HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2534 R REZONING ORDINANCE NO . �j3 � �sr3 jolt / 1L rjfV.. AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY IN THE CITY Gift, " C.Ale,? �� FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION GY* 0i0(� NYy �f cVVVI R 79 - 17 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING 38 . 72 ACRES LOCATED NORTf tom, OF TOWNSHIP AND WEST OF ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 265 ; AMENDING THE r{ V ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R 79 - 17 described as follows : A part of Sec . 31 , T - 17 -N , R- 29 -W , and a part of Sec . 36 , T- 17 -N , R- 30 -W , being more particularly described as follows . Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Sec . 36 and running thence N88 ° 40 ' W 765 . 06 ' along the Township line ; thence N00 ° 23 ' E 1490 . 0 ' ; thence N40 ° 53 ' E 180 . 0 ' ; thence N87 ° 53 ' E 220 . 0 ' ; thence N32 ° 36 ' 03 " E 294 . 2 ' ; thence N74042 ' E 190 . 0 ; thence N15 ° 18 ' W 140 . 0 ' ; thence N28032 ' E 180 . 0 ' ; thence N74032 ' E 455 . 0 ' to the West right - of -way of State Highway 265 ; thence S10028 ' E 190 . 0 ' along said right- of- way ; thence S09047 ' E 112 . 37 ' along said right - of -way ; thence S07 ° 28 ' E 181 . 82 ' along said right - of-way ; thence S02043 ' E 216 . 6 ' along said right- of-way ; thence S01019 ' W 131 . 68 ' along said right - of-way ; thence S73 ° 00 ' W 442 . 0 ' ; thence S00 ° 26 ' E 200 . 0 ' ; thence S73 ° 00 ' W 303 . 81 ' ; thence S00026 ' E 400 . 0 ' ; thence N73 ° 00 ' E 221 . 91 ' to the range line ; thence S00 ° 00 ' 38 "W 785 . 5 ' along said range line to the point of beginning and containing 38 . 72 acres , more or less . From A- 1 Agricultural District to R- 1 Low Density Residential District . Section 2 . That the zoning district map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 5-r4� day of 1979 . APPROVED : (i—YO-Rot 4 ATTEST : MICROFILMED ,e...f i993 304 �pW DATE eitr, a ig�g� ITYVLERK CERTIFICATE OF. RECORD State of Arkansas CERTIFICATE OFRECORD City of t�ayetteville SS d1ATE OF ARKANW I S� 1, An;rcla R. Mcillocl., City Clerk and Ex. Washin�ton Cr un,y r Officio rr :COreo: ft11 th1P l.,iiy of Pa7CtieVille, I • A:rna L. Koll�n?p^r• C+rcuit Ciarlc ame Ex-C 4'-.io Record:r or d„ L•cra!:z cc::; y .:r.:;: filo anno:;cc! or fore. Washington Co' H ':y, :'u h'r-b1' cct+if•, t: .. � :. jinxed 01 f re, ,r rr i 1'CCC id is nlV office illld the Saila going instrum .nt ',p/ ti;tri rro•ti i, z on thr. / day a;r;�;:; is O."i^aace i7 Rc�olution book o'j'�. '_ I. yi,• �• . and •hesame •- °t— 993 a ` r A c 'o� , et zg�o3O1{ _V_U—_-at pa!7r__�Q_�. �:ritf:C.;S lay duly recc ed in_�- — - ..�� qq —� 19J 1'T-- Witness my hand and ss' ',..' _daY - — lta:ui ❑r:d • 1 i:: is pday of Circuit cica, ap c^xOffioi RPc.oNe. ' ' By - — — City Clerk and Ex-0ffLio R�cordcr Deputy cte, . STATE of ARKANSAS 1 , County of Washington rt I, ..._...----_ _____......... . . .._ ------._..__...... � .__----_----------- "".., hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than - four pages of live columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at REBONINCORDINANCE NO. 7SL a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of AN ORDi PROPERTY I INNCE THE CITY OIF F Y T Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated i REZONING ARKANSAS, DESCRIBED IN and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and REZONINGOTAINNN0. RM FORA I PARCEL CONTAINING 7e.n ACRES readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for LWEST OFOCATED NORTH OF TOWNSHIP AND each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what Is I AMENDING THENSAS ZONING HIGHWAY 265: considered the value of the MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, pllbllCUC10D, based upon the news value and BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF service value It contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers 'DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYE . thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents "TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the zone claNfleitkn of or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months : thechanged ngdracrlhed P'°De^Y bhereby and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent the following des s: R797descrihedaaronowt: news matter. A Part of Sm. 31, T-17-N, R- 4W, And a pert of Sm. u, T-D-N, Ra W, being move I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Particularyy %method As follows. BeBWt. Ing at the SeutheRSt corner of said Sm.,ta and running thence N89 degrate p'W ,Q �]�{ y / degrees Along the Township line; thence Not d�/S '.2.'..z4-�;��s.�.' L! [_1 '� 1 rearms 7a'E Ige.3'; Utegne Nq degrees _ ."...sa__4- STE usait" theNxl degrees E te.' 'le M mea theN32 me sv ddegrees38'x' E 290.2%N74 degrees 0% thence 19D.0;NZ degrees %115 Lehlparelaw 140 n was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for..._........_.__. thence N a degree THi away 6 the idol consecutive 1RfiertiOIls as follows : Slo right-of-way or Stale Highway id Iherce SIa degree 160E Hod, along said rghlong . wad: thermway; lheec 07 ogre along The first insertion on the ....-_ ............. day of .r:N. .:K 19._.^.1.. said ,Aloof-wad:right -olwa ; thvrv 'ip'E ' 16LR' elmg said rightof-way; thence Sol degrees 19'W 171.611' along said right-[• the second insertion on the --------------------------- day of ........---------_-------- 19............ way: thence Sn degree 0 +do•; thence SW degree 161E Sx.e•: IherKe Sn elegrea0b'W303.111 ; thence SWdegreeiar the third insertion on the ------------------------ day of ...------------------------- 19------------ E 1x.0'; thence N n degree% x'E 131.31rlA the range line; thence Sm degrees x• 76'• W7RnNa1AM tasaid i ing 38.72 lM point of pbepm� a containing 76.R acres• more and the fourth insertion on the ........................ day of ------------ ............. 19._-------- mics. From A-1 Agricultural District .te:Section 2. Tout the toning district map of L—jrs(xt yr e the CiIY of FaYetteville, Arkneass- is hereby amended to reriect the .i "1411 ? change tided in Section l above, - Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ---- . ---- day of .............__ PASSED AND APPROVED this U661 of June. lim. APPROVED: ( / O 9...2-2 David ft. MahM I Iy-dC_(/ 19 o blit ATTEST: Yar Angela R Medlock. City ClerkIle 15 /W / N tary My�I Commission Expires : if-v/ Fees for PrintingS. -3�p Costof Proof ..........._... i..........._............... Total _.... STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of Washington J} as. V . '^' " ' ' - - yJ_ . ---., hereby certify 'that I am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIDIES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of p onEy Loc oaurtAlWashington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated An ordianee ,norm{ that property in I and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and ,. to- the City of Fayetteville. Arwan'°'' dei^ a readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite rice for ad In re"Was Position No. R yf17 la • p pared cantauun'�302aat located Arkansas li each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is Highway Ta2W I thesoolaidbtrict I considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and PcfF20• atneid herbs. service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers mBe It i'°�' N�tbya, Board or Director Belt Fayetteville. Arkansas: thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents of the City of yesy� l, Mit the sone elas0iaurn of or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; Me follow, described described Pr^ariy is hereby and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent .changed as u110ws: . 09.17 disctibed a follows: I f je ]t T-77 — I news matter. ' r W❑ dsce• 71, 'fd7N, R,1Pw,be' 5rymare - I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Mculartdescribed a follows. Begimt- gt the described eesl corner of said Sec. W. and running thence N m degrees . M,05- along the township Jim's thence NW B INo.o'; then" N w degrees . //•'• e.�— ? - _ , t • n dea Np degrees 57' 6ris.9'; _.[✓1.G-_--__-rr._.c__.�.�-�_______'/�.'��_�c."z�f�LG�.!}...w_�_______ m'E e,Nu[nems [[laws Nri degrees 36'o3 'E 41.2': tliniee N 711 degrees 43'E 190.0; theOCe 1`115degtes 1'w ia.as. theta Nle degrees SCE loo': . was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for--------�.--------. __.-. . tb_, N711 degrees a'e 455.0' to the west . coeeecffii've insertions'aa follows: tight.aM1way or State Highway Ins: Neese SIo edeeggres 7g'E 190.0' ales{ ase righwt- , n wannwnc9Sa : trto Oer degreemst 428E Ii The first insertion on the _c� _ day o� ..... alA right -SM therwe 507 degree _-__--- ..•�.�- '.�... 19-../ 1LQ' ales/ way;aid right-G tlwnce 502 degrees 43.121.11' 9101111 said nWrld-wan the second insertion on the ---.._--._-__--------_.- day of ------------------------- 19---------- therse Sol depeea 29•W 11.111aloin{ aid rolsol-way: thence Sm deper IN ' • aixo% theme 500 depees 2rE 270.x: th i d i hi the third on e --------------------------. _ �yge S77 degrees 00 W 707.0': theme S00 . _ day O1 ____________________________ 19------------ degrees 711,E 400.0': theme rM degrees deer 271.91 to the mops 11th: theme s go and the fourth insertion on the -------- day of --_------__..--..._... 19......to, din•Point 70.11' slay said range ', Iles to, the point ar peghins and =oatalo- InKMri Bres, maeee al District to R-1 Low ' DResidential esitlrkl. Jobs -mat he zonngdutrlclMpol rt1r9t .01nytevu� Arect kansas is hereby bwau led � �' _• � �+.J 'change yrvided in section _ en l above. Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ---- -%30-dee-- day of, _ ---—_-__ -- ' PASSED AND APPROVED this $ln day : of June. IIA. APPROVED:' r David R. Makro. .__..._..............._ .L:_. ___-..__.- i . . Mayor Acis Angela R. Medlock / ✓r--t- City Clem Ile Nota Public 77 ' i My ommiesion Expires: . Fees for Printing -------- :. :_�_ Cost of Proof ---------------- f-----------_............... Total ................