HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2799 S ORDINANCE N0 . � ��•}�„ Q C oy yS AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPEZ<Y�' ly BIDDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A THIRD LEVEL DOWNTOWN PARKING FACILITY LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE CONTINUING EDUCATION CENTER . WHEREAS , the City of Fayetteville has heretofore advertised for and received competitive bids for the construction of a two - level downtown parking facility ; and WHEREAS , the City has heretofore awarded a construction contract for a two - level parking facility to the low bidder , Brennan- Boyd Construction Company , Inc . ; and WHEREAS , construction of said two - level parking facility is nearing completion ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has now determined that public parking demands create a need for a third parking level on said downtown parking facility ; and WHEREAS , local financial institutions have agreed to purchase revenue bonds to finance construction of said third parking level ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has determined that the requirements of competitive bidding for the construction of said third parking level are not practical because said requirements would result in a duplication of certain construction and would delay the opening of a parking facility which needs to be operable as soon as possible to alleviate a serious parking shortage in p the downtown area . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF , p THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the construction of a third level on the downtown parking facility adjacent to the Continuing Education Center because said requirements are not practical for the reasons hereinabove stated . Section 2 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that a serious parking shortage exists in the downtown area ; that the construction of a third level on the downtown parking facility adjacent to the Continuing Education Center is needed to alleviate said parking shortage ; that said downtown parking facility needs to be opened to the public as soon as possible ; and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to enable the opening of a three level downtown ' parking facility as soon as possible . Therefore , an emergency - is - hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of lf�4-�/ti 19-82 . mT Y i� 'a '���F�. APPROVED : MAYOR TT 4E � q'AA_'SA `. ' woCiTY CLE ' ` ® 1�r53 351 N�a10 �indap p9pjo0a8 o1-!110-x3 pue NJaIO J!nonp f'6aDelegTs p oaap,� slyi leas pue puey dw ss0uipy, s! awes 014; �� j .�p u! papjoaaj 6lnp P VJ�1=010,0 / JLrp oT' — Jo .(epSLe_y; uo aaPlo ,(w u!^�o5, 104 pal'J s' ,uawn�;su! Su1o$ -aJoJ Jo paxauue ayi ley; Rlajo� 6gal0y .. ❑no uo; JOPI0008 013!))0-x3 Pue , � J uoiHulyseM N:: 10 .1n_J!J ':; . :-. I;oN .l etuIV 'I -SS ( 't;uno0 uot2ulyseM ( SVSNVN2JV 30 31V1S IJ80038 30 311YOI311830 �ui, t ifIC.A1 L- Ur IlLLU RD State cf Arkansas ( SS City of Fay : tInviila I, Shorry - Rowo, City Clork and Ex-Officio recorder for tha City of Fayetteville, do here- by certify that the annexed or foregoing is of record in my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance & Resolution book � z I I _at page. Witness my hand and seal this day of lk Q_2_ city Clark and Ex-Officio Rocorder �1111110 ! l ; f,l '� 'I ow .` . (- .• go / All" r ////!lllll 1 I �I� �.•���. j.� fy STATE of ARKANSAS 1 } ea. county of WneeIItngtoII N1 —ORUINAN-a No. r.iW7 - v— _' • _ j r hereby certify that I •AN ORDINANCE WAIVING TAERE- :QUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE m the Publisher of THE NORT WEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily JBmDING FOR THE CONSTRUC- newspaper having a second class mailing prtvtlege, and being not lege than )TION OF A THIRD LEVEL ON THE :DOWNTOWN PARKING FACILITY tour pages of five columns each, published at 6 fixed place of business and a _.LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE CON- B flied (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County O_ TINL'ING EDUCATION CENTER. y YMEREAS, the City d Fayetteville Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated ,ha heretofore advertised for amadd distributed from an eetgbllshed place of , business to subscribers and >received competitive bids for the tram : suuctiou d a two-level doamtmn readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price or parking faciity: am -•. ' " each copy, or a fixed price Per annum, which Price was tiled at what is WHEREAS the City has heretofore awarded a construction contract for a considered the value Of the publication, based upon the news 'value and twolevel parking facility to the low bidder, arennamsoyd Construction service value it eontatus, that at least fifty percent of the . eubscr ere Company. ton.; and thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents WHEREAS, construction of mid .tw level parking facility u hearing or through recognized news dealers over a period of re leant nix percent - completion; am and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Der 1y WHEREAS the Board of Directan has new determined that public park- news matter. ing demands create a need for a Nib Farting level o„ aid downttrwo part- I tllrther certify tIIat the legal notice "hereto attached in the matter of fing not and WHEREAS local financials institu-tions have agreed to Purchase revenue bonds to finance construction of paid /'�' a (: In n n N 7 _ NW parking level: and r WHEREAS, the Board d DirecUMS 1 las detenoined that the requiremenis / r for Wcompetitive bidding for the tom was published in the regular daily issue of said newspape sWction of card third parking Mel are not practical because said re- consecutive insertions as fellows: 79uircmema wouM result in a dupsca- bon of certain construction and would 2.R t� day of 19 'delay the opening d a parking facility The first insertion On. the which needs to be operable sa sons as passible to alleviate a serious parking day of 19 ihonoa• geinthedontownerm. the second tnsertlon on the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE BOARD OFDIREC- day OL 19 TORS OF. THE CITY OF FAYET- I the third insertion On the TEVILLE,ARKANSAS: - Section L That the Board of Dim c- tanhereby waives the requirements d and the fourth insertion On the Asv OL competitive adjaceddingnt for the Continuing d a third Mel m the downtown pering facility Centarhl because she Cmtidu reg Edueatirt Center prtic said .the qutrem her are not practical for the reasans hereirobwe atatm. Section-r. The Board of Directors hereby determines that a serious park- Sworn t0 and subscribed befOrO me on this day of :iog shortage exists in the dowotowh leve: that the corawdlm of f third t� (1 19S,1dL� MN m the downtown wing F feet ioll 1 ' \w ` adpcenl needed Ilre Continuing old ps m 'Center bneeded toa1l e; that mid sewpark- . downunvn Darting facility needs to be opened to - the public as aeon as possible: and that LO the immediate passage of this or- Notary Public dlunce is necessary to enable the cpmin{ d athree level downtown 'porting facility m tom as possible. . .Therefore, an emergency is hereby t,rnsUnr .dectarcdtaexistandNuanaimocebe- My Commission Expires: ling.aecesaary for the public welfareI 77 • .1 : ' .l I, ;•/:/" shall be N full force and effect from ` � I c�- J I !J '' \i '• ppcovr I and after its passage and aal. PASSAGE AND APPROVED cols ) � -. I Iandayd Marclr, lgU. ' I - ;o - 1 I APPROVED 1 r -: •-e.Pad R: Noland, MAYOR Fees for Printing _ 4 _ r_IWIZ" !.{?,',sri . ..I, .:...�_�� Cost of Proof Total i- ill '� ,� �� '''I " %, EIVED APR 81982 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE