HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2645 ��Bo J� %oRRec ORDINANCE NO . � S � 1O� %44MCO�y41Otlj AN ORDINANCE NRINDING DNCE 2596 ORTUT � 9 THE LEGALDESPTION OFTHEVACATTEDALLEYWESTOFerjR Ayf HOLLYWOOD AVENUE SOUTH OF U . S . HIGHWAY NUMBER 62 . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSOF THEE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : i T CR O FI L ME D Section 1 . That the legal description in Section 2 of Ordinance No . 2596 is hereby amended to read as follows : Beginning at the southwest corner of the northeast quarter , northwest quarter , Section 20 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , thence south 880 53 ' East 150 feet ; thence North 25 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 6 , Block 12 of the replat of Blocks 1 - 16 , Westwood Addition ; thence along the southern boundary of said Lot 6 , 150 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 6 ; thence southerly 25 feet to the point of beginning . .S1' PASSED AND APPROVED this / ` day of , 1980 . APPROVED : flit O MAYOR CERTIFICATE OF RECOPI) State of Arkansas ATTEST : City of Fayetteville SS I, Bonnie Goering, City Cleik and E::Offit:, recorder for the Cityvof• Fcyetteviae, do hcrc� by certify that the annexal or fercr RK of record iw my offica and the sone QFtate. a'v pears in Ordinance & ' Resolution book:� . U �S�f1lyi.tiA:Jr�` q:r at Page—.Lk) ) Witness my a r ♦ � . 1 t�Li hand and seal this f day of 19 P + City Clerk and Ex-Offic- ^n ,: .,: • ®1022 196 MICROFILMED CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKA14SAS SS. Washington County I, Alma L. Ko:P Circuit Cork and Ex-Offielo Recorder for. Washington County do 4oreby certify that the annexed o��rrfoor'e- gom rument w. s I•I_d Torr,rr^tgrdin m ffice on tho&:5ay ' ofatf o'ctoc M, and the amejj dul D r ed in rerord a ? ' Witness my hand and seat thi day of ircuit Clerk and C ' foci ordedpi(A gae4 ebu y Clerk - STATE of ARKANSAS 1 ' County of Washington hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated • and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news 'value and service value It contains, that at least fifty percent of the . subscribers ordinance No.bus thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its agents . An ordinance amending ordinance or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; No. MM to correct the legal descnp- and that the said newspaper y percent tion of the vacated alley west ofpublishes an average of more than. fort Hollywood Avenue" south of U.S. news matter. Highway number Q. Ben thdamydbytheBwra of ptrea I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of tors of the City of the o Arkam sas; . Section 1. That the legal description in Section' of Ordinance follows- s- u. /M n/t ( y —rr- L11 hereby' amended to read as follows: Ill 1\ J r ` u li J ' l Beginning at the southwest camer of 1 the northeast quarter, northwest 11 quarter, Section 20. Township 16 North, Bange M west, thence south 66 was published 1n the regular daily issue of said newspaper for degrees n minutes east 150 feet, - - consecutive insertions as follows: thence North a feet to the southeast - turner of Lot 6, Block 12 of the replat of blocks 1.16, Westwood Addition: The first Insertion on the day of 19 thence along the southern boundary of said tat 6, 150 feel to the southwest _ comer of said Lot 6; thence southerly the second insertion on the day of 18 2S feet to the point of beginning. . Passed and approved this 1st day of July, lsM. the third insertion on the .. day of . 19 Approved: John Todd `. est: MByOr and the fourth Insertion on the iaay of 19 Bonnie Attest: 'Goering City Clerk • '; . Sworn to and subscribed before me on this .day of 18. Notary Public My Commission Expires : Fees for Printing . .� •� •)' \ , ' Coat of Proof. t _ Total