HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2763 R,// ky OA ORDINANCE NO , 07 -76 31 )0 Ir AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6 , DIVISION 3 OF THEG ' Tj ETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO PRESCRIBE CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE BUILDING CODE . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE FAYETTEVILLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Chapter 6 of the Fayetteville Code of Or in�is hereby amended by adding Section 6 - 65 . 3 to read as follows : Section 6 - 65 . 3 Section 105 . 3 ( a ) entitled "Drainage and Specification" is amended as follows : ( a ) Specifications and drawings of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and the character of the J project shall accompany every application . Except for one and two family dwellings and other minor miscellaneous structures , the Building Official may require that two ( 2 ) sets of drawings drawn " to scale " and one ( 1 ) set of drawings " reduced" or one ( 1 ) set of microfilmed drawings shall be submitted with the application . " Reduced" drawings shall be a duplicate of the " to scale" drawings and specifications reproduced on material that is suitable for microfilming and on sheets no larger than eight and one -half by fourteen ( 8k x 14 ) inches . Section 2 . That Chapter 6 of the Fayetteville Code of Or in3 antes is hereby amended by adding Section 6 - 65 . 4 to read as follows : Section 6 - 65 . 4 Section 106 . 4 amended Section 106 . 4 ( a ) DRAWINGS TO BE APPROVED AND KEPT AT JOB SITE When the Building Official issues a permit he shall endorse in writing , or stamp , all sets of the drawings " approved" . One set of the drawings so approved shall be returned to the applicant to be kept at the job site during the period of construction and shall be open to inspection by the Building Official or his authorized representative . ( b ) DRAWINGS TO BE KEPT ON FILE WITH THE CITY ( 1 ) Drawings for one and two family dwellings and minor structures . One set of the drawings for one and two family dwellings and minor structures so approved shall be retained by the City Building Official until construction is completed and then said drawings and specifications shall be removed from the Inspection Department files and destroyed . The drawings and specifications for all one and two family dwellings and minor structures that have been completed shall be removed from the Inspection Department files and destroyed . ( 2 ) Drawings for multi - family , commercial G � 1 aq ��,r� industrial structures . nui I The City Building Official shall retain one set of the approved " to scale " and " reduced" drawings for multi - family , commercial and o industrial type structures to be kept on file in the City Inspection Department during the MICROFILMED period of construction . The " to scale" set of drawings and specifications may be removed from the City Inspection Department files and destroyed upon completion of the project . The " reduced" set of drawings and specifications shall be preserved until it is microfilmed for the permanent files . After microfilming , the " reduced" set of drawings can also be destroyed . Section 3 . Section 6 - 96 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending the . last sentence to read as follows : For all certificates of occupancy that must be renewed annually , there shall be an annual charge of $ 12 . 50 ; provided , the annual charge shall be $ 25 . 00 if the applicant does not submit an application requesting a renewal prior to the expiration date of the current certificate of occupancy . PASSED AND APPROVED thisday of 1�PL�tZ( ) 1981 . APPROVED : e? F'fAYpjT •. YO O / " 1. . ITY- - CbLER•K' .CERTIFICATE OE REWRQ State of Arkansas ( $S City of Fayetteville I, Vivian Koettel, City Clerk and Es-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do here- by certify that the annexed or foregoing is of record in my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance & Resolution book X I I at page,. Witness my hand and sea day of 19 sy L�,w rSm.erLTc1� City Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder - 2 - 115 .1 518 r. CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKAr!SAS WashinCton County I, Alma L. Kollmcyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Oi:ic!b Re,o� dar for Washington Count;, do heroby cortit / v that tho ann^_xed qor ore. going i umnnt was fi� for recordin my ffico on this- df 1y/1^d�g1, day duly recortled in " o 'lo`!� ^q' and the so,pnc!�is!J Witness m - ecord O ct pop MY hand and seal -day of oa ,, 19n { Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officiocorded eya ° —. Deputy Clerk r'-...'�.-tea - olnn�,..ln cn.::o . ••x i.'--f .. , An ordinance 'amexdIN ClwWir Division M ue Fl)'ettevilk rare Ig� ^ •• II ONimaceas %td ye.vrhe �'eertales fanted an bale Euildirlg rnAet,,C.' 'y Be it urdairsd M the Fay'e{leWlk IBoards Directarsa( the Cnyd Fant'I STATE of ARKANSAS 1 . ! leville.Arkafmfay•' :. ^^j . f )} . Scelion' L :TNI Chapar,4 of- 11K as. Fayetteville Code of Ordinance's• is. County of Washington hereby amended by adding Settian t 66 A to mad as follows: a^ lar Specifications and drawingda I I • auffieiert clarity to indicate lheinalurs• ' * .� hereby certify that d the character a the project shall ac . q g dally y 'comwny ever' application.' Evrrnl am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, for one and Iwo family sex llinRs and newspaper having a second class matting privilege, and befog not less than 1 other minor miscellaneous structures. the Building Official may require that four pages of five columns each, published at a flied place of business and s : two 421sets a drawings dlaun :'ro a flied (daily) intervals continuously In the City of Fayettevfile. County of sale' lint orc , l , set of drnvinRs "reduced" or one 111 set of micradm. 4 Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated M drawings shall he submitted north and distributed from an established place of . business to subscribers and Fthe application, "Redueml : drawings . hall he a duplicate of the 'to kale' readers generally of all classes 1n the City & County for a definite price for drawings and sperdicaunns reproduceeach copy, or a fixed price per ennnm, which price was fixed at what is Won material that is suitable lar' microfilming and on sheen no huger considered the value of the publication, based upon the news 'value and than eight and onohalf by fourteen, service value 1t contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers fl12 X Hl llichb? Section 2`Thdt Chapter 6 of me thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents Fayetteville Code a Ordinances is t hereby amended by .adding Section or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least ef: months; 663.4 to mad as fellow.: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more thanforty percent Sec'llem b6'v J Section nIG,J am,•nded Section rah J now matter. it , Drawings To Be Approved a And Kept AI JOASite I, . � I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of When the Building official ixus :r permit he shall enAorse in writing, or . stamp. all sets at the drawings "ap. (•�jf�f /^ 2 proved'. Onset of thedrawingssoap+ )•-j ' �1 /l �� / ( 1 '(^� ) proved shall be returned to the appii- cant to he kept at the jot) silo during The period d colwlrurtion and shall he „ open to Inspection by me Building rib was published in the regular dally issue of said neweDaDer tor� ficial or his authorized representative. oral Drawings To Be Kept On File consecutive insertions as follows: W ilh TM City III Drawings for one and too family iI day of � 19L�-- dwafingsandmlzlorsliucmrn. - The first Insertion on the I In sed of the drawings lar one and f two family dwellings and minor slrucday of 19 tures so approved shall be m ami 1 by the second Insertion on the the Cil) Building Official until cam rWrtiun is minpleted and then said day of 19 drawing; anti specifications shall he the third insertion on the removed from the Inspection Drparb 1 ment files and destroyed. The draw' day Of v9 ings and npcifications for all one and and the fourth Insertion on the z Ion family f awe raand and o miner scare es turthat have been marc shall fin be removed from the ep on Detainmentud dnlfid. ori Drawings for mulannih , com- mercial and industrial alrurtum. I The City RuPoling Official shall re. ) day Of F moan seas the aPpmved -raised✓' Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ' 4and "reduced' drawing ' for multi- family, 'commercial and industrial lvpcstructures mbe• kept w file in the ij City inspection Department during the paint of construction. The "W scale ' set of drawings and specification may tt be 'rcmoeed tram the City Inspection , 4 I=Dcparlmenl files and destroyed upon Pr, non of the project. The "reduc- C4 Notary b�ic� •L.! et ed" set of drawings and specifications o ` t/, 1. shall be prtsergd om"111 is miered ilm. 1 ed fur the permxnnt tiles. After F microfilming, the "r bused" set a My Commission Entree: ( ( . IL drawings can aSo M•daxlroj•ed. Section :t. Section 41K of IM Fayel- ( log ' • 'Cville Cede al Ordlllancel, Is hemb% / amended by amending the last t ( k Isenlcneetomadmlo116wi: r For all certificates a,a'rupancy :halaa e must be renewed annualht them shall be an annual charge of 312.x: prmriG Pees for Printing — , • • t ed. the annual charge shall be M be 11 J. i! �! +. \ l the applicant does not submit an top- plica hon requesting a renewal prior b, Cost Of PhOOf e — • ' " ' 1 the expimlion date of the current mr AND I•liaisesof oAND AP ' PASSEU APPROVED this tam TOtel day of October. 1981. i APPKnTodd .oras Tadd sister Vivian Vivian Klctlell City Clerk CERTIt'ICATE OF RECORD (. State ufltArkansas. ille " el. City Clerk and Ex C Vivian Koettd, City Clerk and et- Officio rio he er for mr City t Fera• goose e, r f hereby ;s of record that the am office a fothe same ap erord in my Or- durance and the same :Ibank. in Or- my ha 6 and seal t book. ponoses my nand old seal this lith day of :Vpee'mt)e'r. teal \.avian or .City Ccrk and F.x{jftcio Recorder ❑cls