HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2568 ORDINANCE N0 . o< S�oO ^ QCT?� � AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBEITiINrRfsZON , PETITION R79 - 30 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 0 . 3 ACRES ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WEST SIXTH STREET BETWEEN HILL AND DUNCAN AVENUE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : Part of the SE 1 / 4 , SW 1 / 4 , Sec . 16 , T - 16 - N , R- 30 -W , described as : Beginning at a point which is 5 chains and 45 links North and 322 . 4 feet East of the SW corner of said 40 acre tract which is 100 feet West of the SE corner of a lot conveyed to Cecil Nott by the heirs of J • W . Upton , February 19 , 1904 , and running , thence West 75 feet , thence North to the right of way of the St . Louis and San Francisco Rail - Road , thence with the right of way North and East to a point North of the beginning point , thence South to the place of beginning , situated in the City of Fayetteville . From I - 1 , Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial District , to R- 2 , Medium Density Resid- ential District . Section 2 . That the zoning district map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above .. 1979 . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS � 10 DAY OF QQ� APPROVED : F PAYE , YOR ATTEST :� RECORD VS C `. ERK , ,/' .r u /� I, A. ter ;: .. I,i " . . . C;y., r • ^.nd Ex- ir. /p; ' .`. , , . . • ' FQ, t )t1ICi^ 'i, ao he�c _y cer! or fore- . ,•,•. Bili: .`.! of C: .C`7_I- 1.? *,-t_ ;L .rJ �:.'. the Same P - . ;a,j1SQi5 lil i,i':C!t_t:.b E � •- ,Ol=ikil '0001C `W �O % Jitnc3s my G�- hand a11d ::cal f is— - --day of 19 _ f Q MICROFILMED. wat% lerk DATE u ., _ curd Ex-OffLio Rxorder REEL —+.. rr 1980 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD ' OF AR::ANSAS , I SS. •- - Gnat. : . . I. Y ,h C'Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and EX-Officlo Recorderfoi Washin';fbn County; do h,&eby certify that the annexed or fore- going hs - ' merit was filed for record in my office on theagday oP_ . ' • 19 adG`_3d:cl6cid9• M, and the same is duly recorded in, . . - record lel at page W% Witness my hand and s I tflis ay of 19 Circuit Clerk ;ate'-� • � ,� E"x-l7ffici" co7l'��FF \ i � l ' _ STATE of ARKANSAS County of Washington } as. T - ..'�_•... .. ...., hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE - NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and DIN NA -� ORNNCE&"RNO. 25IFZONservice value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers "G AN - ORDITHAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING- thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents PETITION R]is0 FOR A PARCEL CON or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six IDO¢Lha; ID NORTH SE OF WEST SIIXTH STREET and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent BETWEEN HILL AVENUE ' AND DON* EAN AVENUE. '• e4" I '" � � t news matter. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF , DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYET- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of TEVILLE, ARKANSAS.' it Section I. That the ante classification y the coon ing described a classi u hereby changedasfolIORS: t '; • > Pan of the SE L, SW 'a. Sec. I6, T R�W. s cubed aBeginning at a point . which b S dchainssitn ed 4 links North and 322.4 tmt Ent of the sw corner of sad W was published In the regular daft issue of said newspaper for......._-).___..__. ----- ase tract which is les feet West of the SE P Y carrteruta list conveyed to Cecil Nat by the -epQBCeH;t;;a-Insertio4 as follows : Fein d 2 N'. Upton. Februan' 19. 1901. and //�1 - running. thettre West r feet. thetics North ' The first insertion on the ....__—Z.._....t._.. day o[ _L_119___7__? to the right of way of the SL Louis aid San --c-- Francisco RailRoad, thence with the right of wav North and East to a point North of, the heginning point. thence South to Out the second insertion on the ............................ day of ____-----_.._-------- 19__._.______ place of beginning. situated in the City of .Faveiteville. From 41. Heavy Commercial d aitb'IJght : Industrial District. to R3, the third Insertion On the ------------------------_. y yledium Demu)' ResideNial Dutriet. Section 2. That the zoning district map of the City of Fay'eneville. Arkansas hit and the fourth insertion on the ------------------------ day of ______—___....__.... hereby amended to reflect the zoning• change provided in Section l above. I PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 16th ,;,_y,_.,`�, •` -- DAY OF October. 1979. APPROVED: J / ^ David W .Malone ' 1 MAYOR. ��// w �✓� i all . „ _, Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _�..7�.._.___---- day of . ATTEST: C' i t 'd' Angela R. Sledlmk'• 1 .. 1J. r : r, ' CITY CLERK . ^ Notarg Public Commission Expires : I Fees for Printing 2 Cost of Proof ---------------- f----- -----_...___...._.___ i ,• • �- � Total ................ :2Z ..-( i i , I