HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2744 Ir_ EC) FUR RtCn - +�G 19P1 AUG 17 M 10: 58 ORDINANCE NO . 27 � +� ,�It :J C CG'' '' AN ORDINANCE DECREASING THE FRAPICIfi�$' A 1R8& IP ' 'AL%. BY WARNER-TVC CORPORATION . C!t'CUIT CL Kai BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Sec . 13 of Ordinance No . 1808 , as amended by Ordinance No . 2157 and Ordinance No . 2307 , is hereby amended to read as follows : The company shall pay to the City for the privilege of operating a community antenna television system under this franchise a sum equivalent to three percent ( 3 % ) of the company ' s gross subscriber revenues per year derived from regular cable television operations in the City , provided a sum equivalent to three percent ( 38 ) of the company ' s gross revenues shall be paid to the City in the event the Federal Communications Commission formally changes its rules so as to permit same . The term " gross subscriber revenues " shall include only those revenues derived from the supplying of regular subscriber service , that is , the installation fees , disconnect and reconnect fees , and fees for regular cable benefits including the transmission of broadcast signals and access and origination channels if any ; it does not include revenues derived from per program or per channel charges , leased channel revenues , advertising revenues or any other income derived from the system . Any franchise fee in excess of two percent ( 2 % ) of gross subscriber revenues may be passed on directly to the subscribers at the sole option of the company and without further approval from the City . Section 2 . That this ordinance shall be effective thirty ( 30 ) days after the date of publication by the Washington County Court of the proclamation declaring the results of the election on a county sales tax held July 28 , 1981 ; provided , in the event of an election challenge the effective date of this ordinance shall be the first day of the first calendar month subsequent to the final judicial determination of the challenge . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of d2azze2l 1981 . APPROVED:/ • ' ASSISTANT MAY R rrr CITY *CLERK V•. y� D -r' PCCROPI !,Arr) -a papiooaa olcyJO. ! Pill >p 71nap 6T Jo Cep si �j�°8ed 7e 47 lees pue puey ,{w ssou S! awes a pJO'" 71'x. 47 Pue 'ly 80010,04 Pap,oOa1rilnp 6ep�o43 uo a01JI0A w ul ,-6 aj jer6 T �e10 �0 0a� �oJ poly SVM .u- JO 1 paxauue a43 7e47 AIBJaO �tqa ay °p w ';Sul 9. �oJ �ap�oaaaoloyJO'x3pue 'Fiuno0uo7du14se 8Ja1371n0�1� '�aFawpo)1 M -SS ( 44unoo u078ul4seM I SVSNVMaV jo 31V-LS 480038 30 31b01j11830 CliRTIZYICATE OF RL:CORD tYte Cf Arkansns "icy Gf ;:ye:tavilia ( SS Keette}, City Clerk and Ex-Orf- 'Corder for the City of C :+ 1'etteville, do here- ceriifv that fire annexed or foregoing is record in my office and the same ap- aears iu Ordinance ffesolution book N�U=--at page_—�.�. Witness my lnd a sea] ihi �� — day of -21 1 k5f ey Gl�ek and E-C OfficiO Deco d F..&r v �� a STATE of ARKANSAS County of Washington as. I.: ORDINANCE NO. 21N ' Tj hereby certify that I THEE FRANCHISE TAPX PPAAYABBLELE r ORDINANCE A am the Publisher of THE NOR WEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally B BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BION. newspaper having 8 second Close mailing privilege, and being not lege than BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF tour Das columns each,es of five published at a fixed place of business and at � FAYErrEVILLE, ARKANSAS: a fixed (dally) Intervale continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Section 1. That gee. 12 of Ordinaries No. 1cI0B,uameiWad by ore mance No. Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated 2157 and Ordlnarpe No. 22m, is hereby and distributed from an established place of . business to subscribers and amended to rea l as follows: The company shall pay to the city readers generally of all classes In the City & County for a definite price for �. for the primage of operating system sMh each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is mumty antenna television equivalent . toter this rivmtfranchise (3) a cum eqWvalent eonsldered the value of the publication, based upon the news 'value and to three percent Id)C r revenues the compayny r service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers derived tram re far cabllee teelevraion thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions'to the newspaper or its agents operailam In the City, providM a sum equivalent to three percent (3) of the or through recognised news dealers over a period of at least six months; company-1 gran menus shall be and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent I paid in the City In tM event the Federal Gbmmunicatiom Commission news matter. formally changes its rules an as mper• mit same. The term "Arms subscriber I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of revenue" shall Include only those , revenue derived from the supplying of regular subscriber service, that Is, the installation fes, fee, disconnect and �/1 � f3 / cable e benefits fee, and fresher reawo: 1 j � '('1 lA 1 l aim fbroad asst Signa the d access cion of broadcast signals end access ' and origination channels if any; It does , wait published in the regular dally Issue of said newspaper for pot Include revenues derived from per program orper channel charge, less. Consecutive insertions As follows: ed channel revenues, advertising revenues or any other derived from the , system. Any franchise fee in excess of , The first Insertion on. the cx day of Ivan percent (2) of gross subscriber . revenue may be passed on directly to I the subscribers at the sole option of the the second insertion on the day of 19 company and without further approval from the City. ; Section 2. That this ordinance shall the third insertion on the . day of 19 be effective thirty ftp) days after the date of publication by the Washington County Court of the proclamation and the fourth insertion on the Aav 01 v! declaring the results of the election an I a Canty sales lax held July 2e, 1921; - provided, in the event of an election challenge the effective date of this of f r°� r` ^ ^) " T ^aeGrrtJ� / dinance shall be the first day of the ' �^'"r"t.��' •, c= — first calendar month subsequent to the. final judicial determination of the challenge. - Sworn to and subscribed before me on this . day of PASSED AND APPROVED thiel n dayarAtsa.t;,tel. . . ` { laQ �tJ�1 19 APPROVED: Paul R. Noland ATTEST: - ASSISTANT MAYOR . Vivian CITY CLERK ISeO 1 tc so � PuNoiary blic my My Comm ion Expires: I I t j Fees for Printing Cost of Proof. 1 f . Total $ - - .