HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2524 �pP r y . . � (D FILED FOR RECORD . 1379 I4AY - 8 PN 3: 01 WASHINGTON COUNTY. ARK. ORDINANCE NO . a5 `G2 ALMA KOLLMEYER AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION AND CIRCUIT CLERK EQUIPIifrIT OF IMPROVEMENTS TO TT E FAYEITEVILLE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT , DRAKE FIELD ; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF AIRPORT REVENUE BONDS ; PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY AND PAYMENT OF THE BODDS ; PRE- SCRIBING OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING THEftE-i'0 ; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . WHEREAS the Fayetteville Municipal Airport , Drake Field (the "Airport " ) is operated on behalf of and for the mutual benefit of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas (the "City " ) and the citizens and inhabitants thereof , by the City , pursuant to Act No . 175 of the Acts of Arkansas of 1959 , as amended ; and WHEREAS upon necessary investigation it has been found by the Board of Directors of the City that it is necessary and in the interest of the City that there be constructed and equipped improvements to the Airport , in view of the increasing and rapid growth and development of the City and its environs ; and WHEREAS there has been prepared by a duly qualified consulting engineer a report and estimates of costs concerning the proposed improvements , which report and estimates have been studied by the Board of Directors and a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and to which reference may be had by any interested party ; and WHEREAS the total estimated cost of the proposed improvements , including payment of expenses incidental thereto and to the financing thereof ( the "improvements " ) is approximately $1 , 200 ,000 ; and WHEREAS the City can obtain sufficient funds to pay the total estimated cost of the improvements by the issuance of airport revenue bonds in the principal amount of $600 , 000 as the City ' s portion of the cost ; and WHEREAS the City has entered into a contract for the sale of its Municipal Airport Revenue Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $600 , 000 , with Payne , Weber , Jackson & Curtis and Powell & Satterfield ( the "purchasers " ) at a purchase price of 98 cents on the dollar for bonds bearing interest at 6 . 60% 5 6 . 70% , 6 . 80% 3 6 . 90% 3 7 . 00% , 7 . 10% 3 7 . 20% and 7 . 25% per annum, as described in detail hereinafter . MI�RoA� ED 19,9 '988 280 DATE REEL�— y NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAI*IED by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Section 1 . The construction and equipment of the improvements is hereby authorized . Section 2 . The sale of the bonds to the purchaser upon the terms set forth above is hereby approved and confirmed . Section 3 . To finance the cost of the improvements , including costs incidental thereto and incidental to the financing , there are hereby authorized and ordered issued City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Municipal Airport Revenue Bonds , Series 1979 , dated May 1 , 1979 , in the aggregate principal amount of $ 600 , 000 ( the " bonds " ) . The bonds are authorized and issued under the authority of the Constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas , including particularly Act No . 175 of 1959 , as amended . The bonds shall be negotiable coupon bonds , payable to bearer but shall be subject to registration as to principal or as to principal and interest . ( References herein to " holders " or " bond- holders " shall include the registered owners of bonds registered as tol,, principal or as to principal and interest . ) The bonds shall be executed on behalf of the City by the Mayor and City Clerk and shall have impressed thereon the seal of the City . The bonds and the interest coupons may be executed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor , which signature shall have the same force and effect as if he , had manually signed each of the bonds and coupons , and the bonds shall be executed by the manual signature of the City Clerk , Section 4 . The bonds shall not be general obligations of the City and shall not constitute an indebtedness of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory . limitation , but shall be special obligations , secured by a pledge of and payable solely from gross revenues derived from the operation of the Airport , aspspecified in detail hereinafter in this Ordinance . A sufficient amount of the revenues derived from the operation of the Airport shall be set aside and deposited in the " Airport Revenue Bond Fund 988 281 created and to be maintained pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance , to pay the principal of , interest on and Paying Agent ' s fees in connection with the bonds as due and payable . Such pledge of , gross revenues is subject to the restriction that the City shall never in any fiscal year be bound beyond an amount that would , together with other expenditures and contracts of the City call for a payment or payments in that fiscal year in excess of the total revenue for the City for that fiscal year , so that the City shall never at any time by its contract or pledge of gross revenues and rentals violate the provisions of Amendment No . 10 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas . Section 5 . The bonds will be dated May 1 , 1979 , and interest on ' the bonds will be payable semiannually on May 1 and November 1 of each year , commencing November 1 , 1979 . The bonds will be numbered , will bear interest and ( subject to the provisions set forth hereinafter pertaining to redemption prior to maturity ) shall mature as set forth in the following schedule : Year Rate of November 1 Amount Bond Nos . Interest ' 1982 $ 25 , 000 1 - 5 7 . 00 % 1983 25 , 000 6 - 10 7 . 00 % 1984 30 , 000 11 - 16 7 . 00 % 1985 30 , 000 17 - 22 7 . 00 % 1986 35 , 000 23 - 29 7 . 00 % 1987 35 , 000 30 - 36 7 . 00 % 1988 35 , 000 37 - 43 6 . 60 % 1989 40 , 000 44 - 51 6 . 70 % 1990 40 , 000 52 - 59 6 . 80 % 1991 45 , 000 60 - 66 6 . 90 % 1992 45 , 000 69 - 77 7 . 00 % 1993 50 , 000 78 - 87 7 . 00 % 1994 50 , 000 86 - '97 7 . 10 % 1995 55 , 000 98 - 108 . 7 . 20 % 1996 60 , 000 109 - 120 7 . 25 % Section 6 . The bonds and coupons shall be in substantially the following form ( and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby expressly authorized and directed to make all recitals contained therein ) : 988 28� I f f i ( form of bond ) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE % MUNICIPAL AIRPORT REVENUE BOND , SERIES 1979 No : $ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : The City of Fayetteville , Washington County , State of Arkansas ( the " City " ) , acknowledges itself to owe , and , for value received , hereby promises to pay to bearer , or if this bond be registered , to the registered owner hereof , solely from the special fund provided as hereafter set forth , the principal sum of DOLLARS in ' lawful money of the United States of America on the first day of November , 19_ , and to pay solely from that special fund interest hereon at the rate of percent ( °s ) per annum , from date until paid , semiannually on the first days of May and November , commencing November 1 , 1979 , upon presentation and surrender o£ the annexed coupons as they severally become '.due . Payment of principal and payment of interest when evidenced by coupons shall be at the principal office of , Arkansas ( the " Trustee " and " Paying Agent " ) . Payment of interest , when registered as to interest , shall be by check or draft mailed to the registered owner at his address reflected on the registration book of the City , maintained by the Trustee as Bond Registrar . This bond is one of an issue of City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Municipal Airport Revenue Bonds , Series 1979 ( the " bonds " ) , aggregating in principal amount Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ( $ 600 , 000 ) dated May 1 , 1979 , numbered from one ( 1 ) to one hundred twenty ( 120 ) , inclusive , all of like tenor and effect except as to number , denomination , maturity and right of prior redemption , issued for the purpose of financing a portion of the cost of constructing and equipping improvements to the Fayetteville . Municipal Airport , Drake Field ( the "Airport " ) . 283 The bonds are issued pursuant to and in full compliance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas , including particularly Act No . 175 of the Acts of Arkansas of 1959 , as amended , and pursuant to an ordinance of the Board of Directors of the City , duly adopted and approved , and do not constitute an indebtedness of ' the City within any constitutional or statutory limitation . The bonds are not general obligations of the City but are special obligations secured by and payable solely from the gross revenues derived from the operation of the Airport . The bonds are authorized by and issued under Ordinance No , of the Ordinance of the City , duly adopted and approved on the day of 1979 ( the " Authorizing Ordinance " ) , to which reference may be made for' a detailed statement of the terms and conditions upon which the bonds are issued , of the restrictions and conditions for the issuance of parity bonds , of the nature and extent of the security , and of the rights and obligations of the City , the Trustee and the bondholders . An amount of the revenues of the Airport sufficient to'. ' provide for the payment of the principal of , interest on and Paying Agent ' s fees in connection with the bonds as the same become due and payable is to be set aside and paid into a special fund , designated " Airport Revenue Bond Fund , " created by the Authorizing Ordinance . The City has fixed and has covenanted to maintain rates and charges for the services and facilities of the Airport which shall be sufficient at all times to produce revenues adequate in amount for the proper and reasonable expenses of operation and maintenance of ' the Airport , to provide for the payment of the principal of , interest on and Paying Agent ' s fees in connection with the bonds as due and payable and to provide for the maintenance of required reserves , and to make the required deposits for depreciation of the Airport . The bonds are subject to redemption prior to maturity , at the option . of the City , in whole or in part , with there to be no , partial redemption of any bond , in inverse numerical order , from funds from any source , on any interest paying date on and after 988 X84 i r November 1 , 1989 , at a price of the principal amount of the bonds being redeemed plus accrued interest to the date of redemption . Notice of the call for redemption shall be published one time in a newspaper published in the City of Little Rock , Arkansas , and having a general circulation throughout the State of Arkansas , giving the number and maturity of each bond being called , with the publication to be at least fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to the redemption date , and after the date fixed for redemption each bond so called shall cease to bear interest , provided funds for its payment are on deposit with the Paying Agent at that time . In , addition , notice shall be given by certified or registered mail toithe registered owner of any bond registered as to principal at the address of such owner reflected on the books of the bond registrar , and if all outstanding bonds shall be registered as to principal , then notice by certified or registered mail to the registered owners thereof as aforesaid shall be sufficient and itlshall not be necessary to publish notice of the call for redemption . This bond may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest and 'may be discharged from such registration in the manner and with the effect and subject to the terms and conditions endorsed hereon . This bond is issued with the intent that the laws of the State of Arkansas will govern its construction . Subject to the provisions for registration endorsed hereon , nothing contained in this bond or in the Authorizing Ordinance shall affect orlimpair the negotiability of this bond , and this bond shall be deemed a negotiable instrument under the laws of the State of Arkansas , This bond shall not be valid until it shall have been authenticated by the Trustee . IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED , RECITED AND DECLARED that all acts , conditions and things required to exist , happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of the bonds have existed , have happened .and have been performed in due time , form and manner 988 285 as required by law ; that the indebtedness represented by the bonds does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation ; and that a sufficient amount of the revenues derived from the operation of the Airport has been pledged to and will be set aside into the Airport Revenue Bond Fund for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds , IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by the Board of Directors of the City , has caused this bond to be signed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor and the manual signature of the City Clerk and sealed with the corporate seal of the City , and has caused the coupons hereto attached to be executed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor , all as of the first day of May , 1979 , CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS ATTEST : By ( facsimile signature ) Mayor City Clerk ( SEAL ) d' 988 28 ( form of coupon ) No : $ May , On the first day of November , 19 _ , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , unless the bond to which this coupon is attached is paid prior thereto , hereby promises to pay to bearer , solely out of the funds specified in the bond to which this coupon is attached , DOLLARS in lawful money of the United States of America at the principal office of Arkansas , being ( ) months ' interest then due on ' its Municipal Airport Revenue Bonds , Series 1979 , dated May 1 , 1979 , and numbered CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS By ( facsimile signature ) Mayor On each bond shall appear the following : CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION Arkansas , hereby certifies that this is one of an issue of bonds described herein aggregating $ 600 , 000 , numbered consecutively from one ( 1 ) to one hundred twenty ( 120 ) , inclusive , all of like tenor and effect except as to number , denomination , maturity and right of prior redemption . Arkansas By (Authorized Signature ) 988 287 PROVISIONS FOR REGISTRATION A14D RECONVERSION This bond may be registered as to principal on a registration book of the City , kept by the Trustee as Bond Registrar , upon presentation hereof to the Bond Registrar , which shall make mention of ' such registration in the registration blank below , and this bond may thereafter be transferred only upon an assignment duly executed by the registered owner or his attorney or legal repre- sentative in such form as shall be satisfactory to the Bond Registrar , such transfer to be made on such book and endorsed by the Bond Registrar . Such transfer may be to bearer , and thereafter transferability by delivery shall be restored , but this bond shall again be subject to successive registrations and transfers as before . The principal of this bond , if registered , unless registered to bearer , shall be payable only to or upon the order of the registered owner or his legal representative . Interest accruing on ', this bond will be paid only on presentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons as they respectively become due , and notwithstanding the registration of this bond as to principal , the appurtenant interest coupons shall remain payable to bearer and shall continue to be transferable by delivery ; provided , that if upon registration of this bond , or at any time thereafter while this bond is registered in the name of the owner , the unmatured coupons attached evidencing interest to be thereafter paid hereon shall be surrendered to the Bond Registrar , a statement to that effect will be endorsed hereon by the Bond Registrar and thereafter interest evidenced by such surrendered coupons will be paid by check or draft at the times provided herein to the registered owner of ', this bond by mail to the address shown on the registration book . This bond when so converted into a bond registered as to both principal and interest may be reconverted into a coupon bond at the written request of the registered owner and upon presentation at the office of said Bond Registrar . Upon such reconversion the 988 2.88 i coupons representing the interest to become due thereafter to the date of maturity will again be attached to this bond and a statement will be endorsed hereon by the Bond Registrar in the registration blank below whether it is then registered as to principal or payable to bearer . Date of Name of Manner of Signature of Bond Registration : Registered Owner : Registration : Registrar 988 289 Section 7 . The City covenants that the rates and charges for the services and facilities of the Airport shall never be reduced while any of the bonds are outstanding unless there is obtained from an independent certified public accountant a certificate that the net revenues of the Airport ( net revenues being defined as gross revenues less the expenses of operation and maintenance of the Airport , including all expense items properly attributable to the operation and maintenance of the Airport under generally accepted principles of accounting ) with the reduced rates or charges will always be equal to the amount required to be set aside for the Depreciation Fund ( established and defined hereinafter ) , and leave a balance equal to at least 125 % of the aggregate average annual principal and interest requirements on all outstanding bonds to the payment of which Airport revenues are pledged . The City further covenants and agrees that the rates and charges shall when necessary , from time to time , be increased in an amount which will produce revenues at least sufficient to provide for the operation and maintenance of the Airport and leave a balance equal to at least the amount necessary for paying principal of and interest when due on ' all outstanding bonds to the payment of which Airport revenues are pledged and maintain all funds in connection therewith at the required levels . Section 8 . The City covenants that the Airport shall be continuously operated as a revenue producing undertaking , and all moneys received from its operation shall be deposited in such depository or depositories for the City as may be lawfully designated from time to time by the Board of Directors , subject , however , to the giving of security as now or as hereafter may be required by law and provided that such depositories shall hold membership in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . Section 9 , Airport Fund . All revenues derived from the operation of the Airport , including the improvements after their completion , shall be paid into a special fund , which is hereby created and designated " Airport Fund " . The revenues in the Airport Fund are hereby pledged and shall be applied to the payment of the 988 290 principal of and interest on the bonds of this issue , to the payment of the reasonable and necessary expenses of operation and maintenance of the Airport , to the providing of the Depreciation Fund , and otherwise as in this Ordinance expressly authorized . Section 10 , Airport Revenue Bond Fund . ( a ) There shall be paid from the Airport Fund into a special fund which is hereby created and designated "Airport Revenue Bond Fund " ( the " Bond Fund " ) the sums in the amounts and at the times hereinafter stated in ' subsection (b ) for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds and the Paying Agent ' s fees , as they mature according to the following schedule and as a debt service reserve : Year Bond Interest (N6v . 1 ) Nos . Principal May 1 November 1 .. Total 1982 1 - 5 $ 25 , 000 $ 20 , 963 $ 20 , 963 $ 66 , 926 1983 6 - 10 25 , 000 20 , 088 20 , 088 65, 176 1984 11 - 16 30 , 000 19 , 213 19 , 213. 68 , 426 1985 17 - 22 30 , 000 18 , 163 18 , 163 66 , 326 1986 23 - 29 35 , 000 17 , 113 17 , 113 69 , 226 1987 30 - 36 35 , 000 15 , 888 15 , 888 66 , 776 1988 37 - 43 35 , 000 14 , 663 14 , 663 64 , 326 1989 44 - 51 40 , 000 13 , 508 13 , 508 67 , 016 1990 52 - 59 40 , 000 12 , 168 12 , 168 64 , 336 1991 60 - 68 45 , 000 10 , 808 10 , 808 66 , 616 1992 69 - 77 45 , 000 9 , 255 91255 63 , 510 1993 78 - 87 50 , 000 7 , 680 7 , 680 65 , 360 1994 88 - 97 50 , 000 51930 5 , 930 61 , 860 1995 98 - 108 55 , 000 4 , 155 4 ;. 155 63 , 310 1996 109 - 120 60 , 000 21175 21175 64 , 350 (b ) There shall be paid into the Bond Fund on the first business day of each month until all outstanding bonds of this issue with interest thereon have been paid in full or provision made for such payment , a sum equal to one- fifth ( 1/ 5 ) of the next installment of interest and one- tenth ( 1/ 10 ) of the next installment of prinicpal (plus any additional amount that may be necessary together with accrued interest received at the time of the delivery of the bonds fully to provide for the first interest payment on the bonds , if any additional amount be required ) , and an amount sufficient to provide for the Paying Agent ' s fees , on all outstanding bonds , until a debt service reserve shall have been accumulated in the amount of $ 69 , 500 . .. 1 When the debt service reserve has been accumulated in the required amount , the monthly payments into the 988 291