HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2776 i F'ILEC) FOR - RECCIRC ORDINANCE N0 . 19BI NOV 16 AM 11 : 05 4'ASHINGTOtd COUNTY,, ARK. \ ALMA KOLI_ ME,J�,[[0f� AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRUtiT UEPfHONING PETITION R- 81 - 18 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 27 . 48 ACREES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF U . S . HIGHWAY 71 NORTH AND ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 16 WEST , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following describ�roperty is hereby changed as follows : R- 81 - 18 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From R- 1 Low Density Residential District to C - 2 Tho - roughfare Commercial District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayettevi e , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this � day of ZZI&,D nJ 1981 . APPROVED : ;� MAYOR ATTEST : f'' J t :• CERTIFICATE OF RECURD : CIT CL RK "t= Of Arkansas 1 A Y Of Fayette " SS vil,kin �'r . . . . . .. i � % rc•rdex for City C,crl; and Ex officio i+/ ce iffy c i itY or -ay4'ttevi1Je, doo here. recordt e ninexc,l or foregoing is � ' ny o4'fice and Pears in Ordinance the same ap. Y � Rasolution hook "� � --atpnge �) 9 hand and 'Fitness my seal t1xi2 — —_day of / - - 19 6�+'Q Qty Clerk and Ex-Offi . � ,, . .. cto Recorder • MICROi•U1v1r� E X H I B I T A " Part of the NWk , SE4 and a part of the NE4 , SE4 of Section 7 , T - 16 -N , R- 30 -W of the 5th Principal Meridian and being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 1389 . 13 feet North and 1327 . 61 feet West of the South East corner of Section 7 , and proceeding thence North a distance of 365 . 43 feet ; thence North 53 ° 24 ' 49 "E a distance of 613 . 35 feet ; thence North a distance of 491 . 58 feet to a point on the South right - of -way line of Hwy . 16 ; thence South 88 ° 51 ' 40 "W along the South right - of -way line of Hwy . 16 a distance of 605 . 26 feet to a point on the East right - of -way line of Hwy . 71 By-pass ; thence South 31 ° 42 ' 00 "W along the East right - of -way line of Hwy . 71 Bypass a distance of 196 . 78 feet ; thence South 54 ° 00 ' 53 "W along Hwy . 71 Bypass a distance of 124 . 73 feet ; thence South 66 ° 42 ' 47 "W along Hwy . 71 Bypass a distance of 250 . 07 feet ; thence South 58 ° 05 ' 36"W along Hwy . 71 Bypass a distance of 118 . 01 feet ; thence South 31 ° 55 ' 51 "W along Hwy . 71 Bypass a distance of 270 . 30 feet ; thence South 38 ° 05 ' 26"W along Hwy . 71 Bypass a distance of 156 . 44 feet ; thence South 30 ° 44 ' 51 "W along Hwy . 71 Bypass a distance of 493 . 00 feet ; thence South 18 ° 52 ' 44 "W along Hwy . 71 Bypass a distance of 18 . 00 feet ; thence North 89058 ' 00 "E a distance of 42 . 00 feet ; thence South 0 ° 02 ' 00 " E a distance of 28 . 26 feet ; thence North 89 ° 19 ' 52 " E a distance of 1102 . 24 feet to the point of beginning , containing 27 . 48 acres more or less . P. ;y 4 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. McWethy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going is of record in my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance & Resolution book at page__ Witness my h d and seal this day of CERTIFICATE OF RECORD 1 STATE OF ARKANSAS I SS k and Ex-Offici Recorder Washin.�tcn County I, Alma L. Kdlm^_ycr, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio RCCJre :, i Washington Count7, do hereby ccrti ,y tha tho ann^ tc- for going`ins_tru`ment Was "-- '-r r^ae in ray ^Glee c � `.hof�: of_•V�L >,��k�,�1/o s, alb, ,� duly rocordcdin_LaL4:Qa_ rr-c . ''OSZ': ; ^a Witness my hand and sanl t^hin _l c:ay oof_ Circuit Clork 41�2�rqit;r7 cio Red Deputy Clerk f [' `'on A`u`EN[w$'�.r77e rly. STATE 01 AAKANBAB 1 A fibedhance mo g Feub praperry far A Pam � pebbm las . Conary of Washington farlocat pared cm4®g A.9 ane High 3 71 SoutheastCarrier Ardnsaw ' Highway rt N, l ' had ' Ahamai ; Highway 16 West, the P� o • Y./YN6i/�/ hereby certify that I rte itf the It lie BWrdetDirac- L/I� tors;Atk st the C1ly d Fagetlevllle, Arkaosae: . I am the Publisher o[ THE NO }rypEST AAKANBAS TIMER, a dally Section 1. That the sone claadno' newspaper having a second clue mailing privilege, and being not leu than lion d the following described proper-' b is herebv changed as fngawa2 .� tont passe of five columna aseh, published at a fixed Dime of business an a HeI1e descrihd ws x4 nasi m Ehi- a fixed (dally) intervals continuously in the City of 17hyetteville, County of hibit "A" attached hceeto and made a Porilhereol. . - ' Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulate From 11-1 Iaiw Densllp .Jesidenliel- and distributed from an established place of . business to subscribers and CIA District. ri G2 Thonoaghfam'C'ammer• CIA Disiricl. lreadere generally of all closes in the City & County for a definite price for Section z. That the afYdnl'Wnlrig each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is map N the. City of FaYelteelHe. Akan- rash is hereby mnended to reflect the considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value an loning change provided in Section 1 on e. service value It contains, that at lent fifty percent of . the subscribers PASSED r.ND APPROVED less std . thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents day of November, IMI: •+ Am+roved: — ^ –• •- - or through recognized news dealers over n period of re feast or months; avhn Told and that the said newspaper puhllshea an overage of more than forty percent Morar news matter. AMaMan iv Cclet I further .certify that the legal notice "hereto attached in the matter of City clerk E%I11111T •'A'• / Part NEn. Se "W rSctio 7. in rt0f Ibe NE:L SE': r Section Z Ta6N,and R. , '+IFy Of the 5th f9incip:d Meridian ami teing thorn particularly descrited as follows: licgbtning at a point 1" 13 (Pot Nolo and 1227.61 frcl West of the was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for CI\lth Cast corner d Section 7, ami Prureeding thence North a distance of consecutive Insertions as follows: . ;W;.ar fol; thence North 52 degrees 2a- a 0 i 0" E a distance d 61214 feel; thence � �� I � dal of � � � " 19 North o distance d 491.% feel to a The firrtAnsertlon On the point on cite Smlh right-of-way line Of Hwy, 16: theme Satoh ra degrees 51' day Of 19 fo" Iv along titesoalh righla.way Jim the second Insertion on the of Hwy. (6 a dislaree d 605.26 feel his point un the East right-of way lim of day Of 18 flwy.71 Byps4s, lbmae south 31 the third Insertion on the degrees a2' W" w along the East right. d-way rim of If": 71 Bypass-a 19 dishhace of 196.78 feel; item, south si and the fourth insertion on the nav of degrees W' sta W along Hwy. n Repass a distance egre 124,71 lest; along vahm se p tees is n^ or along HONivel - 71 Bypass s distance d 7+h.a7 alo : thence Swish sidegree o5' V, is nioag Ilvry, 71 bgµ7 t a distance sills heel; Ilneshr'e SW th yl d along nwy. 71 Bypass; Sworn to and subscribed before me on this �•- day of distance of r10.M feet; theme South A degrees W' 26" W along Hwy. 71 BYWa a distance of t56.0 IKI; lherreSmth3odegreesaa' 51"Wolong 19 Hwy. 71 Bypass a degree d 41MM" W herd; theme SmthI6degree 52' ce W . along Hwy. n Bypass a distance of 1&W feel; thence North tB degrees 51' W' E a distance of a2.0D feet; thence. NOtary Pnb1lC { South o degree W' W" Ea distanced Was feel; thence North W degrees 19' /,J l i 11 r Sl" E a distair of I Ho.24 feel to the point of beginning, containing r7.9 My Commi681on Expires: acre mare or less. af , . .I teenIn . � 1 ' 1 . � • l„ Pees for Printing ; • , ` Cost of Proof ; I r • 1,•1�• ,t 10 Total i—