HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2836 ORDINANCE N0 . AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE �F/TFpS'q� BIDDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF ASPHALT , SB - 2 AND ASPHALT MIXES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the purchase of asphalt , SB - 2 and asphalt mixes because said requirements are not practical as there is only one asphalt plant in Northwest Arkansas . Section 2 . That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the purease of asphalt , SB - 2 and asphalt mixes from APAC - Arkansas , Inc . - McClinton-Anchor Division at the prices J reflected in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . Said authorization shall be effective for the remainder of the 1982 calendar year . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the City is in continuing need of asphalt , SB - 2 and asphalt mixes for the maintenance and construction of public streets and for other purposes ; that an immediate need for said materials exists ; and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to enable the purchase of said materials . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this aO d day of 1982 . " " " ' • � „ APP OVED : 4*A19 It CLERK , a . ac APAC-Arkansas, Inc. • McClinton-Anchor Division • 240 North Block Street • P.O. Box 1367 Fayetteville. Arkansas 72701 • ( 501 ) 521-3550 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 19 , 1982 JOHNSON PLANT MATERIAL PRICES 110 Hot Mix Surface Type II $23 . 45 Per Ton 111 Hot Mix Binder 21 . 15 Per Ton 113 Hot Mix Black Base 20 . 45 Per Ton 458 Premix Asphalt 24 . 20 Per Ton All prices above are subject to availability of materials . All prices per ton , F . O . B . our plant , Johnson , Arkansas , plus any applicable sales tax . These prices are subject to change . / ld FXHIBIT : . A 312acl APAC-Arkansas, Inc. • McClinton-Anchor Division • 240 North Block Street • P.O. Box 1367 Fayetteville. Arkansas 72701 • ( 501 ) 521-3550 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 19 , 1982 WEST FORK PLANT MATERIAL PRICES 001 Concrete / Filter Aggregate $5 . 00 Per Ton 002 3 / 4 " Concrete Aggregate 5 . 30 Per Ton 005 Block Chat 5 . 30 Per Ton 005 Grit 2 . 00 Per Ton 007 Class 7 5 . 30 Per Ton 008 Class 8 5 . 30 Per Ton 020 Crushed Base / 2 " 3 . 25 Per Ton 022 Crushed Base / SB- 2 3 . 50 Per Ton 024 Crusher Run 3 / 4 " 5 . 00 Per Ton 029 SS1 Base / SS2 Base 3 . 35 Per Ton 031 Fine Grit 2 . 00 Per Ton 040 Agri Lime 4 . 00 Per Ton + 0. 05 State Lime Tax 093 Waste Material 2 . 50 Per Ton 095 Rip Rap / Shot Rock 2 . 75 Per Ton All prices above are subject to availability of materials . All prices per ton , F . O . B . our plant , West Fork , Arkansas , plus any applicable sales tax . These prices are subject to change . / ld ac APAC-Arkansas. Inc. • McClinton-Anchor Division • 240 North Block Street • P.O. Box 1367 Fayetteville. Arkansas 72701 • (501 ) 521-3550 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 192 1982 AVOCA PLANT MATERIAL PRICES 001 Concrete / Filter Aggregate $5 . 00 Per Ton 002 3 / 4 " Concrete Aggregate 5 . 30 Per Ton 015 Grit 2 . 00 Per Ton 007 Class 7 5 . 30 Per Ton 008 Class 8 5 . 30 Per Ton 022 Crushed Base / SB-2 3 . 75 Per Ton 024 Crusher Run 4 . 00 Per Ton 029 SS1 Base / SS2 Base 3 . 60 Per Ton 032 Fine Grit 2 . 00 Per Ton 040 Agri Lime 6 . 50 Per Ton 090 Red Dirt / Fill . 75 Per Ton 093 Waste Material 2 . 50 Per Ton 095 Rip Rap / Shot Rock 2 . 75 Per Ton 110 Hot Mix Surface Type II 23 . 45 Per Ton 111 Hot Mix Binder 21 . 15 Per Ton 113 Hot Mix Black Base 20 . 45 Per Ton 458 Premix Asphalt 24 . 20 Per Ton All prices above are subject to availability of materials . All prices per ton , F . O . B . our plant , Avoca , Arkansas plus any appli - cable sales tax . These prices are subject to change . iii a a� APAC-Arkansas, Inc. • McClinton-Anchor Division • 240 North Block Street • P.O. Box 1367 Fayetteville. Arkansas 72701 • (501 ) 521-3550 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 19 , 1982 1 JOHNSON PLANT I MATERIAL PRICES 110 Hot Mix Surface Type II $23 . 45 Per Ton 111 Hot Mix Binder 21 . 15 Per Ton 113 Hot Mix Black Base 20 . 45 Per Ton 458 Premix Asphalt 24 . 20 Per Ton All prices above are subject to availability of materials . All prices per ton , F . O . B . our plant , Johnson , Arkansas , plus any applicable sales tax . i These prices are subject to change . / ld I I FXHIBIT i4 J7t] ?q G 7 97 APAC-Arkansas, Inc. • McClinton-Anchor Division • 240 North Block Street • P.O. Box 1367 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 • (501 ) 521-3550 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 192 1982 WEST FORK PLANT MATERIAL PRICES 001 Concrete / Filter Aggregate $5 . 00 Per Ton 002 3 / 4 " Concrete Aggregate 5 . 30 Per Ton 005 Block Chat 5 . 30 Per Ton 005 Grit 2 . 00 Per Ton 007 Class 7 5 . 30 Per Ton 008 Class 8 5 . 30 Per Ton 020 Crushed Base / 2 " 3 . 25 Per Ton 022 Crushed Base / SB- 2 3 . 50 Per Ton 024 Crusher Run 3 / 4" 5 . 00 Per Ton 029 SS1 Base / SS2 Base 3 . 35 Per Ton 031 Fine Grit 2 . 00 Per Ton 040 Agri Lime 4 . 00 Per Ton + 0. 05 State Lime Tax 093 Waste Material 2 . 50 Per Ton 095 Rip Rap / Shot Rock 2 . 75 Per Ton All prices above are subject to availability of materials . All prices per ton , F . O . B . our plant , West Fork , Arkansas , plus any applicable sales tax . These prices are subject to change . / ld X57 �3 a ac APAC-Arkansas, Inc. • McClinton-Anchor Division • 240 North Block Street • P.O. Box 1367 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 • (501 ) 521-3550 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 197 1982 AVOCA PLANT MATERIAL PRICES 001 Concrete / Filter Aggregate $ 5 . 00 Per Ton 002 3 / 4 " Concrete Aggregate 5 . 30 Per Ton 015 Grit 2 . 00 Per Ton 007 Class 7 5 . 30 Per Ton 008 Class 8 5 . 30 Per Ton 022 Crushed Base / SB- 2 ; :1 3 . 75 Per Ton 024 Crusher Run 4 . 00 Per Ton 029 SSI Base / SS2 Base 3 . 60 Per Ton 032 Fine Grit 2 . 00 Per Ton 040 Agri Lime 6 . 50 Per Ton 090 Red Dirt / Fill . 75 Per Ton 093 Waste Material 2 . 50 Per Ton 095 Rip Rap / Shot Rock 2 . 75 Per Ton 110 Hot Mix Surface Type II 23 . 45 Per Ton 111 Hot Mix Binder 21 . 15 Per Ton 113 Hot Mix Black Base 20 . 45 Per Ton 458 Premix Asphalt 24 . 20 Per Ton All prices above are subject to availability of materials . All prices per ton , F . O . B . our plant , Avoca , Arkansas plus any appli - cable sales tax . , 1'G7 99 These prices are subject to change . ld CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of FayettevtiIle, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going is of record in my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance & Resolution book 111 1 n Page—k.3. Witness my hay[ and seal this day of 19 C k and Ex-Officio Recorder -� CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS SS. Washington County I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for, Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going ins u nen, Was filed for reyidin my office on thc+gday of 19r - _o'clock M, nd the sameisduly recorded i _ record at pagWitness my hand and seal this�!J day of_ 19 Circuit Clerk and Officio Re rded By AMP J Deputy Clerk STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County 'ooff�Washington ,,gyp}, n /� � I, `'' — '"L,� H V �' hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE NORTHWEYr ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas - hri:"-P ordinances Ne. rays ^g " for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an An Ordinance wam w -rc. ei=y : established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes pulrem��ladcompeuuve -2 for aoe CLAN 25.21 Per rm in the Cit and Count for a definite rice for each We pucluae of upiWt, SB-2 and fy.yO Per Ton Y Y p copy, or a fixed price per Ma 020It mixes. Crushed Ba se/2" 13.25 Per Ton annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publlca tion, It ordainedbyFayetteville, ' m emberRunBRun 4.1 f135.WPerion ba sed upon the news value and service value it con tains, that at least fifty on lees at the City b the h eBaud o Arran- y percent W. . 025 SSI BAWISSR ear $325Per Tun of the subscribers thereto havbaid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper Section 1. Thal it* Board of Dlrec: 031 Fine Grit 13.00Per Ton P P limberebywaives Rx requhemaea of Old Agri Lime N.00 Per Ton + O.ro or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six compeauva binding for Ibe cNaa ' Star Lime Tax months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty of upNl1, Shy and a mlxea 09 Waste Material 12.50 Per Ton became rid fequiremmto are cut U25 AIP RaIIIStrot Rock s2.75Per Ton percent news matter. Practical u there V Doty ere asphalt AR prices above aro sub act to plant in Norl6weaI Arkanse. .availability of materiaWARP�m per Section t. Thai th , Bw,ly of Ion, F.O.B. aur Plant west Fork. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of Direcmm Irteby authe pule- . V ani Ptes W appBcebk wln , Chase of 2 and mlxm from APAC SRArkavYs, ine, t Them prim an blret mchange. 1-3McClinton.Ancnrc Dlvlulon at the W Prim Effective July it. I > Prim tenected in Exhibit "A" attachAvoPlant m hereto and made a part hereof. Said MaaAd ca Men authorization shall be effective from 001 C00cire/FBbrAggregate Wait waspublished In the regular daily issue of said news a the remainder of . the Irl calendar ' � 5�'Caercte • Per Ton P g0 Y P Per [Or year. ' 14 Aggregata 35.SOPer consecutive insertions as follows: . Section 3: The Board y DirectorTon! hereby deWIWm that the City IS In 013 Grit ' !' x 13.o0Per Toe �1 /// cm ummhy med of asphalt, SB-2 and 007 clae7 115.3/Per Ton The first insertion on the day of 19 asphalt mixes far the maintenance and oat CIA"a13.31 Per Ton neh e0ucam sheets of .public and for pO2 Crashed aaeB&r 83.75 Per Ton other purposes; that an immediate 024 Crusher Run Base Per Ton the second Insertion on the day of - 19 need for said material eauts; and 033 SSI Bar/SS2 Bar If Per Ton that the Immediate wrap of this or. On Fina Crit 1210p* 200 per Tm - dinanealamcessaryloemble0aPus. Oe Agri Lime SL30PerTon the third insertion on the day of 19 chase of end materials. Therefore an 030 Red Dirt F,U .25PmTon emergency is he y declared o exlsl 031 Waste Material 13.50 Perim and this ordinance being oreatimfor 025 RIP RaWsha Back a75Perim : and the fourth insertion on the day of 9 Bhealthsafely and welfare a pubile , 110 Ho1MIx Surface Typell 39.45 xh0 be In hill fared and affect from 111 HW Mix Binder Per Ton F ` ^ H 'r+ �. andafterilaps0agasndapprcval. 131.13 Perim 1..L.1!/'J� G' 1 113 Not Mix Black Bar 330.13 Perron b Paced and Approved this 20N day a5a Premix 1 U4.2D Per of July. 12582. All m abovei arc sub set pool R.Appr°yam avallabany of materials. AS Prim peter Sworn to and subscribed before me on this � day of Mayer ton, F.O.B. wrplant. Avo:s, Arkanra --3 Attest: plus anyapplicable selestax. 9 SherryRuee � 3kTheae prim are subject toehanw. �• City Clerk _ it -.� ��_ p (\^`' 1y axhlbil„A., SLJ Prim rneetive July 13, I= Material e Jenq Plant Notary Public Pride 110 1{pt MlxSurfgm Type 11 $23.45P” .Ton My Commission Expires: 113 Hot Mix Sirdar 321.15Per Ton ",' �fi • � u 4x Black Bar 0 32P. PerTon 38 PMmi � � y r - '^, •' �� , . . All prim above art sub)ret to fork F. .B.lity of materials. All Pincus per ' din, P.O.B. our plant.le mks Arran• us, plux any Thempics am.wlemks tex. J'tV�a 1 7 1382 Thawprimarcve JMlis Ion ! ' PAM Elfeetive July is. 116t , Material WrcsForkPlant PAen Fees for Printing - _^e, ft 103 cmatemthvngtQewte u.a Al�.I�rUU�u am "ConcnteAggregib per Toni Cost of Proof — $ , ' : I Il = BlwkChat : 4:.'$$JoPerron' Total — $ was aril .�'4=�, CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. {ennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorde or the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify th the annexed or fore- going is of record in my o ice and the same up- pears in Ordinance fv R olution hook XI at page Witness my hand and seal this —clay of 19 *' ' 7;ler 't e T '^ � - "�"'°'"• +�� ..��+T�+'tu,�r'I"4 'affa'7ER �i L�Iy'R Gr+ C-' -3 .^P-, .=_ r . •I '+. t :,