HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2475 I> /31g �,L,7 ` �R co" n I'•'S� 6 o' U ORDINANCE NO . ,(l � C1 �GjUf . /0. ,S N? V44fUl1j), AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX ON HE REA AND PERSONAL C4C�,�ERq�/i PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETTEV�E ,✓ ARKANSAS , FOR THE YEAR 1978 , FIXING THE RATE THEREFOR , AND CERTIFYING THE SAME TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF WASHINGTON COUNTY , ARKANSAS . WHEREAS , in order to provide revenues for continued operation of government and for maintenance of policeman and fireman pension funds , it is necessary for the Board of Directors Tj of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to levy a tax for the t year 1978 on the real and personal property within the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; and Wl [EREAS , on or before the time fixed by law for levying county taxes , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is authorized by Ark . Stat . Ann . Sec . 19 - 4501 ( 1947 ) to make out and certify to the County Clerk the rate of taxation levied by the City on the real and personal property within the City . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That a tax is hereby levied on the real and personal property within the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , for the year 1978 , to be collected in 1979 , for the following pur - poses at the following rates : Purpose Levy General government 5 . 0 mills Policeman pension fund 1 . 0 mills Fireman pension fund 1 . 0 mills Amendment No . 13 Special Tax to pay General Obligation Bonds 2 . 0 mills Total 9 . 0 mills Section 2 . That the tax so levied and the rate provided therefor are hereby certified to the Clerk of Washington County , Arkansas , to be placed in the tax book by the County Clerk and collected in the same manner that the state and county taxes are collected . Section 3 . That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file certified copies of this ordinance in the Offices of the County Clerk , the County Assessor , and the County Collector for Washington County , Arkansas . PASSED AND APPROVED this IY'C7� day of 1978 . APPROVED : dd MAYOR ATTEST : 978 5C7 MICitCiFILMED DATE JUN Is 1874 REEL )pefof4ndep �o A8 pepio0ea ololl;o-x3 pue 'Belo lmaio �y 776T- ;o 6¢psiyi leas pue puey 6w ssau;)/y, LOS a8eo 3eP�oa-i� —w papioaaj App sl awes a43 Pun 'WaiNuoi .,o • ,Cep ayi uo aa.4 riw u! Maj !o; p-;g see-.i luawnAisw BuiO -elo, to paxauue ay; ;eyi A;poo ApIay op '6;uno0 u018ul4seM to; wPJooaa 010y;0-x3 pue Nja103!n0n0'.ZAawlloN 'l ew1V '1 'SS A/unoo i o;:'ulgseM CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas SS City of Fayetteville I, f}Nyte/n R. Medlock, Citi. •^e'iz and Fxs Officio recorder for the C` :' 0" ;. do hereby certif': -I going is of , e< .. . . . ; 1 : oi : .. _. •1 . scune appears book _V aEpage . /c.l..--.' Witness my hand and seal this day of «✓acQ� . CityCity C�Ex-Officio Recorder STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of Washington J} ,,,. NCt AU a I , 1 J JRU'.� h e'\'1INr \ rk, ON /H T AI I. \ - hR,UNA. Pflohl . I �_ . hereby certify that I T 411`111>. . . ,C :TY or FAYET - TE , ILI ARKANSAS, FOR THE YEAR am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily 1979. FIXING THE RATE THEREFOR, newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than AND CERTIFYING THE SAME TO THE COUNTY CLERK of WASHINGTON four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at COUNTY. ARKANSAS order a fixed (daily ) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of w Hounted in order to Provide revenues for oononued oeeranontar Sovend fareane Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated Ianlon funanaedpWeramanam fireman and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and lwm)on toads. it u necessary for the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville, readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for it M:msas, to levy a tax for the year to" m IN gyral am personal pprrooppeartt1y within the each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is cn> of Fayeuerilk. Arkarr and considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and A )ita KAS. m or before the time fixed ey I.,a Tor Iecl ing county mx . ole Board service value It contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers of I 'am tam al the city of Fayetteville, thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents Ario.int is authon:m by Ark. Sial. Ann. SeC 19-Iso) 19471 to make tail and certify or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; to tow I aumy Clerk the rate of taxation and that the said newspaper publishes an averse of more than fort ,card ray the City on the real am personal P P g Y Percent property wtthm tMCiny. news matter. .vow. THEREFORE, BE R ORDAINED ni THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of THE CITY OF FAYRTTEVRAE, ARKAN SAS Serum t. That a tax as hereby levied m the real and personal properly within the `,9}[ City of Arkansas.Artana . (or tee year 97a _Y.��FIf/ 1 . to be be ctallaeled in n9Ta, far the follow. and purposes at the following rale: ' PWIF sad Leer was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for_______ -. General government. S.0 mills ', - - Policeman pension fwd, l.o milia', oewrseeStsE insertion$ as follows : Fireman Pension fund. lA mills; Arnerd meet No. IT Special Tax to lailf General ^ �] �y } obligallin Bads, 20 mals; a Tool of 9.o The first insertion on the day of ._._11.G--1----- 19-7�... mills Section T. that the tax ata levied and the rate Provided therefor ase hereby cerldwd the second insertion on the day of __- _ __-_.---.._._ 19------------ to the Clem M Washington County. A kan- us, to be Placed in the tax book by tie County Clark am collected to the some the third insertion on the - __. __. _ -_._-- _- day Of -- --------- 19...._.._.- manmr 1ti1 the stale •m Comly taxesare Serhon o. Mat the city cert is hereby and the fourth insertion on the day of autMetted and internal to file certified copies of shit assistance in the offices of the 1 „unty Clerk, the County Aaaeasor, and the County collMar Tor WasNrrpm county, (VI Arkansas P iSSED A.ND APPROVED this 171h day 3 o11MiMer t9T Eo F APPROVED Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ___. - --._.._.- day of MAYOR ATTEST Angela It Mediad -....__..___-_.__.e_ .�- __......_—._- 19"` �� CITY CLERK s 1) I tell �t - 4. --- - -- -------Notar blic My Commission Expires : It Fees for Printing Cost of Proof ___._._- _-----.-----__...._.-.-._ Total ---_- ------ ;,-�--'�=s1--------