HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2732 `@/ f � 4/ a ORDINANCE NO . /O.• hQ✓C'G /� �G AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IV , SECTION I OF 4rPyF%9�yr APPENDIX C TO THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO CLARIFY THE PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING APPROVAL OF A LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Article IV , Sec . I (4 ) of the Fayetteville Code o £ Ordinances is hereby amended by adding paragraph ( f) to read as follows : (f ) The developer refuses to comply with paragraph ( 2 ) (b ) of this section pertaining to Jrequired on - site and off - site improvements . Section 2 . That Article IV , Sec . I (6 ) of Appendix C to the Fayet�le Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding the following : The Board of Directors shall hear all persons desiring to be heard on the question of whether the findings and decision of the Planning Commission were in error . Following such hearing , the Board of Directors may affirm , modify , or reverse any finding and decision of the Planning Commission or may refer the proposed large - scale development back to the Planning Commission for additional findings . The Board of Directors may refuse to approve a large - scale development for any of the reasons specified in paragraph (4 ) of this section . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that effective�nistration of the City ' s large - scale development regulation requires that the procedure prescribed thereby for obtaining approval of a large - scale development be clarified ; that effective administration of the City ' s large - scale development regulations is essential to orderly land development and thus to the public welfare ; and that the passage of this ordinance is necessary for efficient administration of the City ' s large - scale development regulations . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this /& ttk day of L4, .` 1981 . APPROVED : r'- f F FAYE TT'• .y O By : ASSISTANT MAYOR ' `ATTEST: r „ CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS I Washington County I SS. 1, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder fat t, , Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or } re going i st ument was filed for re- ,,fp , �° . in my office on thad� Z l a 0 clo;:p4 and he same is 44 6 duly recorded in R' 1► t record W aTpage—y6 VV v Witness my hand and seal thisZ� + tlay of 9" Circuit clerk and "`QOFdL,MED +L xOfficio R orded 8y Deputy Clerk C aapaoaag Op JO-xg Pus Slaaio .i7IO 76I ' — 0r-7,� Vis[ ; teas pug pugq ;g--1-r�— q uO TIJOSRU P; aaugutpaq ut taemd -GH 3a3+b� a?;y (1UF. a0LI30 6Ul U[ P100aa J; all; 3:i41 AJippa . . aaac, Op alt?Aaa IA: T Jp Ain alp *pJ aaaapa , OI0IJJO-ag PUB Vat0 A$O '[0110O t UUTAfA `T ss atI!--wj r4 Ip h1013 kti p4EAYETTf` �� s,,'<<�, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 3 yiga OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY ' Tanto POSTAL DRAWER F 72701 (501) 521-7700 June 9 , 1981 Mr . Don Grimes City Manager City Administration Bldg . Fayetteville , AR 72701 RE : Large Scale Development Ordinance Dear Mr . Grimes : Enclosed is an ordinance recommended by this office for adoption by the Board of Directors to clarify the approval procedure prescribed by the City ' s Large Scale Development Ordinance . Section 1 of the enclosed ordinance adds as a reason for which approval of a large scale development may be denied the refusal of a developer to comply with required on- site or off- site improvements . Section 2 clarifies the action which may be taken by the Board of Directors on an appeal from a decision of the Planning Commission . At its regular meeting , June 2 , 1981 , the Board of Directors referred back to the Planning Commission a proposed large scale development for multifamily housing on Delaware Avenue . This action was taken in part so that the Planning Commission could determine what effect , if any , the proposed development would have on storm water drainage in the area . In this regard , it should be noted that4( 2 ) ( d ) of the Large Scale Development Ordinance provides that the developer may be required to install off- site improvements , where the need for such improvements is created in whole or in part by the proposed large scale development , and provides that the developer shall be required to bear that portion of the cost of off - site improvements which bears a rational nexus to the needs created by the large scale development . The term " rational nexus " has been defined to mean " an innerconnection between two events , direct and substantial in nature , and clearly and logically linked together . " It signifies a connection more definitely and clearly established than a reasonable connection . 181 Inc . v . The Salem County Planning Board , 336 2d 501 (N . J . 975 Enclosed is an opinion dated August 16 , 1976 , prepared by this office on the validity of a municipal ordinance requiring a developer to install off- site improvements . Page 2 Mr . Don Grimes June 9 , 1981 On the question of municipal liability for damage to private property caused by surface water , the general rule is that , where there is no constitutional or statutory provision involved , and there is no negligence , and the water is not cast in a body on lands of another , municipalities are not liable for consequential injuries from public improvements causing surface water to flow upon adjacent private property or preventing it from flowing off such property . This is especially true , according to the general rule , where the grading of a street causes the abutting lands to be below the level of the street . A fortiori , a municipality is not liable to a property owner for the increase flow of surface water over or onto his property , arising wholly from changes in the character of the surface produced by the opening of streets , building of houses , and the like , in the ordinary and regular course of the expansion of the municipality . McQuillin , Municipal Corporations Sec . . 53 . 141 ( 3d Ed . 1977 Rev . Vol ) . In Cit of Little Rock v . Willis , 27 Ark . 572 ( 1872 ) , the court rule t at a city was not liable for surface water damage which occurred after the grade of a street was raised . In its opinion , the court stated : " . . for the construction of a sewer which has not the capacity to carry off the ordinary or extra- ordinary rainfalls , the city .cannot be made responsi - ble , and the reason for this is , that a city cannot be held to answer for an error of judgement , commit - ted by a body , created by law , and clothed with descretion to determine the width and depth of drains and sewers ; to hold a city responsible , under such circumstances , would be to vest the power of judging of the proper grade of streets ; and the width and depth of sewers in the judiciary , instead of the City Council , where the Legislature placed it . Where a city prescribes the grade of a street , or the capacity of a drain , and it is not constructed as directed , or in such an unskillful manner as to damage persons adjacent thereto , in that event , the city is liable . The law is , that for the exercise of a lawful power , which by law is vested in the judgement and descretion of a public body for the good of , the whole , that no injury for which an action will lie , . but that for an imperfect , negligent , unskillful execution of the thing ordained to be done , an action will lie in the absence of an express statute . . 1 Page 3 Mr . Don Grimes June 9 , 1981 the City Council and the corporation which they represent , were only bound to keep the sewer in repair ; nor is it true that the city was , or is , bound to build sewers to carry off the surface water , which , by reason of the grading of streets , at one time flowed by another and different route . This very point was presented in the case of Carr v . The Northern Liberties 35 Pa . St . , 324 ; and it was there held that if a drain ceased to be of sufficient capacity , which it at one time possessed , in consequence of the increase of population and the greater extent of territory graded and built upon , a corporation having municipal powers was not responsible or liable for damage arising from an overflow . " Although Cit of Little v . Willis , supra , is a very old case , my researc revea s no Arkansas Appellate Court decision overruling the principles of law stated therein . Sincerely , CITY ATTORNEY �� �/ // /e y" ):4es N . McCord JNM/ j lm Enclosure CC : Mary - Stuart Townes William & Giles Attorneys 112 SE Avenue Fayetteville , AR 72701 1Sec . 1 of Act 165 of 1969 (Ark . Stat . § 12 - 2901 ) provides that municipal corporations shall be immune from liability for damages , a no tort action shall lie against any such political subdivision on account of the acts of their agents and employee . Negligence is a tort . _ ;Eareir � ,, s ka OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY '�• VjOy CtiV`, POSTAL DRAWER F 72701 (50:) 521-7700 August 16 , 1976 Mr , Don Grimes City Manager City Administration Building Fayetteville , Arkansas Re : Proposed Amendment of Subdivision Ordinance to Require Subdivider to Install Off -Site Improvements Dear Mr , Grimes : Pursuant to your request , I have drafted the enclosed ordinance which would amend the city ' s subdivision regulations to require the subdivider to install certain off - site improvements . As I pointed out in a memorandum to you dated December 1 , 1975 , I find no Arkansas Supreme Court cases on the issue of whether a subdivider may he required to construct off - site improvements as a condition of subdivision plat approval . Decisions from other jurisdictions are conflicting on the validity of such a requirement . Courts in Maryland , California , and New York have struck down off - site improvement requirements . Baltimore County v . Security Mortgage Company , 175 A . 2d 755 ( Md . 1961 ) ; Swire v . Council of City of Los Angeles , 2 Cal , Rptr . 94 ( Cal . App . 1960 ) ; Medine v . Burns , 208 N . Y . S . 2d 112 ( 1960 ) . On the other hand , the New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled that. the New Jersey Municipal Planning Act authorized a municipality to adopt an ordinance requiring- installation of off - site improvements as a condition of subdivision approval , provided the ordinance contains suitable measures to govern cost allocation . Divan Builders , Inc . v . Planning Board of Township of wayne , 334 A . 2d 30 ( N , J . 1975 ) . Despite the substantial interest `.which municipalities have in insuring orderly community development , it is fundamental that subdivision controls can only be exercised by virtue of appropriate enabling legislation . Consequently , the question of whether a municipality possesses particular powers in the subdivision approval context must necessarily begin with a consideration of the Municipal Planning Act , Ark , Stat . 19 - 2625 et sec . Ark . St ` . 19 - 2829 ( c ) pTOV1deS in part that mLn1C1pa1 recu '_ ap _ O- S controlling the development of land may establish or pro-:ice `- cr the minimum requirements as to " standards for improve"._nts tO ^e installed by the developer at his own expense , such as street grading and paving , curbs , gutters , and sideo:al % s , ,tater , s- ---o = and se�eer mains , street lights and other amenities . " Although this statute does not purport to authorize municipal corporations to require a developer to install. off - site improvements at his own expense , Ark . Stat . 19 - 2831 provides that the , 'uniciDal Planning Act shall be construed liberally and provides that the enumeration of any object , purpose , power , manner , method , or thing shall not be deemed to exclude like or similar objects , purposes , powers , manners , methods , or things . The Yecr Jersey Supreme Court in Divan upheld an off- site improvement o. di - =ante even though the New Jersey i _unicipal Planninc Act mace no specific reference to off- site improvements . The Court rested its decision in part on New Jersey constitutional and statut� ory provisic- s not found in Arkansas , but then noted : " There are , however , other considerations t7hich lead us to this result . In commenting on N . J . S . F . = 0 : 55 - 1 . 211 Professor Cunningham has observed that : ' All the enumerated improvements seem to be reasonably related to the public health , safety , and general welfare and thus within the state ' s public power * * * * it seems clear that the cost of such improvements is a legitimate expense of subdividing which ought to be borne in the first instance by the developer and uiti; ately , in most cases , by the purchasers of lots in the s b- divisions who benefit directly from the improve - ments . ' Citation . These observations have already been referred to wits approval by this Court in the on- site is:provement contest , case citation . we believe , hc•: :ever . . that these '�u icip consideratiops are ec �. ualy relevant e;:_ es_ t ^e -• - - _ see'.cs to require off - site improvements prior to sub3 _ - vision approval . The public interest is r_o less sub - stantial in the latter contest since in either case t- _ alternative to developer installation of the rec'uirec ii^.nTovements is municip =_ 1 construction at public The proposed ordinance would require the suc _ viper to ` _ _ _ t`: at nortl000% of the Cost of off - site improvem•^ants :`: ic: _ ea rse � -­ooatiO :11 nex+: s to the needs created by the subdivisio': . 'iae " ratic- .: l eN ; ` Sta:I C B's:C. fOT appor tioninq the cost of an O _ S - Sl the st21I': da Td approved by the l`iew Jersey Supre' n- Ccourt . . _a Standard is applied In Nec•7 Jersey , the entire co St of an c = - - site 11'7.nrove]i7ent may be imposed on the SLhJ - _ •J1O ^ r if the benefits only the subdivider ' s tract ; ::hen 4- oe _^ e'_"_: uire ^. 1 ": not o^ ly benefits -the subdivider ' s tract , but ot:hclr p = es e' sfile subdivider ma'_ be compelled o^ }__ to _ er = ' o^ of t:: • 1 cost 1.7hic : bears a rational ne:<+= s to by and benefits conferred 11pnon. the subdivis -ion , b =' . cO - S - - may be given to the fact that the need for the off- site _nmoro:•e^ent Was created by the proposed subdivision. . In my opinion , the Arkansas Supreme Court would bm. more likely to uphold an off- site improvement ordinance if the ordinance contains suitable measures to govern cost allocations . If the ordinance attempted to impose the entire cost of off- site improve- ".ents on the subdivider in those instances where the improve,:.ent benefits other properties as well as the subdivider ' s tract , 4 ' is likely that the Supreme Court would rule the imposition to be an impermissible exaction . The obvious practical problem v:hich results when the subdivider is not required to bear the entire cost of an off - site improvement is the financing of the remaining costs . , The city could not summarily impose the remaining costs on property outside the subdivision , because Article 19 , Section 27 of the Arkansas Constitution requires the consentof a majority in value of property holders owning property adjoining the locality to be affected , before assessments on real property for local i-:provements may be made . The only theory upon which an assess e^t =or local improvements :aay be made is that a special benefit , .Leaning an increase of value , will result to the particular tract because of the improvement . Whittaker & Co . v . Se :•er I ^provement District No . 1 of Dardanelle , 221 F . 2d 649 . In ma ': ng general public improvemants affecting private individuals , the scope of the police poser in ordering the payment of their costs by the o :niers of the property affected without reference to benefits received is very limited . Sloan , Improvement Districts in Arkansas , Sec . 6 ( 1923 ) ; James v . City of Pine Bluff , 4n _ Ark . 199 , 4 Sjl 769 ( 1887 ) , Sincerely , CITY ATTOPNEY &James N . McCord J?:i:/ter �f STATE of ARKANSAS County of Washington �. ORDINANCE NO 2-= l.r +`' M hereby certify that I An n I Of Appendix amending Are Fav V, am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally Section 1 of ordinance &MI i to the Fe IV tevine Cnde of Ordinames to clartfv newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than the rottdure for obtaining approval a Targe scale development tour pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at Be it ordained by the Board of Direr. a fixed (daily) Intervale continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of ora of the City of Fayetteville, Arkan- sas: - Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated Section 1. That Article IV, sec, It-41 and distributed from an established place of . business to subscribers and d the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby • amended by adding readers generally of all classes In the City & County for a definite price for Paragraph it) to read as follows: ,�h copy, or a flied price per annum, which price was [lied at what H (f)l The developer refuses to comply ' with paragraph 121rbt of this section considered the value of the publication, based upon the news 'value and pertaining to required onsite and off- site improvemen , service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers Section z That Article IV, see, Isl . thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to tha newspaper or its agents of Appendix C to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by or through recognised news dealers over a period of at least six months; easing the Board of and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty per The Board of Directors shall herr all =tindesiring to be heard on the news matter. quesuan of whether the findings and decision of the Planning Commission I farther certify that the legal notice "hereto attached In the matter of were in error. Following such hearing, the Board of Directors may affirm, ' modify, or reverse any finding and r ^ r•� decision of the Planning Commission or may refer the proposed large�scale I J 1 1 I\ (s� \, J -YL development back to the Planning Comimssion for additional fillings. The Board of Directors may refuse to approvepublished In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for approve a large-scale development for any of the reusous specified in consecutive Insertions as follows: paragraph (1) of this section. I Section s. The Board of Directors ' rT Jr, t Y� `A k,n hereby determines that effective ad- The first Insertion on. the _ day of - 19 ' ministration of the City's large-scaleG development regulation requires Out the Prucedure prescribed thereby for., the second Insertion on the day of 19 obtaining approval of a large-scale development be clarified; that effrcc tive administration of the Cit)'a large the third insertion on the . day of 19 1 scale development and thus to 11e public welfare; and that the passageof lois ordinance is necessary for efrr- and the fourth Insertion on the an v of 19 ci'" administration of the City's largeaeale development regulntious. .. Therefore, an emergency is hereby declared toesist andthis ordinancebe ing meessary for the ppuublic health, safely and welfare shall be in fug force and effect from and after its passage andapproval. sworn to and subscribed before me on this (�` �' day of PASSED AND APPROVED thio l6N day of Juni 1961. ' APPROVED: / / r/ BY: Paul R. Noland / f / 1p i ' ' Assistant Mayor / i Attest: a/ ' Vivian Rustled ( City Clem acus :E;.. _. .• ' Notary Public My Commission Expires: False for Printing . Cost of Proof ' Total {