HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2470 f FILED FOR RECORD RLI SEP 27 All 9: 09 ORDINANCE N0 , RLI 76 VIA H MATO14 COUNTY CIRCUIT tOtFF{{�� R R`�' AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY ADJOI V THE FAYETTEVILLE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . WHEREAS , on August 18 , 1978 , the Washington County Court entered an Order annexing to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas the property described in Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof ; and , WHEREAS , no action to prevent said annexation has been instituted in the Circuit Court within thirty ( 30) days from the date of said Order . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby accepts the annexation of the property described in Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . Section 2 . That a copy of this ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas . PASSED AND APPROVED this �� rday of , 1978 . APPROVED : �• MAYOR :( E I \ A 'ITE Cj f, �Or?';� p pt�t • r `�� .> CERTIFICATE OF RECORD o 1. FE Or AR!:ANSAS I ss. Washin- .icn County I I, A'.—m L. I<ollmay ar, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorderf00 Wachin^ton County, do hereby cer..ify that the annexed or f" goin„ ms'rum nt was filed for recorL in my office on the�Vft of 19''QOat�for'clo :% A M, and the sam01j1„` duly recorded m _rpcord at Pap Witness my hand and seal this `ay of • 197 Cir-.it Clerk and Ex-Onic:� Racorded ' 13y DMi �yCROF ` ED DATE 1 T ® 973 496' REEL 1 7 H CERTIFICATE OF ^ ' Ctete of Ark rsas RECORD SS C. � City E-:_Officio; y, d" :reh rforthe (;•I Clerk and f y c _ r'Y ( if p. t?: c )'e`teville, Dc:;r i r I) eor . fr n� `'ncred o %ore. :.rnarr,e :, aid the carne a Look P . rhawa:; C� . i SCHEDULE "A" Part of the SE 1 / 4 and the SW 1 / 4 of Section 4 , Township 15 North , Range 30 West , and part of the NE 1 / 4 and the mo / 4 of Section 91 Township 15 North , Range 30 West , being re particularly described as follows , to - wit : i Tract I Beginning at the southwest corner of the SE 1 / 4 , NE 1 / 4 of said Section 41 thence East 1320 ' , thence South 2640 ' to the southeast corner of said Section 4 thence West 132011 thence South 1390 Fork ' + to the centerline of the West centerline of said West the White River , thence southwesterly along the Fork of the White River to a point on the south line of the SW 1 / 4 , NE 1 / 4 , Section 90 Township 15 North , Range 30 West , thence west along said south line 1807 . 17 ' , thence North1268 . 0 ' , thence North 45 ° 00 ' E 72 . 7 ' 0 thence West 310 . 1 ' , thence North 25 ' , thence west 611 . 3 ' , thence northwesterly along a line 500 ' west of , equidistant from and parallel to the extended centerline of the main runway of the Fayetteville' Municipal Airport a distance of 2681 . 94 ' being on the north line of the SE 1 / 4 , SW 1 / 4dofoint said Section 4 , thence east to NE 1 / 4the southwest corner of the , SE 1 / 4 of said Section 4 , thence North 1320 ' to the point of beginning , and containing 258 . 36acres , more or less . LESS AND EXCEPT : The following described property which is inside the Greenland City Limits , to wit : Beginning at a point which is 660 ' , more or less ,ion 9 , East of the NW corner of the SE 1 / 40 NW 1 / 4 of Sect Township 15 North , Range 30 West , thence South 660 ' more of less , thence West 240 ' , more or less , thence North ' 60810 more or less , thence N 45 ° 00 ' E 72 . 7 ' , thence East 188 . 59 ' , more or less , to the point of beginning , containing 3 . 61 acres , more or less . Acres in Tract I annexation : 254. 75 acres Tract II Beginning at a point which is 581 . 0 ' Southeast corner of the NE 1 / 4 , SW 1 / 4mofeor saidlSections4 ofthe thence northwesterly along a line which is 500 ' west of , � i equidistant from and parallel to the centerline of the main runway of the Fayetteville Municipal Airport a distance of 220 more or leas , thence West 190 ' , more or less , thence South 208 . 7 ' , thence East 239 . 27 ' to the point of beginning and containing 1 . 01 acres , more or. less . ® 973 497 i ,a K- T '`t STATE of ARKANSAS 1 N. 1} 88.the County of Washington xder Fri . •_. .Wile, _ I ic 1 .des - '. ` 'p"t'`�-�'r , hereby certify that I am the Publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily ``", newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at ` ` 1 a fixed (daily- ) intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of - -K'µ Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated rclora and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is „� considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and •nday service value It contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months . 1%i 'Li and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent news matter. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of .n t ral5e k DRD.LN R K�-. — .. Q: -- �--------------------- ------------- he was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for_. ._-- ' '.e Fass` t ocusecativo Insertionp as follows : The first insertion on the day of _ .O L� 191 -0. ., .4'r.t Kart d. me t`. I.ee .UihwWar ALM& the the second insertion on the day of _ I o. a:,rr ws J,„,c arthi the third insertion on the day of ._.- 19--------- day of _ r� "a , then<ewPt ell J', Inacw y a, and the fourth Insertion on the ________ --.-.- 19---_-.-. . ' it No J 1 --�— IdM„ r. ,44 •s +n r, thence e"T ,n •M NT �t. Sworn to and subscribed before me on this __--! ._- day of -_---__---. ����,•�'�aa'',��ng,g,rrr,N�pa/ No Public dJ i i ` 1ra1rO7< MyCommission Expires: ��cr H�lU f 0 n, u msm.0 loan: dud rdlailal w the Fees for Printing -------- �-- ----_----__-- r 6aN Cost of Proof ____ m.ir b P^I a6M/hmlai asd coo- --- _- -----_____---._-- •,.mnR,. acres. marearlas. as', 38' . Total ........ j__------ _.---_--.