HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2497 FILED FOR RECORD 1979 JAN 31 PN 2: 37 14AS�IPJGTON COUNTY, ARK. ALMA KOLLMEYER CIRCUIT CLERK ORDINANCE NO . ,,' q L? 7 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A TEN FEET WIDE EAST - WEST ALLEY IN BLOCK NO . 26 OF THE ORIGINAL TOWN (NOW CITY ) PLAT OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has the authority under Ark . Stat . 19 - 2304 to vacate portions of alleys which are not required for corporate purposes ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has determined that the following described portion of a ten feet wide East - West alley in Block No . 26 of the original Town ( now City ) Plat of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is a platted but unopened alley which is not required for corporate purposes . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby releases , vacates , and abandons all of its rights , together with the rights of the public generally , subject to the reservation of utility easements in and to the following described property : Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 12 in Block No . 26 of the original Town (now City ) Plat of the City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas , thence East 160 . 9 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 15 of said Block No . 26 ; thence South 10 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 8 in said Block No . 26 ; thence West 160 . 9 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 11 of said Block No . 26 ; thence North 10 feet to the point of beginning . Section : ?_ . The City of Fayetteville hereby reserves the following described utility easement for the use and benefit of Southwestern Electric Power Company : A part of Lots 15 and 8 of Block 26 of the original town plat of the town (now city) of Fayetteville , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point that if 5 feet West and 97 feet South of the Northeast Corner of the above said Lot 15 , run thence South 20 feet , thence West 20 feet , thence North 20 feet , thence East 20 feet to the point of beginning . Section 3 . A copy of this ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the Deed Records of the County . 1979 . �(O PASSED AND APPROVED this day of . APPROVED : F '� f AYETltoo" 11 YOR { aT�E � 983 29$ r ' MICROFILMED r ' L�i�C/� PATE SUN 1 51979 �8 PDOODaP 017' !f) X3 Pue Ari01m'cloo!%� vu E7z:,f, 1 AUP �� sPyl pas Pue Puay ,c„T ssaullm p Sys 0J00'.1ulD^PILBG RInp S1 ac : A; Pu � _.. o—�—,-1V2;, i do AV 3q u00.d ';c ,(: • o1L o. o ! J0; mac.. : em , ir• m1)su18ums •0101 Ja PCXCUue u1•, ,elr 6a,Ja:; 6iynq n) '6;uno0 u038u1yseM J01 J0PJc008 01011;0'x3 pue >fJtp lire.:1� JO,C_v.110Y, •-I eWIV 41 S [ qun00 u0;2u!gSum ( SVSNVNNV 30 UViS (180038 JO 31VOIA11830 CERTIFICATE JF RECORD Statc of Ar'.•,aZ,3as of ^avetteciL'e r SS Citv i , rf�a. K . n1RJl�c.lc . Officlu ;ecoruer for the City ofFay Clerk and Ex- du h0rcby certify that the annexed or Poriep ` going is Of record in my off; a and the same appears in0r�Ua.. ce 4 esoluiier/4 '� PSoluiier/ hook rat page _CK- _ Witness my ha n and seal .this �j 19 Y C. rk anal r;x-Officio Recorder r t . STATE of ARKANSAS 1 I Ea. County of Washington (� 'AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A TEN FEET WIDE I, .'--.-.--.__ �+.__----------- --.- _-- ----.-....j am._.....-_--.___-----. . --_, hereby certify that I ,EASr-wear ALLEY rvaLOLTt NO. moF am the Publisher o[ THE NO 72THWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily THE .ORIGINAL TOWN (NOW CITY) ' iPLAT," OF - THE CITY : OF, ,FAYET- newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than PLAT, ARKANSAS. � ..ori+:; .`WHEREAS. the Board of Directors his four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at the authority under Ark. Slat. lsmaf to a fixed (dally) intervals continuously 1n the City of Fayetteville, County of eaeatewrltan of alleys which are not m Su'ved=Corporste purposes; and Washington, Arkanras'for more than a period of twelve months, circulated _ WHEREAS. the Board.of Directors has and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and - determined- that the following described " rportim of a len fret wide East-West alley in readers generally of all classes In the City & County for a definite price for Block No. m of the original Town Inow Cl-. each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what Ss ifyt Plat of tho City of Fayetteville. Arkan- oras, is a platted but unopened alley which considered the value of ther publication, based upon the news value and Is not reeeqyutred for corporate purposes. service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers NOW. HEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED 18Y. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or Its agents THECITYOFFAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN-' Or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; Section 1. That the City of Fayetteville, and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent Arkansas, hereby releases, vacates, and 'abandom all of its rights, together with the news matter. ,rights of the public generally, subject to the reservation of utility easements in and I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of to thelalloaing described properly: : Beginning at the $outha'est corner of Lot . Ir in Black No. 26 of Ne original Town I now City) Plat of the City of Fayetteville, Washington County. Arkansas, thence East _ t_-- .,_._----. ---.-7- ---�?3.—` -F----F----- —` -Isla feel to the Southeast corner of tat 15 of said Block No. m: thane South la feel to the Northeast comer of tat a in said Block was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for---------L,_._........ pNo. m: thence Nest 160.9 feel to the Nor- ' •thwealcarmrof Loin N said Block No. n; C6 vezti Insertionli/hs follOWe : thence North 10 feet to the point of begin¢ rou 18 . ?.. .. SeCtiong The City oft-eelleriile hereby The [fret insertion on the ...--� .9-------- day of -.- losQ - -A-1— c.. reserves the following .described utility ppeasement far the ase and benefit of --_--_ 19-- Southwestern Electric Power Company: the second Insertion on the .........___.---_--_. day of -__.-------. `�- A of Lara 15 and 6 of Block Is of the lArlelurw l► MArkaan move the third Insertion on the -------_-----__--.. _ day of ___-----_-_ u tallows: Beginning at a point 1116 taw wear and In text South of the I Corner of the above had tat 15, I and the fourth insertion on the ---------_------------- day of ----------- 19---_ lieu South m feet thmcf west m '�19net Horth W few, thence East m '^ g. A en w of 1orainu,ce duly .' 1g dsa eLrk shad to Bled in ;l ,gflbaf 2111Ilacwrder of tie County and . Ia Me Dad Rana 1 d the faun / Sworn to and subscribed before me on this -_ .... . .--'(---- day of AND APPROVED this 16th day �tlYrT I 1 r� APPROVED: n David R. 5laon .--. _ _-- . .-------- 10 I^ ' MAYOR i 'MgelaL Medlock eSM' p ;X>.`` - o — CF A,L) I— (SEALI - N ry Public Section e. The Board of Directors hereby determines that adequate regulation d electrical wiring in the city is essential to the public health, safety and welfare; that My Commission Expires: the City's existing Electrical Code does not -adequately regulate electrical wiring; and .: C that the adoption of this ate ordinance al necessary to adequately regulate electrical � G 11 wiring in the dill. Therefore, as and ol- cy is Eercby declared ar exist and this public dinantt being necessary for l e public C, heals, ndfery and m and a ter i p m full Fees for Printing ........ force and enact Irmn and alter in passage arid appry"I Pry .ND APPROVED this Hurt dolt anuanuary, l9A. I Cost of Proof ------------ ,. ;..........._-_.__.— �q a A APPROVED: 'L � - }.`a - David R. 5lalone G _ '.'' 6 MAYOR Total ---.---.---._-. ;..... .�/„-�/.....{. ATTEST: t I Angela R. RK CITY (SKAL)CLERK +. I tc 29 1 7�-