , where any project is funded with . federal or state funds and the utility is entitled by federal or state law to reimburse - ment for relocation expenses , the utility shall receive such reimbursement . This paragraph shall not be construed as requiring a utility to relocate its facilities within or from a private easement without payment of just compensation . ( 3 ) The following policies approved by Arkansas State Highway Commission Minute Order 70 - 300 shall apply to the accommodation and adjustment of utilities on street and alley rights - of-way within the City : ( a) General Criteria ( 1 ) Underground utility construction shall conform to all applicable codes , standards , and specifications . ( 2 ) The depth of bury for new and/ or replace - ment utility installations shall be established by the utility on the basis of engineering and safety factors for the area , and in keeping with the degree of hazard or protection required for the line involved ; provided , however , that the normal minimum depth of bury on all cross lines shall be 2 . 5 feet below the low points of roadway cross section , or 3 . 5 feet below the bottom of surfacing ( top of sub - grade) , whichever gives the greater depth ; and the normal minimum depth of bury on all parallel ( longitudinal ) lines shall be 2 . 0 feet . ( 3 ) Pedestals or other above ground utility appurtenances shall be located at or near the right - of-way line , well outside of the street maintenance operation area . ( 4) All proposed locations and utility designs shall be reviewed and subject to approval by the Street Department to ensure that the proposed construction will not cause avoidable interference with existing or planned street facilities , or with street operation or maintenance . The procedure for submitting plans and information to the Street Department for approval shall be developed and agreed upon by each utility and the street super - intendent . ( 5 ) On both cased and uncased installations , particularly on crossings installed in advance of new street construction , consideration should be given by the utility for placing spare conduit or duct to accommodate known or planned expansion of underground lines . uA068 133 " _ 3 - ( 6 ) The controls for pipelines as apply to encasement , conduit , appurtenances , installation , trenched and untrenched construction , and adjust - ment shall be followed , as applicable , on under- ground installations of electric power and commun- ication lines . (b ) Location and Alignment ( 1 ) Crossings should be located as near normal to the street alignment as practical . ( 2 ) Conditions which are generally unsuitable or undesirable for underground crossings should be avoided . These include locations such as in deep cuts ; near footings of bridges and retaining walls ; across intersections at grade or ramp terminals ; at cross drains where flow of water , drift , or stream bedload may be obstructed ; within basins of an underpass drained by a pump ; and in wet or rocky terrain where it would be difficult to attain minimum bury . ( c ) Cased and Uncased Construction ( 1 ) Where acceptable to both the utility and the Street Department on minor streets , under- ground crossings may be installed without protec - tive conduit or duct . Normally such installations should be limited to open trenched construction , or to small bores for pipe , wire or cable facilities where soil conditions permit installation by boring a hole about the same diameter as the pipe or cable and pushing the pipe or pulling the cable through . ( 2) Where crossings of underground lines are encased in protective conduit or duct , the encase- ment shall extend a suitable distance (minimum where practical equal to the depth of bury) beyond the slope or ditch lines . On curbed sections , it should extend outside the outer curbs . Where appropriate , the encasement shall extend to the access control lines , to the outside of frontage roads , or to an indicated line that allows for future widening of the street . ( 3 ) Consideration should be given to encase - ment or other suitable protection for any pipe , wire or cable facilities ( a) with less than minimum bury , (b ) near the footings of bridges or other street structures , or ( c ) near other locations where there may be hazard . ( d) Street Design When plans for street improvement and develop - ment are formulated utility line locations should be recognized and the street designed so as to minimize conflict with existing utilities . 1Q68 134 '._ - 4- All (b ) Any public utility which fails to comply with , or violates the terms and conditions prescribed by paragraph ( a) above shall , upon conviction , be fined in the sum of $ 500 . 00 or double that amount for each repetition ; provided , if the non- compliance or violation is , in its nature , continuous in respect to time , the enalty for allowing the continuation thereof shall be p$ 250 . 00 for each day that the same is unlawfully continued . Section 2 . This ordinance is hereby declared to be severa e S ould any provision hereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid , said declaration shall not effect the validity of the remaining provisions hereof . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that many streets and highways throughout the City need to be widened , straightened , or otherwise improved ; that may new streets and highways need to be constructed ; that such improvements and new construction are necessary for the public safety and welfare ; that such improvements and new construc - tion will in many instances require the relocation of public utility facilities ; that the City will be unable to construct many badly needed streets and street improvements unless public utilities are required to bear the cost of relocating their facilities ; that Ark . Stat . Ann , § 73 - 208 grants cities the right to provide for reasonable terms and conditions upon which a public utility may occupy the streets , highways or other public places within the municipality ; and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to enable the construction of badly needed streets and street improve - ments . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its . passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 172� day of � 1982 , APPROVED : ,, . 4ORt ry • ` NEST : CERTIFICATE OF RECORD ` , — r ' State of Arkansas City of Fayetteville .S$ '• CET1' •• C�LE I, Olivia Kelly, City Clerk and Ex-Officlo t , . recorder for the City of Fayetteviile, do here. by certify that the annexed or� fore;oing is,- of record In my Office end tha ssma ap_ Mrs In Ordinance & F2esolution book at page, Witness my hand QnA seal this � _ day of CERTIFICATE OF RECORD - - , 1 STATE OF ARKANSAS ) SS. Washington County ) t: �+; C:crl: altd Ex of Reco r 1, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going ins ument was filed for�rne7�d in myofficeon thwV'day of. 19At[Lo'cloclr!M, and the same is duly recorde in AI&e record 0 & at page Witness my hand and seal thiz2kday of _19 Circuit Clerk and 10 Ex Officio Re rded 68 �l ,lfl Uy 1345sy 61 Deputy Clerk 4 4 I UE ""'Cr1TE Or RECORD State of Ar!;an;,-,.s City of Pa; all—Le al Notices "" ' ""'' '""" "" 9 I rocky terrain where it would be dd- OfIDiNA\CEN0. 719a fimll a notate minimum bury. An Orduxaw -�Albnding Quipter 11 of ' (e)CawdJad Uxand Construction theFt�Coded Ordinances; te .'•dl) Where acceptable to both the ' a�15s�m wig Imp�ins tame ardi ,,Wility and the Stmt. Department a - conditions t@m.whdt any pudic utni- - mimr al Via uMcrgraund crossings - ty may be permitted to occupy the - ' may he imblled without protective street$, hagheays, or other public omdtfl ar that. Normally each ho -SPATE of ARKANSAS plain widen the city: providing a aLWlimited b tme should be iteopenger, pinny for nmemnplt$ece with w2cb treed contraction. or to snag, tams and emdiflons; and declaring .hare for pipe, wire or cable facilities County of Washington amemergenq, wbem and mrliUms permit fnstalb- I WAEPZAS, .Art. Stat Am ndtgfl® by hiring a bole abort the acme provide that easy City stag hats diameter as the pee or able and gy��] a/t�! 40 o acting by ••r .w`,,,.. to. Pushing Me Pipe a pulling the table C/sat•KQ,,,h• H l dMervdm the' -and cooditlom att�;mr .1. 9 Y: t 1 • „n r�.r��ar� w��� �sgwnneedmtadeNnaasLg - �''d mglr ay., err ether omits plain rOr dneL the eneaaemmt shag mind a having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less-than-four Pages of Rithia the sad e� a• ..ger able dirteaw ( nem where ..five columns each, published at a fixed place of bustris and atmixed (dally) dlramce,null be deemed prtma rade :peetieal �t m the,h� d buy) intervals in the CI of Fa of rFasmabte; and bey®d the gape a dolor Ane, on ��•UY City Fayetteville, County Washington, Arkansas W7fEREA.S, the Arka=is supreme imbed sectimss, it should 'extend wt- for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an Comp In Bs. City d ay u Teephme tide the outer curbs. where eP established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Company.v, City d Fayettevllk, fin➢ prop risk, touter cement shall Wheexte . P g Y a.W. m 111 fArk. 19811 stated that , b Ne access antra line, to the not. In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per dingutalty are not Acosta regar- aide ed frontage roads, o a fu to- annum, which rice was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, ding utility relre not emb, citing dket$d line that allows far future P 11 SUL Am. 73-x1, and ammanted widening d the street. based upon the news value and service value itcontains, that at least fifty percent tai the dbcalibe le stoma mare specific IU Consideration ooh shalt be given bimsts of the subscribers thereto have id cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper 11the adveaon of bmaelocaion emaConsi orotherouid be Proles- Pa P legislation or negotiations between tin for any pipe, wire or cable or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six of the new and utilities at the time . facilities( s (ne wind less than minimum months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than fort of the new mnwuetim a an We , bury.other near the footings a 0 rear Pa Pe P g Y eenewal EAS, the General sse • eaten street =where 3-h ire my rear percent news matter. t s provided theing Gernert Assembly : otter Locations where Were may he lies Provided at Ark. abs Am7399 .sI.. ed anv- Y:.; ... d 79.247 that my franchise granted -- , ... . tI further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of loop Ile utility M am uadpailly to (d)fli ..... occupy ger tmeeb. highways, win. s ver - : I " . . . .... - . or nitro 1, us b p effect .f W development plum street improvement l7� o gtryyet lffi thus daprf a in eadationsho d be recognized stili- YL_4At/.tatR•...U/K �R. t/� C/Y mtmkipall[Iea d my- leverage le Agate stroes should ed recs,gnir o gegotiaith oberagoauao arelacatiou end me street designed m is a amt$with public the Board and minimize conflict with existing d wfleaeAs, the Beaed a D'veeton , u`u1�0uaN-,w, _ _ - : 4 was published in the regular daily Issue of said newspaper for Ito determined that u the City b m ' consecutive insertions as follows: rpdrW lobear all utility relocation (b) Any public utility which fails to .canto necmlbted by the construction I comply with, or violate the terms and n of new sheets and Wprovemem to conditions prescribed by paragraph The first insertion on the da of 19 existing stmt, many badly needed I (a) above shag, upon conviction, be Y street projects will not be constructed feed in the sum of 1500.a or double due to a lad atadequate funds. s.that amount fa each repetition; pro thd insertion e Now, therefore, be it ordained by the :vlded, t me nim omplianee or vise seconn on the day Y of 19 Board of Directors of Use City of Fayet- tion b, in its =hire, continuous in --t respect to time, the penalty fa alive- the third Insertion on the da of 19 ing the continuation thereof shall be Y 9250.00 for each day that the name is uwwtcontinued. =declared -geed This ordinance is hereby and the fourth insertion on t da o[ 19 d o he Y � sbe drohashould any provision hereof he declared by a court '4A116959- 1LS -'d competent Jurisdiction b be i . -- cmatitutio=1 or otherwise invalid, - f„. . mid declaration tag =t effect the •.,,`.'. '•� ' ` orn to and subscribed before me on this da of J✓3 validity d the remaining P hectors Y • . -i:-tiw . ,...> . . hereof. •�;r ,, .;. ace. 1771 Board d Director 9 hereby determi=s that many stream y.y. . .S 3 am highways throughout the City need _ 4: - to be widened, straightened, or other. LC wine improved: that many new streas and highways need to be canatructed; I NotaPublic that such improvements and =w coo- rY 8tf8)M WON UO OJO11 structfon arc necessary for the pu blit I safety and welfare; that such im- My Commission Expires: prommenb and new astructia will •' �A 11848) L(M SBJW in many imbnces require the reloca- _nOtl UBI \ ” If►- 1 I tion a public utility facilities; that the% _ City will be unable b rn=trucf many ` • "_,__T Buyorb Jor 4n D badly needed streets and street im. i 1 1� JID:) 'I pavements unless public utilities are 9 AOUOWPByIW1� '� :required to bear the cost of relocating their facilities; that Mk. Stat. Ann. MM grants cities the right to provide , x„ ,.f , - for reasonable terms and conditions upon which a public utility may omppyy Fees for Printing _ $ the stints, highways or other pubfic \) \l . - . _qp • places within the municipality; and lS 3I that tae immediate passage of this or- Cost of Proof — $ 1 1 - di=ree is necessary to enable the mn- ^ t structim a e badly n che state, and rtreet Improvements. Therefore, an Total _ $ F ^,�3ns � I and tthenar m hereby colored to exist -• r:;c,.�.• . and olds aduunwe being necessary for -Je c . the public safes) and t from shall er w..; i N pa (arca and tlfeet from andafter - . t l -ibased nMapproval. c - Passed And Approved this 17th'Ny . Rc,• C+ ' dAugurl. ,9B. Civ roved 'i.prye[!7 :., /eYat �7 ,G: i:C .. : '_Paul R.Na a .d - r•r Mayor . v io AW1vla'A. Kelly 't� )S-� .VO > 7 O ; � C E ..City Clerk ,. i > . , .. ^ ;; C ,a' 171982 " t tat . . � ., - � SEP VDIVI Minw n ACCOUNTS PAYABLE YV81A OOs'6C! 'fol M -wo •umOP 11RUJO 41I 4 p - -. 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To Balance Account Rendered f 22 23 21 25 26 27TOTAL 28 29 30 31 1 G� TOTAL f ALL ACCOUNTS DUE NOT LATER THAN LOTH OF MONTH. YOUR CREDIT IS VALU- ABLE. PROTECT IT AND ACCOMMODATE US BY REMITTING PROMPTLY. jc�-. ✓e'' eill ���t.��J}I' 't+4 >v� �.,�` � Fr + :. � y �.:� '. ; i ter. u.. � /•1 ,- 'tom p ' � ati e,r . '�+y'" �yy� y— li �.lJ •'.� yy .!j