HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2622 i FJLF-04f OR RE00RO ORDINANCE NO . 19 0 OR I S P11 2 30 �ICE AMENDING APPENDIX C TO THE FAYETTEVILLE yfq$Hlh:�j �hlpyDINANCES TO PRESCRIBE REQUIREMENTS FOR ALCIRCU� &LATION OF SIDEWALKS IN SUBDIVISIONS AND LARGE CALE DEVELOPMENTS , C� BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKNASAS : IYdHCRl•dd' ILMED Section 1 , That Article III , Section A ( 1 ) ( e ) of the 1J Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : (e ) Sidewalks : Sidewalks shall be installed , according to existing City standards and specification as adopted by the City Board of Directors , along one side of all streets and cul de sacs and around the entire circumference of the vehicular turn- around in cul de sacs . The con- struction of all sidewalks shall be inspected by the Street Superintendent to insure compliance with City specifications . The sidewalk shall be installed no later than the time when the driveway for the lot is installed . If a lot on which a sidewalk is required remains vacant for five years from the date of final plat approval , the record owner of that lot shall be required to install the sidewalk within three months from receipt of written notice from the City Manager . Should the owner fail or refuse to install the sidewalk within the time provided herein , the City may install the sidewalk and charge the cost thereof to the owner ; and the City shall have a lien against the lot for such cost . Section 2 . That Article IV , Section I (d ) of Appendix C to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending the first paragraph to read as follows : (d ). Comply with those requirements of Article III , Section A of the subdivision regulations pertaining to streets , surface drainage system , water system , and sanitary sewer systems ; and install. a sidewalk in accordance with City specifications adjacent to all abutting streets or highways . ® i05 972 MICROFILMEH - 2 - Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the construction of sidewalks in connection with the development of property within the City is essential for the public health , safety and welfare ; and that the immediate passage of this Ordinance is necessary to insure that future development of property will include construction of sidewalks . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this Ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this �d y of 1980 . APPROVED : o ' MAYO i- ATTA$T '' '; CERTIFICATE OF RECORD t Ste of Arkansas SS 2JCa City f 1,ay-ettevi' e lr 'QITY CI!l;RKs, f, ,ity Cerk and Eo-:- Officio recorder for the City of i'eye"eviilc. do herebycertify\ 4ra.ga,HN�N y fll.^.t t:1C ani].::MI Or forc. �K . going is of record in my office and the sunto "--• appears in Ordinance fa Resolution book CERTIFICATE OF RECORD — I X at page 33 . Vlitness riy hand and seal this S�2!�Z_ ' day of STATE OF ARKANSAS SS. ro- Washington County 19 . 1, Aha 1 I_. Koll:^,eyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for V:eshin¢ton Cocnty: do hereby certify that the annexed or ore- City Clerk and.. Ex-Officio Rec der goin trument was filed ffor ord in Ud the day ftl r l 1. of.— 0.'m o•clohe sam is ^^ V•[/. ty ^C/ duly recorded in recort pageVitnoss my hand and seal this &I dayo1Circuit Clerk and Gfficio Recorded Oy Oepuly Glerk STATE o1 ARKANSAS - County of Washington } as. r 1 hereby certify that I ORDINANCE NO. M41 AN ORDINANCE A\IENDLVG AI' am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily PENDIS ('T(t TIIE F,\1'ETTt:ViL1.E VOOE OF ORDINANCES TO newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than PRESCRIBE REQUIREMENTS Fon four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALKS IN SUBDIVISIONS AND LARGE SCALE a fixed (daily) Intervale continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of DEVELOPMENTS, Washington, Arkansas for more than it period of twelve months, circulated BE1'r Ot"TORS O til' TIIEITY O0 OF ETTEVILL OF THE nn' of and distributed from an established place ot . buslness to subscribers and FAY tion IVIhjl ArlRK 111. c readers generally o1 all classes In the City & County for a definite price for Section t. a al Article III. de at n ,\ tin (e) of Ibereby amended edto ref Or each copy, ora [!zed price per annum, whish price was fixed at whet is follows- is hereby amnded to rend as publication, based upon the news 'value and tallow,: considered the value of the tow Sidewalks: Sidewalks shall be Iryservice value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers Mailed. at-cording In existing City standards and specification as aduplsd I thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents by the city Hoard m Direcmrs, al,mR or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; ane side of all streets and cul de sacs and around the entire circumference and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent ad the vehicular turnaround in cut de news matter. sours. The construction of all sidewalks shall be insje ted by the Street Superintendent to huure complianke I further .certify that the legal notice 'hereto attached in the matter of with ('ity sp,.•cifica4oru. The sidewalk sha!I be installed no later than the time _ // when la lot o away for the lel is is re. / ;M�'y , (J / ed. 1f a lel an which a sidewalk is re- '/ r Q/ 777 "• V/L// quired remain• vacant for five years I - from the date of final plat approval, the record mvner of that lot shall be re- quired to install the sidewalk within was published in the regular dally issuo of said newspaper for three months from teeetpt of written COII90CUC110 1nBertl0II8 a8 fO110WB' notice from the City manager. Should 7 the owner fail or refuse to Install the sidewalk within the time pru,'id,d The first insertion on the day of 19 herein, the char may install the sidewalk r; and the Che cost sha:I haveofe a the owner, and the City shad liars a - the second insertion on the day Of 19 lien against the tut fon cle IV. Se Section P. That :\slide IV. Section I td1 of Appendix a la the Fayetteville by am ndi inancesirst par amendM the third Insertion on the _ . flay of 19 by amending the first paragraph to reads Comply - 19 emcomply with those requirements and the fourth insertion on the ay of of Article illi ns pert i of the subdrci- pg� surf ce driom pertaining to streets, 2e4TxQM�(�J systeme drainage ysystem, water - and ins all sanitary sewer sydcros; and install sidewalk accordance with City specifications aejettoall ab tstrcelsar highways. Section % 3. The Board of Directori sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of hereby deteto rmines construe- lion that the des s essaent l property tilifiin lee health. . m i essential loo the public health. safety and welfare; and that the im- mCa5!Sa passage of this Ordinance rs development to house that future development d property will include n. construction of sidewalks. Therefore, N !Public an emergency u hereby declared In 'exist:'Nard , Mc- Ormilorw. • bring ' ! necessary for the public health, safety land welfare}hall he in full force and My Commission Expires : .1 effect from and afler its passage and approval. , . . 1 PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of April. RISE. i y < APPROVED- 1 - . 4pj`"'• .' John Todd MAYOR .•'4(� SEAT; •:• �"'• • ` , , Fees for Printing _ r '• n ' ' • • • `� Angela It. Afedlcek'' � . . I , . . ,` '` J'\ CITY CLERK. •; rni : unat' a IIc1,., \. : ••... _ :.' 35. Coat of Pr00f. Y Total I t