HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2777 -7 :7 FILED Ofd RECORD ORDINANCE N0 . � 7 � 1981 140V 16 Ali 11 : 05 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AS A PUBLIC STRy gFI;yh,L? 7k , ARK . OF ZION ROAD WEST OF ARKANSAS HIGHWAY L .SAVORTiV- LMEYER CIRCUIT CLERK BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby accepts as a pub�reet that portion of Zion Road constructed on the real property described in the easement attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof . Section 2 . That the Board of Directors hereby assumes maintenance of and control over said portion of Zion Road . PASSED AND APPROVED this 3— `Z day of 1981 . APPROVED : ` uv MAYOR ATTEST GTTY:: C K c s n t ( n, l ' + ' `" J'IrICATE OF R State ECURD of Arkansas City of Fayet (c�'iiie SS -. lrivicn ^r.tF,i. f • , : li t � erk and Es- t '1 �`Y o, i' ,Y'_fteviile. ci doOhhere� record jr� m-, fl�;'lr 'nd Or fOic.nOhjl �, Oificc r f > is - in Ordinance ` id the ; :;n : ao R��alu;ion bock f Page.'$ land and seal �`itness mY th' O 19 /day of C+4 Clerk and E$ p g�,,,,_,,� ���� Ll MICROFILMED E A S E M E N T ' 7 . F, i . Z7 KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : ;i That the undersigned grantors for the consideration of One Dollar ( $ 1 . 00 ) and other good and valuable consideration to them in . hand paid . by , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , a municipal corporation , the grantee , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged , does hereby grant , bargain , sell and convey to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , a municipal corporation , a perpetual easement for the :3L.rposes of con- structing , maintaining , repairing and replacing a public street and public utility lines , to -wit : A part of the NW 1 / 4 of the SW 1 / 4 of Section 19 , Township 17 North , Range 29 West in Fayetteville , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : A 60 foot wide strip of land being 30 feet of equal and uniform width along a line described as be - ginning at a point which is S Oo 04 ' 08 " E 432 . 5 feet from the Northwest corner of said forty acre tract and running thence East 1252. 5 feet to the West right - of - way line of Highway 265 , containing 1 . 73 acres , more or less . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises to said grantee , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , for the uses and purposes hereinafter described . WITNESS our hands and seals on this G &�day of 1978 . Jams Lin s Garryozzo j yel� lld I A-A t n seI argaret ay or uozzo — Walter J . Harber , D . g . V. C . Pension Trust ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) n ) ss mu � vc9 � 6 TY OF WASHINGTON ) On this $ day of 1978 , before me ; the undersigned Notary Public , personally appeared James E . Lindsey and Nita V . Lindsey , Husband and Wife , known to me to be the grantors in the foregoing Easement , and stated that they had executed same for the purposes and consideration therein mentioned and set forth . I Witness Whereof , I hereunto set my hand t is �C day of 7UAL ti 1978 . ' ; lota4 Pu is My Commission Expires : r Ar 5? 87 l T CERTIFICATE OF RECORD, STATE OF ARKANSAS I Washin;tcn C7vaty I Ss. 1, A: _. - L . X_" .1 '; , r, Circuit Cl":I and ER-�':'.-:o c- c„rJer for Wls.'mn7t :n Cour;, do hereby comfy tn-, . „ . Coin , w .s t:, .; fcr record in - ' "dcrfore- f _\ � Q �j men thl Jay/— ' ra^corrded din__ 1r��-�wS 77 • i„ , �^.d the s.;rr `Q part, -, my hard and seal rl,is Circus. Clerk ar ' X.0ffio�o Re' ar ,ed r.. Dcputy Clerk r r C.04 f v v I oaolN.LEA \oaTrr STATE of ARKANSAS 1 AN IC STREET ACCEPT ION A JY ZION R STREET A PORTION OF AS ZION ROAD WEST OF ARKANSAS county Of Washington HIGHIT ORDAINED B ' BEIT THECIy THE OARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CRY OF �r� r� 1 FAYETTE. That heARKANSAS-rdof1 f% N Scclim 1. That the Board d Dircn 7 hereby certify that I lora hereby accepts as a public street am a Publisher of THE NO HWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily that portion of Zion Road conetructeE SO the real Property described in the newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than eseen mt attached hereto marked Es hibit "A" and made• part hered. tour pages of five columna each, published at a fixed place of business and at Section z That the Board of Direo a fixed (dally) Intervale conttnuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of ton hereby assumes male ",ua, of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and Mimi over said-portbn, d Zion Road. and distributed from an established place of . business to subscribers and PASSED AND APPROVED this nd day d November, 1961. d readers generally of all classes In the City 4 County for a definite price for APPROVED: each copy, or a fixed price per anu¢m, which price was fixed at what is John Todd ATTEST ' MAYOR coneldered the value of the publication, Dared upon the Dawe 'value and Vivian Koktel - service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers I CITVCLERK : thereto have paid cash PRESENTS: for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; , That the undersigned grantors for and that the Bald newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent the consideration of One Dollar rs1.0o1 news matter. l and other good and v�aluabbe_epn. r sidera(lon to I�mTn ward paid by the 1 City of Fayetteville. Arkansm, a I further certify that the legal notice 'hereto attached In the matter of ` municipal corporation. the grantee. The receipt or which is hereby._ t acknowledged. don hereby grant. ' ( bargain, sell and convey to the City d ��C�`�S1C7.���' 2 7 �/f Fayetteville. Arkansas, a.-municipal corporation, a perpetual easement for . the purposes of constructing, maim raining, repairing and replacing a was published in the regular dally Issue of said newspaper for pubic street andpublic utility Braes; lowiconsecutive insertions as follows : A part of the NWi. d the sw4 or l 1 • (X�, . Section 19. .Toy%�nNi + '--," AAnoe 1 2i Wecl in i'ayeneville. Arkansas. The first insertion on the day of more particularly described as follows: A $0 fool wide strip Of land be• ing Ja feet of equal and uniform width the second . insertion on the day of 19 lalong a line described as beginning at a point which is S 0 degrees et' 96" E M 5 feet from the Northwest corner of the third Insertion on the . day of 19 _Saul forty acre tract and running thence East IM.i feet to the West Awy Ot 79 right of-way line d Highway 20. fpr and the fourth insertion on the ' timing l.7 arra. moreor less. I TO HAVE AND TO the Saitl l premises to Said grantee. the City d S Fayetteville, Arkansas. icoror Ik urn and puryeees hereinafter described. WITNESS aur hands and seats on thislithdaydatarch. 1M. - - - - Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ,� " 11 . . day of James E.ndaiev - .. . WalWV.alter Lindsey Water D. Herber. O.E. S.. P.C. Pen- 1 P 1 aids r S.Trust C ' ' j �� j� / / ( ' r ( � 1f•�(y, IfiarY S. QinrEO •. r F 1 alargarct Taylor Cuoun seal �•'t�-- No ry Public „ttt,Outu; l , ,, My Commission Expires: Fees for Printing _ 1 ' • t ' � r Cost of Proot 0. '• 1 I , .�` Total :,t tWok