HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2561 ORDINANCE NO . S� / " / CL AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE 0F 'C�`h �/Cy` !f%% S2 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS EOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING PERMANENT 6(�� }r �% r FINANCING FOR INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES ; AUTHORIZING A TRUST INDENTURE SECURING THE BONDS ; AUTHORIZING A LEASE AND AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AS LESSOR , AND FAYETTEVILLE PLUMBING AND HEATING CO . , INC . , AS LESSEE ; AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE BONDS ; AUTHORIZING AND PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING THERETO ; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . WHEREAS , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ( the " City" ) , is authorized and empowered under the provisions of Act No . 9 of the First Extraordinary Session of the Sixty- Second General Assembly of the State of Arkansas , approved January 21 , 1960 , as amended ( the " Act " ) , to issue revenue bonds and to expend the proceeds thereof to finance the acquisition , construction and equipment of lands , buildings or facilities which can be used in securing or developing industry ; and WHEREAS , it is proposed that the City provide permanent financing , through the issuance of revenue bonds under the Act , for the costs of acquiring , constructing and equipping certain industrial facilities consisting of lands , buildings , improvements , machinery , equipment and facilities ( the " Project " ) , and that the City lease the Project to Fayetteville Plumbing and Heating , Co . , Inc , , an Arkansas corporation ( the " Company " ) , as part of an industrial plant to be operated by the Company ( or its successors or assigns ) at the City ; and WHEREAS , pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Act , the City is now prepared to proceed with financing the Project and to issue and sell $ 310 , 000 in principal amount of its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds - Fayetteville Plumbing and Heating Project ( the " Bonds " ) , to provide such financing ; and WHEREAS , copies of the hereinafter described Trust Indenture and Lease and Agreement have been presented to and are before this meeting ; = 1001 6 ,5i MICROFILMED DATE JAN 3 1980 RE.M NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Section 1 . That the issuance of the Bonds is hereby authorized . The Bonds shall be issued in the form and denominations , shall be dated , shall be numbered , shall mature ( over a period not to exceed thirty [ 30 ] years ) , shall bear interest ( at a rate or rates not to exceed ten percent [ 10 % ) per annum ) , and shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity , all upon the terms and conditions recommended by the Company and to be set forth in the Trust Indenture ( hereinafter authorized ) securing the Bonds . Section 2 . That the Bonds be sold to First National Bank , Fayetteville , Arkansas ( the " Purchaser " ) , for the purchase price recommended by the Company and upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Indenture ( identified hereinbelow ) . Section 3 . That in order to prescribe the terms and conditions upon which the Bonds are to be executed , authenticated , issued , accepted , held and secured , the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge a Trust Indenture by and between the City and a bank or trust company which will act as Trustee thereunder , dated as of the date of the Bonds ( the " Indenture " ) , and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge the Indenture and to affix the seal of the City thereto , and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Indenture to be accepted , executed and acknowledged by the Trustee . The Indenture is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this meeting , and the Mayor is hereby authorized to confer with the Trustee , the Company and the Purchaser in order to complete the Indenture in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes as shall be approved by such persons executing the document , their execution to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval . Section 4 . That there be , and there is hereby authorized ® 11 652 the execution and delivery of a Lease and Agreement by and between the City as Lessor , and the Company as Lessee ( the " Lease and Agreement " ) , and the Mayor and City Clerk be , and they are hereby authorized to execute , acknowledge and deliver the Lease and Agreement for and on behalf of the City . . The Lease and Agreement is hereby approved substantially in the form submitted to this meeting , and the Mayor is hereby authorized to confer with the Company , the Trustee and the Purchaser in order to complete the Lease and Agreement in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes as shall be approved by such persons executing the document , their execution to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval . Section 5 . That the Mayor and the City Clerk , for and . on behalf of the City , be , and they are hereby authorized and directed to do any and all things necessary to effect the execution and delivery of the Lease and Agreement , the performance of all obligations of the City under the Lease and Agreement , the execution and delivery of the Indenture , the performance of all obligations of the City under and pursuant to the Indenture , the issuance , execution , sale and delivery of the Bonds , and the performance of all acts of whatever nature necessary to effect and carry out the authority conferred by this Ordinance . That the Mayor and the City Clerk be , and they are hereby , further authorized and directed , for and on behalf of the City , to execute all papers , documents , certificates and other instruments that may be required for the carrying out of such authority or to evidence the exercise thereof . Section 6 , That the City is hereby involved with the acquiring , constructing and equipping of industrial facilities , and pursuant to applicable laws of the State of Arkansas , including particularly the Act , competitive bidding is waived . Section 7 . That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file in the office of the City Clerk , as a part of the minutes of the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted , = 1001 653 for , inspection by any interested person a copy of the Indenture , Lease and Agreement , and such documents shall be on file for inspection by any interested person . Section 8 . That the law firm of Wright , Lindsey & Jennings , Little Rock , Arkansas , be appointed to act as Bond Counsel on behalf of the City in connection with the issuance and 'sale of the Bonds . Section 9 . That the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be separable , and if any section , phrase or provision shall for any reason be declared to be invalid , such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the 'sections , phrases and provisions . I ( Section 10 . That all ordinances , resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict . Section 11 . That there is hereby found and declared to be an immediate need for the securing and developing of industry in order to provide employment and payrolls , alleviate i unemployment and otherwise benefit the public health , safety and welfare of the City and the inhabitants thereof , and the issuance of the Bonds authorized hereby and the taking of the other action authorized hereby are immediately necessary for the accomplishing of these public benefits and purposes . It is , therefore , declared that an emergency exists and this Ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace , health and safety shall be in force and effect immediately upon and after its passage . PASSED : September 18 , 1979 . APPROVED : mayor cie Clerk ;. 654 CERTIFICATE The ,undersigned , City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby certifies that the foregoing pages are a true and perfect copy of Ordinance No . oZS(D / . , adopted at a regular session of the Board of Directors of the City of Fayei tteville , Arkansas , held at the regular meeting place in the ICity at ' 30 o ' clock p . m . , on the 18th day of Spetember , 1979, , and that the Ordinance is of record in Ordinance Record Book No . 1/ / / at page now in my possession . GIVEN under my hand and seal on this 18th day of September , 1979 . I ,. City Clerk 1 t" t J .1l'ri I ® IL �JJ i C n� Lam: CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansts ( SS City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. Kennedy, City Clerk and Ex-Officio recorder for ti:e City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going is of record in my office and the same ap- pears in Ordinance & Resolation hook; y l l 1— at J'a"e - '8----- Witness my hand and ser..] t.-is _--day of CERTIFICATE OF RECORD - - - - iTATE O" ARKANSAS City C'.L'r c a':la w:;Shin;ton countySs. I, Almc L. Koilmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder fof washimton County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore. going insVqrmnt was filed for record in my office on thtc?l day gaIV5—t1o'do -k p lA and the sa�eJis duly recorded i _ __r,cn,;i (OO( at pages( witness my hand and se I Ui s ay of 19`1 ' Grc ,It Clerk and Ex-^f I;= Pecprae& ay . .Panty clerk -_