HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2598 - - - F7C.F-D. • ` FO ORDINANCE N0 . ,2!�>q g X980 FEB R 22 Re00RD AN ORDINANCE WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIRNWI ,TOTof 4: 2,9 FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE PILOTLESS SYSTEM- GAS CHROMATOGiL" COUNrY ( BLOOD - ALCOHOL ANALYZER) FOR THE FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DE F yEvp•If BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFNMCZTt0R1LMED FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the purchase of one pilotless system - gas chromatograph (blood - alcohol analyzer ) for the Fayetteville Police Department for the reason that said bidding requirements are not feasible because there is only one manufacturer meeting bid specifications . Section 2 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the Fayetteville Police Department is in immediate need of one pilotless system- gas chromatograph ( blood- alcohol analyzer ) to effective enforce the State ' s criminal law against driving while intoxicated ; that effective enforcement of said law is essential to the public health safety and welfare ; and that the passage of this ordinance is necessary to enable the immediate purchase of said equipment . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . 1980 . PASSED AND APPROVED this .50C' day of - APPROVED : lip w OR Oil rip MICROFILMED CERTIFICATE OF RECORD DATE APR : 1980 :.CI CLF C „ Suite of Arkansas REEL ( .:411 fit 1'ayctta"1'le SS lip . . i < . ` • I An,^.ela P. bk'.t.'nck, City Clerk and Ex Cr6T'�ICATE OF RECORD Officio recorder for Vie City of Fayetteville, d". hereby ccriify tint t1-10 an ;;^reed or fore- ori ton Ccunty SS. r,• oa,- i.; of re;;:rd i41 my o:.ir. ! ;iad tho same Or: ::.face & Re " o'.ati.�» hon't s L. Kolbneyer, circuit Clerk and EX-OtfiClo Recorder for, / /08 W. 'I in ;tcn County. do hereby certif -/-��___- at n ^e it'tC^.9 My Y that the annexed or }ores Ri•in tro nano • i ;ilad far r o, I � n mYg(ficeon thvZ�y hand and saal ;..y of <I; -- 6 0 4 M, and the same Is 19 record_ 0*0 . .r n,..id ane seal th' t '�gdTT� daY of 19 t1iClerk end Ea-0fficio Recorder Circuit Cler and 391 Officio Recorded �Ibrn By D=nury pl.•r4 Uzi • 1 pppppppw STATE of ARKANSAS County o[�Washington ss. � 111 � hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a flied place of business and at a fixed (dally ) Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington. Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of . buslness to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City a County for a deflnite price for ORDINANCE. NO.aaN each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is PETITRIDVE�g IDDl&V RE- considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and QUIRE MENTS FDR THe PDR. service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers SVST' OF ONE PILOTLESS PH thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents IBLOOFOR .ALC OHOL�O�L LICE or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; FOR THE FAYETTEVII,LE LICE and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than [oily percent 9E IT ORDAINED aY THE DOARD news matter. OF DIRECTORS OF TXECRY OF FAVETTEVD.LE, AREAN I . ' Section 1. That the eo,m of Direc- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of km tensity Waives the requirements of i cbmpetitive bidding for the purchase ))) of am paraph system — r, /N � ,' chromatograph the ] blood-alcolgioll / / (((/ I/. C Mids for r t Fayetteville Police Demrtmeat far the reason that said . bear.uaeg Diemis mtsly ale«In.�mtl.e was Published in the regular daily Issue of said newspaper for Wmrmmtingbeid a nand otlane. consecutive Insertions as fellows : Seby 2. rhe award o! Dbvcbn ��Y determines that the Fayet- n moLevdule Police of one path ts m ion- The first insertion on the _ day of 19.J-1,�✓v gas to nemd of one pil(bloo system- saa chmmamgnph (blood.akdwl an9Nm) b effectively Worcs the the second Insertion on the day of 19 State's criminal law againstdrivinge e while intoxicated; that d!e¢tive n- ' h�menl or said law 6 and welfare; to the third insertion on the .. day of 19 and tatie�akh, safety stat we9em; presage of he ordinance ts necessary toe said the equipment ppurchasa of laid equipment. and the fourth insertion On the day of 79 7mmfom, an emergency in beret) �'•@, _ ^ _ declared taeyfende ortlinaneibe. ing mmsaary for the ppuublic health, ll safety and welfam abll h in full form and effect from and after its passage - I arPASSE v A 2�V 1 aY��^m APPROVED Nla SN Sworn to and subscribed before me on this - day of February, 1981. APPROVED: J°AnTodtll (seal) MAYOR _ �''(. \ �y-7�Ch18 2S ATTEST: ' Angelo R. kledlock CRIIKYCIE ] k17 If Noiary Public ,,wit it qqq . MY Commission Expires: 100.1 I a-I, Fees for Printing . 2t. ` `-� / 1 . Coat of Proof � , • , , . •, ' � • : 1 ' Total :. n: ,n nr .•;.•