HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2615 F• ILEU =FOR RECORD 1930 APR 18 P8 fNINANCE NO . 2C0I� WA5d Y" KZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN RE— N R80 - 6 FOR TWO PARCELS CONTAINING 243 . 51 A OC TED EAST OF MORNINGSIDE DRIVE SOUTH OF PUMP STATION ROAD AND ON THE EAST AND WEST SIDES OF THE SOUTH END OF ARMSTRONG AVENUE . / BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : MICROFILMED Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R80 - 6 Tract A described as follows : The western most 300 feet of equal and uniform width of the following described property : Located on the South side of Pump Station Road and on the East side of City Lake Road , more particularly described as : Part of the East Half ( E 1/2 ) , Northwest Quarter (_NW 1/4 ). , part of the Southeast Quarter ( SE 1/ 4 ) , and part of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 1/4 ) , all in Section 27 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , and being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Section 27 , thence West 1869 . 76 feet along the North line of said Section to the East line of J . J . Curry property ; thence South with said property line 693 feet ; thence North 65030 ' West 870 . 0 feet more or less to the West line of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 1/ 4 ) of aforementioned Section ; thence 33 . 32 feet more or less to the East right- of-way of Morningside Drive ; thence in a Southerly direction along said right-of-way 616 . 25 feet more or less to a point on the Northerly line of the St . Louis & San Francisco Railroad easement ; thence in a Southeasterly direction along said easement line 93 . 87 feet more or less ; thence South 107 . 52 feet more or less to the South line of aforementioned easement ; thence along the South line of aforementioned easement in a Southeasterly direction 534 . 35 feet on a curve to the North line of the Southwest Quarter ( SW 1/4 ) of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 1/4 ) ; thence West 600 . 00 feet more or less to the East right- of-way of Morningside Drive ; thence in a Southerly direction along said right-of-way 663 feet more or less ; thence E"ast leaving said right-of-way 125 . 86 feet more or less ; thence South 100 feet more or less ; thence West 130 feet more or less to the East right- of-way of Morningside Drive ; thence along said right-of-way in a Southerly direction 580 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/ 4 ) of said Section 27 ; thence Southerly along the East right- of-way of Morningside Drive 1524 feet more or less to a ditch running Eastwardly ; thence with said ditch in an Eastwardly direction 1231 feet more or less ; thence Northerly with said ditch 204 feet more or less to a point on the South line of Northeast Quarter (NE 1/ 4 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE 1/ 4 ) of said Section 27 ; thence East along said South line 1294 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 1/ 4 ) of the Southeast Quarter of Said Section 27 ; thence North 3960 feet more or less along the East line of said Section 27 to the point of beginning and containing 222 . 3 acres more or less . From A- 1 Agricultural District to I - 1 Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial District . � 1�15 962 MICROFILMED DATE JUN b 7980 REEL. - 2 - Tract B described as follows : Located on the South side of Pump Station Road and on the East side of City Lake Road , more particularly described as : Part of the East Half ( E 1/ 2 ) , Northwest Quarter ( NW 1/ 4 ) , part of the Southeast Quarter ( SE 1/4 ) , and part of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 1/4 ) , all in Section 27 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , and being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Section 27 , thence West 1869 . 76 feet along the North line of said Section to the East line of J . J . Curry property ; thence South with said property line 693 feet ; thence North 65030 ' West 870 . 0 feet more or less to the West line of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 ) of aforementioned Section ; thence 33 . 32 feet more or less to the East right- of-way of Morningside Drive ; thence in a Southerly direction along said right-of-way 616 . 25 feet more or less to a point on the Northerly line of the St . Louis & San Francisco Railroad easement ; thence in a Southeasterly direction along said easement line 93 . 87 feet more or less ; thence South 107 . 52 feet more or less to the South line of aforementioned easement ; thence along the South line of aforementioned easement in a Southeasterly direction 534 . 35 feet on a curve to the North line of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4 ), of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 1/ 4 ) ; thence West 600 . 00 feet more or less to the East right-of-way of Morningside Drive ; thence in a Southerly direction along said right- of -way 663 feet more or less ; thence East leaving said right-of-way 125 . 86 feet more or less ; thence South 100 feet more or less ; thence West 130 feet more or less to the East right- of-way of Morningside Drive ; thence along said right-of-way in a Southerly direction 580 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/ 4 ) of said Section 27 ; thence Southerly along the East right- of-way of Morningside Drive 1524 feet more or less to a ditch running Eastwardly ; thence with said ditch in an Eastwardly direction 1231 feet more or less ; thence Northerly with said ditch 204 feet more or less to a point on the South line of Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 )_ of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 ) of said Section 27 ; thence East along said South line 1294 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter (_NE 1/41 of the Southeast Quarter of Said Section 27 ; thence North 3960 feet more or less along the East line of said Section 27 to the point of beginning and containing 222 . 3 acres more or less . Less and except the western most 300 feet of equal and uniform width of said property . From A- 1 Agricultural District to I - 2 General Industrial District . Tract C described as follows : Located South of the Industrial Park on both the East and West sides of Black Oak Road and more particularly described as follows : Part of the Southwest Quarter ( SW 1/4 ) of Section 26 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point which is East 1327 . 77 feet and South 2668 . 71 feet from the Northwest corner of Section 26 , said point being in the centerline of Black Oak Road ; thence leaving said centerline S 88 ° 55 ' E 440 . 76 feet ; thence South 02 ° 46 ' E 1022 . 0 feet to the centerline of Black Oak. Road ; thence N 70 ° 42 ' W along the centerline of said road 218 . 08 feet ; thence in a Northwesterly direction 247 . 98 feet along a curve with a radius of 228 . 73 feet ; thence leaving centerline of said ® �Oi5 963 - 3 - road S 89 ° 36 ' W 204 . 35 feet ; thence S 00 ° 06 ' 13 " W 179 . 66 feet ; thence N 88143 ' W 452 . 16 feet ; thence N 00 ° 33 ' E 990 . 32 feet ; thence S 88052 ' E 515 . 07 feet to the point of beginning and containing 21 . 21 acres more or less . From A- 1 Agricultural District to I -2 General Industrial District , Section 2 . That the zoning district map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the changes provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this � j day of 1980 . t APPROVED : a�L 7oW „�-. • MAY •""".,„ G YERC : �5 964 ti. ero 1. CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS SS. Washington County 1, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or ore- , ,. , r RECORD going ins ment was filed for rec in my�Lifice on tha ay CEl. 11F1GA`iE O ' of j' �t��`p',t/ clot?/7e2M., and thesam�/s Stetc of Arkansas ( SS duly rec ded in _�L7 dL—record a a eZf�%I ale P g _p,� Cit" of f'aYCtteV Witness my hand and seal /th'W�j gday of 10k jty Clerk :tritl Er Ga:(Gf7ZQ 1, Circuit Cler and Officio recorder for ie City of !?aSetr f llo. h,,l certify that the ann.:;cd or forc- By-Cihcio Recorded goin,, if,, of record in MY Of-a and the S'WAC Deputy Clerk anpa:ro in Ordinance fa Resolution book � .,at Page— = —' V'jhicss n1y f� clay of hand and seal this 1-1y)l clu 17�• city Clerk and Ex-Officio Reco� r STATEMENT FOR ADVERTISING nr I� �ur Arkansan FLLarscelWire ofDRAWER D CirculatwntedPress FAYETTEVILLEt ARKANSASWhere It Pays I 72701 To n ! U d—'lIJ Rat Advertiser Month of 'i 3'-=' '` •' • >S� " =t's.'♦^' Date- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ?Y Number Inches Number Lines Amount To Balance Account Rendered $ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 �I l ixcxrs ixcxse yyy}.�� // TOTAL �� NT YOUR CREDIT IS ALL ABLE. PROTECT T AND ACCOMMODATE US BY ALU- REMITTING PROMPTLY. r r ♦ . y - r t,,, y Z ' @ t } 'xJ5• r r ' r d tl k 1 ♦ 4 f1 . sY , , ^ ai .- (f4 V.,�. +.1tlF' h f ,Y..:f .CCrf} x ... GFp./ ,/L +I.':rf 0 it 6 1 N A.Ki 4 EN1i. •-115 4 ORDINANCE REZONING T PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN STATE of ARKANSAS 1 .um.NG PETITION Rw6 FOR �y � J} get 5 PARCELS SOUTH OF N3..51 Con L 0�`/-- -- ` ngt0k 'ES LOCATED EAST OF 3IORN- `/•'S'r_Caiy�(_}Y�/ :TIDE ROAD, SOUTH OF PUMP TION ROAD AND ONTHE EAST I WEST r SIDES OF THE SOUTH )OF ARMSTkONG AVENUE. Z� hereby certify that I ITURDAINED BY THE BOARD DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF. am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally £TTEVILLE, .ARKANSAS. newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than CIGNA 1. That the zone classi(lea-; I of the following described proper• four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at hereby chunged asfollaws: a fixed (dally) intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of 0 6 Traci A described as fulloll e western most dos feet of equalWashington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated uniform width of the following and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and ribed properly: gated on the South aide of Pump readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for on Road and on the East side of each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is Lake Road, more particularly ribed as: Part of the East Half IE considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and Northwest Puarter NNW 141, part e Southeast Quarter ISE ANN. and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers a the Nortreat Quarter INE la 1. thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its agents I Set We Z. Township 16 North. Or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; ar li described hod being more par- ariydacri(sult Ger of ed Sec. and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent uhe ence oust caner of said Sec r:, thence dies int along news matter. Norah line Id oldid Section to the line of J.J. curry thence 00 In] I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter o1 An 70 to dieW l5'esl fthe lee. ear testa dieWest I, line ofthe Nor•.I sl Warier IRE t.1 of asa d feet me SecmIWnc : thee 3T,371nt mom ss to the East rigmaf-way W %1w• ' side Orivei thence in a Somberly _Ianalong odd righPofw'ay 8ls.ti more ofleas t.apoint onthe Nan- was published In the regular daily issue of said newaDaDer for I line of Thee St. Louis t e n Fran• I masterly direction thence in a consecutive insertions as follows • _ imenterly 3.97 feet along aid mens lire 7, . feel more or less: oe South 10-,52 int more our less to The first Insertion on the � day of 1 :oulh IIM of a are�toned east I: thence along the South line of the second Insertion on the day of 19 ementfor#d easement In a heasteiR'diric11na13A.83 feet on a e+ : Ib •'iM North line of the the third insertion on the . day of 19 naval Quarter (SW ` , 1 of the Nor. . st Quarter %E I41; thence 55'al o feet' more our less to the Eat19 l ofua0 of Slorningside Driver and the fourth Insertion on m in i'Scuberly direction along' righlaf-way 661 feet mon or lea: J ce East Imving said right•afwar I . . '- '6'feet more or Inc llomce Solh eN more 6r lea: thence West im more ar Ra to the East righfof al alardmgaide Drive: thenceI Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ' Z� i� day of g aid rigbfofeq' In a Southerly Chun 3W arot more or leu No the hent Writer of the t iter INE P of said Section 27 n: �N�j1 LJv�y. ce Sol 1pp along the East right.; ay of Momingalde Drive 1524 fol I e or less to a ditch running Mardi V; Il with said ditch in, `A-�-tip-• .0stwatdly dinetimt1231 feet more - Notar§ Public aa; theme Northerly with Bald In la feel inure an Ina to a paint on South line of Northeast Quarter III of the Southeast Quarter ISE t of- said Section n: Thence East My Commissio Est ires: g said South line Ilei feet more w tothe Sothneamr t carof the Nor- isl Quarter NNE 'mal of the :heast Quhrler of aid Section 77: �— ice North 3960 Int mora or Ina I S gthe East line of said Sectloo 27 to point of beginning and containing I acres more or las. I Fees for Printing _ '+r'n 113 , aJ -oro Aa Agricultural District to 1.1 vy Commercial at1A Light In-, ' Hill District. - Cost of Proof . R. A rldearilmdafollows: • Z voted on the South aide of Purntill ion Road and oo the East side or Total Lake Read, more articularly •-• abed as: Part of .he tfast Ralf NE +M Northwekl Quarter INW Id. part ie SoutheLsl Quarter ISE 141 M the Nifrtheasl Quarter INEAs SicOon 27, Township is North. •`� Re ou West. and being more par• , lariy described as follows: police. y -. it the Northeastc rve-of aid See. t \,`" • 2T, thence Weal lets.Ca feel $IWO - +,•'+ A. is Norlb By of aid Section to IM �"�_ Sr• t IIM of J.J. Curr' Property: Ice South with said py line 'r feet; thence North 65 =,. . -it" Wat Me feel mea or leu to - W'M line of the Northeast Quarts : Id of starementmled Seclian: i xe 37.87 feet mon or Ica b NM : t righl•bfsvay of %lorningside., - m: thence in a Southerly direction ig said riglst of-wov 61825 feet - 1 to 'at Wesklin °yto" or to on rncnea r,�bl lnp SwtlKr\!\B'Y'all .11. t.ast . tnence l bl.d.waYtna N%. S,u Vtrve• pprd r g Ik Son h'randnc s u\onH . Lw thenc!_NNi liailropd a^se direction oh^ot less: .,pnnlaste`fie W 81 IKl ae ea kss to mens pR leer m etto- •1bp^cp �y11tp0p11 alt^ement'°l°ea1M °( • lM �y1tln+ermKe plw� mentf I^ a .. ajo tementt°nalnClion 5:N °tor 5aOte turlY. Narin .1 or. .torus 'l° I ''tl encMe Wal gwtnw<ri 4^trllNE '• t e East lneast Quarter p at less 10 rivet yelp feel mar tion In 8a VBlMB rixnlpt^°f 1M a SWlnor,Yeel mora orlesSIN t AeMe Eas1-Nip leavlenseld tl0.nt'ce nth G iso t More or Iws'. thec West 110 top feel morp or loo the East riPtal (Klme" MnmingpidetSwtberlY ' ,,..s m4r•Hs. ,n .y along sold 71.61`I•maYp of leu to aM •.dnectlon 585 !Ee of tbo NorlM�, yquthwesl corner of said Selion ¢he ie out NOT a1MB the Easl right` of. at AfornlnWlde dllcn t51e let ryming Icpp to o sold diteh In •S FA Epyt�nYedlY it tion t el weU e td of Iptt tsertce or IKt to • point an Iryl moot No[t[xast Qu°fler ahchawlh 11ne atter ISE pNE r.1 0l tM SwtM l Qu ^cp pyo 1 M t d sn theIRd he Nor- IQ astI {:owut RBIL Cor^ N 1 of the Iess art er td Said tiectlM V;lhe0ot . theasl 'Q^ uarlr 1KI are aT lett . Soal Alan lino Q'Cnfetheart East Itofof Wald BIGthPoint of bephmtnH e and <onlolning 1J1.1 at de><e por�e9•eptern t feet of eV°1!Ia . .. raPCrlY 11 AgrlcLLItuTo, VItITICI le FI p . From A} ct. ' (IeMt1alD ral lndus' a fdlmss: •Tra Netau� tits ledualrislPMdk . th the East and Wot $I le �^^ b0 k llwd and more peril utslM . lilac UB pp lollows: Pell ction time ed or at l5W nRa So eph tuTuwru�uP Ig North. Radec 1 an NG Imote �rlicuearo poiof whic bet h . .tell owp: 7f H�ee^t^atd S°ulnr sect tion fom trM o[Utwa`^NM enterlinis d qs,sold polhl wd.IMM^ leaving ta1dE . Alacll tJak Rep minute 55 dee grKo 5 deg[m n 44A.7g teci', lMnp letito tM centeN 175. :nsR'P:' ww4r .' �s rn t :'.:;'s; r final O Road'. W oalonR tha . . , . ,1J . mmu. . 116.58 Ieti ! ctlon ,..Ce Chtn in ^ N i�veest rve lY dl To lot . wile a " N1.811 toa�alt tnence les cente ^�Wy5 .1Kl: �thencas a^ mWOOL es trnlnules 08ewds W tfl.dp degrees 4l p1 minute O ' Iett t anµ 651;bI t� IPA 1 NM aOOKndea ' t8 mtMlep 515.p1 IMMe S''a deHreo 51 mmolInUt and com I eat to lmf pint dm N urn less.. . '. mlAnlinn /'YI Ag�LLRural let.Viatrlcl ,.f'1. �CtnCTo, tndmtrial D11%on ' di9rict itte I:ITTM F'ayy' ell utile. Atktm etWld to rdlet tM S. e. is htt p�i in Sedlon1e this 1et FMIrngSEV'AND APPROVEV .1,, daY.d APtik lBed`"i ' �API'RV Todd NN;'NNNI It' "• John A1AYl7R A'CtEST: Atedlwk.:::• : - • •: CIT Cl ERK Ite l8 t v. . . . }' ^,yam r:tr.•k.7 ''." -±,i }A_` 0 ' . . ` _ a .. . ... .. .. . . . .. ^ _ r .. .