HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2723 s. . r 496/ y^eo ORDINANCE NO . MA .H ciR�U/rTo�L j �,rr 32 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF C( FY�rk4off FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITI�1Q�f NO . R81 - 4 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 1 . 5 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF MILLSAP ROAD 300 FEET EAST OF NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE . C BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF J FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R81 - 4 described as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From R- 1 Low Density Residential District to R- 0 Residential Office District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 11� day of 1981 . APPROVED : ,OFFAYE ;*� ? ` ; MAYOR rn Ir '10 '• k� ,CITY'',C .LARK •�'Y Cou�.S , . o . rvnui.. m9055 655 rder 1 MICROFJLMED �l e a?7 ot�l330 b� Pou Klalo Allo Ja hi: — --. slga Inas pur purq dw ssauatryi '--- - ,-5c 7Sz:d ;r— ocq Iaag �, a.rreulpi0 uI sarod dr: aio.us v,r ; ,'n . aay}c .<u: ❑I p.103ai Ir . azau op 'aitrna;,,:.: . r ?o r:t;:l aq7 .103sapaoaa °!�2??0 -<ij pier "atO ri}eO ial3ao}I uri.yn 'I SS ) al:ine,;a6n1 ?o C�r7 srsurNIV }o a;r;„ Q2in0�g 90 9.LVDlJl6 2Ia1 J EXHIBIT "A" Part of the NE 1 / 4 , SE 1 / 4 , Section 26 , T- 17 - N , R- 30 -W , more particularly described as follows , to -wit : Beginning at a point 512 . 25 feet South of the NW corner of said 40 acre tract , and running thence North 84 ° East 375 feet to the point of beginning ; thence North 84 ° East 291 feet ; thence South 4 ° East 225 . 75 feet to the centerline of Cemetery Road ; thence South 84 ° West 306 . 88 feet with the centerline of Cemetery Road , thence North 226 . 86 feet to the point of beginning . ALSO , A part of Block 1 of the Plat of Blocks 1 , 2 , and 9 adjoining streets of the AW Realty Subdivision in Fayetteville , Arkansas , being a part of the NE 1 / 4 of the SE 1 / 4 of Section 26 , T - 17 - N , R- 30 -W , more particularly described as follows , to -wit : Beginning at a point 512 . 25 feet South of the NW corner of said 40 acre tract , thence running North 83 ° 36 ' East 325 feet to the place of beginning , thence North 83 ° 36 ' East 214 . 76 feet ; thence South 88 ° 08 ' West to a point which intersects with a line running parallel with the East right - of -way line of Highway 71 from a point of beginning , thence in a Southwesterly direction running parallel with said right - of -way line to the point of beginning . CERTIFICATE OF RECORD _ STATE OF ARKANSAS SS. Washington County I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore. going instrument was fiileed� for rreccoo in my office on thorl—day x.11 lY7Lay�'' o' ofcloclG7�rn, and the same is duly record din record at Page G Witness my hand and seal t ' .day of l9a/ Circuit Clerk and ® A �(�� Ex-0cio Recor d J.. U V ByClerk - STATE of ARKANSAS 1 J} Be. County of Washington e ORDINANCE NO. Ina I, AN ORDINANCE REZONING _ � D '}T � hereby certify that I THAT PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF T i FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. ' 7 j' DESCRIBED IN REZONING PISTI• ' am the Publisher of THE NORT EST ARKANSA9 TIMER, a dally TION NO. Rel+ FOR A PARCII. . newspaper having a second else@ mailing privilege, and being not lees than CONTAINING 1.5 ACRES LOCATED tens pages t ON THE NORTH SIDE OF MILLSAP es of five columns each, published at a fixed place tt bele, Coess nt aOf t ROAD 6o6 FEET EAST OF NORTH a toed (daily) intervals continuously in the City o[ Fayetteville, county ed .COLLEGE AVENUE. Washington, BEEGE AVENUE- THE BOARD Arkansas for mole than 8 Der10d of twelve months, circulated OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF nd FAYETfEVILLE,ARKANaAS. . I and distributed from an astaDltehed place ot . buefneor t0 subscribers ao Section 1. That to sane cleatmee- ', 1 readers generally of all classes in the city & County for a definite price for ton d to fdlwilr�heg deactibed proper- . ryuherebrcMrhped •a to0ows: each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what Rua aesrnted •a set out in E8- ; considered the value Of the publication, based upon the news value and Wbtt •'A' astaelhed herald ab uredo Part=.., ttervleg value it containa, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers I. Dasalry Residential thereto have paid cash for their subecrlptione t0 the newspaper or its agents District to Ra Residential Office DistrfeL, . . or through recognised news dealers over a period of at least six months; Section 1 That the official roNng map f On ply d Irayeltnvle; Araao- and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than tarty percent m, h hereby a to nenSeeUoUe news matter. zoning change' pro' above. ove. DANDApPR0Vl9tablRh I further certlry that the legal notice 'hereto attached to the matter of i day dMay, last. APPROVED: . 7 John Todd MAYOR rrl '1 n ca n c ATTEST:VivtanKmttd . CITY CLERK was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper tor� ' EXHIBIT"A" Part Of the NEV,, SF%. Section M T-• COnSoCutive insertions as follows: 117-N, R40-W. mars parucWerly at a point a ldbwa, tSwth Beginning day of 19 de c point sum last South d the IKW ng The first Insertion on. the I corer of asM 40 acre tract• and rune Ing thence Nath 66• East 675 tact to 19 of , the oriel d beginning' thence NoNortht the second insertion on the day 61' 1= 2911eet; tbmx4 Sbut! EW . � 225.75 len in to ceakrlioe d . day OL 19 Cemetery Roade+ : thence South West 06689 last with to centerline d . the third insertion on the i Cemetery Road, thence NON 77886 oleo Of 19 (ash to the point d beginning. ALSO. A part d Blit 1 d the Plat of BIMM t. and the fourth insertion on the 1 Randy 9 Ubdnsia in d the AW Ralry sbeinga in Rheettevilk, ( (l .I'� ' f• /' :' Arkansas burg o part -1 the NE41 d tae ; dSaclarlSa descried asW. I tJ . moa particularly dasenbN as t followsWwit: Beginning at • point . i San ee soeth dun Nw corner d 1 t1K said a acre tract, Nurm ene@ ring i Sworn to and subscribed before me on this t day uL i t North 85.56' East m last to tieplace at beginning. thence North 85.56' East' 21474feet- Nmn SouthurcIr Weed w 19 a pant wMeb intersects with • line I running parallel with the1f Flat rtoMCI- i way lined Highway9• 71 from t point d I b.. begimiliQ, uenas In a southwesterly direeton rnrndal parallel with aid ( l�ptayy 1?aDllC righlaf-way line to ase point d beidn> ( t �. , , Ing. . F 1 MY Commission Expires: ' Fees for Printing — � -'. �, • . . . �. r Cost Of Proof ee� Total {