HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2527 -7710M T 0 r., RFC ORDINANCE NO . 0'1� 1/4 ^ lJ J 0-Z y J v 2 Pry RLJ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE FAYETTEVILLLFj'q � j TUU AND ERATES� INANCES TO AMEND THE CITY ' S TAXICAB REGULATIONS �'UU/r ?ARt BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : VSection 1 . That Section 20 - 33 . 3 of the Fayetteville Z1 Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by deleting the following : " Each taxicab shall bear on the outside of each rear door , in painted letters not less than 4 inches , the name of the cab company and a number to be selected by the Chief of Police ; and , in addition shall bear an identifying design approved by the Chief of Police . " Section 2 . That Section 20 - 33 . 4 ( a) ( 1) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : ( 1 ) Zone rates : If the taxicab trip either begins or ends in the following zones , then the fare shall be that of the higher zone : FROM OR TO ZONE : FARE : A $ 1 . 00 B , C , D , E $ 1 . 25 F , G , H , I $ 1 . 50 J , K , L , M $ 1 . 75 N , 01 U , V , Y 4 , 51 6 $ 2 . 00 P , W , Z , 7 $ 2 . 25 Q , X , 10 8 $ 2 . 50 R , 2 , 9 $ 2 . 75 S , 3 , 10 $ 3 . 00 T $ 3 . 25 In addition , if any of the following lines are crossed in the trip , the fare shall be that of the point of departure zone plus that of the point of destination zone : 1 . The NIS separating zones D , G , and L from 3 , F and K . 2 . The NIS separating zones B , H , M and N from C , I , J and 0 . 3 . The E /W line separting zones D , G , L and V from B , H , M and U . 4 . The E /W line separating zones C , I , J and 5 from E , F , K and G . 5 . The boundaries of zone A . When weather conditions are such that the driver of a taxicab elects to install tire chains on his vehicle , the owner or driver MICRDATE AUG8 4F Ir�9 993 289 DATE uc � t979 �7 REEL of a taxicab may charge a maximum of double the above rates while the chains are on the vehicle ; provided , the passenger is informed prior to pick-up of the rate that will be charged . Section 3 . That Section 20 - 33 . 9 (b ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby repealed . Section 4 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the City ' s existing Ordinances do not adequately regulate the taxicab business ; that adequate regulation of taxicab business is essential to the public health , safety and welfare ; and that passage of this Ordinance is necessary to adequately regulate the taxicab business . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this �!'� day of 1979 . APPROVED : MAYOR CERTIFICATE OF RC;;JRll State of Arkansas b4gI-W. .( WRjW City of Fayetteville SS CCU , 4v I, Angela R. Medlock: City C'.c:'.: ....:! Officio recorder for the GitY n° ;� Ayc.;e-rule, do hereby certify thea the nnir:::e:! nr fors going is of record in Illy o"ico 1 t `l� sante appears in Ordinance & R0501,_Iti -,ct !)-)"k _L[_L_.at Page ' CI L. . rly hand nd seal this--�Z �— _^ ;*,q of City terk and Ex-Offi,lio Recorder no 993 290 r : C; HTIFIG1TE OF RECOku � iAOF AR:(ANS:,S 1 SS. wustiinCton County I, Alma L. Kollmeyc•r, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going instrument was filed for record in myofficeon the f e21.day of at 02�t'clorkJ�Y1, and the same is duly reco ed in record 3 at pageAll Witness my hand and seal day o 19M Circuit Cler and Ex-Offici Recor sy Y i Deputy Clerk STATE of ARKANSAS "" • E County of Washington ..._AOR NANCE N- ' rSti ttri0 � .AN ORDINANCE " AMENDING 'CHAPTER s) OF THE FAYETTEVILLE 111 `tae.: �� ��'Yln`�`•� CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AMEND THE CITY'S TAXICAB REGULATIONS I, _......____. .. _... . -- ---_...____--- --_, hereby certify that I .AND RATES. ... . . . _........._. ..- ------._------.._. . . ---------------- Z.BE IT ORDAINED BY THE r30ARD'oF TEVfLLE,ARKAam the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily DIRECTORS OF THE CITY pF FAYET- newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than NSAS: Fayetteville11. l;odetot ONE e�es33 of rob four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at amended by deleting the following: Y a fixed (daily) intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of 'Each taxicab shag boar on tM outside it Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated sof each rear door, in Painted letter riot less than a inches• the name of the cab company and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and 'andaaranbermbeselectedb the CAtefof readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for Police: and. in addition shall bear an idem :taymg design approved by We Chief of each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is Polio."uiro 'd a" a section Y That Section tam i (atilt `a! considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and M Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers he"Ityameaded to madas follows; - thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents 11) Zone rata: H the taxicab trip either begins or ends m the fonowtngg rano, then or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; the fare shall be that of the higlxr rove: FROMORTOzONE: , I and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent A' .. ,1: :,. ,,,iaiTSL' .hC.FARE: news matter. . ,y..nf,(':'cfy $1.15 _. <'J. K, 4M 'SiTto- • •2 - al'S0 I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of "N. O. U 'V, Y4LYB'1 . j;'*nV :Inv $175 P. W, Z. T - • r •4 n.7r,•.':+aua. ;x•.. as. s C:1q-Cx:. �L.G_. ..-_15.fs - _ en 6-4 Q.X. 1. atT .r: fYzd ,.u. Pu '$2 SO rst;S; d, 10C . a ri < ;Y:• fSi.oq h. __U additien, if any of the (allowing lines . art crossed In the trip the (arc shall be was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for._...../_._.__. rfi.tofthepoimwdeparmrexoneplasthat ceefeeetttfTe insertionafas follows : •'N the Writ of destination me: • 1. The NS separating tones D. G. and L m bas, Fand K. ---. The first insertion on the -------v9l_. ) ........_. day of ..��.� _ . ..... 19....���--- x:The NS iiwreling roves B. H. M and .Nrrom C. i; Jand O.,. "'. . • •; '., 5: The E-W line separaliag xonea D, G• L the second insertion on the day of ------------- ..._....... 19._.._.___... ' and V from B. H. M and U. ;% a. The E line separating zones C: 1, J . .. day o1 .--._..___..._____--_._ 19.._....__ and Timm E, EKaad G. ,. :: i• .l the third Insertion on the __....................—. . S. Tim weather A, re i, the Crriverotatxicab elects o install tch ire ;chainson his vehicle. the owner or driver of and the fourth Insertion on the _.............. ..... day of -------_............ a taxicab may charge a maximum o( dou. r r' _/ �' •� bis the above rotes while the chains are on �SI__�--^ :�, i the vehicle: Provided. are , . formed Prior passenger is ill d p Pick-up the rate that will recle Fayetteville code of Ordinances is hereby Sworn to and subscribed before me on thio ._._.,31% day of ...._..... repealed. Seclion s. The Board of Directors hereby determines that the City's existing Or dlnances do not adequately regulate the taxicab business: that adequate regulation _......____---___,,,. a al taxicab business u essential to the public /J health, safety and welfare; and that passage of this late the is accessary to adequmely an a the taxicab business. Nota Public Therefore, i emergency is ce being necessary to exist public this health, safe being necessary for the In hearth, and a and welfare shall be .tn full forte and effect My Commission Expires : from and alter its pdsmge and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED ThisIst day Of May. 14N. , :n:<X%.)-r. ..`.':'. 6�iC4 O"ivc l0 �Q APPROVED: --- - ._�e -David R. Malone (•. .,...Ti ♦ e. t : +EV • Mayor • rr Pan Yn! i r O tMBNa R. Medlock r 19 �� Fees for Printing City Clerk � .. .- _ ,e . .. g ._.__ _.... *pati— ' • Cost of Proof ---------------- _......-.-___._-____ r. Total ------------ E--- S........a.Q... I .�li .