HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2558 ORDINANCE NO . a � F ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 OF THE FAYETTTEVILLLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AUTHORIZE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND ELECTRICIANS LICENSED BY THE STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICAL EXAMINERS TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK IN THE CITY WITHOUT A LOCAL EXAMINATION . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Sec . 8 - 3 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending the definitions of the terms Master Electrician , Journeyman Electrician , and Electrical Contractor to read as follows : o r! Ay c�a ( 3 ) Master Electrician . A Master Electrician shallc-�� fR - defined to include any individual who possesses the 55 n�i 0 necessary qualifications , training and technical know�ge_ C) to plan , layout , and supervise the installation , maimgftnse , 70 and extention of electrical conductors and equipmentp 3c MM= ( 4) Journeyman Electrician . A journeyman electric i�i ha-R be defined to include . ' any individual who possesses tYi�n r necessary qualifications , training , technical knowledgato--4 install , maintain , and extend electrical conductors and equipment ; further he shall be capable of doing such work in accordance with plans and specifications furnished him in accordance with standard rules and regulations governing such work . ( 7 ) Electrical Contractor . Electrical contractor shall be defined to include any person , member , and/ or employee of a firm , partnership , or corporation engaged in the business of installing , erecting or repairing or contracting to install , erect , or repair electrical wire or conductors to be used for the transmission of electric light , heat , power , or signalling purposes or to install or repair moulding , ducts , raceways or conduit for the reception or protection of such wires or conduits , or any electrical machinery , operators , or systems to be used for electrical light , heat , power , or signalling purposes . Section 2 . That Sec . 8 - 10 ( 1 ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding the following : Any electrical contractor , master electrician , or journeyman electrician licensed by the State Board of Electrical Examiners may work in the City without a local examination after first showing evidence of a State License issued by the State Board of Electrical Examiners and paying those fees required by the City . , . 1%' 'Np , APPROVED this day of `t � 1 � :.• ` APPROVED : mK00 313 ,:, •• r�` � " . MICROFILMEI2 Cst DATE T 19M CIT REEL `.CERTIFICATE OF RBC ORP 'State of Arkansas ( S , City of Faye±«;,;. t!.� I Suzanne C. {c. • - . City Cj0!-L. and O`. i,i., rccer ' do i:ereby going is of record in my office a7:<' - re :rs CERTIFICATE OF RECORD • d seal this _ _ 19—_ • -r. oF ARKANSAS'fl Kington County SS. City Clerk and Es-Officio Recorder t , Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio Recorder fog Nashington County, do hereby certify that the annexed of fore 'fore" goin ument was filed for record in my office on the Aday of _<� • g a b'clork,tiM, and the same is ',•, 1 , record 000 at pag413 hily recorded in 19•lg witnaas my hand and sea day of t '- e • . i . . .F i Circuit Clerk d 1 Ex;OIic io Reco ed A m ey Deputy Cler STATE of ARKANSAS 1 J} County of Washington Be. 0 C� n > I. .............. ............ . ._ _-- ----------- ___ ... ..... hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of ^ t11-10RDI.NANCE NO. Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CIIAPTER — OF THE FAYEITEVILLEl and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and CODE OFORDINANCES TO AUTHURIZEI readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for ELECTRICAL "CONTRACTORS ANDI ELECTRICIANS LICENSED BY TH0 each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is SPATE BOARD R ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL EX-I considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and STATE BOA PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK IN THECITY-WITHOUTA WCAL'1 service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers EXAMINATION. 'l >. • - n.. . - . thereto have al p BE IT ORDAINED BY TRE BOARD OF' paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its agents DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYFT. or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: ' ' 11 Section I.- That sec. as of the-Fayet. and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent teville Code of Ordinances is hereby newsmatter. amended by emending the definitions of the terms Master Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, and Electrical Contractor to I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of read asasterE Electrician. UI Nasty Electrician. include Master Elec- _ lrician shall be dames 10 he* nany lo-) qualifications, who. possesses the* nechnicAll qu0liledg to training and technieaq - -- �% --�- - �—[.4'lei...l._.__.—__f—� _��___.____._..._% -----_. knowledge to plan:layout, and supervise; the installation, maintenance, and edgfE Don of electrical mndaeGirs and evurp• was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for...._......____. ...... meal, ' ' ° -eeeeeets+ieinsertionj as follows : ql Journeyman ' Electrician. AI n 10urneyman electrician shall be defined tal / �y �,y�'/^ 7 rnellde any individual who possesses Nel The first Insertion on the .__.___!.. day of— ' fv " __ 19__ C _ necessary knowledge to . training;' ......_.__ _ . technical kmxdedge to install. maintain, _ and extend electrical conductors and e-. the second insertion on the --- ____-----_-------- day of .....___._..._--------- 19----------- quipmen ; further he shall be capable of doing such work in accordance with plans and specifications furnished him in ac- h l insert0n On the cordanee with'sta dards rules and regula- the third ------------------------ day of -----------------_....... 19._____ lions governing such work. ITL Electrical Contractor. Electricals contractor shall be defined to include anvl and the fourth insertion on the -----------------_---- day of ------_------------ 19---____. rson, member, and-or employee of al firm, partnership, or corporation engaged) C••�t i�� C•% i. In the business of installing, erecting ort ! 7 repairing fir ical wire o to indult, rs to ort repair electrical wire io co electric li he; used for the transmission of electric t in-, heal. power, or signalling purposes or to in-, 0 stall or repair moulding, ducts, racewayal Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ------------------------ day of or conduit for the reception or protection of such wires and conduits, or any electrical ) machinery, operators, or systems to be us. ed for 'eleclrieal light, heat. power, ort -- -- -- - - -------------- 19- I signalling Wrymes ' l I Section 2. That Sec. &10111 of the Fayet- teville Code of Ordinances is hereby ) i j amended by adding the fallowing: �i-n - Any electrical contractor, master electri. I No Public cian, or)ouroayman electrician I lcensed by the State Board of Eiectrical Examiners) may work in the Cin without a local ex- amination after first showing evidence ofaM Commission Expires : Slate License ousted by the State Board oft Electrical Examiners and paying those, fees required by the City. i' y PASSED AND APPROVED this adh day) of September. -, . ' APPRO'EU: 0. TO ATTEST: David R. Malone. ' MAYOR' Fees for Printing ......._ .' . L.. ..._._ Angela H. Medlock CITYCLERK Cost of Proof ..._._..._-. s.__... __.__.__.._.. IeeaU Total ........._..... f..............'.......... ♦ ` rt