HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2541 F ► L F D rc) R R CoRCi ORDINANCE NO . a S 1979 JUL 24 AM U 44 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PLANNING AREA MAP OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . WAMNNGTON COUNTY AM( . ALMA itOLLMEYEtd BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE C=IpICLERn FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the boundaries of the planning area map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas are hereby amended to include the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . Section 2 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the City is presently not exercising planning jurisdiction over certain areas outside the City ' s corporate limits over which it has the authority to exercise such jurisdiction ; that the exercise of additional planning juridiction is essential for orderly growth and preservation of the public health , safety , and welfare ; and that the passage of this ordinance is necessary for the exercise of such jurisdiction . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance being necessary for the public health safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1979 ; APPROVED : .: of f AYE7jFL' YOR C' , ° •� : � . .,' 1 o. CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas SS Cit` of liayctteville I, Angela R . I•:_Tc[aork, City Clerk and Ex- Officio recordc:• for 111,1 City of Fayetteville, do hero!)v c.Crtify 111tit the i.m;1.:cd or fore- going, is cf :ect r l in my office and the same appe;lrs i;1 0-,-dim :lec Resolution book V11 at pae^,e Vilitness my, hand and seal t::is—�—' day of i 994 685 61ll_9U City Clcrk d Es-,K r _ 44 r � EXHIBIT A Lot 1 of Black Oak Addition , according the plat of said addition recorded in the office of the Circuit Clerk in Washington County , And Also the Part of the Northeast Quarter ( NE ; ) of the Northeast Quarter ( NE ; ) of Section Two ( 2 ) ' in Township Fifteen ( 15 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at the Northeast corner of said North - east Quarter ( NE ; ) of the Northeast Quarter ( NE; ) and running thence South 00 degrees 41 minutes 37 seconds West 476 . 3 feet , to the North Right of Way of a new existing road ; thence along and with said North road Right of Way North - 71 decrees 38 minutes West 39 . 97 feet , North 73 degrees 27 minutes West 215 . 0 feet , North 67 degrees 38 minutes West 75 . 0 feet , North 70 degrees 13 minutes West 90 . 0 feet , North 72 degrees 05 minutes West 90 . 0 feet , North 75 degrees 04 minutes West 80 . 0 feet , North 78 degrees 32 minutes West 75 . 0 feet , North 87 degrees 14 minutes West 65 . 0 feet , South 86 degrees 00 minutes West 70 . 0 feet , South 80 degrees 42 minutes West 204 . 22 feet , to the centerline of an existing old road ; thence along said old road centerline North 02 degrees 01 minutes West 149 . 12 feet , North 25 degrees 08 minutes East 109 . 5 feet , North 19 degrees 50 minutes East 71 . 05 feet , to the North line of said forty acre tract ; thence East 911 . 0 feet , to the point of beginning , containing 7 . 68 acres , more or less . And Also Part of the Northeast Quarter ( NE ; ) of the Northeast Quarter ( NE < ) of Section Two ( 2 ) in Township Fifteen ( 15 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , . being more particularly described as follows , to -wit : Beginning at a point on the South Right of Way of an existing 'road , said point being South 00 degrees 4 .1 minutes 37 seconds West 538 . 7 feet from the Northeast corner of said Section Two ( 2 ) and running thence South 00 decrees 4.1 minutes 37 seconds West 771 . 74 feet to the Southeast corner of said forty acre tract ; thence West 430 . 0feet ; thence North 00 decrees 41 minutes 37 seconds East 913 . 25 feet to the South Right of Way of an existing road ; thence with the South Right of Way of said existing road , South 72 degrees 05 minutes East 31 . 61 feet , South 70 degrees 13 minutes East 90 . 0 feet South 67 degrees 38 minutes East 75 . 0 feet , South 73 degrees 27 minutes East 215 . 0 feet , South 71 degrees 38 minutes East 39 . 79 feet , to the point of beginning , containing 8 . 62 acres , more or less . • I And Also Part of the North Half ( N = ) of. the Northwest Quarter ( NW; ) of Section 1 , Township 15 North , Range 30 West , and being more particularly described as follows , to -wit : Beginning at the North West corner of said 80 acre tract , and running thence South 89 ° 14 ' 42 " East 828 . 28 feet ; thence South 27 ° 32 ' 11 " East 650 feet ; thence South 89 00 ' 11 " East 505 . 60 feet to the centerline of the Black Oak Road ; thence South 33° 54 ' 30 " East along said centerline 303 . 53 feet ; thence South 44 ° 46 ' 42 " East alone said centerline 668 . 69 feet ; thence leaving said centerline and running North ° ' 06 " West 800 feet ; thence North 690 89 0026 ' 15 " West 1304 . 69 feet to a concrete monument ; thence North 0 ° 41 ' 37 " East 1307 . 57 feet to the point of beginning , containing 39 . 61 acres , more or less . Subject , however , to the right of way of Black Oak Road over the East side thereof . MICROFILMED, DATE AUG a 1979 REEL I 7. t h Alaap: x ,+ CERTIFICATE OF RECORD ; ' Tr OF A'I. . .S SS t, A* in L. K lllmey^-r, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officlo Recorder for Washington Co nty, do heroby certify that the annexed or 'f9re. gdr''""„'''',�'',��-um�-n, t was filed for record in any office on th�`pay oY]�J_I�„)•)ll t,_ =at M q Vc-lock6 • �and the sam ts� duly recor ed in tt recor et page Witness my hand and seal r, day 19 , 'rcuit Clenandc-Officio BY Deputy Clerk OF FAYETrEVILLE, AHKANaAa. "_ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF four pages Of flue columns each, published at a fired place of business and _ plwsrn,ps or ,ssr nms• nr r_:vr*JC[tY o� Fayetteville, County a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in thg a , TNVILLE. ARKANSAS: Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circula Section i. That the boundaries of the I and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers planning area map of the City Of Float' revile, Arkansas arc hereby amended to I readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price Include the red properly described in Ex- each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what hail "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value section 2. The Board of Directors hereby service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subserib determines that the City is presently Out exercising planning jurisdiction over cer- thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its age min areas Outside the City's corporate limits over which it has this authority to ex- or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least ex moa excise such jurisdiction; that the exercise and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty perc of additional planning jurisdiction is ess� neve matter. tial for orderly growth and Drees a* public health, rarely, and welfare: and that the iorliimalie of Ses ordnancejurisi I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter Lion. Therefore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist. and this ordinance being < necessary for the public health Safety a and --------- PASSED .�L? welfare shall be m full force and effect fromandafarD APPROVED AND APPROVED thts inhday of July, 1973: APPROVovED: was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for---------- _..._-. David R. Malone consecutive insertions as follows : ,. d^.: " i -r•Li;. _ :. MAYOR �/ ATTEST: ' / -------- day of _.S— ...... Angela R. Medlock -- ' ' The titer Insertion on the -_.... -- ---- - 19.r�. CITY CLERK' , •.y'�' , q : - ,; __-.. day o[ • '� - - the second insertion on the .................._. -- ------------ the t I o " k Oak TA O -' n Int 1 d Black Oak Addition, according i , _ ------ 19.---- pof tof he Said addition recorded in the of. the third lnsertio¢ on the .__.--..---...._-_.._.-- flay of _...---_...-------_- lice d the Circuit geek in Washington ' County. And Also the Part of the Northeast and the fourth insertion on the .....-------- ---------- day of ---_-.----_-------- 19--- Quarter (NEI 41 of the Northeast Quarter , (NE1 sl of Section Two (1l in Towmhip Fff- leen (15) Norm of RageThirty (a00 bed gas being more particularly . . tallows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast . mnner of said Northeast Quarter (NEN I of . the Northeast Warier INE 41 and running thence south 00 degrees a minutes m Sworn to and subscribed before me on this .... ------ day of ---—.... Seconds West 4763 feet, to the North Right oL'Way of a new esisting read; thence along and with said North orad Right d Way North n degrees 28 minutes West 59.97 S .-._._.-. feel, North o degrees r minutes Wens f .-..-.._. fffOS, ^ 215aWes led, North t h degrees 28 minutes '. , West III feel. North 70 degrees 05 minutes _ C> �Yf.! W'es190.01et, North 7l degrees OS minutes I _. ..__. -.....--_ .._ � West War feel, Norm 75 degrees 04 minutes ' No ry Public West 80.0 feet. North 78 North 87 degrees II mintuteS minutes . West Q.0 feel, grew West 65.01"1, South 86 degrees eco minutes West zoS, feel, South a degrees centerline minutes My Commission Ezpiree: West old r ad . to the alongid an ex- e¢ng old rod; l thence agrees 01 old road yN�C �h G I West .iM Norm O1 degrees of minutes M RECE1 ]/ fEL West .119.11 feet, North 15 degrees m minutes East log's feel, Nota 19 degrees m minuets East 71.05fel, the Nara lied - mid forty acre tract-, t theirs Eastcont 9110 fining AUG,est, to the point of beginning, containing Fees for Printing ..----- =----- a:---{— 10 1979 1.68 acres. mare or less. AM Alco Part of the Northeast Quarter (NEI-41 of the Northead Quarter (NEN) Of Cost of Proof - - $---- ns•s'a'! 'yA`t• w North twang in TOY (30) Feltenein i ......... . .... ......._._---. Nora ar Range Thirty 1501 West. being more Beginning at described as follows,S th wit: Beginning of a point Ou Una South Total ........_..-_ a. _ . ,Right d Way of an existing road, midpoint being South oo degrees O minutes rf Seconds West 678.7 feel from the Northeast earner of said Secdon Two (1) and running si<I cads West rn.74 feet m the th 00 degrees 41 Southeanutes st corner d said forty acre tract; then" West 150.0 (cel; thence North as degrees 11 minutes rh seconds East 915.15 feet to the South Right of Way of an existing road; thence with the South Right of Way of Said existing road. South 72 degrees 05 minutes Et 31.61 feelSouth m degrem 13 minUtlet at W 0 feet,,South 67 degrees W minutes East 75.p feet, South 75 degrees 77 minutes East 1150 feel, South 71 degrees 58 minutes g East x9.79 mel, to the point of beginning, containing 8.81 acres. more or less. AM Alm Part of led North Half (NIS) of the Northwest Warier (NW 4.t of Section 1, Township 15 Nora, Range eco Weal, and be ing more particularly described u follows, , twit: Beginning at the Nora West cancer of mid Se acre tract, and running Nance Eath 99 4 Minutes G second* st 628.18 fact; Innce South 27 degrees 5l minam 11 Seconds East 650 fel; thrice South 89 deW mimam 11 ascends East 505.60 lel m the eenwlim Of the Stack Oak Rod; theae South 55 degrees 51 minutes 70 seconds Fast along Said cmmrliu 8m IS fel; thence leaving mid croserline and running Nora 28 degrees W minutes 06 seconds Wal Bop lel; thence North 89 degrees 16 miulm 15 seconds West 1501.69 feet m a Concrete monument; n Utie Nora 0 degrees 11 minutes >7 seeada East 1597.51 feel to the point Of tcng, contalmn 79.61 aeras, mute w le<t, hwm j r, toted right d way d Blast Oak Hmd wet the EmI side