HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2496 FIt_ ED Fpn RR 1C' phsG 19,117 i n tD 0 2: 3° SHIN' raid L"' I R ReCQp ql ��; ��QIQ * U iT }t nRr( D CIRCUIT C� i - , 2: 36 wgSNhKIU -, L / C( RRK R`Y' 0WCo yY. CIRCUIT � ORDINANCE N0 . c (b AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE • OF ORDINANCES TO ADOPT THE 1978 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 8 - 1 of the Fayetteville Code of ordinances hereby amended to read as follows : Section 8 - 1 . National Electrical Code adopted by reference . There is hereby adopted by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by reference thereto , the provisions set forth in the 1978 edition of the National Electrical Code issued by the National Fire Protection Association , save and except such portions of said National Electrical Code as may be deleted , modified , or amended by this chapter , and the provisions contained in said National Electrical Code are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein , and the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Section 2 . That Chapter 8 of the Fayetteville Code of ordinances is hereby amended by adding Section 8 - 1 . 1 to read as follows : Section 8 - 1 . 1 Amendments , additions , and deletions . The Electrical Code adopted by Section 8 - 1 is hereby changed as set forth in the following paragraphs of this section : ( a) Article 210 - 8 ( a) ( 1 ) amended . Article 210 - 8 ( a ) ( 1 ) of the Electrical Code is hereby amended to read as follows : ( 1 ) All 120 -volt , single- phase , 15 - and 20 - ampere receptacles installed in bathrooms of dwelling units shall have ground- fault circuit interrupter protection for personnel . Section 3 . That Section 3 - 30 . 1 ( 1 ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : ( 1 ) The use of Type NM or BX cable shall be limited to residential dwellings . 983 296 MICRJUN ED DATE 1 DATE JUN 1 51979 REEL �°�� Section 4 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that adequate regulation of electrical wiring in the city is essential to the public health , safety and welfare ; that the City ' s existing Electrical Code does not adequately regulate electrical wiring ; and that the adoption of this ordinance is necessary to adequately regulate electrical wiring in the city . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare , shall be in full force and effect from andafter its passage and approval . // PASSED AND APPROVED this � lOIC&�day of Cvi � , 1979 . APPROVED : MAYOR OF f AYfTl . i .-ATISTF rn . . cy Cour+ + • CEB,TIFIC9TE JF ILEC®12I1 >)tate of Arkansas SS i;ty of Fayetwille I, A �0. (Z , rAeciloc.�, City Clerk and Ex- Officio rcco:d: r for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby ccztify that the annexed or fore- going is of record in my office and the same appears �• ¢. i sa �IoL� book in ��i�`^'�--- a_- at page I Witness my t7! hand and seal this _ ` -- --- day of - is City ark and Ex-Officio Recorder 983 297 �yn�eO A13 papicaatl on, d O-x3 puc >;Jco am0i;O 6I 1p , all Inas pue puey dw ssouliM ��y-'eHcd 1'J000i ..I ewes rn;l nut . - � w oapJo0aa F.inp C 40 PT� ex0u oai 1�.;; ul ;u por p a of jo a /ss- i �e((�� r: 71 sr,N ��J �alsul2ulo8 us ; y/ +rr" Ar. l,:c �, . . c,, c CO uc;CulyseM lob Jap.10008 ol0!'.O•x� pua >;jcl' 1pn�l� t: - ,' :':a 'l L1gV 'I 'SS F..�cc '; i • 'ayseM S':Slil'i;F]'d dO 31VjS Qa0�3a 30 31VOI3i1a3o STATE of ARKANSAS County of Washington } as. ----- --- _._---.---- ------a.. ---_ - `'.:._._ . —. hereby certify that I 3fr. ORDINANCENO.2119 �A'T gm the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily N ORDINANCE '. AMENDINOj SCHAPTER 9 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE-., newspaper having a second plass mailing privilege, and being not Ism than (t CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ADOPT THE p. four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at -IIR9 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. i,. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF. , , a fixed (daily) Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYET• ':. }ITEVILLEARKANSAS: a . :?� . Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated '-'',Section i. That SeciiaSal 0(t eayN-f. • terville Code of ordinances hereby aand distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and mentled �}toreadasfdlows: . ,ra'.a,tL.k: f: readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for Section al. tiNatiauh$IectrkNCode •� each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is iag; dopted by reference.,'h<' .✓5' 'y;i`. ^ There u hereby adoptee by the Board of , . considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and Direclors of the Cay of eayeumille, - service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers Arkansas, by reference thereto, the provi- �' siomset forth in the 1979 edition of the No- '` thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents No- I tlonal ElecFire PN Code iswed by n, saw or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; Haul Flee Prolecode Association save g Mal except such pont= of said National and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent t'Electrical Cede as may be deleted, news matter. „modified, or amended by this chapter, and -the provisions contained in said National iElectrical Cade are hereby adopted and in- . I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of rpor ted as;fully as it act out at length bereicontrali g withinthe corporate theme limits shall o1 , -i the City of Fayetteville,Chapter 8 of t Fay .Y/_L a✓C�Si�------�-.Gr:-- .— ),taSection 2.e - of Chapter 9 d the hereby --_ - ` --- .-_ levels Code - of Ordinances is hadasn idlowsed by adding Section&1.1 to read as j i ISectiim **ov ,�.a was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for------_1--=—..-..--- ^'aJSeclion 61.I AmerMmenb, additiaes, ; M deletions. 't onsecttttve insertiondas follows : sa;?The Electrical Code adopted by Section ' -� 'fja-1 is hereby changed as set forth in the - j'fallowing paragraphs d this section- The The first insertion on the ---._ _. _l`..-------_ day of�LTz3 �`f .1 --_ 19_7 I a l Ankle 2108(a)(I) amended. -' Ardele2mate)1I) of the Electrical Code isherebyamendedtoreadesfullows: �.'I the second insertion on the ------------------- ----- day of ------------------------ 19-_----__ jtD:AB I20volt sing eThase, 15- and 2P amperereceptaclesinstalled lo bathrooms : at dwelling units shall have ground-fault the third insertion on the day of . _ 19 circuit interrupter protection far person- nel :V.I ..N Section 1•.That Section 3.30.1'O of the and the fourth insertion on the -- . day of 19____ ' Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby • amended to read as follows _ t _+ tv Theuse d Type hhT or B% cableshall ',�� 5 s ✓ 41 .v'>$ be limited toresidential dwellings, : . .Section 1. The Board of Directors hereby determines that adequate regulation of. - 'IelecMcal wiring in the city u essential to A1the public health, safety and welfare; that Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ----- day day of -_--- A,the City's existing Electrical Code does int adequately regulate electrical wiring: and pi that the adoption of this ordinance is IPY+3 necessary to adequately regulate electrical - i- _-- f wiring in the city. Therefore, an emergen- , C Is herebv declared in exist and this or- t 1-d rice being necessary for the public bealth, safety and welfare, shall be in full f,fandce and approval. from and hater its passage NO y Public --- - .;i PASSED AND APPROVED this Idth day •.+ "d Jamury. IM. { APPROVED: My. Commission Expires : to n Xg ,9 ^wk19.y ,f DavidR halo[ < J' MAYOR - > Angela R. Medlock --771V/'�JJ� ✓-Y— CITY CLERK - (Seal) - Fees for Printing -------- ;....4ZI, -SS Cost of Proof -----------_--- f----------- /----__ Total ....- t STATE of ARKANSAS es. � County of Washington Nor1� -._. . hereby certify that I _v. . I, ._.__.-_-___..._..-__.___.... ._...___.._.__._..__...________ L =that that We Board of am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dally me City of Fayetteville, newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not lees than I , - caeddering adopting by e 1913 edition of the National four pages of five columna each, published at a fixed place of business and at ade Bund by the National Fire Protection Anociatim save and except a fixed (daily) interyels continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of ltit article realuinng innallatimof ground LWt m largsn dpa Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated awt in ea of aaid�NeG Ienfiaa and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and ,trial Code tbeadopldng Ordirunceare readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for Fm file in the office of the City Clerk and arc repent to public examination during regular each copy, or a fixed price Ker annum, which price was fixed at what is .1 businm hall'' 7Le Board of Directors will considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and m r uider adopting mid Code at its regular t'meeting an Jammy 16, 1973, at 7:30 p.to. in service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers the City Admmatraum Building. . . C 2�,+1 a =+ AngeleB. Mcdixt thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents r City Clerk or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent news matter. - I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Vf - -- was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for.-__k_.----.--- eaeeeeutiae insertionplas follows : - The first insertion on the ------1C_�'_---- day of((//7nFr+a�c . 1911-- the second Insertion on the -------—-------------- day of --------- 19.-- the third insertion on the ----- ------------------ day of --------- 19--- . and the fourth insertion on the .._- day of Sworn to and subscribed before me onthis ___�-�.._y_----.- day of - ---------- 19_--L1 Notrxy Public My Commission Expires: Fees for Printing -------- ;---� - Cost of Proof --------------- i------ Total '-i