HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2774 F ILS"t) FpR 1981 t�OV 16 AN ! 1 � ORDINANCE NO . �] Wg5HItd„ f V1 ^ OS ALMA a0r MEYER RK. AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN Rh& I £LERK PETITION R- 81 - 16 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 21 . 90 ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GREGG AVENUE AND APPLEBY ROAD . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following descri- ec property is hereby changed as follows : R- 81 - 16 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . J From A- 1 Agricultural District to R- 2 Medium Density Residential District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of �� a_,-,jjtp 1981 . APPROVED .u4 / vy MAYOR ,� � •� ` F ;;...,,..,;,, / State GEItTIFICgrE OF ATTEST. : Cit f rrkansas RECORD Y of aYette•rille Koe 1City ( SS C + - CITY .��o c:;�tir fur tlteaCity of �1erk and Ex. Offi •Y ..ePf Y • tars in uOrdg is int vl,officPVille "3 i et�t VforeSoi her7o ih: tri tr - . �f ' once & Resol] the same t ution b ha Page� q ooic nd d seal till ' '� Witness my ! 9 day Of City Clerk and Ex.Officio Re c rde! 6:` MICRORLMED i E X H I B I T A " Part of the Sz , NEA, NE4 > Part of the SE4 , NE-;4 ; Part of the NW4 , NE4 and all of that Part of the SW4 , NE4 lying on the East side of the Burlington Northern Railroad , all being in Section 34 , T - 17 -N , R- 30 -W , Washington County , Arkansas , being more particularly described as follows : From the NE corner of said Si , NE4 NE4 , Section 34 , run thence N 89 ° 28 ' 49 " W 1096 . 18 feet along the north line of said 20 acre tract to the point of beginning ; thence along the East side of a creek the following courses ; S 22 ° 06 ' 17 " E 237 . 39 feet ; thence S 15032 ' 26 " W 227 . 82 feet ; thence S 36 ° 26 ' 00 " E 150 . 74 feet ; thence S 20 ° 49 ' 57 " W 183 . 48 feet ; thence S 20 ° 49 ' 57 " W 25 . 12 feet ; thence S 11 ° 35 ' 02 " W 181 . 86 feet ; thence S 04020 ' 58 " E 406 . 60 feet ; thence S 30 ° 21 ' 44" E 186 . 66 feet ; thence S 34 ° 41 ' 37 " W 67 . 68 feet ; thence S 31 ° 28 ' 02" E 234 . 17 feet ; thence S 76 ° 20 ' 35 " E 95 . 76 feet ; thence S 35 ° 44 ' 41 " E 252 . 43 feet to the Southline of the N2 , NE-'i, of said Section 34 ; thence leaving said creek and running along said South line NZ , NE4 N 89 ° 22 ' 26 " W 812 . 42 feet to the East right - of -way of the Burlington Northern Railroad ; thence along said East right - of -way N 04014 ' 49 " W 225 . 27 feet ; thence along said East right - of -way N 00 ° 56 ' 36 " W 314 . 90 feet ; thence along said East right - of-way N 00 ° 52 ' 41 " W 1438 . 60 feet to the North line of the SZ , NW4 , NEI, ; thence S 89 ° 28 ' 49 " E 399 . 76 feet along said North line of the S2 , NW-1% , NE40 to the point of beginning containing 21 . 90 acres more or less and being subject to the right - of -way of Johnson Road on the West side thereof and to all easements of record . 1253 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS ) 53, WashinCton County ) pfflcla Recordbf ffff I, Alma L Kollmoyer� Circuit o obY certify that tho annexedNOVWashington County, a�(,Q voi„nngttru ent was f" far racorddIn mY offico on th U ��clocltM, and the eart1� 18 ofrecordpag 9�I duly recorded in k ay of Witness my hand and coal Circuit Clerk and •0fficioRrded e J peputY. Clerk _ _�44 ,n 4 ItA�RG'�O° ,RUyYDfiSCRIagD y7N' I . REZONING PEPMOS RJlif iOR A PARCEL CONTAINING If M ACRES S'T'A'T'E Of ARKANSAS LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST 99. CORNER OF GREGG AVENUE AND (,'puny Of Washington APPLEBYROAD: . w BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF 1 ' FAYETMVILLE, ARKANSAS: n yt � hereby certify that I Secllw 1. That nr me classifica. � �. yryfa�a,A Ok b thin d the following described prupen am the Publleher of THE NO HWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally ty Is hemoychanged as Idlow: R-81-1a described m set out in Ea• newspaper having a second clans mailing privilege, and being not leas than Kbit "A" attached hereto and made a pan hered, four Pages of flue columns each, published at a fixed Dlaee of business and at From Ad .lgricultwal District to R3a used (dally) Intervals continuously !a the City of Fayetteville, County of Medium Density Residential District. Section 1. That the official zoning Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated map of the City of Fayetteville. Arkam and distributed from an established place ot . business to subscribers and tats. Is hereby amended to reflect the ming change prmided In Section 1 readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite Pelee for above PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is day of November. l9el. considered the value of the Publication, based upon the news 'value and I JoM Tads, MAYOR service value 1t con, that at least tttty percent of the , subscribers AST' . thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions W The newspaper or Its agents Vivian KaltN CITYCLERK ° or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; seal and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than, forty percent AE[IIIBIT•'A•' F Part of the So,. NEI,, NE',: Part of news matter. the SEs., NEN; Part of the NWT,. . 'Ne lyingmtkitthat eFastsideattheBurl. I further certify that the legal notice 'hereto attached In the matter of Iinglm Northern Railroad, r a9 being in County N, . 114PW. Wa County. Arksmus, peamorefor. tly described tFrom SheNEmater Wd' NENNES ,, Section lit, rut theme N 89-U'M" 1 W. 1091.18 feet along the north line of said waa Published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for W acre tract W the point of beginning; theme along the East awe of a creek consecutive insertions as follows: . the 9fact; theme coursed; S x3.01'17" E J I �e feet; feet; thence S 1W' E 1" .7 feet: tate S 20* 3)'57" W 53.48 feet The tlrt. Insertion on. the 1 day of I 19 thence S 4917"7" W reel: fat; . thence 5 30.19's 1 1,11 fee test theme 19 S u•1Vo3'• w 1,001 feel; herace s the second Insertion on the day of 01•x0'31'• E Imm rcep thence S 8.31'11" E 631.8 feet themS 19 a•a•n" 64.17 tat theme s the third insertion on the day of 31.7,'8" . E E 331!3 feel: theme S 71.10'35' F. 90.3f legit thence S of the EuEt4 feettothe cwNli4; and the fourth insertion on The Anz of T9 th the hWit.aving NEI. d reit Section xt thong leaving sail creek and running ///111IIII��kS 1s�� alongM'M' said South line Nto he 7t I MI I J l ®•33'x1• W 812.0 feet in lbs East Nor- thern Railroad; d the Burlington Nwt Them Raflrad: thence"tars said Ent theme wayalong N id Eat ig rc9.rx fat thence along saw Flit rightobway N Sworn to and subscribed before me On this day of said. Ea W I11.m feet: thence along said. East tW the North lie of the" t, 6O0.m fat to the North Iia d the 513, NW4a, NEST: Theme S lim oE saw /. 19 399.36 feet along North line the w ` 515, NWV4.to ning u Ile prim d mare car `1 ling and bei ins sum soca more a less and being subject to the righto6 ti way of Johnson Road a, the West side NotAry Public thereof end toall easements of record. 1tc 3 _ \,N1111 , Li. MY Commission IIsPlrea: ,\"� �,� f ,f " • , Fees for Printtag _ 4 ' ' i Cost Of Proof Total . I . Iti