HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2848 FOR RECORD; ORDINANCE NO . 1982 AUG 25 AM ID 12 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS?01$ �.�ARh . ICAL SA SOUTHEASTTCORNHE EROOFTHE DOWNTOWN TION OF RPARKING 9M ADJACENT TO THE CONTINUING EDUCATION CENTER . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bids for the relocation of the existing above ground electrical service at the southeast corner of the Downtown Parking Facility adjacent to the Continuing Education Center to underground electrical service for the reason that said bids are not practical because such relocation is required immediately to safeguard the public safety . Section 2 . That the contract for the aforesaid relocation of electrical is hereby awarded to Joe Pendleton Electric , Inc . at a lump sum contract price of $ 3 , 200 . 00 . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the a ove ground electrical service at the southeast corner of the Downtown Parking Facility adjacent to the Continuing Education Center must be relocated to underground service immediately to safeguard the public safety and determines that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to accomplish such relocation . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 17 day of 19.82 . MAYOR TEs7 - CERTIFICATE OF RECORD t` ACDC /� �E $tat ,;< Arkansan C' - Fayetteville S5 CITY CLERK- 1 D/,' v � Kelly, City Clerk en61,3 s! P-3;= 19+' P b eller for the City of Fay@ f�Ui x; 9 Barg. » co ; r• ' ' ., a% ify that the annexs4 ®r f9l@a0irt is c�:�rd in my c:f5ce enj tho §4f13. Ae.4= i Orrin t1 .r.Zi o� I 7Giia CrIITIrfCATE OF RECORD (Usti ctsvk amfl tbac STATE OF ARKANSAS R �ip (EPs. Washington County SS. 4 FJma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington county, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going instru int was til^d for re 04.in m of 9�&q� my Off on thy day 1 '". . {lf 8 „3© 1`- fat o cloc!�LM and the same is ` ' duly recorded i record O at page Witness my hand and seal thi .day of 19 circuit Clerk and x-0fficio Rec ded By >' - _• Deputy Clerk STATE of ARKANSAS l } as. County of Washington J ORDINANCE NO. HasL is'J��• J n� ✓ �'t s AN ORDINANCE wAIIANO THE R& I, - hereby certify that I QUIREMENIS of COMPETITIVE am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSASTIMES, a daily newspaper RIDS FOR THE RELOCATION OF ELECTRICAL SERVICE ATTHE having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of SOUTHEAST 'CORNER OF THE five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) DOWNTOWN PARKING FACILITY ADJACENT TO THE CONTINUING intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas EDUCATION CENTER. for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an tors f the City of Fa the ttevill , rkan- established lace of business to subscribers and readers generallyof all classes ton of the chydeayeuevtne, Arkao- in the Ci[ and Count for a definite rice for each co W:Sectioncopy, fixed y That the RoaN d Dlrcc annum, which rice was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, Ion heceby waives the requirements of P canpetitive bids for lM re ocanan d based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent the Ice at the above grata elr Of thl of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper the ext ti the southeast corner tr the P P Downtavo Parking Facility adjacent I or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six to the Continuing Education Center to underground electrical service for the months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty ressoo that said bids are not practical percent news matter. —because such celoea0m is requued Im- mediately tosafegwrdthe public safr �tySection i ,That the contract for the I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of aforeald relocation of electrical ser- vim dieton henry awarded b Jn Poo- ecus Electric.rieo( h¢. .0 a lump euro �A�.L/ l.i LC/Yl. //✓1 VX emtraet prima pBoard Section 3. The Bosh d Directors hereby alectrial that the above graved electrical service at . Has l was published in the regular dally issue of said newspaper for ori t "7�— : of the Downmwn consecutive insertions as follows: . Parking Facility adjacent to the Conti. 67 1? ruing Education Center must be - relocated to underground service Ire- The first insertion on the d0 day of 19 mediately to safeguard Ne public safe- I ty cad determines that the immediate the second insertion on the da of 19 passam ge a Nu ordinance is necessary Y to accoplish such relocation. Therefore, an la hereby the third insertion on the da declared b exist and this ordinance be- I y Of 19 Ing necessary for the W blit safety and ~turn andWeft_ A t e bs sageorce and art and the fourth insertion on the da of •°^ ' 19 Iron and alter its passage and aP Y PASSED AND APPROVED this VN - day dAugust, l9aL . 'Approved: a � Paul R. Noland AllnU worn to and subscribed before me on this s; -C-- day of . Mayor Olivia A. Kelly City Clerk , • 9 He 30 1 Nota Public My Commission Expires: CERTIFICATEF RECO Fees for Printing _ $ State of Arkansas City Of Fayetteville ( SS Cost ofProof _ S r ' •r . : .,} 1, Suzanne C• Kennedy Cit .' Total _ S EX-0 I ICIO recorder for Y Cler do helehv a a11 ' certify ted tyOfFsyeft�r;;l.. goingof r the : Till .1:n ; 01 is ecord inr• nears in Urdilia e Yof, le ?1(1 t',O ResSts riot � leCEIVED Page i O hand and s I this�� 6vittI Tny SEP 021982 �F ACCOU 1iS PAYABLE