HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2764 00 ORDINANCE N0 . Eip� � � F✓y/ �i �' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6- 94 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF FLOODPLAIN BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . Section 1 . The amendments to the Fayetteville Code of Floodplain Building and Development Regulations set out in EXHIBIT "A" , attached hereto and made a part hereof , are hereby adopted by reference thereto as if set out fully herein . Three copies of said amendments shall be maintained in the Office of the City Clerk . Section 2 . The amendments to the Fayetteville Code of Floodplain Building and Development Regulations set out in EXHIBIT " B" which is the Federal Insurance Administration engineering report entitled "THE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY" for the �J City of Fayetteville , Washington County., Arkansas , dated July 20 , 1981 , attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby adopted by reference thereto as if set out fully herein . Three copies of said amendments shall be maintained in the Office of the City Clerk . Section 3 . The accompanying Flood Insurance Rate maps identified as EXHIBIT "C" and Flood Hazard Boundary - Floodway maps identified as EXHIBIT "D" , dated January 20 , 1982 , attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby adopted by reference thereto as if set out fully herein . Three copies of said maps shall be maintained in the Office of the City Clerk . Section 4 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the proper regulation of development within the floodplain areas is essential to the public welfare and that the immediate passage of this ordinance is necessary for such regulation . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety , and welfare shall be in full force and effect after its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED this c.)VtA day of 1()ttV,i qtJ 1981 . APPROV D /Z;S •.••f A 1�.•� • • . MAYO CITY CLERK et E OF RjWpo / State of Arkansas " City of Fayetteville ( SS " poi I, ,Vivian Koettel, City Clerk and Exd)fficfo recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do here- by certify that the annexed or foregoing is Of record in my office and the same ap. (� ( � -lean in .Ordinance 6S�Resolution book � 111i51 519 —+"a a--at Page---,- Witness my hand and seal this '41�ko day of City Clerk and fix-OfficioioRecorder ���•�,:ay%LQ CERTIFi ; ATE OF STATE OF ARKAf1S: ; c Washin."ton County I, Alma L. Kollmoycr, Circ-it C!,r.`, and Cx-Cf[icio R Washington County, co herJby cortfy the t thJ ana^x:^oo�r�t goin inStrumcnt was fil-d for rccortiin r. :7 icc on ;hg1_L Of � 19&a. o'clJ-k 4.1, and the som / p duly recorded in_ rccord S at pafeol 1 Witness my hand and sea i -day of _19AI Circuit Clerk and I ced, Ely- = = Deputy Clerrk E X H I B I T A " Amendments to the Fayetteville Code of Flood Plain Buil - ding and Development Regulations . 1 . Section 2904 is hereby amended to read as follows : The areas of special flood hazard identified by the Federal Insurance Administration in a scientific and engineering report entitled "The Flood Insurance Study for the City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas " , dated July 20 , 1981 , with accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Hazard Boundary- Floodway Maps bearing the identification " effective date : January 20 , 1982" and any revision thereto shall be the controlling regulations for purposes of complying with the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program , 2 . Section 2910 is hereby amended by amending the definition of "Area of Special Flood Hazard" to read as follows : AREA OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD - is that land which is located in the flood plain within a community subject to flooding by a base ( 100 year frequency ) flood . Special flood hazard areas are designated on the Community Flood Plain Management Maps as set out below : 1 . Community Flood Insurance Rate Map ( FIRM ) EXPLANATION ZONE A . Areas of 100 year flood ; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined . A0 . Areas of 100 year shallow flooding where depths are between one ( 1 ) and three ( 3 ) feet ; average depths of inundation are shown , but no flood hazard factors are determined . AH . Areas of 100 year shallow flooding where depths are between one ( 1 ) and three ( 3 ) feet ; base flood elevations are shown , . -but no C, flood hazard factors are determined . Al - A30 . Areas of 100 year flood ; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors determined . eu1051 520 2 - 2 . Flood Hazard Boundary - Floodway Map FLOODWAY FLOODWAY - Special areas of the Base ( 100 Year ) Flood Boundary . See " FLOODWAY" . 3 . Section 2921 is amended to read as follows : The areas of special flood hazard identified by the Federal Insurance Administration in a scientific and engineering report entitled "The Flood Insurance Study for the City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas " , dated July 20 , 1981 , with accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Hazard Boundary- Floodway Maps bearing the identification " effective date : January 20 , 1982 " and any revision thereto shall be the controlling regulations for purposes of complying with the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program . 4 . Section 2931 ( 7 ) is amended to read as follows : ( 7 ) When base flood elevation data for the City ' s FIRM map has not been provided to the City by the Federal Administrator of the National Flood Insurance Program the Buildin Ins ection Superintendent shall obtain , ( Lo ca Administrator ) and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation data available from a federal , state , or other source , in order to administer the provisions of Sections 2941 and 2942 of these regulations . 5 . Section 2933 ( 8 ) is hereby amended by striking the term " ( Zone ' A ' ) " in the first paragraph and by adding subpara- graph ( iii ) to read as follows : ( iii ) The proposed development is to be located within a designated floodway area and where such variance would cause any increase in the flood levels during the base flood discharge at that site . 6 . Section 2941 is hereby amended by amending the first unnumbered introductory paragraph to read as follows : In all of the special flood hazard areas , as set out in the Federal Insurance Administration Engineering report entitled "The Flood Insurance Study" and as shown on the Community FIRM and FLOODWAY Maps referred to in Section 2921 of these regulations , the following provisions are required . 7 . Section 2941 ( 1 ) is hereby amended to read as follows : 1 . RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION5? i New construction or substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest I 3 habitable floor , attached garage floor , basement floor , furnace , water heater and air conditioning equipment elevated a minimum of two ( 2 ) feet above the base flood elevation . Such construction shall be anchored to prevent flotation , collapse or lateral movement of said structure . j y This special anchoring however , is not required s{ in those cases where the structure is elevated f. by placement upon a " fill " and the elevation of khat " fill " is two ( 2 ) feet or more above the base flood elevation . A registered professional engineer , architect or land surveyor shall submit to the Build in Ins ection Su erintendent a certification that t e Stan ar s of t is subsection have been satisfied . This certification shall include the location of and elevation of a bench mark at the site from which the elevation of the finished floor can later be verified . Should the residential construction site be located out of but adjacent to a special flood hazard area , the provisions set out above shall apply just as if said site was actually located within the Flood Hazard Area . 8 . Section 2941 ( 3 ) is hereby amended by amending the first paragraph to read as follows : ( 3 ) MOBILE HOME No Mobile Home shall be placed in a designated floodway except in an existing mobile home park or existing mobile home subdivision . The placement of mobile homes in any special flood hazard area outside of a designated floodway shall be regulated as follows , provided , existing mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions shall be exempt from these regulations and persons locating . mobile homes in existing mobile home subdivisions and parks shall not be required to comply with these regulations : 9 . Sections 2941 ( 3 ) ( a ) , ( b ) , and ( c ) , are hereby amended by deleting the term " ( Zone W ) " . 10 . Section 2941 is hereby amended by adding Subsection ( 4) to read as follows : 11151 522 _ 4 _ Section 2941 entitled SPECIFIC STANDARDS FOR CONSTRUCTION is amended by adding subsection FLOODWAYS to read as ollows : ( 4 ) FLOODWAYS Floodways located within areas of special flood hazard established in Section 2921 of these regulations are hereby designated as floodways . Since the floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of flood waters which carry debris , potential projectiles and erosion potential , the following provisions shall apply : ( a) Encroachments are prohibited . Encroachments are prohibited , including fill , new construction , substantial improvements and other developments unless , by reason of rechannelization , special construction , etc . , certification by a registered engineer , architect or land surveyor is provided demonstrating that the proposed encroachments shall not result in any increase in the flood levels during occurance of the base flood discharge in the floodway . (b ) If Section 2941 (4 ) ( a) above is satisfied , all new construction and substantial improvements shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction provisions of Article 5 of these regulations . (c ) Prohibit placement of any mobile homes , except in an existing mobile home park or subdivision . (dJ Prohibit placement of and / or the storage of any type of materials in a designated floodway area , except in an existing storage area . 11 . Section 2941 is hereby amended by adding Subsection ( 5 ) to read as follows : x;, 1351 523 - 5 ( 5 ) SHALLOW FLOODING (AO AND AH ) ZONES Standards for areas of shallow flooding ( AO and AH) zones , designated as shallow flooding areas and located within the areas of special flood hazard established in Section 2921 of these regulations , are hereby established in this subsection . These areas have special flood hazards associated with base flood depths of 1 to 3 feet where a clearly defined channel does not exist and where the path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate ; therefore , the following provisions apply : ( a ) All new construction and substantial improvements of residential structures shall have the lowest floor , inclu�ng basement and attached garage floors , elevated above the crown of the nearest street to or above the depth number specified on the FIRM . ( b ) All new construction and substantial improvements of nonresidential structures shall : ( i ) have the lowest floor , including basement , elevated above the crown of the nearest street or above the depth number specified on the FIRM ; or ( ii ) Together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities be completely floodproofed to or above that level so that any space below that level is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components having the capability or resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of bouyancy . ( c ) A registered professional engineer , architect or land surveyor shall submit a certificate to the Building Inspection Superintendent ( local administrator ) that the standards and requirements of this subsection are satisfied . i 151 524 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS Washin^ton County I SS. I, Alma L. Kolimeyor, Circ' it Clerk and Ex-Officio Racorder fer / Washington County, do horoLy ccrtay that the annexed or ford ./ go going i . rt., ^nt was ficrr�rdin myppoffico on thc7y�day o'rl; :'<ry f�, and the saMilp js duly recorded in record S at pag09p / / Witness my hand and seal i _.day of 192/ Circuit Clerk and y',Ikx Officio Recorded By_] lA 2 M A 2 Q Deputy Clerk "4' ekaatiam andjloodhawd raeiofs vol rt The placemen!d mobile janftsl ba t 7 �dnnvanedFi44};: ' I any special flood hazard am outside• . . AO, ArW d Ido rest g1ra11av flooding f d:a Oergeas : )lows. )' ahai 4 YAa1CJI ygo-11 SSC-" j wlera depths are between one (1) and , regulated a follows, provided. D1ANCIS AMy�NGnM t llcae IS) feel: average depths d a. �+ misting mobile nanoe parka obi ICr V. THE TO E;l ADppyund ition are shown, but no flood mobile home subdivisions shall be torrizare«y LMDYRNia r�v,•ZT.•O" THE Six rail shallow looding l exempt ns tla•ating theseregulations in g 1 ..&� CODS J 88. JAYS7'f%rSV1l.BUnDIND ANDULATIONS. �rhtta drytb art helween obi b l and . existing mobile home wdivisions and IrL:tIN, '- Sl� �LOPOI�M MED By THE BOARD j am shown. but ro flood hazard factors '(3� fie: base flood elev parks regulations:&hall notaired to comply t OT.DIRa'CrDRS.OF, THE CITY_o AICA701 Areas lW year Road: hax " are hllions mby a�mmded431 nt.by'deleling et. and )the FA ySTTSVILLE, ARKANSA9."•- , hereby Certify that I aecbm UyThis em Ont emLL to the ' flood elevations and (load hazard fac- v term "I yAM'A't':. daily RtiyaUM .,I Cade d Flpdpliiv' torsdelerenlned.- ' 10. Section 2911 if hereby ameded by rWitlalR yd (levtlapmenl_Reguta;� t. Flood Hoard Boundary adding Sulxection (41 10 read as TFi NOR IWEST ARKAN6A6 TIMES, e r-dons vel ml m ERRIeI'g"A a1taM- . ! Fbod%i Map ' tallows;. -,. - COOd class mailing privllaga, and bOIIIB not leea than 4 ddherftagulinE ISIT hereof. are ( areas FLOODWAY - Special I Wish 2911 entitled SPECIFIC I ea toy aand dapted d a parcnco thereto, I areas d the Bare ❑W Year) Fba1 B STA.NDARUS FOR CONSTRUCTION 1D8 each, Dubllehed at s fixed place of business and at r m drat and fully herein Three copies t oundary' Sea "FLOODWAY." I is att�qye ended by adding subectian t0 ,a continuously in the Ctty of Fayetteville, County of dsaldarsedmentsalullhem,inuln- 3. Sectwn ?921 is amended to read at F 1 FLOOAYSbread as foBos: j 13 Section - III FLOOUW f o for more than s period of twelve months, circulated ed in the War d the City Clerk. Ttss areas d special Good hazard ) Fluodways located wiUin arcaz d • Sreliarl le The enef Flo d the. identified- sytailso 2l � Code d Floodplain Thareas by 1M1e Federal d Insurance I special flood cared ntamarea in m established place of business to subscribers an fSutldinH ad Development ReHulr j Administration In a scientific and 1 Section 2921 d these regulalions are C1adams in the City & County for a definite prise for bans set Out in engineering report en- I engineering report entitled "The Flood 1 hereby designated as flood%a". Since Which pT1C0 Wile 11x04 et Whet 1a titled "THE FLOOD , INSURANCE 1Insurance Study for the City of Fay'et- the Iladway. is an exlremel>• tarot- price Dor annum, STUDY" far the City d Fayetteville. ' . Wille, Washington County. Arkan- 1 does area due to the velocity of flood If the publieatlOII. based upon the OBWe 'value and Washington the Cit of Fa et doled : sas dated July 20, 1901, with as waters which carry" debris, Witrtmai BTCOaL Of the subscribers July W. 19&1 County. Arkhedansas. and ' companymg Flood lnsurance - Rale • pcojeclilo and erosion potential, the tins, that at least fifty D 07 iia agents made a part hereof, arc hereby I Maps and Floud Hazard Boundary. J following provisions`hall apply: {Oi their snbsCilpUOIIa t0 the newspaper adopted by reference thereto as 9 eel Floodwav Mala: ate.January W, risco' 1 tat Encroachments arc prohibited. period OI at least six months; Out fully herein. Three copies of sold ` tint "tl(eclive date: Januagco, 1�".I Encroachments are prohibited, peWa dealers Ov07 e D amendments shall be maintained In I and any revision thereto &hall he the j Including fill. ovw construction. a er publishes cep average Of more than [arty percent 1 the(illicit of the City Clerk.- ' aontrolling regulations for Purposes of substantial Improvements and Other D D I4 -Section 2. -the accompanying Flood complying with the requirements d I developments undess, by reas:m of Insurance Rate mappss identified as E%- I Ore National Flood Insurance Praj reclumelixation. special aonslruclion. HIBIT :- _ and Flood Hazard 80YR I .groin, etc., certification by a registered Hary — Floodway maps azard identified as g. 4cli"^ 290t IA is amended to read I engineer, architeel or land surveyor is 1 the legal not hereto attach0d 1n the matter O EXHIBIT "D".dated January 20. 19�. . ssfolloas:• ( provided demonstrating that the attached hereto and made a' part 1 t21 When bane Rod elevation dela 1 proposed encroachments ache not I t� IhareeL '• arc hereby 'adopted by for the City's FIRM map las not been ! result m any Increase in .Ith Food 1 O / n:k•nmce herein a; it set out fully ministrator of the National k-raFlood In. levels during mm:ame d the bgse � P Ihercin. Three tapirs of said maps shall suranc Pr H the National Flad lrrl find discharge inthe fl4) (ai a / be maintained in theOffice of theCity 1 suronce Program the Building Inspce- 1 (01 If Section 2941 :u las above is t Clerk. `"- • - I lion Superintendent shall obtain, and t satisfied. Ail nnv cunstructiun and Seetiod 4. 'The Beard d Directors reafombly utilize any hose flood substantial Improvements shall BgulBr daily tsetse Of Bald DBWBpaD07 tOr hereby determirm' that the proper. elevation data available from a ' comply ' with all applicable flood as follows: rcinlation of development within the federal, state. w other source. in Order hazard reduction Provisions of Article Iladplain areas In esuntial to the I to administer the U provisimts of Sec- . Sof these regulations. � 19 pddic welfare old teal the immediate tions TNlzznl 2of eseregulaliare. l Act Prohibit placement deny mobile On the day Of . passage d this ordinentt LL nlecefwry, S. Section 299 IEI LL hereby amended homes. except to .a existing mobile Be such regulation. TLerefars, an 1 fiirrst para rn the he and by rm addi I b ,n the hoidlen)Prohibit prk or amment of ad.'or the 19 emergency 's hereby declared to exist, in the da Ot and thea ordinance being necessary for i Patriciai7n ImIi paragraph read tz;follows' o mownh is to storage of any type of materials in a y the public health. safety, and welfare 1 hepropnsed p desigastedBoodw'ayami. meeptinan 19 shell Lein fWlforceaet effect and %elfamafter its . he located within a desighated flood- : existing storage area. I the � Of passage , - - Tway arta and where such variance r 11. Section 2911 is hereby amended by PASSED &%M APPROVED this mlh ; would c0usse any increase in the flood Z adding Subsection (5) to read as T9 levels during the base Clad discharge follows: day dOctoM. 19a1. Um On the Any Of . . • _ APPROVED / at that site. 151 SHALLOW FLOODING O AND John Todd ' ; a Section 2the is Hereby amended DY l All ZONES MAYOR amending the first unnto and as (loading for areas of Hallow {`� sus ? ATTEST: I„ ` IroduclwY paragraph ha reed as flooding IAO and AID , zones, f it l Il Vivian Koehtel follows: I designnld as shallow finding areas V CITYCLERK - . . _ In all of the special flood hawed 1 and located within the areas of special Seal - areas, m set out in the Federal lio- . flood hazard established in Section day Of sumnize Administration EnHimcring I sell of these regulations., arc hereby EXIIIBM"A" - 1 . report entitled "Tim Food Insurantt established in this subsection. 'Ibed before me on this �J1.LYYL1r'� Amendments ta Ore Fayetteville Code of Flood Plain Building .ad Study" and as shown an Ihe Commun . These areas strip special peed Development Regulations. ty FIRM and FLOODWAY Maps refer hazards assoeiated .*0 base float 1. Section 2904 is hereby' amended to red to in Section '2W1 d these regula Aeplh d 1 lis a leer where a dmrly Q/ 19 e rtaa as follow'&: - a - frons• the following provisions am re� defined channel duo not exist ad on- ,The cress d special flood hazard I Wed• where the path d flooding' a; on- ,The ar by iso Federal Insurancehazard T Seaton 2N1 ll) Is hereby amended predictable and indeterminate: h to rcadofollows: Ucrcfort. the follo'Ing provisioru \/`"•+. Administration re in a " he ad 1 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION , apply: engineering report booentitledthe Cit of ayet.Flood Nen, coestr action or substantial im- hal All new construction and sub Nota Public Uviije. eSldyfwt County, rkan- rovement of an residential structure stantial improvements of residential ,Iv, pImth , , ., us". fail July 2 County, Arkan- ; D y sea", dated July 10, )sell,ur will au : I anal) have 110 lowest basement 11". structures abase have the lowest floor. ` .0Ili n,i eompanying Flood Insurance rate.' 11 garagenow. and air ondl- melding basement and attached the Maps and Flood Barnett Boundary- furnntt, water healer and aircondi- garage (loon, elevated above the tires: Fladway Mill's hearing the identilica- 1. tibning equipment elevated a relearn of the overall street to w above n� (. , ••. tint -'effective dale: January M. 198E I minimum d two 121 feet above the ' the depth number specified on the J I • i •, \' and any revision therein shall be the' hose flood elevation. Such construction FIRM. ,.I I, amtrolling regulations for purposes of shall be anchord to Drcvent flomlion, '. Ul NI new construction ed sub cwnpiving will the requ'vemenLL of collapse w lateral movement d sold stantial improvements 0f 1 A 1 . led National Flood Insurance Pro, I structure' { nonresidenlialsiruclurersnall: . 1 \ ,• , This special anchoring however, fit til have the Iwes1 floor, imluding _ gram..: not required in Ilene cases where the . basement, elevated above the crown N \ I I 2, Section 2910 Is thereby amended by amendstR the definition of "Area of structure is d elevated that "fell" nthe Merest street or above the depth I the elevation at that Hill" is two 121 . number specified on the FIRM: or • f : f ` Special Flood Ilnwrd" to rcad as fact or move above the base flood liar Together with attendant utility AAA • — •: A" •t <, �_•, Mallows: . . . . 1• : t AAREA OF SPECIAL FLOOD eln'alwn' and sanimry facilities be completely IA7ARD — is that lad which is A registered profasebonl engineer. Rexdpraded to or above that level m — _ , , ,, . ttcaledin tie floodplain witNnacoro- architect fir land surveyor shall submit that any spare believe that level is inanity subject to Ilading by a base to the Building Inspection Suprrinlen-; watertight with walb substantially munity r subject to Rad. deal a certification that the standards impermeable to the pass:eRe Of %alar Special pod bawd anus arc ' of iris subsection have been satisfied and with structural components disignoted on the Community Flail IThs certification shall include tie' having the capapsility or resisting Pain Management Maps as set out location d and elevation of a brown hydrostatic and hydrodynamic leads i before: mark at the sitefrom which theatres- and effects of bory'ancy. 1. Community Flood Insnronee Rate lion of the finished time can later by t _ma� MaP(FIRM) , verified. EXPLANATION Should the residential construction ZONE � - site be (watt out of but adjacent to a A.-Areas d 100 year flood; base sod special Rood hazard area. the t rovasifis act Out above shall apply --- Yusl as if said site wen actually mated within the Float How rd Area. a. Section 2911 121 is hereby amended by amentlOff Ile first paregrapb to mail as follows: n21 MOBILE HOME. No Mobile Home &hall be placed in a designated flsud%'ov except in an 1 existing mWJa Mme park or existing mobile Lome subdivision.