HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2821 h ORDINANCE NO . �OG�T /aVeto. ( O�© t AN ORDINANCE VACATING AN ABANDONING TWO WATER AND F9'fyF'➢997r SEWER EASEMENTS IN EASTGATE SHOPPING CENTER , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : That the Board of Directors hereby vacates and abandons all of the rights of the City , and of the public generally , in and to the water and sewer easements described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . PASSED AND APPROVED this "'`day of 1932 . APPROVED : aATTE$T : l,, , ^ r ' 1 LLL � V k C(jUN1V • p •- rj ® 1066 838 EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : A tract of land situated in a part of the NE4 of the NW, of Section 23 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West of the 5th P . M . , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 323 . 8 feet South of the NW corner of the said NE.;, of the NWA, of above described Section 23 , thence South 68 ° 08 ' East 220 feet , thence South 70 ° 10 ' East 225 feet , thence South 76 ° 43 ' East 214 feet , thence South 1 ° 08 ' East 700 feet , thence North 89 ° West 325 feet , thence North 45 ° West 475 feet , more or less , to a point 550 feet South of the point of beginning , thence North 550 feet to the point of beginning , containing 9 . 5 acres , more or less . EASEMENT VACATION DESCRIPTION : A tract of land 15 feet in width being 72 feet either side of a centerline . The Beginning point of said centerline being described as follows : from the NE corner of the above described property , run S 1 ° 08 ' E 79 feet ; thence N 72 ° 45 ' W 94 feet ; thence S 15 ° 10 ' W 27 feet to the beginning point of the centerline of the easement to be vacated , said centerline running thence S 15 ° 10 ' W 308 feet . -ALSO- EASEMENT VACATION DESCRIPTION : A tract of land 20 feet in width being 10 feet either side of a centerline . The beginning point of said centerline being described as follows : from the NE corner of the above described property , run S 1 ° 08 ' E 79 feet ; thence N 72 ° 45 ' W 94 feet ; thence S 15 ° 10 ' W 235 feet to the beginning point of the centerline of the easement to be vacated , said centerline running thence N 68e 45 ' W 320 Feet . CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I SS. Washington County I " I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for - Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- - going inst�lm' en.t was fiI eDpdJ�,for re grsi in my office on thal�day of 19�(at�dYo'cloclV! M, and the same is duly recorrued inw i ^ A - record 66 at page�&&l Witness my hand and seal this day of 19-.•5 1�l6p� Cion Circuit Clerk and �j V J e-Officio Recorded y 6y Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville 1, Sherry Rowe, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do here- by Certify that the annexed or foregoing is of record in my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance & Resclution book _at page, Q _, Witness my hand and seal this 0 �-' day of 19 f `. " • City Clark and Ex- ficin RecordOf • hro _ . . y�laewo+ ,. , . 'G`r�,. r,,.+,v.,,.e .,... .. .nnyw...+.�..- -. .. ��.,... -�.......�.wv,..�.+w�.a:.-"_p..Q ...x'n!r'4.. w-...-r >ta•;... . ,..., . b / STATE Of ARKANSAS l } Be. County of Washington J 48 Le alNotices - ..:' ORDINANCE VACATING AC TI / AN ORDINANCE WATER AND (ABANDONING TWO WATER AND SEWER EASEMENTS IN EASTOA78 � hereby Certify that I SHOPPING CENTER. am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD having a second class mailing privilegeand being not less than four pages of OF DIRECTORS OF THE CRY OF g P g , FAYETTEvnyE, ARRANSAB: five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) That the Boca of DhlEmol hereby intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas sates and abandons all of the rights for more than a .of the city. and or we public gmeraly, period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an in and to the water , and sewer established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes 0usemeota described in ads a •A• In the City and Count for a definite price for each ettatlwd Iwcrcfe am fade a put Y copy, or a fixed price per P�® off this Rh annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, aly tl duy, leR based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent APPROVED: of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper " '. Ped MAmR or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a 'ATT'- —� w, months; and that the said news Period of at least sty paper publishes an average of more than forty CITY CLERK percent news matter. PROPERTY at land situated cone Wl dOWe NAEac : I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of the Nw% at section n, Township Is Noru4 Range b west cd the Soh P.M, more Particularly described ggs u �a >.r\GL ` O \ '(allows: Begimlivg at a point Sr.e feet South of to NW carver of the aid qzz NEN of the NWS: of share described I Secti0p �' thence KX So 66� was published In the regular daily Issue of said newspaper East Zap feet then. South A tor le' East ' F ten, meas scum 70 consecutive insertions as follows: degrees d' Eat 414 fact, theta South l degree on, Eat 70)tat. themes North est 1 _ detPces West ser feet, Norm The first Insertion on the day of V 19 43 degrees War 475 feet, come a lore, iLo s point 554 fat south of the point of Ipnn g' �tt North Sin feetm me the second Insertion on the day of jg eoro. of be6l�vg, containinga.s. EASEMENT VACATION DESCRIP- the third insertion on the end TION: A tract of l15 feet m widen day OI 19 (being vi feet either tide of s cmtadme. The Begimiog tofaid and the fourth insertion on t emterline being des fWbwe: day of 19 from the NE cotvQ of the sonar E 79fa t; propicstertN 7 degram a' of E 7o fen: thence Ngrdegfor y fact tat: coma s 15 degrees ttr w n tan to the beginning Point at the anoestra Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of Of the beacons[ to be elated. aid Q aneerlla rmmmg Wena S is 10' W afwL EASEHEVACATION DL[RDO. g TION: trait land ID M t width oien tluh side Of aa .Tnivg point of mid centerfine bead he Nota Public fiery. con s 1 degree a• E >s feet; My Commission Expires: ihvwee-N "77 dgresa a' W as tact: . P TemaS U de®ao lo' w235 feet to rbc Is"I"II"Noo emu be vacated,avacacenated,,° We ` 3 � "' Winstead:Cafftesiftse Athena Nahtyes . lm is ORDINANCE NO.1m J AN ORDINANCE - ' THE FRANCHISE TAX P�AYYAABDI O Fees for Printing __ $ BY WARNER-TV CORPORATION. BE IT ORDAINED by the Beard M Diceetors of the City of Fayetteville, Cost OI Proof _ $ Section I. Thai Section U of On dm.ea No. tae, u amended by Or- Total _ $ dminces No. 1157, 2707, and Z7a, is hereby amended to read a follows:The company shan pay to City for the privilege ope+vung eemm. , mun`y television °'"`m RECEIVE D under this franchise a arm equivalent to three (d) percent of ue vmpe y gable television per Yearsen`sd vyf cm AUG 3 ]982 sable franchise f e i nuns in the City: Any cem Of OS m eceess tl two be Pit cont of firms teesubs may be Passed on direcprion orouesubamberset the without r„ tov meg ' ACCOUNTS PAYAOLE y. pprwn r Cl- PASSED AND APPROVED this ft day of July, lsa. APPROVE•D: . . Pad R.Ntlnd r . • • Mayor ye ORDINANCE NO . c� AN ORDINANCE VACATING AN ABANDONING TWO WATER AND SEWER EASEMENTS IN EikSTGATE SHOPPING CENTER . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : That the Board of Directors hereby vacates and abandons all of the rights of the City , and ofthe public generally , in and to the water and sewer easements described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . PASSED AND APPROVED this �. day of 1932 . APPROVED : MAYOR ATTEST : CITE � F„ �Zw . I EXHIBIT "A" t Itcll ' I I"r DESCRIPTION : A tract of lar 'l situated in a part of . l t . ti of the NWS of Section23 Toinshi 16 North Range l•Ju , p t , lt „ . t ' ) [ the 5th P • M . , more partici.jl.arly described g as O neiBeginning at a point 323 . 8 feet South of the NW ' q t ti the said NE4 of the NW4 of above described Section South 68 ° 08 ' East 220 feet= , thence South 700 10 ' "I feet , thence South 760 43 ' grit 214 feet , thence therm „ I 08 ' East 700 feet , thence North 89 ° West 325 feet , t �, et North 45 West 475 feet , more or less , to a point 550 t I " � ttli of the point of beginning , thence North 550 feet l �, syl " It ' jint of beginning , containing 9 . 5 acres , more or I� � Slihll? NT VACATION DESCRIPTION : A tral : t of land 15 feet in 11 tint 1 ` " Ing 7k feet either side of a centerline . The Beginning t` , t ' e " I` said centerline being desc'rilied as follows : from t , ` ' 1lrner of the above described property , run S 10 08 ' E .,.ot tt ; thence N 72 ° 45 ' W 94 feet ; ehence S 150 10 ' W 27 the beginning point of the centerline of the easement ` -'Wated , said centerline running; thence S 150 10 ' W 308 -ALSO- `" ��EAIt; ,� 1• VACATION DESCRIPTION : A tr;WL of land 20 feet in � Lilt '` I. ng 10 feet either side of a k• enterline . The beginning said centerline being described as follows : from � rner of the above described property , run S 10 08 ' E thence N 72 ° 45 ' W 94 feet ; thence S 150 10 ' W 235 Vile beginning point of the cc%iterline of the easement AOated , said centerline runnin thence N 68 ° 45 ' W t ,