HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2810Wp ORDINANCE N0.0 910 Aid ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A WATER AND S EASEMENT ACROSS TRACTS 2 AND 3 OF STEELS ADDITION,( PHASE 1 TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. ✓ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Board of Directors hereby vacates and a an ons all of the rights of the City and of the public to the following described water and sewer easement: (A) LANDS EASEMENT CROSSES Part of the NW 3, SE I., and part of the SW 4, NE 4, all in Section 26, T -17-N, R -30-W, Washington County, Arkansas, more fully described in deed recorded in Volume 437, -Page --67%,j of�d'eed-records of said county. (B) RIGHT-OF-WAYi GRANT:TO.,BE :RELEASED A strip ot.jand 3 eet in wi th,.t e centerline of which bein'g�"m'o're partcul'arly'described as follows: Beginnirig"'at'a point 'which 'is 345 feet North and 756 feet West:of".tHe-SE"cbfuer`eofi'the said NW 4, SE 4, Section 26,•lsaid -poiritrbeiiig:lthe:point of beginning for the right-of-way.grant,cfor.the relocation of said water line, recorded in Book 729 at Page 295, of the deed records"of Washington County, Arkansas; thence northeasterly 1841 feet more or'less to a point on the east line of the said SW 4, NE 4, Section 26, said point being 705 feet more or less North of the SE corner of said §E 4, NE 4, -Section.,26..N ,,������P�$j�SED CITY AND APPROVED this 19 k )71 A Palo, IERK L day of 1982. 61 APPROVED: rid' T O,Q 00 Cts �p G CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas Z SS City of Fayetteville 1, Sherry Rowe, City Clerk and Ex-Ofiirio recorder for the City of Fayettovills, & I.ere- by certify that the annexed or foreg..i p is of record in my office and th. san _y peas in Ordinance & Resolution baa: XII 81 pageL I . q Y'.'it: ass my hand and seat This /e, day of Q* :Za:;o.der r Of1l, of -ITI 40-4 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I SS. Washington County I, JUma L. Ko:lme?e-, Circuit Clark and Ex -Officio Recorder for Washington Count,,..a;; hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going instrument :rs fllad for record in my office on thomQ.8 day of a -at te�sCo,clockaM, and the same is dulyrecord recordC65 at page 6i a Witness my hand and sea hi day of --19 S a' s STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of Washington It wa,- hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value It contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty I AN ORDINANCEVACATINGAND Percent news matter. ABANDONING% A WATER AND SEWER EASEMENT EASEMENT ACROSS I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of TRACTS 2 AND 5 OF STEELE ADDI. TION, PHASE 1 TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, / BEIRECTO S O TTHF. BOARD/,»���J / CVV6 I OF DIRECTORS ARKANSAS: THE CITY OF """ ss` EEE FAY tion 1. LLE. Board-Sef lore hereby aaatln sand awnnddmu allwas published blished In the regular daily Issue of said newspaper for M the rights ll We city and M t; consecutive insertions as follows: i public tooe of following described waterer and newer easement p l rt f•ANDSEASEMENT CRO.id the The first Insertion On the _� day of � O i) O 'Pert. the NWl inScend pe T-17-N. / I SW�r NEh, oS in Section zd, T-17-N, Iy-s- mom fulllit ddnecribed i deed d ern the second insertion on the day of Ig recorded in Volume 437, Page 67, of deed records or said county ! IB RIGHT-OF-WAY.GANT To BE the third insertion on the day of Ig RELEASED:. A eler or Iabd ic reel in tar the and the fourth insertion on the day of Ig centerlines which lot more I ticWeriy described as rMb ss. Begirw I ing stn point which is say reef North I and 7W feet West M the SE corner of the said It SEI., Section 26, said point being the point M beglminngg Tor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this fthe rjht-of-way grant for this re ilm ^f said Water Ilne,.recorded in day of Book 726 at Page Ark,, os 9 1 records M Washington 1 Sas; thence northeasterly lal reef I more or less to a point on the east line t I M the said SWI-4, NEty, section 26, sold I point being 705 feet more or less Norlh INotary ObI1C SOf the SE cocaine of said SEsi, NEI;. ection X PASSED AND APPROVED this tetra1 day MMay, ISm� My Commission Expires: ,.., ,at tllllina„ It APPROVED: 1 Jt' Ili. .e,. _.r. •, Paul R. Nolvaj ATTEST: .5=q•S ' MAYOR SM'nY "CITY CLERK 'bra.n. Af, `I` /'!r„ He 1 ,�N 1 Fees (q�i7lting `l 'I C VNjs eCost of Proof _ $ �� p ••. I l ; • ,\' . Total_$ �I4• 'r/` j •, y, all ill ll��`•• :