HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2566 ORDINANCE NO . 2566 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THEc4!>:� jO;;r „ a•' //. : CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , ON THE QUESTION"/,fjn'XrO�yo&., S2 OF ISSUING BONDS UNDER AMENDMENT NO . 13 TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING r IMPROVEMENTS TO THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY HOSPITAL ; PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO : AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . WHEREAS , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ( the " City " ) , is a city of the first class ; and WHEREAS , it has been determined that the following improve - ments are needed : ( 1 ) The construction of improvements to the Fayetteville City Hospital at an estimated cost to the City of $ 1 , 376 , 000 . 00 ; which estimates include expenses of authorizing and issuing bonds ; and WHEREAS , the purpose of this Ordinance is to submit to the electors of the City the question of issuing General Obligation Improvement Bonds under Amendment No . 13 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas for financing the proposed improvements ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Section 1 . That there is hereby called a Special Election for November 6 , 1979 , at which there shall be submitted to the electors the question of issuing General Obligation Improvement Bonds under Amendment No . 13 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas in the principal amount of $ 1 , 376 , 000 . 00 ( the " Bonds " ) . Section 2 . That the bonds shall be dated Feburary 1 , 1980 , shall bear interest at the lowest rate or rates obtainable at public sale , interest shall be payable semi- annually 6n (` r� August 1 and Febuary 1 of each year MICROFIIMER � �� + ' 4J DATE ]AN�+W REEL The bonds shall mature on February of each year as follows , but shall be callable for payment prior to maturity upon such terms as the Board of Directors shall determine and specify in the Notice of Public Sale of the bonds : YEAR AMOUNT 1983 36 , 000 1984 400000 1985 40 , 000 1986 45 , 000 1987 452000 1988 50 , 000 1989 55 , 000 1990 55 , 000 1991 60 , 000 1992 65 , 000 1993 65 , 000 1994 70 , 000 1995 75 , 000 1996 80 , 000 1997 85 , 000 1998 902000 1999 95 , 000 2000 100 , 000 2001 110 , 000 2002 115 , 000 At the discretion of the Board of Directors , the bonds may be sold and delivered in series as funds are needed upon such terms and pursuant to such conditions as the Board of Directors may specify in the ordinance authorizing the issuance of a particular series . The various series may bear interest at different rates . Section 3 . That the questions shall be placed on the ballot for the special election in substantially the following form : ® 100' C1 644 Vote on measure by placing an "X" in the square opposite the measure either for or against : FOR an issue of bonds in the amount of $ 1 , 3.76 , 000 for the construction of improvements to the Fayetteville City Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . j—J AGAINST an issue of bonds in the amount of $ 1 , 376 , 000 for the construction of improvements to the Fayetteville City Hospital . . . . . . . . r7 If bonds are approved by the electors , they will be one issue of $ 1 , 376 , 000 in principal amount of General Obligation Improvement Bonds ( the "bonds " ) under the provisions of Amendment No . 13 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas . The bonds will be dated January 1 , 1980 , with interest payable semi - annually on July 1 and January 1 of each year . The bonds will mature annually on January 1 in each of the years 1983 to 2002 , inclusive . The bonds will bear interest at the rate or rates accepted by the City at the public sale of the bonds . The Board of Directors will levy and there will be collected a continuing annual tax in the amount of two ( 2 ) mills to insure the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds that are issued . Bonds may be sold and delivered in series as funds are needed upon such terms and pursuant to such conditions as the Board of Directors may specify in the ordinance authorizing the issuance of a particular series . The various series may bear interest at different rates . Section 4 . That the election shall be held and conducted and the vote canvassed and the results declared under the law and in the manner now provided for municipal elections , so far as the same is applicable , and the Mayor of the City is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of such election by an advertisement published once a week for four weeks in a newspaper published in the City and having a bona fide circulation therein , the last publication to be not less than ten days prior to the date of the election and only qualified voters of the City shall have the right to vote at the election . Section 5 . That the results of the election shall be pro - claimed by the Mayor , and his Proclamation shall be published � 1 301 645 one time in a newspaper published in the City and having a bona fide circulation therein , which Proclamation shall advise that the results as proclaimed shall be conclusive unless attacked in the courts within thirty days after the date of Proclamation . Section 6 . That the Mayor is authorized to advertise , according to the terms of Amendment No . 13 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas , the public sale of the bonds . Section 7 . That a copy of this Ordinance shall be given to the Washington County Board of Election Commissioners so that the necessary election officials and supplies may be provided . Section 8 . That all ordinances and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict . Section 9 . It is hereby ascertained and declared that there is an immediate need for the improvements in order to promote and protect the health , safety and welfare of the City and its inhabitants , and that the improvements can be accomplished only by the issuance of the bonds . It is , therefore , declared that an emergency exists and this Ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace , health and safety , . shal.l; be in force and take effect immediately from and after its . pass.age . , : PASSED : & ` 2 ; 1979 . APPROVED :ka A oj MAYOR ® 100.1, 646 ':tri , . R'K .. c r_ CERTNICA'I'E 017 RECORD Sta�0 of Arkim-'as SS of Laycttct:MID I r;i. R. D'i<td':o,k, Ci^ r'; nl:= Ex- Ofri:. ; recorder for t:e i.'.0. ;rtify that the I � . ...�! � r• �amc CERTIFICATE OF RECORD "- • ; "r: `n n.,y S I is FE of ARKANSAS ] Ordinance fa Resolati,n b.)cvk t ',-i ViashinCt / f ton County ] 63. J -_-:---'it page � it::c2s MY I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder forhand 'ay of a)ij sora t'»s Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- (�1 ell going ins"\m- e�nt was file for record in my office on the��ay Mat ] 5�clork A• M, and the same is r^! ' _ duly recorded in ` Irecord ] at pagk City Jerk and Es-0fficio 12ecorder Witness my hand and se t 4day of _19 Circuit Clerk and Ex-Offic"o eco'r d :• , Deouty Clerk iJ STATE o1 ARKANSAS 1 } County of Washington ))) as. (��J6�9IY�1�(A1Y17��1ovw) .1 CG�l�t!, . I--------------- ---..:...-_-__�- - - ----------EJ - -__- .".."....__.__---- _.., hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily Brclifrl 3' That the questions 91111 he• newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than C-ANOROINANCE CLTINOIAingfor cw.wcA SPECULA ly'ote ontnmtl s r rbkwm placing an tour pages of flue columns each, published at a filed place of business and at Tote on opposite by pleasu en "er m a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of - F.IELTION IN THE .7"i lESg. the ga art opposite the measure either far THIN OF'ARK oet.' S UNDER uagatnsc - Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated TION OF ISSUING BONDS' UNDER FUR an issue of bonds in the amount of AMENDMENT No. is TO THE cot• ur6.a0u far the cominuRal or his. and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and SITTUTION OF THE STATE OF ARKAN. yyrovemenu to .the . Fayetteville CA% readers generally of all classes In the City & County for a definite price for SAS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANC- Hoapital . t . . : . .,.1 . . :: . . . . . . ING THE COST OF CONSTRUCTING IM- AGAINST an Issue of bonds in the amount each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is PROVEMENTS TO THE FAYET. of f1.Jx.Un for the emulantion of im. considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and 'TEVILLE CITY HOSPITAL: PRESCRIB- pprovemems tf ;the Fayetteville City INH • OTHER • MATTERS RELATING {Impiml . . . :;.. . . . . '' . . : . . . . . I service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers THERETO: AND DECLARING AN . R bonds are approved .be the Itpy will be nip issue of f1,xii.1xq in prim4ejJ. elrctors EMERGENCY:iJlt . thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its agents : e•-•,WHEREAS, the -CTty of Fayetteville; typal amount of General lttignlion Ion or through. recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; Arkansas (the,"City"1, talk of Be first prevenient Bonds o the "beds"I under the clan: am ' �3 !t^-+:.•: •" ' -ggo promrndu xvitloo(Ammen flo. tothecon- and that the said newspaper publishes all average of more than forty percent �wEREAS, Uluftpeadelermined that stifuttos of the Slate of .Arkansas. Thr news matter. •-thefdtawingimprovementaereneeded: • bonds will bedaled Janal 1. Ista. with in- III The construction of IrtpreearniesleM teres) parable sem;-annually an July 1 pawl -'.the ;Fayeuevide City Hospital at an. January berets will of each year. The berewill I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter o1 attended coat to the City of 31,378.000.00: mature annually os January 1 'in each of 'wNtls aumate - Include expenses - of the years IM l0 M. inclusive. The bolds autharizingaod Issuing boner: and will bear interest at the rale or rates ay. SW.//,s ...WHEREAS, the purpsse of this Or- erpled m' the City at the public sale of tht• Z ._- ,..:dW nee is us us submit k the electors of the bonds. The Board Directors will levy ani - .. .. . "---.. --_-----_-_ — ---- CitythequestionorIssuingGeneralOblige. them w ill he tvllecled a continuing annual Bon -Improvement Bonds under Amend- lax in the pmounl of two IPI mills to insure mens No. a to the Constitution of the State the pay meat of the principal of and idtrcaI was published in the regular daily issue o1 said newspaper for-------- ........_-- ...... of Arkansas for financing the Proposed im- on thr hmsls that are issued. Bonds may be eOnaeoull Inserttonlf as follows : 'proar menti: ' .. :.F: I said and deBvered in series as funds arel C NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED needed upon well terns and pursuant Io '0p'yy Use Board of Directors of the City of such conditions as the Board d Dirnlor l The first insertion on the -.-.--_ y of Fsyeltevilte Arkansas: mny specify ;n Ihe ordiulnr authorizing -----------" da _O _" """..""- 19-.".--"- ti Section I. Thal there ta hereby called a the issuance of a particular serifs. The IElection for November 6, pari, at various series may bear interval, at dib the second insertion on the -------------------____- day of ----------------_- which them shall be Submitted to the elm- rerent rales. ' - ------ 19"_--.---- '. uses the questions d issuing General Section J. That the election shall be held 'Obiigmim Improvement Bonds under aid conducted and the vote canvassed am Amendment No. 10 to the Constitution of It, results declared under the law and its the third Insertion on the ------------------------ --- day Of -_----------------_------ 19--------- ! the Slate of Arksmas In the principal ' the manner now provided for municipal Smal of 31,373,000.1%) (the "Ba ds"I. ' elections. so far as the same u applicable.I and the fourth insertion on the ___--—__-."..... day Of Section i. That the bonds shall be dated and the hover of the City is hereby --- February 1. 1%0, shot] bear interest at the authorized find directed to give notice all khat rale or rata obtainable at public such election by an adverlieemenl publish I els, kkral sled he payable semi- ed face a week (or four weeks ;o a V I annually on August 1 and February 1 of newspaper published k the City and hiv. - -- - eco year. The buds shall mature on ing a Conn fide circulation therein, the last ol— : February 1 d each year as follows, but publication to he rot les thon fen docs ' shad be callable to payment prior to prior to Ihe Aale of Ihe elrllnti :md n^.Ir / maturity upon such limns as the Board of quali(pd voles m Ihe Oily sMlt hone tip Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ".-_L_ .-".".". day Of .Olteclon 6ho11 determine and specify in right tavail pt the rleclion. . . ' the Nod" ef Public Sete of the bands: 'f. Section. That use results eflnae fid his "' 'YEAR yr j •4' A.NUUIN' shall be proclaimed by the hlaY^r, and his `r�1983 4 36.010 Proclamation shall] hepublished inthe CRY ----_-- `•'- 4 •R^.v ,y. f0,W1 and havinga bmta lidecimdallnnthereln -S F.w1 - Q.M which Proclamation sholl advise that the rr F` ( 1985 Yi r ' 1936 incl rl a ' e6•sa' unless as attacked i the shall within thrive .c__ .may f'Ye2 k'C� 7 p9 ng/ J ,pine. tl iS,gIU unless attacked in ftp courts within Imrly --- --- �y1988 rV ,li;,•y✓ r- a s1.o11 days after the date N Proclamation. O ry Public I 1949 .�'Moll J� Seclion 6. That the Slayer Is au(horized ea r19w ;va," r a . U1,000 to advents, according to the terms •t 14J1 • 5 V�IT7 IL'e2k+r ' an " Amendment No. I] to the Constitution of y , 199E .a ' 6,•.1x10 Be Slate of Arkamas. the public sale olid My Commission Expires : :0Is" c r '.•is." holds .. . , ,•1991 ♦ 79.000 Smfion 7."That •a M this Ordinance . eW - ` '1993 75,000 ..char be siren to the Washington Ion that •i Round tt Flrcuon Conofficials d ]hal 8.5.000 the amessary election ufhctab and .pup".. Social plies may he provdsd x;1999 a 93,001 Section 8. .That all ordinances and part. y�.n{ GP000 r a } 100,000 'zihereof m Zonherewithielherewith art herehy --------Fees for Printing .. ---- =.C./-- —_ r .:,:P00C • . 110.180 ¢mpualc-0lo the extent or such confhcl. Zr,IW02..?1; -- ~ • 113,19 s Section 9. 1t is hereby ascertained and =At the dtacretion of the Board N Dine- zckviarcd that there is an immediate teed Cost of Proof --------- {-----.__--------_.. lors,,Ule booth may be sold and delivered for the improvements In order to promote in-seely as funds are needed upon such I and protect the health, safety and welfare terms and pursuant to well conditions as „, W.Ihe C;ty and its imt _ abilants, and that (he Total ------..._..... f- -.. .s. ` m Directors. .(JC.-.L. 'the Board Directomay specify in the I improvements can be accomplished ply -- .ordinance aulhmising the issuance of a by the issuance of the bands. If is. g:; {culu series. The various sena may therefore. declared that an emergency ex � riAUmstatd;Berentrale. L.. ^� Lslsand this Ordinance being nexrssary fm' the Immediate preservalion of public peace, health and widely shell be in foror andp t�auke� efmi immediately from and after its PAS,SEU: (Ictober 1. 14111. -A . • -APPROVED: ;Yn�.•r.p•�^.f . .,c MAYOR - ( ATTEST: I ANGELA MEDLOCK CITY CLERK'•.�v::Ad y.,4;0'x%l:�A*:� _ .1 Ica •.u+E . Cot 4