HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2509 F 11_ ED FOR RECORD �r9 MAR 14 AM 10: 34 ut; r„ , , , ORDINANCE N0 . oS J(/ 1 C('A KO M�(Y, RN. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMIS iW FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That there is hereby established a Historic District Commission for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Said Commission shall have those powers delegated to such a Commission by Act Number 484 of 1963 , as amended , of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas . Section 2 . Said Commission shall consist of five members appointed by the Mayor , subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors . Each member of the Commission shall be an elector of the City holding no salaried or elective municipal office . The initial members of the Commission shall be appointed in such a manner that the term of each member shall expire each year . Successor members shall be appointed in a like manner for terms of 3 years . Vacancies shall be filled in like manner for the unexpired term . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS IS } DAY OF ` 1979 . APPROVED : ,,..•N,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MAYOR El ,A� ? lFi` . i NcoUt pp'• . Tir" ICATE OF RECUKU Gi ARI;.•,NSAS I . . . SS. hin .ton county I I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder tot Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore - ,oinC instrument was filed for record in my office on the lµ day, ''f _ _L1.1O.A-. 19]gat �'clork� M, and the same i ^.corded in__�d__rccord��p_at page Soj . roy hand and seal t isJkday of 19* Clerk and M`CgOA�JNCD ici R or led �' VNit�a/• 6y ba-kIuer.;;y CIeREE1.j' _n CERTIFICATE OF RECORD 1 ; State of Arkansas ( SS City of Fayetteville ( r . I. Suzanne C. Kennedy, City C'cr': and Es-Officio recorder for t'•.:e C ;y f i rye t ;file, do hereby certify tach t:^.1 +:vin:: is of rc^or in my nears i 1 , ap. n Ocii,1. . .,;. , LL. e.: i 'r; my hand and sc ; fay of City Clerk and E;-Officio Recorder 3 i/ STATE of ARKANSAS County �sLyy��oyf Washington To .__`+-'= V ... ..H....-. hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NOR ES A KA SAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than tour pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent r—` ORDINANCE - news matter. JAN 'ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A ITH:I'rORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION FOR CITY OYFAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of r. HE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF , DiHECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYEr- - iTEVILLE. ARKANSAS: . : L L/ ;,j Section l. 'Mat there is herebyestablish-.. -- ------------ ed a Historic District Commission for the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas. Said Com- mission shall have those powers delegated was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for------- ......._-- ..-... b such a Commission by Act Number a of insertions as follows: ' I9 as amended. of the Acts of the n Crneral Assembly of the State of Arkansas. . lj �.yl Section 2. Said Commission shall consist The first insertion on the -...__------ .. ___.. day of ` ! / 19.- _- 'of five members appointed by me Mayor. _subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors. Each member of the Commis- hd insertion th the second on e da jinn shall be an elector of the city holding Yof ----------------—....... 19.__------- '; no salaried or elective municipal office. ' The initial members of the Commission shall he appointed in such a manner thatthe third insertion On the ---------------------------- day of _.......__-__._._ 19..... the term of each member shall expire each - iyrxrSuccessor members shall be aP p mied in a like manner for terms of o and the fourth insertion on the .-_._.-----_''.''.---J__---dday � of _.._._---......... 19..._._.. •nvr!,i Vacanciesshallbefitted finlike man- enrr far lbs unexpired term. ,-• PASSED AND APPROVED THIS tsl - O ,DAY OF starch, 1419. _ APPROVED: ' i� � �� � David R. Malone ' I 2 '0' MAYOR 'ATTEST: - Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ........................... day of ..-_-_--- Angela R. Medlock r : • CITY CLERK ,$Seal) -�N_fi/( ...... Notary ublic My Commission Expires: p s7vLL �U_Y l�O Q Fees for Printing ------ ;......_L.-1_ ? � X979 coat of Proof ..........---. i........-/—------------- - , Total ................ _------- 1