HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2533 ORDINANCE N0 . 2533 QR ReCp�9)9 JON I ' P' Rp 23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO . 2524 OF , � �Gi' CG1tp� CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , ADOPTED AND AGLLMEIY �iFif_ PROVED APRIL 17 , 1979 ; AND DECLARING AN EMER T CLER,{ WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ( the " City" ) , by Ordinance No . 2524 , adopted and approved April 17 , 1979 ( " Ordinance No . 2524" ) , authorized the issuance of $ 600 , 000 . 00 City of Fayetteville , Arkansas Municipal Airport Revenue Bonds , Series 1979 ( the "bonds " ) , for the purpose of financing a portion of the cost of constructing and equipping improvements to the Fayetteville Municipal Airport , Drake Field ( the "Airport" ) ; and WHEREAS , Ordinance No . 2524 , states that the total estimated cost of the construction and of authorizing and issuing bonds and paying interest during construction is $ 1 , 200 , 000 ; and WHEREAS , the cost of the construction and of authorizing and issuing the bonds and paying interest during construction includes grant funds to be obtained from state and federal agencies , surplus city funds and city capital improvement funds and is $ 2 , 140 , 689 ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Section 1 . That Worthen Bank & Trust Company , N . A . , Little Rock , Arkansas , is hereby designated to act as Trustee and Paying Agent in connection with the bonds . Section 2 . That Ordinance No . 2524 be , and it is hereby , amended by striking all references to $ 1 , 200 , 000 as the estimated cost of construction and inserting the sum of $ 2 , 140 , 689 as the estimated cost of construction . tAlcROFILMFD. DAIE�— 1979 REEL�� f , 993 302 - 2 - Section 3 . That Ordinance No . 2524 , as amended hereby , shall continue in full force and effect . Section 4 , The Mayor is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance for one insertion in a newspaper published in the City and with a general circulation therein . Section 5 . That it is hereby ascertained and declared that the construction authorized by Ordinance No . 2524 must be accomplished as soon as possible in order to make the Airport adequate for the needs of the City and its inhabitants , without which the life , health , safety and welfare thereof are jeopardized , and the issuance of the bonds and the taking of the other action authorized by this Ordinance is necessary for the accomplishment thereof . It is , therefore , de - clared that an emergency exists and this Ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace , health and safety shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage . PASSED : lga3, 29 , 1979 . „ n9'nr,rn4i,, • . APPROVED : "nF FAYFT'''-,� MW . YI Fr C 2 Mayor n 41 s '• Cit rCle 4�0 Nu4pa'a•„o CERTIFICATE OF, RECORD' State of Arkansas City Of F:: yetteville SS 1, A*”- ':1 R, i, ledlock, City Clerk Anil EV4 Offi ; », , ,;- '..:. for theCity of rayettevill% dn : !12t the anne>ted or fore. . , 1=W office m:d the srtalO r.;r,a:r_ i s ;) •:ii :a::ce 11e8ol11tldn book It;:.:1 a:: l ) t•,iS�' l�`ta tl ot #atyerk anti hX%v lctoRem*r " 993 303 v CERTIFICATE OF RECORD .61 ,: i E OF ARKANSAS I SS. Washington County I I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Cfll:p) Record :r fo, Washington County, do hereby certify that :1 . inexed or fore going ' trument was filed for record in my c a: nn 7.e _L'.Lday of _�((��1979��at1i'clod: t�bi. and the same is duly recd ed in af_3i'- record -t-13 atpag�3' Witness my hand and seal tftj � oLdayy�off__ 1915 Jerk an an Officio cordo � _ Deputy Clerk ' STATE of ARKANSAS 1 ' County of Washingt0a 01 H I. --.. ..... ... . . . . ............ u..... . .. .... . _...__. hereby certify that I Dani RANCENO. ss52 am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily .{' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING OR- FINANCE No. ass OF THE CITY OF newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than FAYETTEVILLE . ARKANSAS , f0ui pages Of flue Columna each, published at a fixed place Of business and at ADOPTED AND APPROVED APRIL V. IPI1: AND DECLARING AN EMERGEN- a fixed (daily ) Intervals continuously 1n the City of Fayetteville, County of CY. g WHZR saMm the Board of Directors eoof the Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated Cite ;f Fayetteville. Arkansas -elle "Ci- and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and ev"y, by OrdlMnee No. 2124. adopted and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for approved April 17. Ion i-ordinance No x524" 1 anharMed the issuance of, each copy, ora fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is 11000,O00ii Clly d Fayetmolle. Arkanw considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and Munktp.l Airport Re"O a Bonds. Series ton t`b. „brays" I for the purpox b service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers ona"ring a portion of the cocmenlsno the trOC thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents un{ to lie V li hall Airport, Drake Fayetteville and Ile Munktpal Mrpo or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least Biz IDontbe; Field itist "AlrporC P: and WHEREAS. ordinance N0. 2524, Braces and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent that the total esumated cost of the con- news matter. sumetlen and at authorizing and n�swn. bolds .it Paying co"'"c- '. further certify that the legal notice hereto attached is the matter of [ion is 11,auth,o00'. and WHFAEAS, the coat d the ee tl tion std pe authorizing teresI �N ca t cooll bn os �. udpry {m funds. to be obtained from fJ y p rt suites N kf, mrplus city �:--. - o-f-._.Y..�a.i711�...6QQ---O.-4.._ surto and city a{eir nt funds tarda and city apical imprevene _ {agyg.lio _ was published 1n the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ------/...-._-. _.... by u�ie Board of Rreetars of the City of . consecutive Insertions' as follows: Fayetteville.Arkan s: f see 1 That ifs henBoo sank A 'Crist The first insertion on the --- .. --- day of �-�.w� -- 19_7 _ Cani+any, V.A.. {lttla Reek. Arksmes. is ��-___...- BareM dmjI{nta ad to act as Trustee and PeyinflA{en[ InconOectten with the hands. the second Insertion on the ---.__....._._.-__..-. day of ..._..___..—..._..- 19.--.-_----- sectlnn 2 That Ord��by striking bel end it is hereby tefeRMea to 11.200.000 as the estimated east of citruebon and injecting the sum the third Insertion on the ........--__------..._-- _ day of _------.__ ------------- 19-----_-__.- ot u,140,sS% u the estimated tort of con- struction. Section 7 Thalordlosece No 7524' as and the fourth insertion on the __ -- day of ---_----.-_-_-....-..--.- 19---------- amended OerebY. atoll continue in full ,.. formandeQect directed \ Section 4. The Maya isfhe e" eft to publish ibis ordinate . In a neaspnp'r published In the City and �! vlth a Seneral circulation thereirt pp, Vocan 5. That it Is hereby and declared that the cmutructmn Sworn to and subscribed before me on this .-....__-------------- stay of ..._-_.-.__— authorized by Ordinance No. 152k n order acconiplWed as sone as for the Order 10 make the AlrPort dNoa without of the City and its inhabitada ---.--._..._----..... -- E9 —----_-_- 19._e? which led life. MSII , safety and issnncA thereof ane jeopardized. and of the bads and fha lakm{of the other ar n L lc LLti !��'✓P Q tion authonzed by this Ordinarce - is, __-__..._- _.__-_------.-_ tetessary for the aceompinhment thereof.', It q.tferefore, declared that en emer6en N rY Public cy exist° and this Ordinance beton. necessary ing for the Immediate Fres r n the a rblle peace, health and safely shall lake effect and be in force Irom and after My Commleeion Expires : R. e. PASSESSED. May 9. If7N. APPROVED: David R. Melons s% Mayor ' ATT6T: J /y Anpe1: R. Medloek . Fees for Printlng ___-. _..._ Zl•_8_ City Clerk Iseell k Coat of Proof -- ------------ i----- ................ v Total ._............. $------ " O