HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2789 n OR R ORDINANCE NO . d / ' JAN 28 e��RD wAAt,', 0A 1t /* 04 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX C TO THE F�X�a �Y, AR CODE OF ORDINANCES TO CLARIFY THE CITY ' S SU R �• REGULATIONS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Article I , § D of Appendix C to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending the definition of the term " subdivision" to read as follows : Subdivision : The subdividing of land into lots and blocks , the parceling of land resulting in the need for access or utilities , or the dividing of an existing lot or parcel into two or more lots or parcels . Section 2 . That Article II , § D of Appendix C of the FayetteVie Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : / Sec . D . Concurrent Plat . When a property owner wishes to transfer one or more parcels , each of which contains more than five (5 ) acres , or wishes to transfer parts of recorded lots that do not require replatting , dedications , vacations , reservations , changes in alignments of easements or rights - of -way or the extension of utilities , �y the Planning Commission may waive the preliminary plat Ci and approve the final plat ( a concurrent plat ) for filing with the County Recorder . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that effective regulation of land development requires clarification of the City ' s subdivision regulations ; that effective regulation of land development is essential to the public welfare ; and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary to enable the City to effectively regulate land development . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this / 09K- day of �cp 1982 . APP VED : r . i ATTEST : r . CITY CLERKO 1053 743 - a.ai0 nlnOaO 6 a papiooaa oioyi0= pue Ajajo }mono 747 Xj ;o 6epL e's147 IeaS pue pueq ,Cw SSOuti},\ OBUU le p�ooa� oxVP�-�w ,pJaA-��ooa� n�np Si awes a41 pue ' tn�+l::olO,o,� �3egT }o Fep�e43 uo aog}o /.w ui pit a� 1o; pep} srm lua tlsw SwoR .sjo; jo poxeuue 8444041 4p lJ30 6ga:6q c 'F;unoo uO;SunIeeM 4o; japiooaaologl0-x3put? HialoBnononePJ 'f /.;enol u079ui4Sr-M 'SS StlSNNNatl j0 31tl1s Q8.003a J0 � 1VOIRU_A7.10 -'ce pf F3.arsus ( .gtFida 5'w F cric :iilo End ot } ti CAI o GA Rc.ve. al fayettavil tc9 o1n9 h Is the thoFsamo aP. rececdsr (o: iho annexed by �'tify th t e¢4icp and ok of pe�rd in mY & Resolution in Ordinance Witnoss nY pits day of P � � ]met Paoo•��— 7`�'� on seal this 19� cw Clack an Ex•Officior , STATE of ARKANSAS County o1 Wasbtngtoa L& hereby 11 � hereby certtt7 that I am the Publisher Of THE NOR EST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily ORDINANCE NO.Zrtlnewspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AP- Lour pages of five columna each, published at a fixed place of business and at PENDIX C TO THE FAYETTEVILIE ' CODE.OF ORDINANCES TO CLARI. a fixed (dally) intervals continuously In the City o[ Pgletteville, County o FY THE CITY'S SUBDIVISION Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated REGULATIONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARDand distributed from ea as place of . business to subscribers an OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS: readers generally of all clams In the City & Conn LOi a definite DilcO o7 sse Section 1. That Article 1, D of APpem Bach7foff, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what fe du C to the Fayelteville Cade of or, distances is herebY amended by amen- considered the value of the publication, based upon the Dewe 'value and ding the definition of the term "suo- service value It contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers division" toreadaafollows: Subdivision: The subdividing of land thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents into Iota and blacks, the parceling nror through recognised news dealers over a period of at least six months; land resulting in me need for aces u or utilities, or the dividing of all existingand that the said newspaper publishes an average Of more than forty percent St or parcel into two or more len ac' 'parcels news matter. Section 2. That Article D, D of AP pendia C of the Fayetteville Cade of I farther certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of 'Oedinanm is hereby mended to read u(allows: Sete D. Concurrent Platown �l When a Property owner wishes to (( // 1 k 1 \ C whichone ns mine Athan each W tyres, ronlaim mwe than five (of / 'decor, d wishes to of require parts a( recorded los that ions, nottions. replat,serve.' was published 1n the regular dally issue of said newspaper for Is, dedications, va<atim, reserve. It=. changes in alignments of rpnaeeotive Insertions all follows' 'easements or rights of way ac the ex- ,tension of utilities, the Planning Cm- ( i l day o1 19 emission may waive the preliminary The first Insertion OII. the ;Plat and approve the final plat tt cun- �svrrentplatlforfilmgwimmeCamty day of 19 Recardes. the second Insertion On the Section 1 The Board of Dheclms IMebY determines that effective19 Iregulatloo of land development M the third Insertion On the _ day Of iquires clarification of the City's mD 'division regulations; that effective env Of 19 ;regulation the lam development la and the fourth insertion on the essentialto edtits public goof and that the Immediate passage of mla icy df effectively ely regulate to enable the City of nt. Therefore, re, an land develop- Immt. declared an emergency i. �herebydmnc declared a exist rt this W. . tdwwar"ree sed being necessary inac full fares armed di«i Sworn to and subscribed before me on this from and after in passage and ap. proval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1sN 19 tlayof Jaw",y, l9m.. _ PAW R. Noland MAYOR ShtM R: owe , . otnry Public CITY B clrYCLERK MY Commission Expires: n Is Fees for Printing — * ° b I Cost of Proof i_ `'� . . . • • '.:� ' Total i '� t •: r'.. .• iECEIVED FEB 09 1982 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE