HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2794 ORDINANCE NO . o? 7 �C�;9 �0 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWO GASOLINE PUMPS TO BE INSTALLED AT THE CITY SHOP . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section .1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the purchase to two gasoline pumps to be installed at the city shop because said requirements are not practical as the Arkansas Weights and Measures Division has refused to approve the City ' s i existing pumps and the City is in immediate need of new pumps to provide gasoline for its motor vehicles . Cj Section 2 . The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the purchase of two gasoline pumps from Hooten Equipment Company in accordance with the proposal attached hereto , marked Exhibit "A" , and made a part hereof . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the City is in immediate need of two gasoline pumps as the Arkansas Weights and Measures Division has refused to approve the City ' s existing pumps ; that the City must provide gasoline for its motor vehicles in order to provide essential public services ; and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary for the City to continue providing essential public services without interruption . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 1,14�`day of 1982 . APPROVED : ` y,;;k� l�':r� :•. . r MAYOR - S « A�TEST � • � ' „ ' • . fNi � ED5S 6 .0 uoc =:') �c,:nr • _;� r co. � o.i � Proposo►I -!cceptance jo 318 W. SUNSET 1, .HSPRINGOALEr r:RK. M&I Page of Pages p•10 002049 PHONE 7S'.-1351 r+,-T� �• 4. 1 t D : 0, UA 1 E DATE OF PLANS City of Fayette:rills 1-1v—v2 IIRIET JOB NAME Adms . 31d P. 0 . .:'rawer 71 Ertl. STATE ASO :IP LUeL JOB LOCATION Fayetteville , PL•__ . r12 02 City Sticn PHONE JOB PHONE PROJECT DIRECTOR Sturcllr_ Mackey 2 - :ckht i:1a :cod . 735P2 Punas a RF1"�� 22'0. 00 j FOLD 2 - 0PW 1A Auto. Iioz^les FOLD 2 - Pusers 130.00 Installation o. abova or. your isl nd , removin_, t§e two 150. 00 short pumps noir installed. ' , Si3 . uv &0eo Tax FOLD - -- -- FOLD • EE . DOLLARS ( $ ) PAYMENT To BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: Jpcn reccipt of equipment as received and nstallation on completion of job . All material is guaranteed to be al sp.xilied. All work shall ON coal in a workmanlike manner AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE according to standard oractim. Any alteration of Levialion hom above specifications involving Cabe Jack L. Stone Costs will be eAecutM only upon written uWLNs, and will bLvonle an extra charge over and aslove she ' amount set bah amve. We mall not be responsible for delays causetl by strikes, accitlents, or other contingencies o:vond our control. Owner to Cary lire, tornado and other rleceary insurance. NOTE: THIS PROPOSAL l." MAY BE WITHDRAWN BY US IF NOT ACCEPTED s Our wur kers aro Iully Covered by Work men's Compensat ion Insurance. WITH IN DAYS. f- e above Prices. sDrciticalions, terms and conditions are S.Jlistactory and Bre hereby accepted, S'GNA10RE You are authorized to do the work as Specilied. Payment will be made aS outlined allovx. — SIGNATURE ..ON. of IkcE.puHu: Z\ A /DRY No. FAIAI]K 1Mf $i\fpN[RY Ng15E MC, Iqo PORIDA IVENIIF. HAf{gRY.N YB )1710 lk C (%TIFICATE W r vG J State of Arkansas f GtY of Fap ,> .illo f SS �.;�t•; `. Civ 1 recorder b, •. fJ C. c " c and E;-GFicioCitY • c ` f F,:ycttavill� ✓ ce e ,: . i t, .a ennoxcd 'Orr ' do here. gr Of p^ars 'inYdO, °nY of lice a,-,d t Same oap is mance S Rosolution bock Pao Railda.-id sell f,1-s � Witness MY Ld _ day of 19 Z Ci ty Clerk and Ex-Off1m ftecelder CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS Washington County SS. I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed fore- goingor//ins rument was filed for �rr�eecd in moffice on thoLday 190Lat_.�o'cloc M, and the same Is duly recorded in 40ezrecord /0 -S 9? atpageS2/'/ Witness my hand and seal this day of ��✓ 19!5 Circuit Clerk and • x-Officio Recorded By Deputy Clerk STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of WashingtOlk �./"� ^,Q/rs( • • �.o hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing Drivlleg% and being not less than tour pages of five columna each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of . buslness to subscribers and readers generally of all classes In the City & County for a definite price for is each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixedconsidered the value of the publication, based upon the news 'value and ORDINANCENO. rM service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE! thereto have paid crib for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its agents REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETI-� TIVE BIDDING FOR THE PUR-� ' or through recognized news dealers Over a period of at least six months; CHASE OF TWO GASOLINE PUMPS and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than. forty percent TO BE INSTALLED AT THE CITY, neva matter. 1iBE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD t OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF I further .certify that the legal notice "hereto attached in the matter of FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements ryo'vememenn a ftwoga gasoline bidding for the purchase t twoo8ashop puma m id installed en the city shop tical as / Mid alums Weits ghts nand practicalas Me Arluma& W'eighu end MMsuro coin published In the regular dally'Issue of said newspaper for ' " Division has refused to approve the consecutive insertions Be follows: City's existing pumps and the City is in Immediateneed of new pump to , provide gasoline for Its motor vehicles, The first Insertlo¢ on. the day °till 19 Section t. The Board of Directors 'hereby authorivet the purchase of two gasouiP Dumpps yl In Banton day of - 19 EE99 m Com n m accordanceBanon the second insertion on the with the propMl attached hereto . muhea Exhibit ••s'; and mane a corethe third insertion on the . day Of. Sec �— 19 hereof.Scts tion to TM Bard a Directors is n hereby ate need or that ane city is N d" Of 19 uthe Arra sas atwo gand ew°Ws and the fourth insertion on the (` Mthe Arkansas r fusedWeights and Measorte C; Division has refuses to approve the 1V+ City's existing pumps: that the City most provide r to pr for its minor vehicles s order ; provide that pum.l services; and that Ns Immediate or the City ordinance is day OL neceeMry to the city m continue Sworn to and subscribed before me on this povding essential polls services w�alaul IntemsplonI Therefore. an ^' �J (/(1 emergency is hereby declared m exist ( al 19 n,�r and this ordinance wing necessary for - . the public welfare &hall be In full face and effect from and after its Passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th NO rT pahllC day a February. 1962. APPROVED: +" , Pad R. NolaM MAYOR ATTEST: My Commission Expires: Sherry Rowe CITY CLERK 6xbibll R - N t•OFW IA 6uMNoSPR Pump fry r- Puberl Auta Koala • t •Pullen ' Ip installation vi .nine on your , ' 4taaa, reerosn'ng ire two anon Fees for Printing _ { Pump nwa UatWed. 15 : ' / 'J i • 1 . � AAn Sates tax to : Cost of Proof L---+--� . 92.68 ,tm,b Total f---�'�