HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2728 ORDINANCE N0 . C 19u1 OR JUL 14 ,tht f0: 25 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN PROPERTY TO CFN,TRAL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO , 1 OF THE CITY &' `FAY9TT, Yj�LLF F, � rua KOLLJif I gA �4K. ARKANSAS . Cltii U y IT CLERK' WHEREAS , parties claiming the owners of two - thirds in assessed value of the property located within the territory hereinafter described have filed a petition praying that said property be annexed to Central Business Improvement District No . 1 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; and WHEREAS , after due notice as required by law , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , has heard all parties desiring to be heard and has ascertained that said petition was signed by two - thirds in an assessed value of the owners of real property within said territory . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDIANED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the following described property is hereby annexeT-to Central Business Improvement District No . 1 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : The following lots and blocks on the original plat of the town (now City ) of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as per plat on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex- officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas : J Lots 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 and 19 in Block 28 . For the purpose of acquiring , constructing , installing , operating and maintaining hotels , shopping malls , offices , parking lots or parking garages . PASSED AND APPROVED this /,t�A day of 1981 . APPROVED : 4 O lc: y : , w MAYO ATTEST = . , CITY' CLERK MU,5, V5 MICROHLMLd MA;J0 Aln(JaO Aa pap. 0x27 oe9rC3.,. pue hJe10 imilo �6T ;o .Eep caS pue PUN ALU SSaul!M fF� e�ed lc - ,..,.._.,� _.—may-- iPGP oaj Ainp si awes a:;lp;:c `lEb/.'(_ 0i..,Cor Aep 17a:.;: ::o ac1i0 Sw Ur' Uraj ;ol papl Sc.m luawr sw 3uio8 ago; Jo paxeuuc c :;; ; �wI OP 'A;un00 u038uiyseM Jo} Japio0aa op8>'v Rn Nuz ;p! .Ji0 _,;AawpoN -I ewlV '1 ( Alunoo uol8wgseAA 'SS ( SVSNVAav .i0 31VLS OHW38 JO 3-LVOIJ11830 L �psaaa� ata?})O-X3 PUe 31xalO �l?J 61 s?ql leas pue Pueq )0 413P --x-�y-- •look t caga[os ? aaucu?gUo m sscad *4Te zauL;� atll our, aZVO mw ue Pu/aaas 3c gF SLSkUIia�O�. f0 l)aXa:l tle aLN. "LIZ �a4. 7 STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of Washington J} as. ��•+ 4:7+vvq%J hereby certify that I ORnIN NOims am the Publisher of THE NCRIRWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily An Ordinance ama,ing etyt,;p �y newspaper Laving a second clean mailing privilege, and being not lees than Party District Central gusines, Ise . thentFA)e evillNo. 1 of the City of four pages of flue columna each, published ata fixed pities of business and at FayettREk Arkanaaa a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County Of wNltaxAs, p,rtics clalecing the a period of twelve months, circulated Own of twoNnds in assessed v.lue Washington, Arkansas for more the Of the hereinafter lr described within ¢,e ter- and distributed from an establishe place of business to subscribers and rttory hereindhr d(hot and have filed a petrtim Praying that witl readers generally of all classes in a City & County for a definite price for be anneaee to central Rusi"e„°r'Di`,tay each copy, or a fixed Dr1ce per aim I , which price was fixed at what Is dement District Na. I a the Cityof ayetterOle, Arkamas: and considered the value of the publication, based upon the news 'value and mWHEREAS, the after due notice ., ea service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers the Oiy m'Fayyetttevevil�Arkansas. - thereto have nae he all panes desiring to x Raid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents heard and has ascertained that aaie - or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; petass sm was ugead by twothi da In an . and that the said newspaper publishes no average of more than forty percent assessed value of the awnees of real Pr'opetty within said territory. news matter. Now. therefore, be it Ordained by the BmMof Olreetonnfthecityaeayet- I further certify that the legal Itice 'hereto attached In the matter of tevgle, Mf eg,s: Section I. That the following deacrib I roperty is hereby annexed to Cen- lral Business lWeovement District k No.ansanI of: the City of Fayetteville, Ar i The following lore and blacks On the °^genal pot of One caws foow cityt d wee published 1n the regular dally issue of said newspaper for ' Fayetteville, Arkaeu; a, per plat m 1 and[He m the office of the Cirmit Cork consecutive Insertions as follows: 1l� and Fz-officio Recorder of wa,hingtm Canty. Arkansan: tats 2. 5. e, 5. 6. le, 19 15, 16, n. 1audlYinalock2a. The first insertion on the � day of For the str etues- tWnaulsaueg operating, can, mainulain hotels, °pirating sad da of 19 [ices n slapping mals, of. [h0 second insertion on the Y PASSED AND APPROnUnigaNj�]N . day of July. tial, VED the third insertion on the . day of Ie APPROVED: JohnTadd ATTEST. MAYOR and the fourth insertion on the - ^e7 of 19 Vivian xaetW � . . iJ Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of 19 f > r No ry Public My Commission Expires: Feea for Printing . cost of Proof �— Total �� t ABSTRACTOR ' S CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) ss . COUNTY OF WASHINGTON) I , W . S . Bronson , Jr . , abstractor of titles of Washington County , Arkansas , do hereby certify that I have examined the Petition for An- nexation of Territory to Central Improvement District No . 1 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas attached hereto , marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof , and the list of the signers to the said Petition from which I find that the total assessed value of the real property in the said District according to the valuation placed upon the property as shown by the last County assessment on file in the office of the County Clerk of Washington County , Arkansas , is the sum of $ and that the signers of said Petition whose deeds are of record in the office of the Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , represent a total assessed value of $__ 0, Sl r same being more than two - thirds of the assessed valuation of the real property in the District . Done at Fayetteville , Arkansas , on thissy day of 1982 . W . S . Brons n , Jr . 1 � 'UB$ CRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of L ' , N1982 . . %r Notary Public My Commission Expires ; 3 FILED IN MY OFFICE THIS DRAY OF 19L2- _� City Clerk PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO CENTRAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0 , 1 OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS TO : The Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . We , the undersigned , claiming to be the owners of two- thirds in assessed value , as shown by the last county assessment , of the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof , which property is contiguous to Central Business Improvement District No . 1 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby petition that said real property be annexed to said Improvement District pursuant to Ark . Stats . § 20- 1604 and § 207134 for the purpose of acquiring , constructing , installing , operating , and maintaining bank building and offices , within the district ( specifically in Block 28 of the original plat of the Town (now City) of Fayetteville ) in the manner and of the materials that the Commissioners of the district shall deem for the best interest of the district . It is proposed that the district issue revenue bonds to provide funds to assist in the construction of the aforesaid improvements . Bond proceeds will be used to make direct loans to property owners . Said loans will be evidenced by promissory notes and secured by mortgages on the property being developed . To secure the bonds , the district will assign said notes and mortgages to a trustee for the benefit of the bond holders . Assessment of benefits against property owners in the district J will not be levied . Any number of copies of thPetition may be circulated . Name- Printed S naturef TroDertv Location !/ LALe FILED IN MY OFFICE HIS - 'C-Tyif� D , Y OF 19k'L __City Clerk 4 PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO CENTRAL LNIPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO , 1 OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS TO : The Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . We , the undersigned , claiming to be the owners of two - thirds in assessed value , as shown by the last county assessment , of the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof , which property is contiguous to Central Business Improvement District No . 1 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby petition that said real property be annexed to said Improvement District pursuant to Ark . Stats . § 20 - 1604 and § 20 - 134 for the purpose of acquiring , constructing , installing , operating , and maintaining bank building and offices , within the district ( specifically in Block 28 of the original plat of the Town (now City) of Fayetteville) in the manner and of the materials that the Commissioners of the district shall deem for the best interest of the district . It is proposed that the district issue revenue bonds to provide funds to assist in the construction of the aforesaid improvements . Bond proceeds will be used to make direct loans to property owners . Said loans will be evidenced by promissory notes and secured by mortgages on the property being developed . To secure the bonds , the district will assign said notes - and mortgages to a trustee for the benefit of the bond holders . Assessment of benefits against property owners in the district will not be levied . Any number of copies of this Petition may be circulated . /Name T- Priv Signature Property Location FILED IN MY OFFIC THIS — D Y OF �g�L City Clerk PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO CENTRAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0 , 1 OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS TO : The Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . We , the undersigned , claiming to be the owners of two- thirds in assessed value , as shown by the last county assessment , of the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof , which property is contiguous to Central Business Improvement District No . 1 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby petition that said real property be annexed to said Improvement District pursuant to Ark . Stats . § 20- 1604 and § 20- 134 for the purpose of acquiring , constructing , installing , operating , and maintaining bank building and offices , within the district ( specifically in Block 28 of the original plat of the Town (now City) of Fayetteville ) in the manner and of the materials that the Commissioners of the district shall deem for the best interest of the district . It is proposed that the district issue revenue bonds to provide funds to assist in the construction of the aforesaid improvements . Bond proceeds will be used to make direct loans to property owners . Said loans will be evidenced by promissory notes and secured by mortgages on the property being developed . To secure the bonds , the district will assign said notes and mortgages to a trustee for the benefit of the bond holders . Assessment of benefits against property owners in the district will not be levied . Any number of copies of this Petition may be circulated . : Name - Printed Signature Property Location _ Northwest Bancorporation cnllaga And Mena m.7 of Arkansas . Inc . t _ By Virginia T . Morris %• /�L�t - � Chairman of the Board FILED IN MY OFFIC THIS Q2 �D OF ,(�•LCity Clerk S EXHIBIT A TO PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO CENTRAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO , 1 OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE $ ARKANSAS A part of Block 15 of the original plat of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 12 feet West and 78 feet South of the Northeast corner of block No . 15 ; and running thence South 127 , 25 feet to the North line of a 12 . 5 foot alley thence South 89 degrees 29 minutes West along the North line of said alley 115 feet ; thence North 127 . 25 feet ; thence North 89 degrees 29 minutes East 115 feet to the point of beginning . Part of Lot Numbered ( 11 ) and Lots Numbered ( 12 ) and (13 ) in Block Numbered ( 15 ) in Original Town of Fayetteville , Arkansas , being more particularly described as beginning at the present Southeast corner of said Block Numbered ( 15 ) which is located (20 ) feet West of the Southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1 /4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1 /4 ) of Section (16 ) in Township ( 16 ) North of Range ( 30 ) West , and running thence West , along the South side of said Block ( 15 ) , ( 100 ) feet thence North (107 ) feet , more or less , to the South line of a 1foot alley running along the North side of said Block ; thence East ( 100 ) feet , more or less , to the East line of said block , the same being the West line of College Avenue ; thence South (107) feet , more or less , to the place of be- ginning . A part of Lot No . One ( 1 ) , Block No . Fifteen (15 ) of the original town of the City of Fayetteville , to wit : Beginning at the North- east corner of said Block and run thence West 117 feet , thence South 78 feet , thence East 117 feet , thence North 78 feet to the point of beginning , . i a ` N 0 T I C E All owners of real property within the following described territory : A part of Block 15 of the original plat of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 12 feet West and 78 feet South of the Northeast corner of block No . 15 ; and running thence South 127 . 25 feet to the North line of a 12 . 5 foot alley thence South 89 degrees 29 minutes West along the North line of said alley 115 feet ; thence North 127 . 25 feet ; thence North 89 degrees 29 minutes East 115 feet to the point of beginning . Part of Lot Numbered ( 11 ) and Lots Numbered ( 12 ) and ( 13 ) in Block Numbered ( 15 ) in Original Town of Fayetteville , Arkansas , being more particularly described as beginning at the present Southeast corner of said Block Numbered ( 15 ) which is located (20 ) feet West of the Southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1 /4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1 /4 ) of Section (16 ) in Township ( 16 ) North of Range ( 30 ) West , and running thence West , along the South side . of said Block ( 15 ) , ( 100 ) feet thence North ( 107 ) feet , more or less , to the South line of a 1 �L foot alley running along the North side of said Block ; thence East ( 100 ) feet , more or less , to the East line of said block , the same being the West line of College Avenue ; thence South ( 107 ) feet , more or less , to the place of be- ginning . A part of Lot No . One ( 1 ) , Block No . Fifteen (15 ) of the original town of the City of Fayetteville , to wit : Beginning at the North- east corner of said Block and run thence West 117 feet , thence South 78 feet , thence East 117 feet , thence North 78 feet to the point of beginning . Are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the said City of Fayetteville purporting to be signed by two - thirds of assessed value of the owners of real property contiguous to Central Business Improvement District . No . 1 of the City of Fayetteville , which Petition prays that said property be annexed to said Central Business Improvement District No . 1 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas for the purpose of acquiring , constructing , installing , operating and main- taining bank building and offices . All owners of real property within said territory are advised that said Petition will be heard at the meeting of the City Board of Directors to be held at the hour of 7 : 31 P . M . on the�day of "_ 11 �c 1982 , and that at said meeting said Board will determine whether those signing the same constitute two- thirds in value of such owners of real property ; and at said meeting all owners of real property within the said territory who desire will be heard upon the question and may show cause for or against such annexation .