HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2581 ORDINANCE N0 . RECC);� S AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX C TO THE FAYETrTEVJ CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AMEND THE PROCEDURE FOR SUBD`TV1`SfOW P LArj: 42 APPROVAL . Sr ';fiGTrf; � ��. TY, riRli . eJ� BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THEp'G MF 1cR FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : i" < «it Section 1 . That Art . I , Sec . D of Appendix C to the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding the following : Plat , concept : A generalized scetch of an area intented to be subdivided and containing sufficient information to allow the Planning Commission to determine whether the subdivider can comply with these regulations . Section 2 . That Article II of Appendix C to the Fayette - ville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : The subdivider shall follow the following procedure for the approval of a subdivision plat : Sec . A . CONCEPT PLAT When a developer intends to subdivide land within the Fayette- ville Planning Area Boundary he may first submit a Concept Plat to the Planning Administrator for the Planning Commission ' s consideration . The purpose of the Concept Plat process is to allow all interested parties an opportunity to provide the developer with their input or requirements before the developer invests a great deal of time or money into the preparation of a detailed plat . The Concept Plat shall be submitted to the Planning Administrator at least seven ( 7 ) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which it is to be considered . For both the Concept Plat and Preliminary Plat the developer shall notify all surrounding property owners within 100 feet of the proposed subdivision . Notification shall be by certified mail or in person ; and , if in person , proof of notification shall be by signature on the plat . The developer shall submit proof of notification prior to the Planning Commission ' s review of the plat . The Concept Plat shall contain the following information : 1 . Eighteen ( 18 ) copies of the plat drawn at 1 " = 100 ' or 1 " = 200 ' on any material so long as it portrays the intent of the developer ; 2 . A vicinity map which shows the proposed subdivision location in relation to the nearest arterial and collector streets on the Fayetteville Master Street Plan or Washington County Highway Plan ; 3 . Topography (USGS is sufficient ) ; 4 . Existing water courses , flood plains , tree cover and other natural or physical features or restricting elements ; 5 . Type of utilities to be provided ; 6 . Proposed use of all land ; 7 . Existing and proposed traffic system ; 8 . Proposed type and number of structures ; 9 . Name , address and telephone number of owner , developer , and engineer or surveyor ; and 10 . Subdivision name , scale , date , north arrow and acreage . The Concept Plat will be distributed to City department heads , members of the Technical Advisory Committee and other affected parties . Any comments concerning the proposed subdivision ' received by the Planning Administrator shall be passed ' on to the developer , . = 1007 759 The Planning Commission will review the proposed subdivision considering all applicable City plans and ordinances and comments received from technical review people and the Planning Administrator . Following its review , the Planning Commission 4, MiCROFIU&M 0 DATE FEB REEL i . 2 . will determine any potential problems which could result in refusal to approve a Final Plat . Following Planning Commission review the Planning Administrator will advise the developer in writing of the review comments . Sec . B . PRELIMINARY PLAT When a subdivision of land is proposed , the first formal application for approval shall consist of the following , directed to the City Planning Commission and submitted to the Planning Administrator : 1 . Application for preliminary subdivision plat approval . 2 . Payment of the preliminary plat fee . 3 . Eighteen (18 ) copies of a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision which plat shall include the information indicated for preliminary plats in Section F . The preliminary plat shall be reviewed first by the Plat Review Committee . The developer shall then submit 10 copies of the plat , with revisions as recommended by the Plat Review Committee , for distribution to the Planning Commission . Application for Preliminary Plat Approval shall be submitted to the Planning Administrator at least fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission at which consideration is requested . Plat Review Committee and Subdivision Committee Procedure Following submittal of a preliminary plat , final plat , or large scale development plan the Planning Administrator shall distribute the proposed development to the Plat Review Committee (PRC ) for its review and comment . The Planning Administrator shall schedule a meeting of the PRC to consolidate comments on all plats submitted for consideration . The PRC comments shall be provided to the Subdivision Committee ( SC ) for its review and decision or recommendation . The SC will review the PRC comments and make a recommendation to the Planning Commission . The SC will usually meet just prior to the Planning Commission . Final approval of a large scale development plan may be made by the SC . Planning Commission action . The Planning Commission shall consider the preliminary plat along with all reports and comments by utility companies , city departments and others . Within thirty ( 30 ) days after the Planning Administrator ' s receipt of the preliminary plat , the Planning Commission shall indicate its approval , disapproval or approval with conditions . Approval of the preliminary plat shall be subject to the following qualifications : 1 . Such approval does not constitute authorization to proceed with construction until plans have been approved ( See #4 below) . 2 . Approval of the preliminary plat is tenative pending submission and approval of the final plat . 3 . Approval of the preliminary plat shall be effective for one year and thereafter as long as work is actively progressing on the installation of required improvements . 4 . Receipt by the subdivider of the Planning Commission ' s written approval of the preliminary plat authorizes the subdivider to proceed with : 1 . The preparation of site improvement plamtikil" y I �Q specifications including : a . Street plans , profiles and specifications accompanied by soils analysis and design calcula- tions . b . Storm drainage plans , profiles and specifications accompanied by soils analysis and design calculations ; and - 3 - c . Water and sewer plans , profiles and specifications , accompanied by design calculations , to be reviewed and approved by city officials . 2 . The installation of site improvements after plans and profiles for such improvements have been approved by the appropriate official ; and 3 . Preparation of the final plat of the subdivision or of a portion of the subdivision . Sec . C . FINAL PLAT While the Planning Commission ' s approval of the preliminary plat is in effect , the subdivider may submit to the Planning Administrator an application for approval of the final plat which shall consist of : 1 . Application for final subdivision plat approval . 2 . Payment of the final plat fee . 3 . Eighteen ( 18 ) reproductions or copies of the final plat which plat shall include the information required for final plats by Section F . Following review of the final plat by the Plat Review Committee , the developer shall submit 10 copies of the plat , with any revisions , for distribution to the Planning Commission . 4 . Assurance that the improvements indicated in the final plat and / or required by these regulations will be installed or constructed . Such assurance may consist of : 1 . A contract with the city which contract shall grant the City a lien on the property within the subdivision to guarantee installation of required improvements and shall provide that no Certificate of Occupancy for any structure erected within the subdivision will be issued by the City until the lot on which the structure is located has been released from the aforesaid lien . 2 . . A performance bond approved by the City Attorney guaranteeing installation of the required improvements ; 3 . . A cash deposit amounting to one hundred per cent ( 100%) of the estimated total cost of the required improvements ; or 4 . Certification by the street superintendent and city engineer that all improvements have been installed as approved . An application for approval of a final subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Planning Administrator not less than fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission at which consideration is requested . Within sixty ( 60 ) days after receipt of the final plat and other required information , the Planning Commission shall approve or disapprove the final plat , which approval or disapproval shall be communicated to the applicant in writing . � EL117 761 - 4 - When the final plat has been approved by the Planning Commission , the subdivider shall submit two ( 2 ) original reproducible transparent "Mylar" and twenty - two ( 22 ) copies with the approval of the Planning Commission certified thereon including all signatures , to the Planning Administrator . One reproducible transparent "Mylar" copy of the final plat containing the certifi - cation of the Planning Commission shall be retained by the Planning Administrator for City records . The developer shall file the other "Mylar" and any covenants with the County Recorder and shall provide the Planning Administrator with proof of filing . No building permits shall be issued until proof of filing has been provided by the developer . Approval of a final plat by the Planning Commission shall not be deemed acceptance of any of the dedications shown on the plat . Such acceptance shall be made by the City or the County in the manner prescribed by law . Sec . D . CONCURRENT PLAT When a property owner wishes to transfer large parcels of property or parts of recorded lots that do not require replatting , dedications , vacations , reservations , changes in alignments of easements or rights - of-way or extension of utilites , the Planning Commission may waive the preliminary plat and approve the final plat for filing with the County Recorder . Sec . E . FEES When the subdivider submits a plat to the Planning Commission he shall remit the following fees ; Concept Plat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 30 . 00 Preliminary Plat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 50 . 00 Final Plat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 50 . 00 Concurrent Plat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 50 . 00 Lot Split - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 15 . 00 Large Scale Development - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 45 . 00 Sec . F . PLAT REQUIREMENTS The original plat shall be drawn in waterproof ink on Mylar or other reproducible , stable base material at a scale which best suits the size of the property being platted . If the scale is other than 1" = 100 ' then the developer shall provide one print or photo conversion at a scale 1 " = 100 ' . Mylar Sheets shall be 18 " x 23 " . Plat information : The following information shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for a plat review and approval : GENERAL Prelimi- Final Concurrent Name and address of owner , nary Plat Plat Plat developer , engineer , surveyor and person preparing the plat . X X X Subdivision name , date , graphic scale , north arrow , acreage and zoning districts . X X X Legal description of the property with dimensions and angles sufficient to locate all lines on the ground ',- . Lots and block shall be identified , boundaries shall be shown by distance , and property shall ��� be located by section , range and = 1067 township and by corporate limits . X X X Location and description of all stakes and monuments . X X Vicinity sketch to show the relation of plat to streets and developments surrounding the subdivision and other information - 5 - requested by the Planning Commission . X X X EXISTING CONDITIONS Prelimi - Final Concurrent nary Plat Plat Plat Original topography at five ( 5 ) foot contour intervals along with water courses and rock outcroppings . X (May be changed at the Engineer ' s discretion if another topo interval better suits the land) . Locations and names of existing or platted streets and utility easements within or abutting the subdivision . X X X Location of all prominent physical features such as building , rail - roads , parks , creeks and public open spaces . X Names of adjacent subdivisions and owners of adjacent property . X Location and size of utility lines , water courses , bridges , culverts , wooded areas , lakes , flood plains and underground installations within or adjacent to the subdivision . X PROPOSALS Prelimi- Final Concurrent nary Plat Plat Plat General drainage plan X Drainage plan with proposed cuts and fills . X Location and dimension of all pro - posed lot lines , lot and block num- bers , building lines , street lines , easements , dedications and reserva - tions . X X X Radial and linear dimensions including angles , bearings , reference to true north , and distances sufficient to reproduce the plat on the ground . X X Proposed use of all land in the subdivision . X Location and size of utility lines . X X Location and size of any property to be dedicated or reserved with conditions for special uses . X X INFORMATION TO SUPPLEMENT THE PLAT Premili- Final Concurrent nary Plat Plat Plat Letter of transmittal . X X X Profiles of streets and sidewalks and utility plans with profiles . X Protective covenants . X X X Certificate of survey and accuracy by surveyor . X X Certificate of ownership , title , and dedication . X Certificate of accuracy by the 1 , 07 76� developer ' s engineer . X Signature block for the City Planning Commission .. X X X Signature block to certify I - 6 - Prelimi- Final Concurrent nary Plat Plat Plat approval of streets , side - walks , street lights , easements , grading , and drainage by the city engineer . X X Location and dimension of sidewalks and location of street lights . X X X Signature block to certify acceptance of dedications by the City Board of Directors . X X Signature block for water and sewer superintendent to certify State Health Department approval of water and sewer plans . X X Guarantees in lieu of improvements (bond , cash or contract with City or County) . X X Sec . G . SIGNATURES The final plat or concurrent plat may be signed by any officer of the Planning Commission . Sec . H NUMBER OF PLATS The Planning Administrator may request additional copies of plats if the amount required by this ordinance is not sufficient for distribution to the various committee members . 3 Section X . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the provisions of this ordinance are severable . Should any provision hereof be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by a court of competent juridiction said declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions . Sectionf,6 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the present procedure for approval of subdivision plats hinders the effective administration of the City ' s • subdivison regulations ; that effective administration of the City ' s subdivision regulations is essential for the public health , safety , and welfare , and that the passage of this ordinance is necessary to provide for effective administration of the City ' s subdivision regulations . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety , and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1979 . APPROVED : ATTEST : PIAYOR •I • r CERTIFICATE OF RECORDkMdt G- State of Arkansns r gS = 100TI �J4 C TY C RK City of Fayetteville l _ I, Angela R. Medlock, City Clerk and Ex- Officio re :order for tl:e City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify fiat the annc:ed or fore- going is of record in my office and the samo appears '.k Is in Ordinance & Resolution boo 16 at page 1f/ n"� . witness rty hand nd seal day of TA-) 19 A.Q- -�1-__ City Clerk and Es-0414, io R:cordot CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARLANSAS SS, Washin^ton County I , Aima L. Itcl'mcyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder fon Washin; ton County, do hereby certify tha: ,ha annexed or ff/ore+ o�[' my office on thud day going ins+r nenhvas tiled?�for 6a raa O JockAM, and thesame is of i9C1at� 4n (,� re,.ord O atP leo-JLC duly recorded in_@J? 19 pQ Witness my hand and seal tills day of 4 Circuit _rk a d Ex-Officio Recorded By Deputy Clerk � r r