HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2800 r•Ii . r • n • — � / r I j • ORDINANCE NO , . 04 CO Mq � AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A FIRST SUPPLEMEN � LAj '� /6 INDENTURE SECURING THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , PARKING FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS , DATED SEPTEMBE ?k£R�� f 1981 ; AUTHORIZING AND PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING THERETO ; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . WHEREAS , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ( the " City " ) , has acquired , constructed and equipped a convention center ( the " Center " ) in the downtown area of the City , and leased the Center to the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas for use as a continuing education center ; and WHEREAS , the City has issued its revenue bonds to finance a hotel ( the " Hotel " ) that has been constructed adjacent to , and for the purpose of serving visitors to , the Center ; and WHEREAS , the City has issued its $ 381 , 000 Parking Facility Revenue Bonds , dated September 1 , 1981 , ( the " 1981 Bonds " ) ( 1 ) for the construction of a two - level parking facility ( the " parking facility " ) on the City-owned lot immediately northeast of the Center ( the " lot " ) in order to provide adequate parking for visitors to the Center and the downtown area and ( 2 ) the widening and repair of a street adjacent to the lot ; and CJ\, WHEREAS , in connection with the construction of the parking facility , the City widened a street adjacent to the lot and has made certain repairs to such street ; and WHEREAS , the 1981 Bonds were issued under and secured by a Trust Indenture (the " Original Indenture " ) , dated as of September 1 , 1981 , by and between the City and First National Bank , Fayetteville , Arkansas ( the " Trustee " ) ; and WHEREAS , the City has determined that additional parking space is necessary in order to provide adequate parking for visitors of the Center and the downtown area and that the most feasible way to provide the additional parking space is to construct a third level to the existing parking facility ( the " Project " l ; and WHEREAS , the estimated cost of the Project , including the construction costs , architect ' s fees , financing costs and other costs incidental thereto , is $ 210 , 000 ; and WHEREAS , the City can finance the estimated Project costs by the issuance of additional Parking Facility Revenue Bonds secured , in part , by Project Revenues ; and _, ® 1059 352 WHEREAS , the Series 1981 Bonds are secured , in part , by a pledge of certain parking revenues , including Project revenues , and , therefore , a need exists to pledge additional parking revenues to the 1981 Bonds and to any parity bonds ; and WHEREAS , copies of the hereinafter described First Supplemental Trust Indenture have been presented to and are before this meeting ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That there is hereby authorized a First Supplemental Trust Indenture by and between the City and the Trustee , dated as of March 1 , 1982 ( the " Supplemental indenture " ) , pledging to the payment of the principal of , and interest on and Trustee ' s and Paying Agent ' s fees in connection with the 1981 Bonds , the following : ( a ) All net revenues ( gross revenues less operation and maintenance expenses ) derived from the City ' s parking facilities , and subject to the City ' s pledge of the revenues derived from those City-owned off- street parking lots which are pledged to the Continuing Education Center Revenue Bonds , Series 1979 , dated October 1 , 1979 ( the " CEC lots " ) ; and ( b ) One-half ( 1/ 2 ) of Surplus CEC Revenues ( as defined in the Original Indenture , except that there shall not be included as Surplus CEC Revenues the parking revenues derived from the CEC lots ) . Section 2 . That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge the Supplemental Indenture and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge the Supplemental Indenture and to affix the seal of the City thereto , and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Supplemental Indenture to be accepted , executed and acknowledged by the Trustee . The Supplemental Indenture is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this meeting . Section 3 . That the Mayor and City Clerk , for and on behalf of the City , be , and they are hereby , authorized and directed to do any and all things necessary to effect the execution and delivery of the Supplemental Indenture , the performance of all obligations of the City under and pursuant to the Supplemental Indenture , and the performance of all acts of whatever nature necessary to effect and carry out the authority ®1059 353 2 i conferred by this Ordinance . That the Mayor and City Clerk be , and they are hereby , further authorized and directed , for and on behalf of the City , to execute all papers , documents , certificates and other instruments that may be required for the carrying out of such authority or to evidence the exercise thereof . Section 4 . That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and . directed to file in the office of the City Clerk , as a part of the minutes of the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted , for inspection by any interested person a copy of the Supplemental Indenture , and such documents shall be on file for inspection by any interested person . Section 5 . That the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be separable , and if any section , phrase or provision shall for any reason be declared to be invalid , such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the sections , phrases and provisions . Section 6 . That all ordinances , resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict . Section , 7 . That there is hereby found and declared to be an immediate need for the securing and developing of tourism in order to provide employment and payrolls , alleviate unemployment and otherwise benefit the public health , safety and welfare of the City and the inhabitants thereof , . and the taking of the action authorized hereby are immediately necessary for the accomplishing of these public benefits and purposes . It is , therefore , declared that an emergency exists and this Ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace , health and safety shall be in force • 0and effect immediately upon and after its passage . _ / / PASSEI���GL( /(� 1982 . AP,PRQV ED : , ATTEST, l � v4 Mayor City Cle t N ( SEAL ) s . .' yC6JN 1� • � :' 3 ® 1�s59 354 a CERTWCATE OF RECORD $lab d Arkansas ( SS Gly of feyewville t Sh" RQWOc City; Clark and. Ex-officio faM& far. to C"V e8Ir8yo evill1a. db frere- by certify tALt dte annexed or foregoing is °f IeEardi h my office and the same ap- P"" ii?, Ordinance 6 Resolution book -X I I -FA PaSta•_ s. Witness my 6fadi andi seal( dais c�•y�r`— day of E4 Z City Clerk and E •Officio Recorder CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS SS. Washington County I, Alma L. Kolimeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going instrument was Maoddfor �rr /4prdin myofficeon the�ay of L �rilaA .L�ofa�Eo'cloc' M, and the same is duly recorded in ' 944 / - record at pagej;LSa Witness my hand and seal thiscaCdayof Qv/ 19-4 Circuit Clerk and -Officio R ord / oy Deputy Clerk t , i a FI ORp SUPPLEMENTAL RIZING - STATE Of - ARKANSAS 1 FIRST' SZNCE AVn TRUST A )} DENTURE SECURING THE CITY OF FAYRT TEYILIX. ARKANSAS County of Wsebtngton -- PARKING FACIIJTIES REMUS ` BONDS. DATED1. j - SIER lost ; AUTHORIZING AND PRESCRIBING OTHER HATTva��/ a� hereby certify that I PERTAINING THERETO: AND a daily DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. wImRF.tS. the City deayeotariUq am the lyublteher of THE NOR EST ARKANSAS eing out•less than : 'AAam.e Its "City"r, has acaWroO, L'Sectim, f; 71;i the hlo r N heitDy ' newspaper having a second class malting Drivlleg% cmetruelnd and equipped a corxantfoe anlh9dsed and directed W ettcuta aid anter nh ••center•') to lex downtown acknowledge tlx Supplemental IMeo- tour pages o[ flue columna each, published at a fixed Place of buetaeae and at . need theCiy, eMleadedthCesbr it turn and the City Clea b .skis a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of m Ux Bound d Tvmtees d me UWvert , •aumortwd ape directed to exemta and dtydAraacxsu(w esaamotinuing ' acknowledge the Supplemental indery ( Washington, Arkansas for more than a POT of twelve months,subsccirculribers education center: and •. � .. -!.. : .tore aid W affix tee seal d the city WHEREAS the City his issued Its Mason and Use Mayer and City Clark and distributed from an established Dlers of ounty for t0 efinite be is an mnux Donde to finance a hotel (the ,,; are hreby wtlwima and duetted a _ y�dere generally of all classes in the City & Connty for a definite price for -Howl") thathasheenmeewcrodad- '.canna the Supplemental lodestone W Or a fixed Drtra per annum, which price was fixed at what to 1:71 to, and for the Purpose of avec j ' be accepted, executed and etch copy, _ Ins value and vietore to the Canter: and - ,.ht acknowledged =the 'nunillue.y!Ttihee . conoldered the value of the publication, based upon percentits the subscribers WHEREAS. the City w Iwwd its ; � 91rpplemanW I tura le -sub• r18rv1Ce value it contains, that at least fifty De 0.nl,ta Parking FaeiBy Revenue -proved u wNtantialy ON farm Berm, dated September 1. last. Ithe , ,; maledmoameeuN. - -. - thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper Or its agents •IWI Bosch'•) (l) fm U,e twnbuctlm . - Section 0. That the Ma and City period of at least six months; ' d a e Ienl parking facility Ithe #Clerk, feratdmbduUYtNMCit)'• be or through recognised news dealers over a DB ••parking facility") on the City-owned (; am V are hereby. author' abd and that the oatd newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Percent ') • let ImmedietelX bortlxaef d irk -. directed to do eery std otl Wnge Center nth "lot") in order to provide ' -necessary to effect the executim Rad news matter- , adequate Ham for vltltra to Ux t'ddivay' d the SupDlemm7al'Idm- , ) center =9 downtown area and Olt ;s,Wye• rpa. performance d all oblige• I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached i¢ the matter o the widening and repair d•a sDeet.ad.' . ; TG a d meaty miler aid wnWm to 1 ycmttothebt: and* - .�:: . _ 'me Supplemental Indenture, aid the e WHEREAS, Wetim d theparklW vllictillib, •.'r exha a necessarytoWain effect � j(�('7 �• 'y/�' /` ,n /` n i / 1 /1 the City widened a .Leel adlacem to r:,out me autbority coderred by fhb or, m I ebwre tasdhamaNWnpalnW tdi T'ast the Mayo and City I pea Meet; annd - - 1 :."Clerk be. aid th arc bne0 P.father for wHEAF.A3, nh 1181 BooAi waw 1' edhorirnd and abected for aux on was published in the regular dally issue of said newspaper bound utdle and Wetted by • Trust : (.DelaO d the City, W esemta all "bdmture lOx "Original IMaaue' 7 paper, documents, a rofkatn and . consecutive insertions erg follows: �/j�" ) • dated es d I1. lap. by and ''tomer. Wwmmle •thl :m8r`be, ht sea th y tad Find NRUnne "' Ired for Use eseylng ml d-phN day of Bank. Faydlevilie. Altaemas r It ; aquUthwity or to evidence the exacta• The !fret insertion on. the livered - ii . yl ; ._,.,. WI7EREAS, we City has determined Seaelm t T .:That the City Cleft li � � 19 text additional Patty spare b day of In W provide Isl0*1 to ireereby adheflznd and dirrtnd W find) the IecoIId Insertion on the narking Wmadriesdat Cly Clerk, tateyn1" 19 peeking /err n am d that Center and .d nix mlnotes d IIx meshed at wmrb I day of Use iWe way orae aid Wt tae meet ,tele by anaaes re adopted, to inepae- I the third insertion on the - feeslbb rq W provide lex amitloal ',..tlm by any Interested person a topY d pad!Wy span b to rorotruet a Wed tau Supplemental Indenture, and path Amu of 19 Eve! io me Ling parking tsdut} do0anmto duo be m file for bapec• and the fourth insertion On the ��� Ule••PPN1OjJGR "=; and ileo by,any lntercstad person• , 1 �� � ra � tyFa?RR•C, me eninutedcast of the Secnm S. Text theproWiom d lob A I� Project, .incl did the casuuctton 'oNWasra ase Inneby decured to h : Waia. archRect'a fen. iinancWg coat. . t•aepareble, and a any section, pluaaa 1 aid other cab ioeidenW iheret0. b _ ex ppoovvulm Sher for aro realm De i $210,900: and ' - ` decbred to h Invalid, an deslhra• oLLWHEREAS. the City ran f mnall the eon Nall rot affect Use valld(ty of tM day ot�� estimated Prefect tau by 0+ ia' rmWMer dirk Secliem, PfOaaes and I Sworn to and subscribed before me on this Wise d additional Parking Facility Ravmue BOMB secured. W Pars by Pgoetcla 0. Thi aB ordlunce; ,(�/ 1 ^ t•-t \ �LJ.i�e� prefect Revenue: aid mookaW os aid para Ilhertal In am- I 1 ll A ) l : WxEREAs, me Series Ike! �aoM. . .Hitt I,erewan .). .pray rrnesled la � 19 Faro secured, to part. Dy a plmndagas d sere meestemld NcheonBlcIF Wit parking mann. Including Pro. Serum 7. That Inde b hereby fmnd — y pct evepo. and, threfora. a need "and derurnd W be an Immediate need aaba to pladp addiliaal peekIng fer the securing and developing Of . revenue to Ux Hal Bands end W any . tourism W. orcin to provide emplay. - NO pnbifC .� D w1 EemOa; and - men! and payrolls• • alleviate WHEREAS. eybdtlr hereinafter unemployment and otherwise peaiil ,��1 ' � • . . ! desc= Faretsupp wITevello- the public helm, safely and welfared � 'deslure pave been pr led b and the.City and the inhabitants thereof. My Commission Expfreet are bdorc mm meeting: aid the taking ef the adion Oumadsed - NOW, By TH BOARORE. O DI OR- acaa nW�uWy thea puecretaryblic o Z - PAINED BY THE CITY OFFDIREC• ' Derby off TORS OF THE CITY OF FAYEI'-. t . Mils and purposes. It a, thereinto- - VILLSWUM L That tide u aeeeDy i. declared that an emergenCY exists and authorized a First Suppleramtal Teal Ieb Ordinance Me being ooa�f�Ik .l . F Indennme by aid between the City and expomihail sefety dull be In ma Trustee, dated as d Marsh 1, b$2 " S'Ierte and effect Immediately upon aid Fees for Pr latlag '' (ts *IIGWOmanul IedeMore"), nidler as Peal '•i . �d�N W the WYaseat d the Pdn' pASiED: March IL 1917 a_ IL.mid Paying ssmp m .MrnaWe'. •a,Yi :•e•. ROVED: ov® Cogf. of aid Paybhg Apnea fee W comnec0onn n ri:,'t_"r SPaW R Natant Mayo W"UWI IBoMs, mefoBowiN: n•ATTdT+ -'* + )'' w 'jvJ• ter) All std ewemxa loose eemw yxrty Row• Clly Cierk „i i}•n , Total Ira operation aideminuunoe ex• . 1, (SEAL) ?' ) dwh d from an City'* .. W$2 •. i e `. • v ., /. , tacRities, &W subject to the City. oxi revenues sem ti Clb id afml�� - e,gpuwblebampledgette.Oxt�• ' ei iia E I V E D Boarix, Bain unit, dated 1 :,R•resO�,d dem ins the APR 81582 : me 1dal_ 1eeeY"cast than be CEC derivedr muse ACCOUNTS PAYABLE , 1