HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2646 1980 J[/ FOR RFC f 6 0 0 ORDINANCE NO . jD'A/ / P# /; 3 9 R CRO 044Q A✓j y AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING TERRITORY ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF j CC �ffRARIf FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS ; ASSIGNING SAID TERRITORY TO WARDS , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . MICROM-M, WHEREAS , the County Court of Washington County , Arkansas , did on June 9 , 1980 , make an Order annexing the following described territory to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to -wit : The East One -Half ( E 1/ 2 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE 1/ 4 ) of Section 28 , Township 17 North , Range 30 West of the 5th Principal Meridian , less and except that portion within the right-of -way of State Highway 112 . and , WHEREAS , the County Clerk of Washington County , Arkansas , has forwarded a transcript of said proceedings to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and WHEREAS , more than thirty days have elapsed since the date of said Order and no proceeding has been instituted in the Circuit Court to prevent said annexation and no notice thereof has been given as required by law . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : SECTION 1 . That the annexation of the above -described territory to the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , be and the same is hereby accepted , and all of said territory is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward 2 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , SECTION 2 . This Ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publ ' ation . PASSED AND APPROVED thisIlk day of 1980 , APPROVED : By a/4/11 �By Mayor ATTEST : ��`. • '"'���� �iGz2 X19 Ar, 1980 L9F City Clerk of the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , do he b certify that the above is a true and exact copy of Ordinance #a44, City of . Fayetteville , Fayetteville , Arkansas , - f City Cler City of Fayetteville Fayetteville , Arkansas MICROFILMED CERTIFICATE OF RECORD CERTIFICATE OF Rls bRj ' STATE OF ARKANSAS I State of Arkansas ( CS Washington County SS. City of Fayetteville I, Alma L. Ko!Iro :;� : , CircultVark and Ex•OfficioRecorder for' I, Bonnie Goering, City Clerk and Es.O;iiCi� Washington Courl;, cMrAly cc :'itythat the annexed oil yqtore- recorder for the City of Fayetteville, dohere- gom rument wr fiP:d t r. ra y�iir m; fliceon theLYlyday by certify that the annexed or fcreaoint; i; pp,� ,� .. of record in my office and the sante a o} ,�y{y 3� O�Yt _ ,. o aoc , and the same is P- duly re ded in .._[r�C[.—.. .. - •'�M F t Pag Pears in Ordinance & Resolation book Witness my hand avid seil tw- day of 19dLJ 1 nt pagi P I Ni my Circuit Clerk and hand andSNI this �A — (lay of ftiNo Recorded — 19 Oy Deputy Clerk – 4 City Clerk and Es-O STATE of ARKANSAS , County of Washington ea. hereby certify that I ORDINANCE NO.M6 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING TER- fi the Pub taher of THE rURTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally RITORY ANNEXED TO THE CITY newspaper having a second class matting privilege, and being not less than OF' FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS: ' ASSIGNING SAID TERRITORY TO tour pages of live Columna each, published at a fixed place of business and at WARDS. AND FOR OTHER PUR-. a fixed (daily) Intervale continuously to the City of Fayetteville, County of iso-s Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated WHEREAS. the County court of Washington County, Arkansas, did on and distributed from an established place of . business to subscribers and June 9, 199o, make an Order annexing the fonoa,ng described territory to readere generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, tPwil: The East One-Half tE 121 of the each copy, or it fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is Southeast Quarter 'SE Ian of section considered the value of the publication, based upon the news 'value and 2a. Township 17 North. Range 20 West a the 5th Principal Meridian, less and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers except that portion within the rightof- waWState NighwaY l . thereto have paid cash for theft subeeriDtlOnB to the newspaper or Its agents y it. a or through recognized Wawa dealers over a period of at least six months ; WHEREAS, the Gauntly Clerk of and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more thanforty percent Washington County, Arkansas, has for- warded a transcript of said pronews matter. ceedingt to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas, and I further certify that the legal notice "hereto attached in the matter of WHEREAS, more than thirty days have eta psad since the date of said . Order and the preceeding rt t been in. s id ane the n and Court to prevent mid annexation and no nplice thereof " hasbeengivenes uiredbylaw. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT OR- DAINEDBYTHE BOARD OFDIREC- was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for TORS OF THE CITY OF FAYET- TEVILLE . ARKANSAS, A consecutive Insertions as follows : MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: SECTION 1. That the annexation of the above-described territory to the The first insertion on. the I day of Jao corporate limits Of We City of Fayel- tevRie, Arkansas, be and the same is hereby accepted, and all of said ter the second insertion on the day of 18 ritory is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward 2 of the City of Fayet- teville, Arkats9as. the third Insertion on the . day of 19 SECTION 2. This Ordinance be in . full farce and effect (remand after its - possage. appravalaMpobiication. and the fourth insertion on the dnv of 79 PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th - daYofJuly, 1940. APPROVED: BY John Todd. Mayan . . `� /7 •^ IIte1 Sworn to and subscribed before me on thfa mayday of > . " Ntkory Public My Commission Itres : - . Fele for Printing _ °j ' Cost of Proof. Total •4 in • � lu+'tt