HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2571 .� 40C /1 ._ `yell ORDINANCE NO . o� � ^I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF ORDINANCE ,�`�Qi' :2566� n TO AMEND THE MATURITY AND INTEREST PAYMENT DATESi' °! GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS PROPOSED TO BE ISSUED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY HOSPITAL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY ON' FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That. Section 2 of Ordinance No . 2566 is hereby amended to read as follows : Section 2 . That the bonds shall be dated January 2 , 1980 and shall bear interest at the lowest rate or rates obtainable at public sale , interest shall be payable semiannually on July 1 and January 1 of each year . The bonds shall mature on January 1 of each year as follows , but shall be callable for payment prior to maturity upon such terms as the Board of Directors shall determine and specify in the Notice of Public Sale of the bonds : Year AMOUNT 1983 36 , 000 1984 40 , 000 1984 402000 1985 402000 1986 45 , 000 1987 45 , 000 1988 50 , 000 1989 55 , 000 1990 55 , 000 1991 602000 1992 65 , 000 1993 65 , 000 1994 70 , 000 1995 75 , 000 1996 80 , 000 1997 85 , 000 1998 90 , 000 1999 95 , 000 2000 100 , 000 2001 110 , 000 2002 115 , 000 At the discretion of the Board of Directors , the bonds may be sold and delivered in series as funds are needed upon such terms and pursuant to such conditions as the Board of Directors may specify in the ordinance ' authorizing the issuance of a particular series . The various series may bear interest at different rates , MKROF M neo ® i0tJ2 19 DATE____ Section 2 . It is hereby ascertained and declared that thereis a in mmediate need for improvements to Fayetteville City Hospital in order to promote and protect the health , safety and welfare of the City and its inhabitants , and that the improvements can be accomplished only by the issuance of the bonds . It is , therefore , declared that an emergency exists and that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health , safety and welfare , shall be in force and take effect immediately from and after its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1979 . APPROVED : MAYOR ;',ATTEST.; U '1 i •n. y,••44 4 L PI CL i .- ' 4 .. u '• m'-a IifICATE Or^ i;ii:Cl7,'tI) 4 { S?: Cif;; of I. ;dti :i. I :' :'r t p. frrr^- ! ' lil r :lillv' 31 ❑ --�� �y-�� "ifncps r:jy hand :md s al C:is_�,__ of iMa,y„ I rpm, _`_-- ---. Cit lcrk and L•' c !fii.io Recordey J ® 002 20 CERTIFICATE OF, RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS WashinUton County SS. I, Alma L. iio.'hi+vnr, Cir:vit .^.I'rh and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hc-_b . ,`y •jj a +h� ,nn,xzd or fore- of �rum�nt was filed for rrcaniin ray o,fice on th�day of 19 at�—.2 e ��cIo=KElfv1, anal the same is duly recorded in __ rcord IW2- Witness my hand and eal tl at page, .day f 19 �rcuit Clerk and Officio Recorded By <<•;.� ., ., DePuty Clerk STATE of ARKANSAS 1 , ORDINA\CENO.n7I I J} as. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION S County Of Washington OF ORDINANCE NO. 7366 TO AMEND Q THE MATURITY AND INTEREST PAY- �! r�o� MENT DATES OF CENERAI. OBLIGA- f' l_s TION BONDS PROMISED 7'O BE ISSUED VVV ;� FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE FAYET- I, ... ..._._._C ....._.. _.... ._._..__..._... _..., hereby certify that I eTEVILLE CITY HOSPITAL. am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily the BER ORDAINED RY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYET- newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: tour pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at Section I That Section x of Ordinance . No. 7ae6 h hereby amended to and As a fixed (dally ) intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of /4lowao the bonds Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated Section 2.1�1Jamury S, 19p farad amu Eear!nnlerate E and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and Use lowest raw or ratesobtawblestpublic readers p sale. interest shall be payable semlannwl- generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite rice for ty on July I and Jam I of each year. each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what Is The bads alull mature on January 1 of each year as follows, but shall be callable considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and far Payment Prior to maturity upon such I service value it contains, that at least lift Seen termm a the Board of Directors droll deter- y percent o[ the subscribers mien am qucRy fn the NoObe a Public thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its agents Sale often- 4. e.r a<7;.AMOUor through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; 1•..Yaar •va NT : 190 ..�.L , + >.88,0n) and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent ' 19g1 IY r .. , x0.000 , news matter. I, • R6 J . 90.000 19869 - 0;000 I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of a000 ; I989 55.= not 551010 . 01991 81,0011 r�n n • IRs 68,009 IWO - WON 1988 70.006 was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for......... _..___ _..... 1990 milia ioax'ent+ve Insertiono as follows : 7998 N'ow 1"? 88,000 1998 00'000 I The tire[ insertion on the __..__._ N.oV I9R 96960101) ............._.. day of _ _ ._ ...... 19----- _9ig00 IN:WQ 2102 no = sm the second insertion on the --- ---------------.------_ day of ........ 19---_____.._ - •At the discretion of the Board of Dian fan, the bads my be sold and delivered In series w buds an needed upon such ; the third insertion on the _---._. --- day of ---------_------ _._______ 19........... . forma and pursuant to such candidata as the Board of Directors may specify in lM ordinaace authorizing the isawtice of a and the fourth Insertion on the ........................ day of ...__—. 19..-_.__. particular series. The various series '• bear Interest at diffmitt rates. r'"s " �• ,'3 - ^1✓+�; to gecUon 2 It is Mreby ascertained and I declared that arae is an Immediate need I _ 'e- ..u,%'jj� + { f-for Improvements to Fayetteville City Ha�W 1 in order to pramae and protect � Ne Mahle safety and welfare of the City and in Inhabitants. and that the her- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ___lc ..._....... day of provemmu can M accomplished only by , the iavance of the bonds. It is. therefore, • declared Out an emergency ealsts and that this ordinance is necessary for the im.. ......._............ ----__----- yv._ 19__ mediate preservation of the public health. I safety and welfare, Nall M In forte and take effect immediately from and afar Its e PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day Notary Public aria R. Ma1ona. MAYOR ' ATTEST. ' n My Commission Expires: Angela R. Medlock 3 . •ICI'rY CTE7fK i �/-�/Y_lY•�.�%C j, ( (�� Fees for Printing ........ $..Z. ! J1 Cost of Proof ...._......---- j.......................... • Total ---------------- A --------------A t1� • 'r•ri